Key Features To Add To An E-Commerce Website

September 22, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Every website should have certain elements in order to stay competitive and relevant. E-commerce is stronger than ever, but not all websites are performing so well. In fact, some pages are barely surviving and make no profits. But some platforms make billions of dollars annually (Amazon net income for the quarter that ended in June 2020 was $5.243B), so as a business manager you may wonder what the secret behind their success is. They do the same things you do, but they do it differently. They focus on user experience, user interface, enhanced security, and fast and reliable hosting. They also upgrade periodically the features the website includes to make it safe, quick, and aesthetically appealing.

Your e-commerce website is vital for running your online company, and its features assure its success. Without further introduction, let’s dive into the list of characteristics your page must include attracting buyers.

Add on for eCommerce Site

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The good old keep it simple still functions when speaking about user-friendly designs. Simplicity should be your goal when you build an online store, but don’t sacrifice functionality and aesthetics to achieve it. 76% of internet users state that the essential feature of a website is the ease of use. Your objective is to help your clients get the product they need fast and without experience any obstacle that can clog their path to purchase.

People nowadays have minutes or even seconds to purchase the products they need, so focus on the user experience when you design the website’s capabilities.

How can you do it?

  • Include an autocomplete option in the search function
  • Create effective visual navigation
  • Include pre-populate forms

Your website should provide you with a competitive advantage.

Mobile-friendly e-commerce website

People prefer using their mobile phones to purchase products and services. In fact, mobile commerce accounted for a quarter of digital commerce spending in Q4 in 2017. If you craft a responsive website, your content adapts automatically when the visitors access it from a mobile device, to provide them with a user-friendly experience. Walmart’s sales registered a 98% boost after they optimised their mobile website. It doesn’t matter how many products you sell through your online website; your visitors want a mobile-friendly experience.

High-resolution videos and photos

In the past, you could post a photo with a price tag and a short description and attract clients’ attention. Nowadays, the market is saturated and to convince leads to pick your brand; you need to provide them with multiple angles of the same product because people want to see how it behaves in various environments. They prefer the websites that allow them to zoom in and check each detail of the product they purchase.

You should also pay attention to the technical considerations of the photos you publish because an Internet user would abort your website if the images don’t load fast. Abode reported a drop-off rate of 39% in customer retention for websites that take too long to upload product pictures.

Your clients want more than some professional shots; they want to find on your website Instagram photos of clients using the product in different environments. In 2020, pictures sell, not text. So, display multiple shots for the same product and ensure they are optimised for mobile devices.

Shopping cart and wish list

This is an integral feature of an e-commerce website because it allows the buyer to manage their purchases. The shopping cart is where the clients end once they select the products they want to purchase and continue with the shopping process. If your website includes a flexible cart, the shoppers can manage their purchases fast and straightforward.

Alongside the shopping cart, a website generated with the help of an enterprise platform like Shopify Plus should also have a wish list. If you don’t have one, you are leaving the revenue on your virtual desktop table because clients having a saved list of products they want to buy, are gold in your pocket. You can base your entire marketing campaign on their wish lists. You can drive engagement with this feature. Follow Amazon’s example that asks their clients if they want to make the wish list public, so people can know what gifts they want. When a shopper shares their wish list with their friends and family, they drive the public and promote the website.

Frequently asked questions

Your clients need detailed information when they are buying products online to ensure they match their needs. For example, when you sell jewellery, you need to offer your clients confirmation of the items’ authenticity and detailed information about their features, to make them feel comfortable for buying without checking the product face-to-face.

To boost reliability, you can also provide an additional information section where you list the most frequently asked questions your clients have regarding the products you are selling. Complete information builds confidence with the shoppers.

Your FAQ section also works like a self-help area that allows your clients to solve their issues without having to get in touch with one of your representatives. Buyers often require information to change their password, return products, check additional product’s features, and so on.

Security features

Online transactions are part of your clients’ lives. But their popularity makes them a target for cybercriminals in search of information. It’s mandatory to protect your clients’ information and guarantee their privacy.

It all starts with choosing a secure enterprise platform to build your e-commerce website. With sophisticated security features, it’s no wonder that Shopify is one of the top platforms for online stores.

To assure your clients that you care for their security and privacy, add the following security features to your website.

  • Firewall to create a gateway between your clients and any malicious traffic
  • SSL certificate to secure the connection between the clients and the website. People nowadays prefer HTTPS and green locks in the address bar when they purchase online. An SSL certificate shows them you are a reliable vendor.
  • Two-factor authentication adds a layer of security to their accounts.
  • Privacy policy listed in the footer to promise your customers you don’t share their information with third parties

No matter what you sell, the above features are paramount for your website if you want to retain customers.

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