Web Browser https://www.techmaish.com Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:10:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://www.techmaish.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/favicon.png Web Browser https://www.techmaish.com 32 32 Why is Microsoft Access Database still in Use? https://www.techmaish.com/why-is-microsoft-access-database-still-in-use/ Tue, 20 Apr 2021 13:32:50 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=30660 The Microsoft Access database application has been in the picture since 1992 which featured version 1.0. During this time, it was rated as an innovative application, as a lot of relational databases were costly or DOS applications. MS Access was an excellent deal at $99.

Now, there is powerful database server software that can be downloaded for free available and are available as open source. Microsoft also has a free to download SQL Server Express Edition, which can be utilized for short projects. a licensed SQL Server might be installed already on-site and be accessible whereas more robust variants of SQL Server are still in range for most projects’ budgets.

Then why use MS Access now?

Access for Business

The purpose of working on Access is that it instantly meets business requirements for many kinds of small database solutions. It is an extremely productive tool hence useful results can instantly be produced that assist your business. The most comfortable part is with the project budgeting, product, and handling of the application.

Microsoft Access Database is also a GUI toolkit, unlike many other databases. It is with everything you require to create databases that are appropriate for a small business, workgroup, department, or series of plans.

Flexible and Portable

One characteristic that several users like is its portability as it is effortless to copy or move, as it is in an Excel file. Since an Access app has the option to be placed in one file it is simple to copy the database for other techniques, such as to duplicate to other locations or make a new project. IT personnel might flinch at these characteristics, but other users usually like this feature as it provides great adaptability. You can also enjoy the benefit of Desktop as a Service from a reliable Daas Provider.

Many users apprehend that once they work on Access, they are able to understand it, due to its adaptability. It is comparatively effortless to perform changes to modify it to their dynamic business requirements.


MS Access is surviving for over 25 years. Although Microsoft has not been updating the product enough for the last 10 years, predictions of its extinction have been hugely overstated. It continues to be the 6th most popular relational database according to surveys.

Even though Access is a valuable database, there are valid reasons not to adapt Access on database projects. Access should not be used for the following:

  • Databases with regulated and sensitive data
  • Databases that need role and user-based protection
  • Large to mediocre databases
  • Apps with a lot of simultaneous users
  • Large scale and high-performance data logging
  • Databases with a custom-programmed or web-based front ends

Apps4Rent is the best when it comes to Microsoft GCC high handling and support.

Top 5 Firefox Extensions for College Students https://www.techmaish.com/top-5-firefox-extensions-for-college-students/ https://www.techmaish.com/top-5-firefox-extensions-for-college-students/#comments Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:59:05 +0000 http://www.techmaish.com/?p=12343 Firefox is one of the most popular browsers available, with a rich library of resources and extensions. In fact, there are an endless number of Firefox extensions available; so much that it is hard to pinpoint exactly which is the best for college students – it is almost sweet stress. The sheer volume of viable Firefox extensions is equal to the number of available college papers from CustomEssayMeister, so imagine that! Regardless, here are some examples that can provide students with the most value during the long college years.

1:- Greasemonkey

Greasemonkey is a extension that allows users to install scripts that will make changes to website content, enabling customized browsing. Users install Greasemonkey to take advantage of the functionality it gives to websites, allowing them to adapt their experience on a variety of sites. Understanding and writing your own scripts may require a degree of technical knowledge; however, a simple search should provide trusted scripts for the desired site.

[Download Here]

2:- TextMarker Go

Ever wanted to highlight text on a website, saving it for future use? TextMarker Go is an extension that allows users to highlight text and bookmark them for reference later. For college students that are increasingly relying on the Internet as a study resource, this tool is a welcome addition.

[Download Here]

3:- FireBug

Students studying computer science, programming, or other development subjects will derive a great deal of value from Firebug. Firebug provides users with a wide range of development tools, allowing them to view and edit HTML, CSS or Javascript codes on a website. Additional features include the ability to monitor network activity and functionality, giving users complete control over the tool. Firebug can be easily called up or hidden, making the tool available to users at their leisure.

[Download Here]

4:- DownThemAll!

As mentioned above, the Internet is a valuable study tool for students, who often download documents, programs, and other useful materials. DownThemAll! is a download manager that also accelerates downloads, increasing them up to 4 times the normal speeds. This extension is able to download multiple parts of a file, and can pause and resume files without losing data.

[Download Here]

5:- ImTranslator

Studying another language? Looking for foreign resources for a paper? Though there are an endless number of resources online, it’s another question to find those resources in the right language. Luckily, ImTranslator provides a bridge between the user and the foreign website. ImTranslator possesses a number of features related to translation, such as spell checker, a dictionary, and text to speech service. This extension can translate for over 50 languages, making it a relatively comprehensive tool for any student.

[Download Here]

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7 Great Firefox Extensions for Easy Reading https://www.techmaish.com/7-great-firefox-extensions-for-easy-reading/ Tue, 15 Nov 2011 13:48:54 +0000 http://www.techmaish.com/?p=11021 The Web is full of great content and it’s both amazing and overwhelming at the same time. On one hand, there is so much content that helps you to discover, learn or simply just pass the time. On the other, with so much great content you would like to consume, it is sometimes hard to make it through all of the clutter that comes with the desired text. Sometimes you can get stumped by the fact that the interesting content you are after is written in a foreign language or needs to be downloaded and even converted to different format. All this makes reading on the Web difficult and time consuming sometimes. But, this doesn’t need to be so. For all Firefox users, there are awesome browser extensions that can simplify and enhance your reading on the web. Here are some of the most notable and useful ones.

1) PageZipper

PageZipper is a great extension for reading blog posts and articles broken up into multiple pages. PageZipper saves you from constantly clicking on the “Next” button by merging a series of web pages into one.When you come across an interesting article or an image gallery that span multiple pages, simply click on the PageZipper button to join all these pages into one. It will automatically add the top of the next page to the bottom of the page you are reading. Install this if you agree that life is too short to be clicking on the “Next” button all the time.

2) Readability

Readability is one of the most popular tools for making webpages simpler and more enjoyable to read. It is a very simple and yet efficient add-on that removes the clutter around the content that you are reading. Once you have installed and activated Readability, it will remove unnecessary information and present the main content of the page in a single column of easy-to-read text. Not only can you read the content in your browser, but you can print it as well.

3) Read it Later

Read it Later is a handy extension that allows you to save interesting pages to read at another time. You can access pages added to your reading list from any computer or phone, even without an Internet connection. The Read it later add-on also removes images, ads and layout from blog posts and articles, and presents them in a minimalistic, easy to consume manner.

4) EPUBReader

EPUBReader is a must add-on for all those who love reading ebooks. It allows you to read ePub files in Firefox. Without EPUB, when you click on a link to an ePub file, you are usually prompted with the Firefox save dialog, but, once you install this neat add-on, the save dialog will cease to appear. EPUBReader will download the file, process, then display it ready to read. And if you already downloaded the ePub file to your computer, you can open it via the “File/File open” menu or by simply dragging the file into the Firefox window.

5) GlobeFish Instant Translator and Expression Checker

GlobeFish Instant Translator and Expression Checker is a handy language tool that can help you with not only reading, but also writing in a foreign language. This tool allows you to translate any foreign text in a web page by highlighting it. Globefish automatically recognizes the language of the text, so there is no need to know which language it is. You can translate the content to more than 50 languages. And if you are writing in a foreign language, you can use it’s expression checker to compare how often phrases you use appear on the web. This may help you to find more commonly used and better expressions for your content. Globefish’s language translator is powered by Google’s translator, while the expression frequency checker is powered by Yahoo and Google search APIs.

6) Brief

Brief is a simple but powerful tool that makes reading RSS feeds easy. It allows you to bookmark and tag items with a click. Brief’s features include the ability to customize the look of your feeds, browse feeds in a few different ways, receive notifications when new items are available, track the number of notifications using the status bar, and use keyboard shortcuts.

7) ChmFox

ChmFox is a tool that allows you to open and read CHM files directly in Firefox. ChmFox can be installed on three different platforms: Linux, Windows and Mac. To install it on other platforms, you need to compile it first. Have you tried any of these tools to enhance your reading experience in Firefox? Or do you use some other tools? Share your comments with us.

The 10 Most Useless Firefox Addons Ever Created https://www.techmaish.com/the-10-most-useless-firefox-addons-ever-created/ https://www.techmaish.com/the-10-most-useless-firefox-addons-ever-created/#comments Sun, 07 Nov 2010 16:32:42 +0000 http://www.techmaish.com/?p=5750 Firefox is widely regarded as the undisputed king of browsers. It is open source, stable, secure, polished, and, perhaps best of all, extensible. Not every Firefox extension is a keeper, however. Here’s a list of Firefox addons that you could probably do without.

useless firefox addons

Update 2/15/2014:- Guess what? Most of these plugins are no more available in the FireFox Directory.

1. Google Icon: You know how Google made a name for itself by eschewing needless design flourishes, and focusing on returning useful results within a clean, minimal interface? The Google Icon addon for Firefox wants you to forget about that. This extension will pollute your search results with website favicons. Pointless? Very.

2. Chuushi Batan ga Shiitake ni Mietekomaru: A rough translation from the Japanese is “The Stop Button Looks Like Shiitake Mushroom.” Care to guess what this extension does? That’s right, it makes the stop button on your browser look sort of like that particular kind of mushroom. Here’s the description from the official Mozilla page: “Huh, you said the stop button looks like shiitake? No way, you must be tired.” Think this is a useful Firefox addon? No way. Maybe you should get some sleep.

3. BlockSite: This addon allows the user to add any URL to a blacklist so that that page cannot be visited. The only problem is that you can easily get to the web page anyway, either by using a URL that does not exactly resemble the one in the blacklist, or by simply disabling the addon. So, in essence, this addon does nothing. Maybe a future update will allow the addon to apologize for wasting your time.

4. Tab Killer: One of the best browser innovations in recent memory is tabbed browsing. Thanks to tabs, we no longer have to navigate through a stack of browser windows to switch back and forth between two or more websites. If you don’t like tabs for whatever reason, you are welcome not to use them. Or you could install Tab Killer, a Firefox addon that will remove tabs so that you cannot use them, not even if you wanted to. Not even if someone else in your home wanted to. That’s right: tabs are dead, forever. Thanks, Tab Killer! Truly, you are a useless addon.

5. Brisby: The description on the official Mozilla page for Brisby describes it as, “A mouse extension.” Does this mean it will alter the cursor, or the functionality of the mouse? No, it means it will add a literal mouse– a tiny rodent– to the status bar. What can this mouse do? Nothing. If you hover the cursor over it, it will display the text “Squeak!” It might be cute, but unfortunately a Firefox addon can be cute and useless simultaneously.

6. SayHi: Once again, here is a Firefox addon that comes with a brief, baffling description: “An extension that greets you!” This raises questions. First and foremost, a prospective user might want to know, Why? Why should anyone use this? Am I that lonely, that I need a pop-up window to greet me? Of course, there are no answers to these questions. This is a sad, useless little extension.

7. China Channel: The most useless Firefox addons always come with the shortest, most enthusiastic descriptions. The China Channel addon promotes itself with: “Experience the censored Chinese internet at home!” With this installed, you will only be able to view websites that have been approved by the Chinese government. Why is this desirable? It isn’t. It is depressing and terrible. This addon might just be worse than useless.

8. Bork Bork Bork!: Sometimes, the name says it all. In this case, the name of the addon “Bork Bork Bork!” says it all because it is total gibberish. That’s what this addon does: it will convert websites into long strings of gibberish, modeled loosely after the Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show.

9. My Computer Hates Me!: This addon will hurl abuses at you. It will call you names by delivering insult-laden pop-up windows. This is because pop-up windows on their own are not annoying enough, apparently. Diagnosis: Useless.

10. US Department of Homeland Insecurity Idiocy Level: Here is a Firefox addon that will fetch the current Homeland Security Terror Threat Level, convert it to a blunt, satirical single word, then display that word and accompanying color in your status bar for the rest of the day, long after it is no longer funny. What’s worse, the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even update the threat level anymore. This is a useless addon that has become even more useless with age.

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Yahoo Mail Notifier Add-Ons for FireFox and Internet Explorer https://www.techmaish.com/yahoo-mail-notifier-add-ons-for-firefox-and-internet-explorer/ https://www.techmaish.com/yahoo-mail-notifier-add-ons-for-firefox-and-internet-explorer/#comments Tue, 23 Feb 2010 08:27:52 +0000 http://www.techmaish.com/?p=1142 The only available Yahoo Mail Notifier is a Firefox add-ons. Which is use to notify you about the latest incoming mails to your yahoo mail inbox. You will see a small icon in bottom right side of your firefox. Whenever a new mail will come, you will see a visualize message with a sound. You can see in the below screen shot.

Install Yahoo Mail Notifier

Download Yahoo Mail Notifier from Firefox Add-ons directory and install in your browser. Click on “Add to FireFox” button to install this add-ons. OR you can also click on the above link to go to the firefox add-ons page and install from there.

After the installation of the add-ons, restart your browser. Now you will see a box where you have to type your Email address and Password. You can also give a tick to the”Remember Password” so that you will not enter your login info again and again.

Now whenever new mails will come to your inbox. You will see a notification in the bottom ara of your browser. There is also another way through which you can get notifications for new mails. That is installing of Yahoo Tool Bar in your browser.

Visit here http://toolbar.yahoo.com/ to get tool bar for your browser.

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