Store Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:06:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Store 32 32 Increasing the Profit of an Online Store Using Microservices Mon, 14 Feb 2022 16:49:01 +0000 As the owner of an online store, you must have thought about how well your store works. Every owner must think ahead. In this regard, you need to consider whether your website will be able to handle a huge number of users in the event of a peak load. You also have to worry about whether the system you created is stable and secure, and whether you can scale your business if it prospers.

If you have thought about the above aspects, then you are well aware that to ensure these aspects, you cannot do without the right architecture. To achieve this, you need a microservice architecture.

In this article, we’ll talk about what the benefits of this architecture are and how it can help you increase your profits. It should be said right away that to bring this idea to life and improve the performance of your business, you cannot do without a powerful microservices platform that will help regulate all processes and allow your online store to flourish.

Online Store Creation

Key Concepts

Ideal use for large systems

Many online store owners know that once a business has reached a certain size, it becomes difficult to manage and make changes. In this case, microservices can help simplify the task, since they are designed to work specifically with large projects.

However, a certain difficulty is introduced by the definition of the concept of “big”. If you do not correctly determine the scope of the project, then you run the risk of encountering some problems, the solution of which will take not only a lot of time but also additional high costs.

Task orientation

It can be noted that there has been a change in the approach to creating and developing software. In this case, specialists are focused on achieving the ultimate goal, and not just on solving certain problems.


The most important advantage is that using this technology, you can easily replace any components with other, more improved ones or use the service in another project. In this regard, microservices are very different from monolithic systems.

On the Internet, you can find many cases where online stores faced a huge number of problems when replacing components in a monolithic system. Here’s what most online stores experienced:

  • When it became necessary to implement even the simplest functionality, the implementation time took several weeks, even though such actions could be done in just a few hours. This is because at first, it was necessary to give time for each team member to complete their part of the work. After that, testers came into action, who had to check the quality of the implementation, and only after that, it was possible to introduce new functionality.
  • Online stores are dependent on one vendor.
  • There is no way to make changes that are not on the change schedule. That is, for example, you want to arrange an unscheduled sale on your site or tell about the appearance of new products, then you will not be able to do this, since you need to start working on any change at least a month in advance.

Big Picture

If you want to understand what it looks like, then if you use this technology, your store will include a huge number of components that are independent of each other. They communicate with each other and do so through messages. Your website is launched not with the help of one folder hosted on the hosting, but with the help of several servers. Each of them has a specific function that it must perform. That is, one can be responsible for the shopping cart, another for the order list, next for the product catalog, and so on.

Without going into too much detail, you need to use this system to increase development speed, keep the service secure, and also handle scaling up.

Speed ​​means that the people who implement the changes will be able to make them quickly and without any obstacles. This is because, as we said earlier, each component is independent of the other. It is because of this same fact that the system is especially secure since the components do not affect each other and do not make each other vulnerable. Scaling up is characterized by the fact that any changes do not pose a threat to the entire project.


So we can see the absolute advantage of microservices over monolithic systems. Unsuccessful changes in such systems can simply paralyze the entire system, while in another system the components do not affect each other.

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Technical SEO Optimization of E-Commerce Store Wed, 13 May 2020 16:19:34 +0000  

SEO Presence

When scanning, search engines check all the parameters of the web resource. Errors that are not visible to the average user are taken into account in the ranking. Therefore, within SEO, it is necessary to clean up the technical part.

Setting up sitemap.xml and robots.txt

Two files are configured for correct indexing of the web resource:

sxml – a site map designed for robots. It replaces data about links and web pages to be indexed. Makes it easier to scan information;

txt – a text file with a set of detailed instructions for search engines. Prescribes rules for indexing certain sections/pages/directories/files.

Remove duplicates.

Due to poorly designed architecture, the publication of borrowed content, technical errors and other factors on the site there are duplicates, which are perceived by robots extremely negatively. Install extensions like local store pickup addon, so your pages will be unique. It is necessary to check the site for the presence of duplicates and eliminate the identified shortcomings, along with the reasons that provoked them.

404 error

When a user arrives at a non-existent or remote address, they see a page with a 404 error. This is the server response to an invalid request.

To such a web page is not considered a duplicate and held the visitor, it must be properly designed:

  • add a search form;
  • include links to key categories;
  • notify that no address has been entered;
  • to maintain a uniform style with the online store.
  • error 404

Loading Speed

Neither users nor search engines like to load the resource slowly. This is the main factor of return to the search output and rejection of the transition. Optimal load time is no more than 3-4 seconds. You can check the speed and get recommendations for its optimization at special services. For example, GTmetrix.


The secure HTTPS connection protocol encrypts personal data. Connection of SSL-certificate allows us to provide qualitative protection from swindlers and serves as an additional plus to rankings.

Adaptive design

Since statistics from mobile devices show that more than 50% of network users visit online stores, it is important to adapt the web pages for viewing from different screen formats. Adaptive design reduces the percentage of bounces, interrupted transactions and has a positive impact on behavioral factors. Improvements in these indicators are taken into account when ranking.

Page Optimization

Next, you should start optimizing valuable web pages. For an online store these are mainly product cards and product category pages.

The formation of search engine rankings is influenced:

  • headers;
  • description;
  • meta-tags;

HTML tags display structured page metadata and tell search engines its name and content. This is the base that forms the snippet in search results.

You can create tags manually or automatically using the CMS functionality. Title – header in the browser (60-70 characters). Description – a brief description (160 characters). Meta tags characterize the page, include keywords and are not repeated. These factors are significant in the ranking.

You should also work on the format of links. Parameters of the correct URL:

  • short – no more than 50-60 characters;
  • similar to the page name;
  • easy to read;
  • contains keywords.

For optimal ranking, you need to make extensive product descriptions with keywords that give Google a more efficient web page experience. Online stores with voluminous catalogues should focus on the most popular items. The longer and more detailed the product descriptions, the more accurate the search engine ranks the page.

External optimization

In the opinion of search engines, a resource is considered more reliable and of better quality if it is referred to by others. A large number of such links increases the credibility of the online store. Consequently, the entrepreneur should increase the external reference mass. However, it is more appropriate to bet not on quantity, but on quality.

Optimal are links to the thematic sites with high attendance. They are received in different ways:

  • they are bought on special exchanges;
  • negotiate directly with the owners of web resources;
  • naturally, thanks to quality content;
  • use crowd-marketing technology (posting comments of recommendatory character).

In order to increase the reference mass, it is necessary to develop a thorough strategy, analyze competitors. Buying links are often sanctioned by search engines.

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The Advantages Of Using Volusion Wed, 31 Jul 2019 15:15:54 +0000 eCommerce Platform

Volusion offers a wonderful set of tools for building a personalized online store and is one of the more respected web-based e-Commerce solutions on offer right now. This platform has been built from the ground up and has developed over the past 14 years. It is well-regarded among professionals and has accumulated over 40,000 online stores during the past decade or so. This has to do with its world-class set of tools allowing beginners to build a strong online business.

Here is a detailed analysis of what Volusion is all about, why it’s advantageous, and what makes it one of the better options available to entrepreneurs.

Easy to Use

Building an online store takes time and most entrepreneurs don’t know where to begin. Volusion simplifies things as much as possible by offering access to a user-friendly layout. This makes it easier to go through the various tools, change settings, and build an online store worth your time. The average entrepreneur doesn’t know how to code, which is why having a lovely interface is a must. This platform is well-designed and offers a wonderful range of features for business owners to work with. This provides a great overview.

Refined Store Management

While building the store is essential, it’s just as important to manage the asset once it’s in place. Volusion makes it easier to set up a detailed inventory, go through the various products, and make sure they are up-to-date. If there are issues with the inventory, you receive a direct message to your device indicating an item has run out. This allows everything to stay in order and as streamlined as you want it to be. Users are also able to go through detailed reports demonstrating what’s working and what’s not through Volusion.

World-Class Marketing Tools

Marketing is always a part of running a business and the same applies to online stores. Volusion offers impeccable and algorithm-friendly SEO features to help rank higher on major search engines (i.e. Google/Bing). Volusion has a robust set of marketing options and one of them goes by the name “Deal of the Day.” The platform also offers a Social Store Builder tool as a way to list products on Facebook. Users are also able to play around with additional features including setting up videos on Youtube. Having these options makes it easier to spread the word about your business through email marketing, coupons, wish lists, discounts, and even newsletters.


The vZoom tool is one of those unique options, which are designed to make merchandising easier for business owners. You can set up unlimited product photos while displaying products and making sure all relevant details are put up. This is how the products become easier to display while showcasing different variations. Users can implement new changes to their online store including “Easy Checkout” and “Sort to Cart” features for a better shopping experience.

Top-Tier Security

Volusion understands the importance of security features and being able to protect all relevant data properly. With customers using credit cards online, it’s important to have additional layers of security including SSL encryption. This is ideal for avoiding issues such as message forgery and wiretapping, which are common in the world of online shopping. Volusion emphasizes the use of a hosted cart, which is why e-merchants can easily set up a new shop without thinking about hosting needs.

With all of these advantages in hand, it’s important to migrate over to Volusion as soon as possible. This is the best possible choice for online business owners. Building a new store is all about using all relevant features and using something as simple as Cart2Cart. This allows you to transfer data as quickly as you want to.

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5 Tips for App Store Optimization Sun, 26 Nov 2017 17:06:51 +0000 App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization, also known as ASO is a form of search engine optimization except through apps. This usually includes the use of searches in App Stores, as in the same function like Google searches, however for phone apps. This comes as an important point to note. Most people are now shifting towards apps since the high number of mobile users that are constantly increasing. According to a research by NetMarketShare, Google drives 96 percent of mobile search traffic. Google dominates greatly when it comes to mobile searches and mobile dominates when it comes to internet usage. This current state makes it ideal to utilize apps as one of the main element in your search engine strategy.

This brings us to how exactly does ASO work and how can one implement it effectively?

Here are some things you need to know about ASO.

1:- Keywords

As with SEO, ASO also requires the use of keywords. Choosing the right keywords is essential when trying to make your app stand out from the rest. You need to know which keywords are most relevant and most used by your target audience out there. A quick tip, make sure to use some strategic keywords rather than just some highly searched ones, keywords such as long-tail keywords – with more than two words. Choosing a few consistent keywords that you can use in multiple descriptions might help as well.

2:- Title

As the same concept as SEO, you should also use the most searched and relevant keywords in your title. Keep it short and to-the-point, most search engines limit the number of characters used in titles – usually around 60 characters. Also make sure you think of your title carefully because changing titles once your app gains more views may be more complicated, especially when it starts to spread via word-of-mouth.

3:- Descriptions

The app description must be short and to-the-point, yet informative about what the app entitles. It must also contain the searched keywords. Be clear and concise about your description and make sure the major keywords are used to emphasize the main function of your app. This keeps the readers informed and enhance the search-ability of your app thanks to keywords. Make sure to also keep your descriptions accurate with the actual function of your app. There are plenty of app descriptions out there that don’t accurately depict their apps, do not be one of them.

4:- Screenshots

It is also important to provide screenshots for your app to make it as accurately as possible. Screenshots provide a clear view of how your app looks like, increasing credibility and downloads. Make sure to use the screenshots that showcase how easy and or how fun it is to use.

5:- Ranks/Reviews

You technically do not have that much control over your ranks or reviews, however, aside from your internal efforts of trying to promote your app, the actual ratings and reviews from people will increase your search optimization.

In conclusion, getting the top search ranks when looking for apps plays an important role in the decision-making process of your users. It is important to optimize your app search to ensure you get top results, which is why ASO is highly needed. Utilize your ASO to the fullest and optimize your company from all devices.

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How Much Does It Cost To Create An Online Store Mon, 22 Aug 2016 14:27:10 +0000 The number of smartphones and tablets exceeded the world’s population as people want to stay online wherever they may be. People not only chat, share pictures, read news, but also do shopping online. That’s why the internet is great for business. The first reason for launching a shopping website can be expressed in the language of economics – demand breeds supply.

The Internet gives an opportunity to reach customers across borders and oceans. Transportation technology has leaped forward and thus shrunk our world. You don’t have to meet people to sell your goods. If you are an owner of a brick and mortar store or a wholesaler, you definitely would like to acquire a new sales channel to bring your products to market.

Online commerce is a modern gold rush erased like a spontaneous phenomenon. The startup costs are relatively low. You need to invest money in a domain name and hosting to get started. E-commerce prospectors, don’t be misleading about it, business is business even if it is run online.

Do you want to get what Internet business can give you? – Get ready to work.

Pay attention to the strategy and plan before you will start an online store

Many have come to an understanding of unlimited opportunities of the Web, however, it’s hard to figure out how to plot the route. Think carefully the whole strategy and every step of your e-business. You shouldn’t start an online store unless you’ve looked into principles of e-commerce and considered priorities for action.

Having a plan certainly is not a guarantee of success, but the strategy makes it possible to see your project development in dynamics, identify areas of weakness before you will start acting.

Online Store Creation

Planning points to create online store:

  • Market – determine your target audience (who are your customers?), market size (is it enough attractive?), competitors (do you know all of them?)
  • Offer – describe the value of your offer. What amount of the product or services and at what price are you ready to offer your customers?
  • Resources – What skills do you need starting an online boutique? How much time and money are you ready to spend?
  • Online business subtleties – Develop a content management plan. Where do you get content and images? Also, consider inventory, payment methods, shipping and delivery terms and conditions, terms of return.
  • Promotion – Prepare keywords, outline SEO strategy, marketing and social media plans.

The options available to make an online store

When you’ve prepared the plan of actions it’s time to consider options to sell online. Create a website by yourself? Hire web-designers? Or maybe sell on marketplaces like eBay? Here is information on available ways of selling online so you can make a decision.


There is no doubt you’ve heard about Amazon or eBay or even bought something there. Millions of online shoppers buy different things with these services which means it can be a significant sales channel for almost any business. To sell products on marketplaces you need to setup a seller account even without creating a website.

Despite the many benefits of selling on marketplaces get ready to a list of fees and limitations. Be ready to an astronomical level of competition.

Open source ecommerce software

If you have time and skills or willingness to learn the core of HTML and CSS programming you can give open source ecommerce software a run. Or you can hire a developer to do the work for you. Anyway, each stage of building the online storefront is under your control. The design of the site is limited only by your imagination.

But keep in mind, it is up to you to host the website, to ensure its security and smooth functioning, to update latest versions. You are responsible not only for your business but also for the operation of the site.

Open Source ECommerce Software

Hosted solutions

Use a one stop solution such as Getsocio. It is the best option to make a website and start selling online as quickly as a flash. You sign up and get a ready to go package for a fixed monthly cost – hosting, shopping cart, maintenance, support without any technical skills. All you have to do is to add content and you are ready to sell.

Modern times demand transferring of part of a business to virtual environment. In today’s winning formula the rate plays an essential role. Here you can create online shopping cart in a few minutes.

There are many companies that offer hosted ecommerce software. So many companies, so many differences.

Points to focus on with hosted ecommerce software:

  • M-commerce – Is there a mobile-version of the site? It’s must-have for any modern online business.
  • Additional fees – Are you sure you know all fees?
  • Limitations of packages – How many goods can you place on the site?

Example costs to expect as you build a shop on the Internet

Build an online shop

The following information gives an overall picture of how much does it cost to create an online store. It is based on experience of customers who opened online shops with Getsocio.

Annual Costs:

Domain name – 10$ for a .com.

SSL certificate – included in a pricing plan.

Hosting – included in a pricing plan.

Monthly Costs:

Website – depends on pricing plan you choose. Getsocio starts at 15$/month.

Payment integration – included.

SEO – included.

Email list management software – 11$/month.

One time costs such as design, customization and content depend on your budget. You can start small and do everything by yourself or pay a designer to customize and add content for you.

General eBusiness costs

Any business requires costs. To avoid many mistakes a business owner should understand the real picture of revenue and expenditure items. Don’t forget about traditional costs such as human resources, taxes, cost of goods, logistics.

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