Samsung Galaxy S3 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:07:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Samsung Galaxy S3 32 32 HTC Droid DNA Vs Samsung Galaxy S3 Fri, 11 Jan 2013 15:35:55 +0000 The latest smartphones are almost exponentially better than the generation before with a leap forward in available screen technologies and the usual doubling up of memory and storage resources. So looking at two of the latest top-flight phones will there be much difference for the buyer? We compared the HTC Droid DNA with the latest Samsung Galaxy S3 and although they compete well, they do have some features which will swing the average buyer one way or the other.

htc droid dna vs samsung galaxy s3

Show us the goods!

Let’s start with the most obvious feature – the display. Some incredible advances from Samsung have resulted in an unbelievable 1280 pixels on their latest screens which is amazingly overshadowed by the 1920 pixels of the DNA – as many as the average PC screen. The screens are AMOLED and LED technology respectively, which exhibit slightly different spectral outputs.

The greater resolution of the HTC is jaded by the fact that the extra power consumption chops the running time of the batteries considerably. The battery life is an important feature for many so the S3’s 22 hours of talk time compared to only 13 hours for the HTC will make a difference for many users. Start running videos in between calls and this could sink further as the DNA screen devours more juice. Cameras are very comparable, both boasting an 8Mpx rear and the front at 1.9Mpx for the S3 and a slightly better 2.1Mpx for the DNA. The Samsung edges it though with built-in image stabilization. Wireless specs are the same for both devices offering 3G/4G, Bluetooth 3, WiFi and identical Android 4.1 Ice Cream operating systems.

Cloud or local Storage – its one or the other!

Storage is an obvious focus for potential buyers with both phones offering a healthy 16Gb of storage. Here’s where the crunch comes. The Galaxy S3 has MicroSD sockets offering a 64GB removable memory capacity. The only way to get the HTC up to the same standard is to use cloud based storage services. This is a reliable way to keep your data – if you drop your phone in the dishwater, you will have to use data recovery or a similar service to recover your data – if you keep it in Google cloud you can avoid this as a replacement phone will simply pick up from where you left off. The downside is that it might cost too as the free storage amount is not that great.

Performance within spitting distance!

The two phones offer almost identical CPU performance. The CPUs are within a spit of each other at 1.4/1.5MHz with the DNA just getting the edge. The extra screen resolution will no doubt be hampering the CPU to some extent too but that seems unnoticeable. The Samsung display is not as good as the HTC in plain white if the settings are not adjusted but is definitely more vivid in full color – Those with a preference for more natural colors might favor the DNA screen.

So which phone is best?

Overall, the differences boil down to the battery life, screen resolution and the storage options. As for most other features, there’s little to choose from. Physically the devices are about the same size weight and thickness. Software is a little better on the Samsung but the addition of a “barometer” for example will not really be of much note to many. Costs are comparable – carriers are much more common for the Samsung. The display will most likely swing it for many buyers – the battery life too – either way they are both a great phone to use and own!

Author Bio:- This post is contributed by Raymond Ray. He is a salvagedata data recovery engineer with an extensive background in researching about technology and gadgets. He loves writing tips and tricks about technology related topics.

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Gaining Facts that Can Help You Making Choice Between Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:49:00 +0000 Samsung Galaxy S3 (19300) and HTC One X are both quad-core processor phones in the market. They both are very attractive and high in demand in market. Both smart phones have excited the customers and have gained too much popularity. However, there are some differences in these two phones.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Vs HTC One X

Samsung Galaxy S3 is slightly taller than HTC One X. However, they both are very thin. You can carry them anywhere. Women can easy settle them within their purses. They both contain high functionalities. You can use them for all kinds of their daily routine things and for more intelligent help. They are very close friends and efficient companions to their owners. They both run Android Operating System. However, they do have slight differences.

Samsung Galaxy S3 runs 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) version of Android in it. On other hand, HTC One X runs 4.0.3 Android Version. They both have very adorable user interfaces. They both have very light touch screens as well. On other side, HTC One X has 1.5 GHz capacity in its processor.  Contrarily, Samsung Galaxy has 1.4 GHz capacity in its processor. These slight differences in these phones don’t make too much difference in purchasing decision for customers. However, you must keep these differences in mind if you are selecting one of these phones.

Both smart phones have almost same size of RAM. However, there is slight difference in RAM also. Samsung Galaxy S3 has 1 GB RAM, while HTC One X has 1024 MB of RAM in it. In Storage, Samsung Galaxy S3 takes the lead. It has three different kinds of storage choices. You can get 16 GB, 32 GB or 64 GB of storage in Samsung Galaxy S3.  Samsung Galaxy S3 carries flash memory. On other side, HTC One X has only 32 GB of storage option. Further, you can use only 25 GB of memory in HTC One X. Also, HTC One X holds 2 GB for applications.

Removable memory is the feature that really brings good attribute for Samsung Galaxy S3. Samsung Galaxy S3 can take up to 64 GB of removable storage.  On other side, HTC One X does not have removable storage capacity.

Battery wise, Samsung Galaxy S3 is more powerful as well. Samsung Galaxy S3 carries 2100 mAh for its battery. On other side, HTC One X has only 1800 mAh power for its memory.

Display of Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X is not different. Samsung Galaxy S3 has 4.8 inch with 1280×720 pixels. On other side, HTC One X carries 4.7 inch with 1280×720 pixels. One inch of screen difference really doesn’t bring any more attraction to Samsung Galaxy S3. They both have same size in pixels.

Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X both have Bluetooth connectivity. Both of these smart phones support Wi-Fi.    Both of these phones have 8 pixel rear cameras. However, Samsung Galaxy S3 has 1.9 megapixels of front camera. On other side, HTC One X carries 1.3 megapixels in its front camera.


If you look, these phones have almost same size and same features. However, they differ slightly with each other. Your choice can depend on your need and use of your smart phone. We are sure that our comparison of these two smart phones has brought some facts in your cognizance.

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The Official Accessories of Samsung Galaxy S3 Fri, 18 May 2012 16:02:32 +0000 With the release of Samsung’s technological wonder of this year it is showered with praise and admiration. And no wonder, we have seen some benchmarks destroyed by it without mercy.  Like all high-end launches of big brands, it is accompanied by an entourage of official accessories.

Personally, I do not usually use this kind of accessories unless they come incorporated in the box. Let’s see the extra little gems that comes with Galaxy S3.


The first accessory, the fundamental. It’s the first thing we purchase when we have a new phone. We have them in many forms, and each likes a different type. In this case we can not choose.

Samsung brings a rear housing cover + cover. Obviously has a stepless adjustment, as expected from an formal accessory. I have no chance to touch and try, but it is reflected in the images to be a nice touch cover of leather or plastic. The rear plastic seems to be hard to fit well with the phone.  It is a very attractive case, which it seems to be very comfortable to use.

samsung cover

Desktop Dock

This fixture is very typical for large-screen phones. We use to leave our phone on the desk when not in use, or for use in a comfortable position to watch video.

With this phone we have a simple base of plastic with a slot that will fit your mobile. It seems that the slot has no contact, so you can not charge the phone. Yet in the back has a lid with a compartment and a connection, which I understand is to charge an extra battery. Not bad, but I would prefer that it could charge the battery of your mobile phone.

Samsung Desktop Dock


An essential accessory for nothing, but many find it convenient to use with the phone. I do not like it in any case, since you lose the multitouch.

Samsung Pen

Display WiFi Hub

An unusual accessory, but for me the most interesting. A small black piece that will connect to your television cable. Receptor act via WiFi to share content from our mobile and can display images or videos on the big screen.

This accessory is circumstantial, but I think it very useful and unobtrusive. Depending on the price, I will make my mind to purchase it. This type of gadgets, if implemented and marketed well are the most attractive today.

samsung wifi display

S Pebble

This accessory is an addition that may be of interest to some. It is an mp3 player. The peculiarity is that it will connect to your computer to get music,  and synchronize all our music.

It is a small, well-designed, and  has 5 softkeys. It has a clip that will make it perfect for physical activity, sparing us to carry the phone.

I have expected prices and dates, but for now I can confirm nothing. Most of them will be released along with the phone in Europe.


Author Bio:- This guest post is written by Simon who has done an extensive research on Samsung Galaxy S3.He reviews latest android phones on his technology blog.He has also a keen interest in updating android phones and you can read his post on how to update samsung galaxy mini to gingerbread.

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