Get Real about Construction Management Scheduling Software

January 17, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Construction Management Software

Planning and scheduling are vital parts of the construction process. A thorough plan is essential. This can be ascertained with construction management software, assisting in the plans and processes of the project. It ensures that all the members are on the same page, the resources are allocated properly, and the production moves ahead without any hindrances. It ensures that all the members are on the same page, the resources are allocated properly, and the production moves ahead without any hindrances. Project scheduling is essential, and for this, the subcontractor should take out time to design a correct and well-thought schedule before proceeding forward.

The software works just like a GPS. GPS records the traffic, roadblocks the other related factors automatically. Scheduling software works similarly. It helps a contractor design a schedule faster and more efficiently. It saves money and time on behalf of the subcontractor with a greater sense of satisfaction on behalf of the customer.

The Scheduling

Before the creation of the schedule, the subcontractor should engage in the Planning or Pre-scheduling Phase of the construction project management. This involves the recognition of all the tasks from start to finish. It can be done in a list format or some other non-chronological form.

Once the planning is complete, we come to the next phase – the scheduling phase. In this, the manager can begin regulating the task duration, the chronology, and the relationships. From the intricacies of the relationships and the expertise of the subcontractor, the most important thing required is scheduling software for construction companies. The scheduling software assists the user to comprehend the complexities and identify them as early as possible.

This can help in figuring the critical path or the longest from the beginning till the end. The time taken in completing the activities is the real critical path. It is the least amount of time needed to finish the project.

When the precedence and the period of the relationships are determined, the contractor can finish the second part of the scheduling phase. This includes scheduling material and labor to meet the demand made by the tasks analyzed in the planning phase.

Why is construction management scheduling software important? How does it help?

Well, the reasons making it useful and helpful for the construction industry are cited below:

It can prove helpful when presenting the schedule to the client

Usually, contractors and subcontractors design a plan before bidding on a project and then submit it with the bid. It should be done because of two reasons:

  1. Clients offer unrealistic time frames for their projects often. It can be noticed when a contractor doesn’t research the requirements of the project and accepts it. This might make him stuck with the impossible deadline and result in extra cost. The client is often left dissatisfied to when the contractor designs a schedule before accepting the project. This provides time to investigate and come up with a realistic time estimate. After comparing it with the client’s program, he has the choice of not bidding, if the two are not similar.
  2. When a schedule is presented along with the bid, it shows that you have thoroughly studied the project and understand its requirements. The client will appreciate it, and you may win the project.

Guess Costs and Cash Flows

Scheduling before accepting the project helps in ensuring that it is affordable for you. The subcontractor faces the challenge of covering their costs out-of-pocket and doesn’t get paid until the project completes. A detailed schedule shows the cash flow at various times and helps the contractor decide whether the plan is feasible for him financially.

Provides Plan B

To create a schedule, identifying the critical path is essential. It turns vital if the client wants the completion date to be rushed. It is a fact that when everything doesn’t move as planned, the many paths that you may have thought of earlier will help you. These serve as the backup plan in place of the original plan. In short, scheduling helps in planning for the unpredictable.

No Misallocation

The right scheduling and the implementation of the scheduling software help the subcontractors in assigning work to the right person. This way no labor is wasted or shortage of staff occurs. Using a software ensures that the project manager or the subcontractor can prevent overlaps in the schedule which can cause delay or confusion.


A lot of construction planning and scheduling software provide tracking the projects visually. This involves following the progress of the project, the location of employees, hours and also making a comparison between the real timeline to the predicted schedule and so on. These things assist the subcontractor in controlling the project post planning and scheduling phase. Several new costs scheduling software can remind the subcontractor when the things are due or the deadlines ahead. He can take actions in time.

No Last Minute Hustle-Bustle

A detailed schedule prepared with the help of construction management scheduling software helps the project manager to place the order for all the essential materials well in advance and have them in plenty when they are needed. Preplanning and ordering remove the cost and production delays coming along with the need to order the materials the last minute.

So, what do construction managers need from scheduling software?

Perhaps, the managers need everything described above. No one should enter the process without a plan. And what better than an online tool to help you in the process. A construction management scheduling software is as real as it can get. Just a little disadvantage, scheduling software will have a tight schedule. This can add some pressure on the team. But isn’t it right for the project? They will work appropriately.

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