Traffic Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:09:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Traffic 32 32 4 Simple Suggestions for Driving More Traffic to Your Blog Fast [2023] Tue, 16 May 2023 14:56:41 +0000 If we have one thing to thank the pandemic for, being restricted to the same four walls has made it more accessible than ever to earn money from home. From being paid to test out video games and tutor students online to selling your belongings online and starting a blog, there are hundreds of innovative ways to fortify your bank account.

Especially for keen writers, with sites like Blogger, Wix, and WordPress, getting your content out into the open has never been easier. However, setting up your blog is easy; the challenge is getting clicks on your content. Fortunately, you don’t need to outsource or have a marketing degree to drive more traffic to your blog (and fast!); all you need to implement are a few best practices.

From using PDF tools to convert your blog into a more accessible format and using social media as a promotion tool, we outline some of the best ways to drive more traffic to your blog quickly below: 

Increase Blog Traffic

Convert Your Blog Into A PDF Using PDF Tools

Unless you’ve been living under a rock all these years, you’ve probably heard of a portable document format (PDF) before. Today our world is becoming increasingly more technologically focused. As a result, more and more people rely on digital documents, a category in which PDFs reign supreme. But what makes PDFs such a popular tool for businesses, and how can they help drive more traffic to your blog quickly?

One of the most significant reasons PDFs have proved helpful to companies is that they can be opened, read, and saved by anyone, regardless of what software or device they’re using. This has become instrumental for businesses (and bloggers, as you’ll soon realise!) as it has helped their resources reach a wider audience and drive more website traffic.

By converting your blog posts into PDFs using PDF tools, you can share your content in multiple ways, as not everyone will click your direct blog link to view it. A PDF copy is also helpful for finding collaborators, as they can email a copy of your content to their subscribers, which will drive interested readers to your site.

So, suppose that we’ve convinced you to convert your blog into a PDF format. You might wonder how on earth you’d do such a thing and how much time and effort it would take! The answer is using solutions from PDF Tools, which can help you convert your blog posts into PDF files with just the click of a button.  Whether you’re looking to convert another file into a PDF or reduce the size of your files, consider visiting their website to learn more and see how their PDF tools could help drive more traffic to your blog today.

Promote Via Social Media

As we touched upon in our previous point, today’s generation is becoming more digitally focused by the minute. Everywhere you go, you see people with their heads buried in their phones; due to this, many traditional promotion methods are becoming obsolete and are being replaced with new ones, like social media marketing.

With over 4.26 million social media users worldwide, it would be illogical not to use popular social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your blog. Even sites that aren’t known for bloggers, like TikTok and Instagram, can still be helpful thanks to their Snapchat-esque style since you can link the URL of your latest blog post to your story, directing traffic to your blog effortlessly.

Even when you’re not alerting your followers about new blog posts, ensuring that you keep on top of your social media presence by sharing relevant content allows you to foster a community you can engage with when you’re not busy coming up with new content for your blog. Using this community, you can interact with like-minded bloggers, leading to future collaborations and cultivating engagement that will eventually turn into traffic for your website.

Update Your Blog Regularly

Although it might seem obvious, producing more content is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your blog. Suppose you need a little inspiration; as of this writing, there are an estimated six-hundred million blogs on the internet, meaning there is no shortage of competitors that could nab your readership right from underneath your nose if you’re not updating your blog enough.

Sometimes this might not even be your fault, as Google automatically prioritises newer content over old content. So, even if you only uploaded a recent article three days ago, if your competitor published a piece one day ago, their report would most likely take priority over yours. Due to this, it is essential that you update your blog as much as possible to boost your search engine optimisation (SEO) and rank higher in search engine results.

Yet, fear not if your creative juices are running on empty; there are other ways to boost SEO without producing as much content. Some of the most popular methods include using relevant keywords in your pieces/titles, ensuring your site is user-friendly, minimising load times, tack metrics with Google Analytics, optimising images, getting backlinks from authority sites and much more.

Create Engaging Headlines

As a blogger, you dedicate most of your time to creating the content you upload onto your blog. Nothing is more satisfying than coming up with an excellent idea for a post; however, sometimes, the most challenging part is titling it. Not only is it the most difficult part, but it’s also one of the most crucial, as this will encourage readers to click on your link instead of others.

Although you might think that the body of your post is the most crucial part, some argue that your title is more important than the content itself. Even if your article is well-written and discusses a relevant/engaging topic, nobody will bother reading it unless you nail the title! It goes without saying that when you’ve invested a decent amount of your effort/time into creating something, you want it to receive the recognition it deserves.

Due to this, it is essential that you experiment with your headlines to drive more traffic to your blog (and fast!). Some of the best ways to devise new titles are by learning popular title formats, drawing inspiration from headlines you like, using keyword research, practising writing titles, etc. Or, consider using a title generator to create a handful of titles and use the best one out of the bunch.

Make Your Posts Pretty

Your blog posts could be on the most exciting topic ever, but if it’s not visually appealing, readers won’t stick around to read the whole article – let alone click on any related ones! Nothing is more unappealing than a block of text, so ensure that you aren’t driving traffic away and start driving it forward by prettifying your blog with images, charts etc.

According to studies, we are naturally more drawn to visuals than text because images can help our brains interpret a story faster than the written word, perhaps contributing to the rise of image-based social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. However, this doesn’t mean you can copy and paste any image onto your posts, as doing so can incur serious legal consequences!

In an ideal world, you want to be able to use images and graphics you’ve created yourself, but not all keen writers are also gifted photographers or graphic designers. Fortunately, there are ways of getting around this by using websites dedicated to royalty-free images, like Shutterstock, Pixabay, and many more.

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Edge Computing Forms Major Part of Tech Growth to Improve Traffic to Your Site Sat, 25 Jul 2020 14:10:06 +0000 COVID pandemic is making people more and more irritated with passing day. But, even in such a scenario, industry analysts are predicting the significant growth of edge computing along with a complimentary 5G network. Some research panels indicate that the market for edge computing can easily hike up to $43.4 billion from $3.5 billion within 2027. Most of the cloud vendors are working harder than usual to deploy extra edge servers in their local markets. A separate team is working on 5G deployment as well. These teams are spending maximum time on 5G capabilities, which will increase again next year.


Understanding the power of edge:

In generic term, Edge is considered as a distributed network-based infrastructure approach. It can help to process data and analyze it closer to the primary source. This sector has significant value for enterprises, mainly artificial Intelligence, IoT, and the current area of big data analytics. It is better to process collected data and share some of the timely insights to turn the edge devices a bit smarter. It helps to take some proper actions too when the time feels right.

  • Edge computing is a popular science to let the edge devices perform without the need to transport data to another server.
  • Edge computing can always bring in some data and compute to the close interactive point. The entire benefit of this computing lies with the opportunity it provides.

The time has come for extra speed:

The existing network architectures were not crafted for localized compute and distributed insights, where the future devices are connected. So, there will be a variable dependency on latency-sensitive applications.

  • It is vital for intelligence and computes to move towards the edge, to serve computing and communications, sensors, resources, and data.
  • Even though the centralized cloud architectures and core networks can support a proficient use of smart devices to some extent, the same architecture finds it challenging to handle maximum data. This data gets created at the edge by more than 75 billion devices, which are predicted to get active by 2025.
  • Smart devices alongside other cloud-based communicative items need lower latencies when compared to the traditional core networking architectures.
  • Proximate and localized edge data centers can alleviate network bottlenecks. The same source helps in reducing latency and even improve performance rate. They work it this way by looking at the edge and working as local gateways to address higher-speed connections.

Recent surveys and their results:

Some of the top-notch surveys have already talked about the growing demand for edge computing and how it changes the future technical world. Joining helps you learn a bit more about these points with ease.

  • Deloitte hosted the Technology Industrial Outlook in 2020, which states that with the rise of AI and cloud deployment rate, the chances are high that edge computing might be joining this mix very soon.
  • According to the IDC top 10 IT predictions of 2020, the time has come to build out edge computing. It seems that the number of apps at edge computing hikes up by 800% by 2024.
  • The Gartner report states that there will be a 20 times increase in the IoT devices by 2023. So, there is going to be a complete necessity of significant applications, coming closer to devices and users.
  • Edge computing seems to be leaping, according to the Forrester Survey. The biggest drive in this stage was associated with handling AI demands, reducing networking processing and latency that the cloud failed to support.

Adopting the most exceptional edge computing solutions:

The banking and financial industry is always expected to show a proper adoption of this edge computing procedure because of the increased adoption of mobile and digital banking sectors. There can also be the adoption of block chain technology with mobile payments, fueling the situation further.

  • For enhancing the digitalized banking experience, digital payment methods with higher speed and maximum security play significant roles. So, various banks are now deploying these payment apps and services, made compatible with smarter mobile devices.
  • Mobile payment and applications remain a significant source for edge computing in the banking and financial industry. Third-party applications are showing their support as well, with more extensive banking application choices. These choices help engage customers through some of the loyalty management programs.
  • There is a significant spread of block chain adoption. It helps in driving the consumption of edge-based computing services to a whole new level. Block chain technology needs higher computing services; this sector showcases faster edge computing adoption techniques.

The increasing notion of multivendor partnerships:

Enterprise IT leaders are now all set to use various vendors for edge computing because edge computing is not a single program but enabled by multiple techniques. Within a short time, the industrial sector might catch up with ecosystem partnerships. The primary goal is to bring the hardware, software vendors, consultancies, and telecommunication firms together. This gathering helps to develop and even support the present enterprise based deployments. This partnership ecosystem will change the perception of edge computing towards betterment.

Customized form factors:

In this year 2020, form, fit, and function get to drive the development of the customized form factors. Here, you get the opportunity to characterize edge computing in various application areas and under multiple industries. Unique storage, compute, and networking demands help to develop customized form factors. IT all starts at the processor level.

You can get to see one significant example in HPE, which leads Series C investment to around$145 million with the former CEO of Cisco. It helps in bringing in a customized based programmable processor in the market for optimizing edge computing.

From the points mentioned already, it is clear that the edge cloud and computing market is here to stay and grow, by minimum 505. All the primary IT professionals, from mega cloud providers to content delivery networks, are working to present underlying IaaS and advanced cloud programming services. So, edge computing is on a hike these days and the popularity is likely to grow more in upcoming years.

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Increase Your Blog’s Traffic With These 7 Proven Strategies Sat, 13 Jun 2020 08:26:55 +0000 Increase your Blog Traffic

The highly competitive world of blogging can be quite daunting, especially for beginners. While it does seem like an uphill battle at times, there are a few proven tips that can help you overcome this struggle and increase your blog’s appeal to new visitors.

1. Promote Through Social Media

Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to have a massive outreach to various types of audiences. One of your main focuses should be to gain as large of a following as possible on different types of social media networks, as it’s one of the easiest ways for your blog to get noticed. Of course, you should adjust your efforts depending on the type of content that you’re sharing – focus on LinkedIn if you plan on posting business related content, otherwise steer towards Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others.

2. Improve Titling

The main role of titles is to intrigue the potential visitors into reading the full article. If they’re monotone and uninteresting, you likely won’t get any clicks at all. Similarly, titles with too many words can get boring and tedious. Keep in mind that the attention span of an average person is less than 10 seconds, so the titles have to be short and sweet. Try to tease some of the interesting aspects of the article, but don’t reveal too much. The term “clickbait” is often used to describe content with misleading, attractive names – this is something that you’ll want to avoid. Focus on catchiness, but don’t give out false information.

2. Add Photos

Inserting an appropriate picture every now and again is a very effective method of breaking up the flatness of pure text. An image is worth many words, as it’s a lot easier for human mind to process and it doesn’t strain the eyes as much. If the first thing that your reader sees upon opening your blog is a wall of text, they’ll immediately start looking for another source. It also goes without saying – try not to implement complex, detailed images if your post is already difficult to read, as it can have an opposite effect.

3. Add Subtitles To Videos

While it’s arguably more effective than static images, video content has one flaw – it relies on sound. Those deaf or hard of hearing won’t be able to get the full experience unless you put the effort into subtitling the videos. Fortunately, modern technology has provided a way to easily convert audio to text in just a matter of seconds. The tool for this job is called Audext – an AI-based transcription service, which uses machine learning to recognize digital speech patterns and provide an accurate textual representation. Due to its precision of over 99%, you won’t have to waste hours fixing hardly noticeable grammatical errors and missing punctuation. The only required manual work is the video upload to Audext video transcription tool – the rest, even timestamps and audio synchronization, are fully automated.

4. Insert Keywords

Certain popular keywords relevant to your niche can skyrocket your blog’s position in the Google search results. They can either be singular or come in the form of a phrase. In order to find them, you’ll have to do some digging. Fortunately, there are specialized tools which can ease this job tremendously – Google Trends, for example. These nifty utilities provide an insight into some of the most popular search terms worldwide, with the possibility to filter them by continents, regions and even states. It’s just a matter of pinpointing your blog’s theme.

5. Implement Social Sharing

The small Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn icons which can often be noticed in some of the larger websites are known as the social sharing buttons. They give readers the ability to share content if they liked it with the single click of a button. This is very easy to implement, and it highly increases the chances of your content actually being distributed further. Manual sharing would involve opening a separate tab, logging in, pasting the link and adding a relevant description. With social sharing buttons, everything is already preset and hassle-free.

6. Invest In Promotion

If you want immediate results, it doesn’t get more effective than a paid promotion. Famous influencers around the social medias offer promotion services based on how many followers they have. If you decide to go this route, it’s highly important to find someone who has some common ground with your content. For example, if you have a travel based blog, a landscape photographer or a tourism influencer is more likely to produce the most desirable outcome for your blog. Keep in mind that this can get fairly expensive – especially if they have hundreds of thousands of followers – but also highly effective.

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5 Steps to Increase Your Website Traffic worth Sun, 01 Jan 2012 11:50:47 +0000 Every bloggers aim is to get consistent traffic to their respective blogs on regular basis. Nobody wishes for himself as a blogger to start a blog without people reading the articles on the site talk less of dropping comments. The problem many bloggers make when they don’t get good traffic is that, they neglects to follow the right approach in driving traffic to their particular blogs and when they began to see a sign a failure in their blog promotion approach, they will start to feel tired of continuing with the blog because of low result they are getting.

Increase your Blog Traffic

Why felling tired? Why feeling that you can’t continue to do it? You don’t need to quit now because you are a step closer to getting back all the traffics that you have lost during the time when you are not doing things in the right way. Remember, this is not the best time to quit!

So, these below in this article are the 5 steps you can make use of in getting back your website traffic in order to make your website an authority on the internet. According to research, most of the problems that associated with low or no traffic on many blogs are caused by the owner’s negligence to do what is right at the right time and we shall be dealing with some of these things that can make your traffic decrease and also points on some things you should start doing in getting back things on track.

Remove Annoying Ads from your Site

For ages, ads are some of the thing that large amount of people hates to see on web pages. I too hate it too but there is nothing we can do to stop bloggers from showing ads on their blogs since they are doing it in order to make money back for all the values they’re offering to the people.

Some bloggers even displays ads on their blogs in order to use the income to keep on running their blogs and there’s no reason for such blogger to remove ads on his blog. But what I’m trying to say here is that there are ads that are not good for the eyes or should I call it “annoying ads”?

Any adverts that can annoy people on your website should not find its way to your website pages because that can make people to hate all what you are doing on the site even if you are offering the right contents.

You should make sure that you don’t put ads that can turn people off on your website and make sure that ads on your site are well placed in a place that people couldn’t see it as a disturbance to what they are looking for on your site.

Offer Good Contents

The success of your blog can be fast-forwarded or drawback by the reason of the contents you are publishing on the site for your readers. If your website is all about technology, going further in offering articles relating to sports or any other thing of sort is very bad and can cause you to lose the trust that many of your readers have in your blog.

Provide contents that you know that your readers are willing and ready to read on your site and you will begin to experience exponential changes in your website traffic.

Be Personal

There is nothing better than writing your blog post to your readers in a formal way. Write in language that your readers understand and also make sure that you don’t try to annoy them with your usage of words. Try as much as possible to do all that you can to make all your website’s readers a friend of yours and the work you do and not enemies.

When you are writing a post for your blog, make sure that the post covers an area that you know they would be willing to read and also make sure that you don’t keep-hold of things from them (keeping the truth form them).

Let your readers know who you are and make sure that you reflect what you are preaching to them, not when you haven’t make a single penny online and you start to lie to them that you have been making lots of dollars online.

The moment they realize that you’re not saying the truth, that would be the last time you will ever see them listening to what you have to say. For this reasons, avoid falling victims of the devil in misrepresenting yourself to your readers.

Increase Website Loading Time

If your website is not loading fast, try to make sure that it does because it can cause you to lose traffic and the terrible thing after that is that they might not even come back again because of the first time experience they have had on your blog.

Use all the technique you have to make sure that your website pages loads faster than any other website in your niche so that you can retain most of your traffic for a very long time.

Make Your Site Easy To Navigate Through

Easy navigation is part of the qualities of a good website. You need to use good design on your blog, design that will make it easier for people to access your website on any computer without screen problem and navigation problems.


Some of the above outlined steps are what you need and make sure that you implement them in your website if you are mostly in need of good traffic to your blog.

Author Bio:- Olawale Daniel is a SEO Help Expert and Writer. He consults for individuals and organizations on SEO related basis and also writes for people. You can check his technology blog to read some of his blog post.

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10 Effective Ways To Popularize Your Website Fri, 03 Jun 2011 10:17:02 +0000 A website becomes popular when it starts generating more and more traffic. However, generating traffic is not an overnight task. It takes steady efforts to keep the traffic flow going high with time and thus, it is essential for any webmaster to learn all ways of traffic generation. Here are 10 most effective ways to boost the popularity of your website:

1. Site Engine Optimization for free flow of traffic

Search engines enable you to get free traffic in an easiest way. Thus it becomes important for you to optimize website in a manner that you appear first on the search engine when particular keywords are being searched. SEO is one of the most efficient and easiest ways to generate traffic in a short span with less effort.

Checkout some advance search engine optimization tips

2. Update Content

Popularize Your WebsiteOne of the most important things for making your readers come back is frequently updating the contents of your website. Keeping your contents updated will not only helps a Webmaster to attract the constant flow of traffic but also brings him up on the search engines. Good content is a necessity to keep the targeted traffic flow coming on your website.

3. Capitalize on Social Bookmarking Websites

One should take advantage of social bookmarking sites to generate free traffic. The famous social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, Reddit etc can help a webmaster to divert the heavy flow of traffic to his website.All one needs to do is simply learn through Internet how to get maximum traffic from social bookmarking websites.

4. Take Advantage of Social Networking Websites

Social networking websites are a big hit in today’s time and can be easily used to attract additional traffic to your website. At times, advertising on Facebook kind of social networks can get traffic that can even beat the traffic coming via Google or other search engines.

5. Try to create Back Links

Getting links through others sites in your niche can attract a lot of free traffic. Placing your link on popular sites of the same niche, especially without the no-follow attribute can do wonders for you. The nofollow attribute provides the link which is useless for SEO but can still generate plenty of traffic via back links, if the placement is correct. Meanwhile, one should note that linking to bad sites might hamper your popularity and ranking in the search engine. So, it is important to make a smart choice while getting a list of sites within your niche where you can place your website links. I will recommend to try guest blogging which will give you quality and authority backlinks for long term.

6. Grab chances of free promotion

Free promotion of your website can be of great help, if done in a proper manner. Promotion through free classified ads, submission in directories and listings etc. are some of the methods of promoting your website for free. Mostly free methods of promotion do not work well but if they are done in a smart manner, they can be of great advantage.

7. Offer free product or service

Anything that is provided for free is bound to attract a lot of people. If you try to create quality content adhering to the niche of your site and alongside offer a product or service for free, it will increase the chances of your traffic flow improving. In the long run, when the product or service becomes popular, the traffic will increase on its own. This will raise the probability of other sections of your website being visited.

8. Use Viral content for free traffic

Viral content is similar to a virus that spreads as users promote it for free. Thus a webmaster can use free products and services in the form of viral content to attract free traffic. The only work is to create quality content and post it on few popular sites. Thereby the users do the work. Hot Videos or presentations and images are the most popular forms of viral content. Try wpsubscribers plugin if you are on wordpress platform to offer such type of content in more attractive way to your readers.

9. Make use of Offline Promotion

Offline promotions are often neglected but they can be an important tool to make your brand popular and can attract a lot of free traffic. This method is rarely used to promote websites but if one knows how to use it, they can work. Some of the common offline promotions include printing of URL on your business card, distribution of pamphlets or advertisements, using souvenirs or sticking the URL on company vehicles.

10. Mentioning in your Signature

You should simply use your website URL in your signature and generate traffic. This might be very useful if you are a popular member in a forum related to your niche. There is always ample traffic flow on popular forums and whenever someone reads one of your posts and like it, there are great chances that they click on the link in your signature to know more about you and read more about the topics on the same niche.

I’m hoping the above mentioned methods will help you make your website really popular among search engines and your website readers. And in case, you feel, there are some other methods, that can make our website or blog popular, please share it in the comments section below.

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How MGID Traffic Exchange Increased My Blog Traffic by 55% Fri, 11 Mar 2011 15:40:40 +0000 For a blog the most important thing is Traffic and different ways can be use to drive traffic to a blog. I have tried lots of ways to increase my blog traffic, for example search engine optimization, social bookmarking, voting websites etc, all contributed in traffic generation for TechMaish, but just a few months ago i started with MGID to check how it works. My revenue from cpm ad network increased as the overall traffic has increased.

After installing the widget of MGID on my blog, I was shocked to see that MGID is sending 200-500 unique visitors every day to my blog.mgid widget

I thought that the traffic may be unreal and temporary, but day after day I got the same traffic with lots of comments. People were commenting on my blogposts which was the sign that the traffic is real and real people are visiting to my blog.

My blog traffic has got increased by 55% just because of MGID Widget.

What Exactly MGID is?

It is a traffic exchange system where you install a widget on your blog to display related posts with thumbnails to the readers. The related posts are the posts of other blogs that appears on your blog.

Similarly your blogposts also appears in the same way on other blogs who have installed MGID on there blogs. The posts are automatically rotating and every time a post is visited, the most relevant post is shown in the related post section to the visitor.

How to Start With MGID?

Visit scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill the form with required information. Wait for replay from MGid and if you blog got approved then you can install a simple code in your blog to display related posts with thumbnails in your blog.

MGid representative will manually submit some of your popular posts in MGid system and these will then appear on related blogs.

As a example you can see 4 related posts at the bottom of this article which are the posts of other blogs. TechMaish posts are also appearing just like this in other related blogs. I recommend you to give a try to this wonderful traffic exchange system and you will see the result by your own eyes.

Thanks for reading.

Update:- It still works, but I have decided not to implement further on my blog. I want to keep my traffic inside my blog. I recommend to give it a try and then decide yourself whether it is going to bring you more traffic or not.

Checkout out some of our other popular articles below.

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How to Get Free SEO Report For Your Blog? Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:12:21 +0000 The desire to earn money online does not ends at the purchase of a domain and writing something for your blog/website. The real race starts after that, to come as much up as you can on the search results ranking. You have to work hard on your content, design, and promotion of your blog as it is indeed very hard to bring traffic to your blog among the thousand websites out there.

The best way to promote your blog and improve your page ranking is ‘Search Engine Optimization‘. To direct traffic to your blog from search engines require alot of hard work and actually focused work on your Search Engine Optimization and this will indeed help you earn more money online.

Update:- The SEOrush tool is no longer offering the free audit service. Alternatively you can try this

SEO can be worked on by either hiring a professional for it or read plenty of stuff online about it and work yourself on it. But then in order to confirm that your work is going to bear you fruits, you need to have a SEO report of your blog. There are verious SEO reports websites out there but the one I used and found it more focused on several options is SEOrush. This will give you a free SEO report for your website or blog.

Here is how it works and a simple outline to help you use it:

SEOrush is a one click resource that will give you a complete report of either your BLOG or your competitor’s blog.

1. Enter your/competitor blog/website’s URL

2. The first bar will give you a detail about the Domain to confirm who does it belong to.

3. Next bar will give you a detail about your blog being indexed in Google, Yahoo, Live Web Search and so that you get to know where you need still to work on your blog and get more indexed.

4. This bar will let you know that your page title is within the range or not (at most 64 is the best), and that you have a valid meta description or it has some errors plus will let you know about W3C errors in your blog.

5. The next bar is also of some importance to let you know about your Technorati rank that surely helps you gain some traffic towards your blog plus other rankings.

6. This bar will let you know of your blog’s popularity among social bookmarking websites such as Digg, Delicious, Reddit and Furl etc.

This is a great resource to let you know about your Search Engine Optimization work and now I will let you know of one more method to improve your ranking.

If you remember we saw ‘W3C Errors’ in part 4. Now to rectify these errors, I bring you W3 Markup Validation Service. Write down your blog/website’s URL in the address bar, and click ‘Check’. This will let you know of all the errors and a detail about how to rectify them. Just go through that process and you are DONE.

Now to spread a smile on your face to let you know that your hard work did bear you some fruits, just go to Website Value and type in your blog/website’s URL to value your blog.

Please feel free to comment below if you face some problem or want to ask a question about Search Engine Optimization.

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