5 Ways to Start Your Personal Brand at College

December 6, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Usually, the most prominent fashion labels and other large named car companies spring to mind when people hear the name brand. The most prominent example would be the Nike brand, with its swoosh logo and its short slogan, “Just Do It.”

That’s the main idea of a brand – it should be just memorable for its customers to easily remember and like. If you’re interested in building your own brand while you are still at college, that is a great goal and it can secure a stable entrepreneurial future.

To accomplish that, here are 5 ways to do personal branding at college.

Personal Brand

Determine what kind of brand you will pursue

The most crucial part of establishing a brand is determining what kind of brand you will pursue. Determining that involves considering various points about yourself and how you can use your personality to the brand’s advantage.

College students should consider their strengths and weaknesses and how they can fuse them with their passions to create a brand they will love. Perhaps you can also include the curriculum you’re studying and build a brand out of what you have already learned.

For example, if you’re learning fashion design and have great skill in designing women’s clothing, use those skills to build a brand. Ask friends and family to that might know how to build a brand which one would be most suitable for you.

Network continually

You may come across many people during your school career and those individuals may shape you in ways never imagined. Networking with people on the same mission as you or those that can add value to the brand you’re starting can be of great benefit.

You might get a valuable business partner that can handle some of the tasks required to run a brand efficiently. It might also be valuable to network with educators and ask them for advice on how you can start building a brand out of what they are teaching you.

Perhaps while building that brand of yours, you will require assistance with school or college work. In that instance, source a research paper service of great quality. The professional writers there will help you with quality work in thesis, dissertation and all other academic writing work.

Build an online presence

It goes without saying that building an online presence is very crucial in this digital age. To do that, create a website or blog and use social media to reach the best target audience for the brand you’re building.

You might start reaching even the ears of people outside the campus and that will build your brand even further. That will require some authentic blogs or posts and in that case, you need to learn content writing for brand.

Also, learn social media branding to have a beautiful online presence. That will help you do branding yourself without outsourcing other people.

Start your Brand

Determine the niche

Starting a brand that trades in every sector can be a major problem for you. You might lack direction and have problems with getting it to be fully functional. To avoid doing that, try to isolate one industry or sector that you will trade in and focus on building a brand in it.

Try not to follow big companies as you might not have their resources and skills. That will drive your brand to its knees before it even starts.

For example, if you would like to trade in the home decor business, it might be beneficial to choose to trade in the window dressings or drapes. That choice will depend greatly on the skills you have, as mentioned above.

Be involved with the campus lifestyle

The best place to start selling the brand’s products is to fellow classmates and schoolmates. However, doing so will require full engagement with all forms of students and that might mean sacrificing some stuff.

Getting involved with different student organizations can make you more popular, which will make it easier to reach a larger audience. When you get an opportunity to partake in school activities, seize it because it will make people more acquainted with you and that is good for brand exposure.


Building a brand can be a lot of work, but consistency is the key to success. Simplify the tasks by asking for some help from educators, friends, and family or other fellow students.

Learning how to do the integral parts of running a brand yourself will benefit you a lot because you won’t have to pay extra money to third-parties. If you socialize with different students and school organizations, you might be able to get your brand operational very fast because they could be the first clients you have.

Author Bio: Joshua Robinson is a content marketing specialist and a copywriter working with student entrepreneurs and other small business owners. His innovative ideas and latest techniques have helped the businesses and startups establish a name for themselves. In his free time, he writes songs, plays tennis and practices mindfulness. 

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