Creative Ways To Keep Your Social Media Followers Engaged

June 9, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Social Media Followers

The Internet allows people from around the globe to communicate seamlessly with one another. Social media brought that connection closer than before, and, now, it’s an essential component of everyday life. So, here are four creative ways to keep your social media followers engaged:

Share Videos

Conversations in social media tend to be about walls of text. As you scroll down your social media feed, you should see several people commenting and replying to posts. But, it doesn’t mean that your page should only focus on texts when it comes to engaging with followers.

Spruce up your social media channels by sharing videos. For example, you might be a sports apparel store owner. If you post nothing but text, you won’t capture the attention of your followers. Instead, combine those text posts with other forms of media, especially videos. Social media in sports and other industries tend to gain more attention and interest from followers when they share videos rather than texts. Sports fans like to see highlights of their favorite players or teams, so try to post videos of their best moments during their recent games You may also share videos that aim to improve fans’ ability to play certain sports.

Don’t just focus on your brand when sharing text and video posts. Also share information that you think your followers will find valuable.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Instead of saying a simple “thank you”, continue the conversation in your social media pages by replying with questions. Also, don’t just ask any question that pops into your mind; ensure that you ask open-ended questions.

Some examples of open-ended questions are:

  • What do you expect to see on your next vacation?
  • What do you plan on eating for the next five days?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • How is it like raising five children?

Notice that these inquiries will have varying answers for each individual. Conversely, close-ended questions have definite answers regardless of the person answering. For example, ask a person, “What’s 2 + 2?” The chances are that you’re always going to get a “four” for an answer.

Asking open-ended questions can continue conversations, letting followers know that the people behind these social media pages have human hearts. The problem with some online entities is that they tend to focus more on sales than human interactions. Concentrating on the former than the latter may not be a recipe for success.

Getting into conversations with followers shows that humans behind the page are willing to listen to their concerns. In turn, conversations can build trust for the long-term.

Run A Contest Or Sponsor A Giveaway

People can’t resist the word “free”. Hold an occasional contest or giveaway, and watch as your follower count soar to new heights.

Remember, you might not need a third-party solution to offer something for free. But, you may need a combination of the following:

  • A product or service to give away: Contests and giveaways should have items or services to give away. For example, your sports apparel shop might offer a free pair of shoes for the winner or some lucky commenters. Ensure that your item or service coincides with your page to maintain consistency.
  • A creative way to participate: Use innovative methods for your followers to enter the contest or giveaway. For instance, your followers can use a specific hashtag, or they need to like and share a particular post to have a chance at winning the reward.
  • Proper terms and conditions: Without appropriate guidelines, your followers aren’t liable for mistakes made upon entering the contest or giveaway. Ensure that you cover yourself by posting rules and regulations to ensure participants win (or lose) justly.
  • A point of contact: Tell your followers the correct way to claim their winnings. This can range from contacting you through an online messaging service or meeting you in person.

Remember, you don’t need to run contests or giveaways every week to engage with your followers. Time these events correctly, such as new product launches. Do it right, and you should see an increase in follower count and engagement in a short period.

Mention Your Followers

Many people gain a sense of confidence and gratification if they see their name mentioned on social media. Different social media sites automatically mention a user when you hit the comment or reply button.

In turn, the post where you replied will show up on the user’s feed. This can create a chain wherein the user’s followers will see that post. In turn, you can gain free advertising, and all it took was a simple reply with a mention.

Key Takeaway

Keeping social media followers engaged is crucial for the sustainability and growth of your online presence. Ask open-ended questions, host contests, and mention followers to keep conversations rolling for as long as possible. Remember, social networking growth may not happen overnight; it can take days, weeks, or months of hard work to achieve this particular goal. Stay dedicated, and you should gain online success soon.

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