Tips On How To Best Write An Essay About Traveling

April 19, 2018

Bilal Ahmad

Stay in touch when travelling abroad

The best way to actually make money while you do what you love is to do travel writing. Your ultimate goal would be to deliver information from your point of view to the people reading your work. This calls for a need to be focused and attentive throughout your escapades.

There are assignment help in australia ideas that give an in-depth look at how to execute professional articles as well as make money through this venture of travel writing or blogging.

Here are some of the basic rules to adhere to in the quest to be a great travel writer:


Before you travel to any destination, one needs to have read as much as possible on the region’s history as well as try and understand how the people in this specific region live.

This means one needs to simply understand their customs to better understand if something stands out or is peculiar. This might, in turn, save your life or get you an exclusive piece, could go either way really.

Write what you know

As a writer, you need to personalize your work. Tell stories only you can narrate and build up. This is because there are a ton of writers out there who are doing what you are doing and may even be better at storytelling.

Why writers need to do this is because the only difference would be that your writing appeals to your audience because you are telling it from your point of view.

Show and tell

As a writer, you need to have mastered the show and tell techniques. You need to slow down the pace of the writing and describe your travel in detail, what you felt, saw, expected to see and didn’t, the people you traveled with. Every aspect of your travel should be included to make the reader feel like they were present.

Set up time for the conclusion

Many at times, writers leave readers in a daze and confused wondering how a story came to a screeching halt. A good writer should never subject their readers to a high speed ending; they should instead build up the momentum to make a reader reflect on the journey, what may have inspired them as you slowly apply the brakes to come to a conclusion.

Use vivid language

As a travel writer, one needs to use language that is descriptive as well as specific. This allows the readers to have an actual image in their mind. As a travel writer, your sole purpose while telling a story is to evoke images into a readers mind. Vivid writing is powerful as well as meaningful.

Use a checklist while writing

New writers in travel blogs may need to use a checklist depending on their content and editor’s inclination.

In basic writing, we look at the Five W’s and H. This is where, when, who, why, what and how. But when it comes to travel writing, one needs to have some additional information to give an edge as well as create a vivid image in the writer’s mind. These elements include a lead; this is a strong opening to the story to attract the attention of the readers and an end which wraps up the article in a slow and captivating manner in order not to leave the reader in a daze.

Always get another set of eyes to go through your work

Almost all writers make mistakes and this would be harder to spot if an editor does not go through your writing. Get a friend or a copy editor to go through your work before publishing. When you get a writer to go through your writing, it is best to consider a person who is not conversant with the topic. This helps you because the editor makes sure the important details skipped are included.

Some of the most obvious steps of the travel may get omitted because in your mind it is very obvious forgetting the people you are writing for were not actually there and may not understand if that specific strep is omitted.

Learn to self-edit

Many writers go wrong because they always post before they re-read their article. At this point, this is when the writer says, “Wow, how could I make such a typo?” Being an editor does not mean that you are 100 % perfect at it, it just means that you need to be more deliberate in your writing as well as in your editing to avoid mistakes. As you review your work, make sure you also get another set of eyes on it. It takes a lot of practice to put out articles with minimal mistakes but eventually with enough practice you will get there, writing is art.

Here are examples of some travel bloggers and how they get to blogging.

The Kenyan Backpacker

This blogger travels alone and concludes that traveling is actually not expensive but also shares that Luxury travel is. In his blog, he uses b=vivid language and gives links to where the best spots to travel to are and how to get there, he actually goes ahead and states the price ranges for his readers.

Wangechi Gitahi

The Wangechi Gitahi Travel blog is an inspiration to anybody who believes and wants to eventually travel solo. Reading her blog due to her vivid descriptions will make you pack up a backpack, quit your job and head out. She also features unique experiences from all over the globe.

The Poor Traveler

This is a budget travel guide blog. In this blog, they provide and give tips on how to avoid mistakes while traveling as well as avoid wasting hard earned cash while at it. On their website, they also have a disclaimer saying they are not in the business of promoting cheap travel but to share what journeys will give value for your money.

This blogger also captivates readers’ attention by saying that most of their clientele are full-time employees but also gets the time to travel and seek adventure


UK financial services website NowLoan incorporate travel related posts into their blog to help users estimate the cost of their trip depending to which country they are going and during which time of the year. The posts are educational and they allow users to then asses whether they need finances for their trips in the form of a small loan.

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