Increasing the Profit of an Online Store Using Microservices

February 14, 2022

Bilal Ahmad

As the owner of an online store, you must have thought about how well your store works. Every owner must think ahead. In this regard, you need to consider whether your website will be able to handle a huge number of users in the event of a peak load. You also have to worry about whether the system you created is stable and secure, and whether you can scale your business if it prospers.

If you have thought about the above aspects, then you are well aware that to ensure these aspects, you cannot do without the right architecture. To achieve this, you need a microservice architecture.

In this article, we’ll talk about what the benefits of this architecture are and how it can help you increase your profits. It should be said right away that to bring this idea to life and improve the performance of your business, you cannot do without a powerful microservices platform that will help regulate all processes and allow your online store to flourish.

Online Store Creation

Key Concepts

Ideal use for large systems

Many online store owners know that once a business has reached a certain size, it becomes difficult to manage and make changes. In this case, microservices can help simplify the task, since they are designed to work specifically with large projects.

However, a certain difficulty is introduced by the definition of the concept of “big”. If you do not correctly determine the scope of the project, then you run the risk of encountering some problems, the solution of which will take not only a lot of time but also additional high costs.

Task orientation

It can be noted that there has been a change in the approach to creating and developing software. In this case, specialists are focused on achieving the ultimate goal, and not just on solving certain problems.


The most important advantage is that using this technology, you can easily replace any components with other, more improved ones or use the service in another project. In this regard, microservices are very different from monolithic systems.

On the Internet, you can find many cases where online stores faced a huge number of problems when replacing components in a monolithic system. Here’s what most online stores experienced:

  • When it became necessary to implement even the simplest functionality, the implementation time took several weeks, even though such actions could be done in just a few hours. This is because at first, it was necessary to give time for each team member to complete their part of the work. After that, testers came into action, who had to check the quality of the implementation, and only after that, it was possible to introduce new functionality.
  • Online stores are dependent on one vendor.
  • There is no way to make changes that are not on the change schedule. That is, for example, you want to arrange an unscheduled sale on your site or tell about the appearance of new products, then you will not be able to do this, since you need to start working on any change at least a month in advance.

Big Picture

If you want to understand what it looks like, then if you use this technology, your store will include a huge number of components that are independent of each other. They communicate with each other and do so through messages. Your website is launched not with the help of one folder hosted on the hosting, but with the help of several servers. Each of them has a specific function that it must perform. That is, one can be responsible for the shopping cart, another for the order list, next for the product catalog, and so on.

Without going into too much detail, you need to use this system to increase development speed, keep the service secure, and also handle scaling up.

Speed ​​means that the people who implement the changes will be able to make them quickly and without any obstacles. This is because, as we said earlier, each component is independent of the other. It is because of this same fact that the system is especially secure since the components do not affect each other and do not make each other vulnerable. Scaling up is characterized by the fact that any changes do not pose a threat to the entire project.


So we can see the absolute advantage of microservices over monolithic systems. Unsuccessful changes in such systems can simply paralyze the entire system, while in another system the components do not affect each other.

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