Gmail Tips Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:09:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gmail Tips 32 32 The Advantages of Gmail over Apple Mail Thu, 03 May 2012 17:30:47 +0000 There is a growing number of computer users and businesses choosing Gmail over Apple Mail, and some of these converts have even been die-hard Mac users in the past. This may sound hard to believe, but with the flurry of innovations and the barrage of new features that Google has been adding to Gmail and its other free apps, there are now more reasons than ever to choose Gmail over Apple Mail — or any other web-based email service.

In addition to the solid reliability of Gmail, there are also backup Gmail applications on the market now that can effectively add another layer of security to your business Gmail email account. The list of reasons to trust Google with your business data continues to grow.

Those who have used both Apple Mail and Google’s Gmail report a number of the differences between the two. When compared side by side, it doesn’t take long to see that Gmail is the more feature-rich of the two, and Apple’s mail product seems almost no-frills by comparison.

The advantages of Gmail vs. Apple Mail are numerous. For example, Apple Mail has no “unsend” feature, and no “missing attachment” check or alert, while Gmail does. It is also not possible to attach a photo via a reference URL in Apple Mail. Apple Mail does not offer prioritization of messages in the Inbox, whereas Gmail has these features. It is also more difficult to select and delete multiple email messages in Apple Mail.

As for ease of use, there are few keyboard shortcuts in Apple Mail, whereas Gmail has a keyboard shortcut for just about every function. Gmail also saves Drafts of your emails even if they have just been started. They are saved within the thread of the email you are replying to for added convenience. Apple Mail lacks these features. Also, Apple Mail only allows for a single Inbox. It is not nearly as flexible as Gmail, which allows for multiple inboxes.

These are just some of the reasons that even Mac users have been choosing Gmail over Apple Mail for personal as well as business use. With backup Gmail apps available as well, business users can easily put an added layer of protection in place to shield their valuable business correspondence from any unfortunate incident. As secure and stable as Google and the Gmail platform may be, they are not totally immune from having an outage or loss of data. With backup Google Apps, you can rest easy that your data is always safe and secure.

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Yahoo Mail Vs Gmail- Which One is better ? Thu, 21 Jul 2011 09:05:58 +0000 The question of which e-mail service is better, Yahoo mail or Gmail is a rather hotly debated one. In this article the strengths and weaknesses of the individual services will be examined in order to try and determine which one is best for a person’s needs.

yahoo vs google

Integration of IM and Email

One strong advantage that Gmail has over Yahoo mail is that it allows you to send instant messages to your contacts that are online quickly and easily. While Yahoo has IM as well, it is not nearly as accessible as the one found within Gmail. This is because Yahoo’s IM is separate from its e-mail service. This means that one cannot send quick chat messages in the form of e-mail to contacts and friends on Yahoo, but would instead have to open an entirely new chat bar. This, undoubtedly, would be annoying to most people.

Flexibility with Attachments

Another way in which Gmail shines is in the use of attachments. A person, once done with their e-mail message, is able to quickly and easily put up as many attachments as needed. Yahoo mail requires you to go to a separate screen in order to put up attachments, and you can only put up 5 without being required to add more boxes. Thus, Gmail seems much less of a hassle if one has to send a large amount of attachments.

Folder Organization

One area in which Yahoo mail actually does shine is in the fact that it allows better folder creation and organization. Gmail, while it allows you to label folders, keeps all your folders in approximately the same area, making organization with a large amount of folders difficult. Yahoo mail allows you to label and organize your folders how you like making the mail system better for those who require large amounts of folders that can be easily accessed.

Size of Attachments

One big advantage that Gmail has over Yahoo mail is that Gmail allows for a bigger attachment size. Yahoo mail only allows attachments up to 10mb on its free version, while Gmail allows up to 20mb on its free version. Thus, if you need to put large attachments on your e-mail, whether due to school or work, Gmail has a clear advantage over Yahoo mail.

Brand Impact

Probably one of the more important aspects of Gmail is the fact that it is considered the more “professional” of the e-mail services. People seem to have the strong belief that Gmail is the more credible of the two e-mail services and, due to first impressions being so important, Gmail is a clear winner in professional credibility.

So who’s the winner ?

Overall it seems that Gmail is a clear winner. It’s easily accessible which is very important for people who have large amounts of experience with e-mail as well as for those who are just stepping into the digital world. Gmail also allows larger attachments then Yahoo mail, which is critical for those like students or businesspeople that need to get large amounts of material to the proper place. Another, and quite possibly the biggest,  advantage that Gmail offers is that it is seen as the more professional email service. For those in the business world, such a reputation is very important.

Author Bio:- Maher is a blogger and avid social media user. He works for smsfi from where you can send free sms.

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Gmail Desktop Notification to Get New Mail and Chat Notifications Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:13:46 +0000 A few weeks ago gmail introduced gmail priority inbox feature. A useful feature for those who want to separate there important messages and keep less important messages aside.

Gmail introduced another useful feature “Desktop Notification” which allows you to get new mail and chat notifications whenever a new mail and chat comes to your gmail account.

This feature is currently available for Google Chrome users only and soon it will be available for all popular webbrowsers.

How to Enable Desktop Notification in Chrome?

1. Click on “Settings” button located at top right side of your inbox.

2. Click on “Priorty Inbox” tab and scroll down.

3. Tick both “Chat Notification ON” and “New Mail Notification ON” option to get notifications.

desktop notification gmail

Hope gmail will soon enable this feautre on firefox and other popular web browser. Although there are unofficial tricks available through which you can get notifications for new mails. However official features are always safe and secure.

Drop you comment about this feature.

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Keep Your Important Emails Separate with Gmail Priority Inbox Fri, 22 Oct 2010 16:34:26 +0000 Bloggers have to engage in  several social networking activities and have to subscribe to many websites. In this condition they get a lot of emails daily in their mailbox. So all emails either  important mails or less important mails are mixed. Suppose we are in hurry and we want to check only our very important mails but those important mails are dispersed in less important mails then you have to read all mails to find out important.

Gmail priority Inbox

Now gmail offers its new feature of priority inbox. With this feature you can categorize  your emails ( i am not talking about spam mails ). You can mark any mail as important and mark any as less important and your priority inbox will only receive important mail.Though it is other matter that all your emails will become safe but they will be shown below the priority inbox.Priority inbox will show your important mails ( marked by you ) at the top of your mailbox.

How to Use priority Inbox

First of all you have to activate this feature by going in gmail settings.

select setting
gmail setting

When you will see the priority inbox option in settings you have to select the option show priority inbox.Here you can also set more options such as number of important emails shown in priority inbox and how many emails should be shown in priority inbox etc.After configuring all options click on save changes.

show priority inbox

Now in Inbox

Now your inbox will be divided into three parts priority inbox on top,starred at middle and everything else on bottom.You can mark any received mail as important or less important. Mails those will be marked as important will be shown in priority inbox.

Besides it you can also see the regular version of inbox

new gmail

Don’t forget to share your comments.

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How to Find IP Address of Your Gmail Sender Fri, 13 Aug 2010 06:13:02 +0000 Update 23 Nov, 2021: Google has restricted showing sender IP address in Gmail. There is no way you can find IP Address of the sender in Gmail now. Previously it was possible but it is not now. However, there are other ways you can use to find information about the sender.

Go directly to the end of the article to know about the possible ways for finding IP Address of Gmail Sender.

Do you want to track the details of someone sending mails to your Gmail account? Here is a simple way to track the IP of the mails which hits your Gmail Inbox, use the IP and find the further details of the sender.

How to Find IP Address of Gmail Sender?

1. When you open the e-mail you could see a small down arrow button next to Reply button. Just click that to get some options listed.
Show original2. Click the option Show Original which is the second from the bottom. A pop up will open in a new tab/window with some encoding information.

3. Take a look at the image present below and then read the next line. Huh, here is the IP of the sender in the first line of the highlighted part.
find gmail IP4. Go to any websites that shows the details of an IP and find out who is sending the mail. There are many websites which provides the service, just google it.

For Example you can use

How was this information? Found useful? Feel free to share your thoughts with us using the comment box.

Ways to Find IP Address of Gmail Sender

1. Reverse Email Lookup Tools

There are different tools and ways you can use to find IP Address of Gmail Sender. has written a detailed article about Reverse Email Lookup. Go through it and you will find it helpful.

2. Social Media Location Tracking

You can search the Email Address of the person in Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media to find information about the person. You can also find any person online using the tips mentioned in the article.

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Two Gmail Accounts in One Browser- Multiple Account Access Fri, 06 Aug 2010 14:35:31 +0000 Gmail has introduced another feature through which you can now access two gmail accounts from one browser. As you all know that previously we were only allowed to access one gmail account from one browser, but now this is not a big deal. You can sign in to 2 Gmail accounts from a browser.

This feature will now allow you to access 4 gmail accounts from 2 different browsers. Previously i wrote a detail post about how to forward mails from one gmail account to another gmail account.

Automatically Forward Mails From One Gmail to Another

However now you can easily access two gmail accounts from one browser. So there is no need to follow any trick for accessing one gmail account in a browser.

How to Access Two Gmail from One Browser?

1. Login to your Google Accounts Dash Board.

2. Click on “Edit” button for Multiple Sign In.

gmail multiple3. Now select “On- Multiple Gmail Option and Tick all the options. Click on “SAVE” button.

access two gmailFrom now, you can easily access two gmail accounts from one browser. Login to your first gmail account and then click on “Sign in to another account” option from top menu bar, near “Setting” option.

sign in other accountIn this way you can access both gmail accounts, however note that you can only access two gmail accounts not other google services like blogger, picasa etc. This feature only works on Desktop browsers like FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer.

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