Top 7 Features A Daily Deal Software Should Have

April 5, 2013

Bilal Ahmad

Today, Daily Deal Businesses are out winning all other online based businesses and have marked it services to be extraordinarily successful. Who wouldn’t look back if there is a site to fulfil all our day-to-day needs in the form of deals and discount? It all begun with the evolution of Groupon, world’s leading group buying/daily deal website. Then came its followers like Living Social, Wroupon and so forth. Now, the competition among these websites is getting severe with almost a daily deal website launched every single day. However, the certainty of success of these websites is quite a question mark.

dail deal websites

So, where do they lack in? Deals and proper content of the site falls secondary. The foremost requirement for creating a perfect groupon like website is the best groupon clone script you choose for it. A Group buying site script is nothing but ready-made solution to set up a group buying website. There are a couple of group buying scripts available online, but what concerns are the features or characteristics that come along with the script. Plenty of features are there to look on, prior to deciding a groupon like script. Listed below are few of the significant features a group deal script should enfold:



This is one of the major features a groupon clone script needs to possess. It should be designed with proper functionalities to accomplish a faster front end system. The system should be fast accessible for your user and offer them an experience that is tremendous. This is in turn could help you in getting more conversions.


Add-ons are not an essential requirement for any script. But it is wiser to choose a script that comes with some excellent add-ons. Add-ons or plugins if integrated with the script can serve most your needs in an easily available manner.


The script should be fully customizable, so that business owner can make changes as per his needs and requirements.



Ensure that the platform on which the group buying script is built is well reputed one. There are a dozen platforms which are not trustworthy in performance and functionality. Make sure the script is built under well renowned ecommerce platforms like Magento.


Yet another major feature a groupon script should comprise. Custom design. The script should be designed in a way that each and every section of your website can be customized under the design perspective as per your needs.

Multiple Payment Gateways

The script should support multiple number of payment gateways. It should also support multiple currencies thereby making the online shopping convenient for people at any part of the world.

payment methods

Free Themes

It can also be considered if the script offers some excellent free themes. Remember most of the scripts do not enfold this option and hence if you come across any such thing, soon make a move and grab the script.

So, these are the features which you got to first look at. Apart from that, also consider looking for features like free installation, excellent support for the script providers, easy addition of features, SEO-friendly and so forth.

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