How to Obtain Blog Readership in the Proper Way

February 24, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Best Blogging Laptop

It’s quite simple for anyone to start an online blog. All you need is an idea or a topic to write about and a location to publish that blog. Yet, the harder part can often come in relation to getting people to read those blogs. If you’re having a hard time getting more readership, then there are some perfect tips on how to draw people in. It’s not all about having the most exciting and valuable content, either.

Of course, once you have your readers, you need to build up some sort of relationship with them and keep them invested. Keep them wanting to come back for more. Therefore, it’s imperative to know what type of content you need to provide on the blog. If you’re aware that there are certain sections of your blog that people don’t necessarily enjoy, then you can modify it or remove it altogether.

The first step to take though, is to draw people in with your blog headlines. Make them catchy. Make them punchy. Make sure there’s some relevant words in there to describe what you’re going to be posting about. Millions of blogs exist online already, so you need to make sure that yours stands out amongst the masses. Getting clicks due to a headline marks the start of a reader being converted to consistently returning to your blog.

Write About Something Entertaining

Let’s be honest, someone who has a vested interest in sports betting for example, isn’t going to be looking for a blog to make a single post about that topic and then do a complete U-turn and write about make-up for the next post. There needs to be something consistent going on with the theme of your blog. People should also be able to visit official sites of what you’re writing about. So, if you’re blogging about Campobet, then you should also include a link to that platform. This way, people can see what you’re writing about on the site, for example.

The headline should reflect what you proceed to write about in your post as well. It’s no good mentioning a headline that discusses same-sex marriage and then writing about children’s cartoons in the post. It just doesn’t work, and people will realise that it’s simply clickbait.

Make sure that you also include some sort of Call to Action (CTA) in each of your posts, too. The BBC recently posted about a call for action on violent crime in the UK, and while that is quite the extreme variation of a CTA, it’s exactly what your blog posts should include. Writing about a topic is one thing, but give your readers the opportunity to become more invested in what you’re blogging about.

Last of all, make sure that you optimise your blog posts for Google searches. People need to be able to find your blog, so try to incorporate relevant keywords, high-quality backlinks and responsiveness. This should assist with getting your blog to the top of the Google search results. Rankings do fluctuate from time to time, so make sure that you optimise your content regularly so as to remain one of the top search results.

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