How to Keep Your Website Modern in an Everchanging Tech Landscape

April 7, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Website Design

Technology is always changing. It seems that each week there is a brand-new software update, gadget, or brilliant idea that demands attention.

But, where does your company website fit into this ever-evolving landscape? How can you keep up with the changes?

Here are five simple ways to keep up.

1. Adapt Your Design to Suit Multiple Devices

Everything is mobile these days. People spend more time on their phones than their computers. When looking at your website, make sure you polish both the desktop and mobile versions.

When you’re editing your website, keep the various accessibility points in mind. Some things might translate well on desktop but not mobile and vice versa. Take some time to adjust your design and coding to suit a variety of screen sizes, and your audience will thank you.

2. Spice Up Your Page Layouts

The traditional website design consisted of pages full of text, all aligned to the left. Nothing screams outdated more than huge blocks of writing on every webpage. Here is an ideal chance for you to break out of your bubble and get creative.

You can move the text over to the right or even forgo writing altogether to tell a story with images. The options are endless, so long as you keep in mind the overall aesthetic of your website. Experiment with asymmetry to create some impressive pages.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

You can’t do everything by yourself. Whether you own a local business, or you are editing the website of your corporate employer, you should ask for help when you need it. You can do a Google search to look for web design video tutorials or tips, or you can hire a design agency.

However, a third-party company dedicated to helping your site will make all the difference. You’ll be able to take some of the pressure off yourself if you hire an agency, especially if you are a small business.

4. Custom Graphics

Go custom when it comes to designing your website. Make a brand-new logo that is unique to your company. You’ll want that logo to be distinct and eye-catching, so your audience can tell your brand just from looking.

Along with a logo, you’ll want to have banners and iconography custom designed. Unless you have a design background, or someone in your company does, going with a third-party agency will give you the best results.

5. Custom Typography

Did you know that you could customize the lettering used on your website? You no longer have to be stuck with the fonts that website design companies provide you. Creating a custom type for your website will help you diversify from your competition.

You can go elegant if you are selling products like flowers or chocolates, cute if you are running a cafe, or bold if you are a mechanic. The font is another way for you to express your business creativity. Plus, having a custom font is about as modern as you can get these days.

Design to Your Heart’s Content

Don’t think of modernizing your website as a chore. Instead, think of the design update as a way for you to flex your creativity and connect with amazing people.

Most importantly, don’t rush into the design process to get a quick result. Take your time and reflect on what you want your website to stay about your business. The world is going digital, but that doesn’t mean you need to give up your ideals. Remember that adapting doesn’t mean giving into trends and losing your brand’s identity; it simply means staying fresh.

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