Why You Should Try to Draft a Dissertation in a Year’s time

November 22, 2017

Bilal Ahmad

Draft a Dissertation

Writing a dissertation can get extremely crazy, especially when you have a deadline to meet. However, the journey is quite different if you work on it daily.

The entire year you work hard to complete the draft (bit by bit), and once you’ve managed to do it, you might hardly feel any fanfare or euphoria. Sure you might feel accomplished and proud of yourself, but that feeling wears off quickly.

So, after such hard work shouldn’t you feel something more?

You might not be feeling much because you know it’s only the draft you’ve completed and there’s still a lot left for you to do and revise over. Also, the biggest factor that comes into play is how working on your draft, bit by bit, made it into something ordinary for you.

Since there wasn’t any deadline for you to meet you didn’t experience any adrenaline rush. You just continued to work on your draft because of your routine. And you know what? Not feeling overwhelmed due to an adrenaline rush is a good thing!

When you don’t let your dissertation get to your head, you’re more likely to be able to complete it in time.

Here are ways you can make the process of completing your dissertation quicker and less overwhelming. More information can also be found on https://writemyessayonline.com/

To write well, you need to read!

Remember the more you read the better will your content will be. You’ll be able to formulate more ideas in advanced writing; you’ll discover more writing styles, argumentative tactics.

You’ll come across quotes that you might like or insights about things that might interest you. All of these things can be incorporated into your work as well. You can pay attention to what others are writing and can improve yours in return.

How much time will you spend?

When committing to writing make sure you don’t take on the task and attempt to complete it in a day. And neither should you pick up your draft once in a blue moon.

Commit to a schedule that you need to follow to achieve your writing goal. Either commit to a set word count you need to complete per day or the hours you need to work on your draft.

Make sure to take breaks!

You can then take breaks on days when you don’t plan on working. This way your work won’t feel like a chore and the days you’re working on your draft will be more constructive.

How to stray away from blank pages

Make sure that once you’re done with the day’s work, to write down a phrase or word or a note related to what you wish to write next. This way you won’t come across a blank page the next time you sit down to write and wouldn’t lose your train of thought.

Remember to take notes

Some people get amazing ideas when they’re in the shower, others when traveling, or even while relaxing. That is why it’s always handy to have a journal on hand so that you can write down your thoughts as soon as you get them. You can even type thoughts down on your mobile device.

Forget everything else!

When you’re working, make sure to keep all possible distractions far away from you so that you can concentrate on your work. Invest your time in your work instead of messing around with your phone. You can check your messages or phone call after you’ve given a set amount of time to your draft writing session.

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