How To Setup Your Own SEO Social Media Digital Marketing Advertising Business

April 1, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Digital marketing and online advertising through search engine optimization or SEO as well as social media is a prolific business nowadays. The Internet has made promoting products and services more accessible to small companies, and has allowed them to compete with large corporations with this leverage. This method of publicity won’t be going away anytime soon so setting up an enterprise that provides this service can be an excellent means of income.

If you’re planning to start your digital marketing agency, here are some steps to help you get started:

Digital Marketing

1:- Understand the Basics of SEO

SEO is a digital marketing practice that ties closely with other methods in the field such as content, social media, and email marketing. According to webmarketing123, SEO is vital for businesses because it helps the growth of your clients’ company. It increases a brand’s online visibility through search engines and the appropriate use of relevant keywords. It is the primary service that’s offered by most agencies because of its cost-effectiveness.

These are the basics of SEO that you must learn before starting your digital marketing firm:

  • Keyword Research – You must put yourself in the shoes of your clients’ customers and determine the words they use when typing a query on Google or Bing. There are also tools such as the Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer that can help you with this practice.
  • On-Page Optimization – After getting the list of short and long-tail keywords, you must ensure that your customer’s website is optimized for search. This means that each page should have these strings of words in the content and codes so that Google or Bing can crawl through them once a potential buyer types in those phrases in their queries.
  • User Experience – In SEO, you must strike a balance between creating content for humans and making sure that robots can also determine the main topic of each post. User experience pertains to the response that your clients’ websites evoke in these two types of readers. You should perform the best practices to ensure that you provide them with valuable information.
  • Link BuildingLink building is the practice of reaching out to fellow SEO agencies and bloggers who have already established a strong readership base. With this connection, you can have them promote your company or your clients’ to their subscribers by incorporating links to your target pages in the hopes that they click on it and learn more about what you or your customers are offering.
  • Metric Tracking – You need to be able to report the successes of your key metrics such as organic traffic, conversion rates, and rankings. You can easily find tools online that can help you track your numbers for proof that what you’re doing is effective.

2:- Know Your Market

Do your research on competitors in your area. This will give you an idea of how much work you should put into promoting your firm and what industries haven’t been saturated with digital marketing consultants. While all companies need to employ social media marketing and SEO strategies, you aren’t expected to cater to everyone. It’s best to focus on one field first before trying your hand at other types of trades.

3:- Determine Your Services

Another common mistake of budding agency owners is that they try to be a full-service firm without gaining expertise on all facets of digital marketing first. Their clients end up with low-quality service since they spread their workforce and capital too thin before they have established stability in their business. Avoid this error by focusing on providing one product first such as SEO or social media marketing.

4:- Work with Freelancers

While your agency may start with one or two clients at first, you will need to think ahead and consider whether your resources are enough to handle more projects in the future. A freelancing setup is beneficial at the beginning stages of your company since you can get the efficiency of additional workers without the costs that entail full on-boarding. Most of them are on a per-project basis, so you only need to pay them according to the services they rendered.


Digital marketing is a potent tool for any business to boost brand awareness and broaden their reach. You can provide this service by gaining the necessary knowledge and skills in SEO and social media advertising. You must also evaluate the market, determine the services that you can offer, and hire freelance specialists to help you with the projects.

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