Spy https://www.techmaish.com Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:06:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://www.techmaish.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/favicon.png Spy https://www.techmaish.com 32 32 How Does eyeZy Work – [Undetectable on Target Phone] https://www.techmaish.com/how-does-eyezy-work-undetectable-on-target-phone/ https://www.techmaish.com/how-does-eyezy-work-undetectable-on-target-phone/#respond Tue, 12 Sep 2023 18:36:23 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=39277 This new advanced artificial based parental control known as eyeZy is one of the best one in the market. It helps you monitor the activity of your kids, spouse, partner or employee in real time and report to your tracking device.

In this digital age it is very important to keep track on the activities of your child’s, partners and lovers to know what they are really doing on their phone. This helps you to stay aware of any mishap that is under discussion or near to happening. Excessive use of smartphone not only effect the mental health of child’s but can also cause several other issues including cyber bullying and compromised privacy.

To tackle such issues you can use tracking apps for tracking your partners phone all the time to stay aware of their activities. There are several tracking apps available on the market but eyeZy is one of the best among them.

eyeZy has very simple and robust interface that allows you to easily view the tracked data on your phone or web dashboard. The artificial intelligence feature allows you to easily receive notifications about important activities in real time. This is compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android Phones and Tablets.

How Does eyeZy Work?

This app works on the principle of three very simple steps. Firstly you have to select and membership, secondly you have to install the app on the target phone and the last step is to view all the tracked data on dashboard of the app.

To further explain how does eyeZy work, you don’t need to go through its technical aspects. However the basic things you need to know are that it is a tracking app that needs to be installed on a target phone so that it can start collecting real time data from the device and report to you via Dashboard.

It tracks the text messages sent to a phone, text messages received from a phone, web history, search history, whatsapp chat details, call history, pictures and videos on the target phone, name of the apps installed on the phone and location of the phone.

It also has the ability to record screen activity and keystrokes enter on the phone. This can reveal several other things that you want to know about the person using the phone.

How to Install and Use eyeZy App?

Step 1: Install the eyeZy app on your phone first. Use the download links for iPhone and Android blow.

Step 2: Signup on eyeZy inside the App and create an account.

Step 3: Click on the Plus Button at the top of the app page to link a Child phone to your phone.

How eyezy work on smartphone

Step 4: Click on the “Share Invitation” button and send the link to your Child or partner phone and then install the app on the target phone. Alternatively you can also scan the QR Code on your Child’s Phone to install the app.

How does eyeZy Work

Step 5: After installation of the app, Give access to all the Permission by clicking on the “Allow Access” button on the Child’s Phone and complete the installation wizard. When you see the Last message saying “Whoa your device was successfully linked with your parent device” the process is complete and you can click on “Done” button.

Now access eyeZy app on your phone and start collecting data from your Child’s phone. The app will automatically track the phone and report the data to the parent’s phone.

However you need to understand that the phone can not report all the data but only limited data. To get full data you have to jailbreak the target phone so that it can get access to all the permissions and report even the deleted text and whatsapp messages to your phone.

The target phone needs to be connected to internet so that can report the data to the parent’s phone. If it is not connected you will not get the updated data.

What are the Features of eyeZy?

eyeZy has several features that allows you to easily track the target phone and get data back to your dashboard. The following are the key features of eyeZy app.

1. Stealth Mode

The app works in stealth mode which means it is hidden on the target phone so that it can not be deleted and the person does know about it. When an app is visible on the screen it can easily be detected and deleted by the user. Thanks to this feature that it never get deleted and keeps tracking the data.

2. GPS Location Tracking

With this feature you will not need to worry about the whereabouts of your child. The app can track the recent GPS location of the phone and report to your phone. The location is always pinpoint and you can even follow it to track your child or partner.

3. Artificial Intelligence based alerts

It is hard to keep looking at the phone to track and monitor its activities all the time. The developer of the app knows this as well and that is why the power of AI technology is used. This feature helps to send notification whenever the app detects any unusual activities or the activity that is predefined by the parent.

4. Web History

eyeZy allows you to monitor and track any search keywords written by your child or partner so that you can know what he or she is upto. Whatever web browser they are using, the app will keep track on the search history and report to the dasboard.

5. Social Tracking

Most of the phone users use apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tinder and other social apps. eyeZy keeps track on all these type of apps and record the activities and report to the dashboard. The app can track the chat history, search history and any picture or video shared through these websites.

What are Pros and Cons of eyeZy?

All spy and tracking apps has different features. eyeZy offers most of the features but there are some pros and cons as compare to other tracking apps. Below are the details.


  • It has Artificial Intelligence based notification system.
  • It has very simple and easy installation setup wizard.
  • Its Dashboard is very simple and easy to understand.
  • It can be installed on both iPhone and Android Phones


  • It requires the target phone be to jailbroken so that it can track full data.
  • It does not show membership pricing on the website.
  • Membership pricing for multiple device is expensive.

What is Pricing of eyeZy?

As mentioned earlier the eyeZy website does not show its pricing on its front page. The pricing of the eyeZy is based on Monthly, Three Months and 1 year.

  • Monthly: $47.99
  • 3 Months: $27.99/month
  • 1 Year: $9.99/month

If you are planning to keep tracking the target phone then it is recommended to go for the Yearly package so that you can save some money.

Is It Legal to Install eyeZy App?

Law does not specifically disallow of using such apps on your child’s phone but when it comes to installing tracking apps on your spouse phone then it may be against the privacy and moral values which requires you to ask for the permission.

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How To Get Your Spouses Text Messages https://www.techmaish.com/how-to-get-your-spouses-text-messages/ Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:56:17 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=30593 Do you want to hack your wife’s or husband’s cell phone to read text messages? How easy can you hack into your spouses text messages? There are millions of people searching and wondering how you can do it.

To read someone’s text messages without installing software on their phone is not as easy spy apps companies portray it to be. There are pros and cons when you want to read text messages from another phone without them knowing.

We have highlighted the major reasons and techniques of how to hack your spouse text messages and read them easily here.

How to get text messages from another phone sent to mine

How can you easily get text messages from your spouse without causing an alert or damaging his or her phone. The important reason why you wanted to access the phone might be defeated if you don’t use a better spy app.

To read someone’s text messages without installing software on their phone might trigger a sense of relief when you have the right app.

How to Read My Cheating Spouse’s Text Messages?

With the advancement made in technology and the digital world, spying on your spouse’s text message is a smooth activity. Using the Ultimate Phone Spy app will release you of all the stress related to keeping an eye on your cheating partner.

  • Installing the app: All you need to do is install the app from Ultimate phone spy app website. Grant all the permissions the app requires to function. You are now ready to hack all that you need information about by checking the list of areas to be hacked.
  • Safe: The app is safe to use, leaving no trace of your presence. The app is very user-friendly and does not require any kind of rooting or jailbreaking.
  • No trace: Your partner will have no clue about his phone or activities being hacked. This is because the app leaves no trace of your presence.
  • Online hacking: Once you download the app on your phone, enter your partner’s number, and grant the required permissions, tap on the Hack button. You don’t even require their phone to hack it.
  • Hack messages: The app not only allows you to hack their photo gallery, their activities on the phone but also their messages. You can read on your phone all the text message conversation that goes on between your partner and their contacts.
  • No jailbreak: The app is absolutely legit and requires no rooting or jailbreaking, for that matter. You can trust it to back your hunch to catch the cheater.

Ultimate Phone Spy: Hack cell phone text messages

To hack text messages, you need to understand that the iPhone and Android operate differently and you need to know the concept of how you can hack someone’s text without touching the device.

Major reason why hacking of your spouse’s text messages fails is because of the inability to understand the difference.

Difference between using spy app on iPhone and Android to hack text messages

To remotely hack someone’s text messages on the iPhone or Android of your spouse. You need to know the type of phone they are using. Before you make that purchase of any spy app, read how you can effectively intercept text messages from another phone.

How To Hack Into iPhone’s Text Messages

To read someone’s text messages without installing software on their phone, it works best with an iPhone. All you need to do this is the user iPhone login. This is the best reason you can remotely hack text messages.

iPhone has iCloud and this service backup data of iPhone effortlessly on iCloud account. All you need to do is have the username and password of the iPhone credentials to make it work.

This will give you instant access without any hindrance.

Since texting is the primary mode of communication for most people; it also serves as the medium to illegitimate activities. Each one of us is concerned about at least some privacy limitations. However, that fact is taken advantage of by the wrongs.

How to Read Text Messages on Android Device

Ultimate phone spy app can intercept text messages from another phone when you have physical access to that device. To hack text messages on Android, you will need to privately create a dashboard after purchasing this app.

Privacy as a concern, especially among couples, married or otherwise, serves as the reason to prefer texts to calls. This kind of privacy encourages the occurrence of unethical secret activities related to texting.

To bridge that gap between having physical access to the phone, you have to purchase or upgrade to an iPhone and create an icloud password for the user. When you have this icloud details, you can easily wait for the message on your dashboard.

How to hack android phone by sending a link

To get access to your wife’s text messages, using the best spy app will help you gain access to the phone.

With Ultimate phone spy, the functions are best explained to know what you will get on your device. Once the app is installed on the device, you can get everything on the phone.

Enter cell number read texts free without installing on target phone

The iPhone still is the best when you want to read someone’s text messages without installing software on their phone. When it comes to getting easy access, if you have icloud credentials, you might want to find the trick to do these.

Marriage/couple conflicts or infidelity, to be precise, is a serious concern you get to hear about quite often. Most of them initially begin with a text. Suspicion arouses your spouse’s unusual behavior or activities. You need to give your hunch, if there’s one, a chance and keep a notice!

Remote cell phone spy software without target phone

While nothing justifies this unethical activity, there are some reasons that trigger such happenings. For instance, lack of spice in relationships, changes in the midlife crisis blues, insecurities, or even childhood issues. These will be just to name a few. However, as is a fact, nothing can still make it right.

Reasons why your spouse is cheating on you

Are you questioning yourself now as to why your partner did that to you and have no answers? Well, there will always be some other reasons to justify a wrong act of doing. If your spouse is cheating on you, he or she will probably mention reasons like the enlisted ones justifying themselves.

  • Commitment Issues: Mostly, when your spouse is going through commitment issues, he or she will try to withdraw from the relationship. This is mainly because they prefer more casual relationships or have other expectations. Another factor could be they never intended to take this long in the first place.
  • Unmet Needs: Another factor that your spouse might reason out is that you have low compatibility. Their emotional as well as physical and, in some cases, even financial needs are not met up to their expectations. Yes, this is also a common reason why your partner might be cheating on you.
  • Sexual Desire: Is your spouse one of those who has an unusual sex drive, and you’re moderate at it? If yes, chances are they’re looking for it elsewhere. This is how their cheating journey begins. Perhaps, it never stops until caught. Sometimes, it continues even after that.
  • Wanting Change: Change is the only constant. But there is a variable within that change as well. When your partner chooses that variable, it means they are choosing to betray you.

Why Spy on your partner’s Text Messages?

Are you all set to spy on your spouse? Are you having second thoughts thinking if you should go about it? Then here are a number of reasons why spying on text messages is crucial to check whether or not your partner is loyal to you.

  • Distant: Is your husband or your wife acting distant lately? Emotionally or physically, if your partner has been distant more than usual, it is something to worry about. They surely have secrets hidden deep inside, and they behave distant so that their secrets aren’t revealed anyway.
  • Privacy: Is your partner suddenly locking their phone or laptops with passwords? If you’re unaware of what they are and your partner won’t tell you, it is a sign which indicates he or she is hiding something from you.
  • Past Infidelity: Does your partner have a past of infidelity? If your answer is yes, and you see strange behavior in them, you might want to rethink your relationship. Chances are they are repeating history. Hence, they show withdrawal symptoms so that they get you to leave them without them being blamed.
  • The Hunch: Having a hunch is enough reason to act on it. You would never want to regret later thinking that you had a chance to figure things out by yourself, but you chose not to. To satisfy your hunch, it’s best to clarify yourself of any doubt.

Final Words

Conducting spying measures or otherwise, the best will be if you don’t find anything that serves your suspicion even more. Technology only works best, keeping the plus points in mind. They’re designed to serve every human need with ease and efficiency.

The online hacking solutions or the tech-apps are only meant for the best-served purposes. However, if you do find anything out of the norm, the best solution will be to confront them. As experts suggest – Communication is always the key to any successful relationship!

How to Spy on Facebook Messages without The Phone https://www.techmaish.com/how-to-spy-on-facebook-messages-without-the-phone/ Tue, 09 Feb 2021 16:34:14 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=30351 Facebook has been around for a while, and everyone has an account on it, which they’d like to keep private. But sometimes, due to some reasons, you want to know how to spy on someone’s Facebook just to be aware of what they are doing on their personal online space.

You have looked up so much information and entered so many questions into the Google search box several times, and you ended up with nothing. You are also here to find an answer. So, here you are, reading an article on “how to spy on Facebook Messages without the phone,” hoping to finally get the answer you are looking for. Are you going to get answers? Read on!

Why people want to spy on someone’s Facebook

So, why do you want to spy on someone’s Facebook? Is your motive just to read someone’s Facebook messages, or are you trying to ensure that the person is safe, especially if the person is a minor?

The major reasons why many people are interested in knowing how to spy on someone’s Facebook are:

  1. Curiosity: The major drive of wanting to spy on someone is curiosity. When you are curious about what your partner, child, or friend is always doing on Facebook that makes them spend a lot of time on it, you become curious and want to know what they are up to.
Spy on Facebook
  1. Monitor a person: Sometimes, you just want to know what your child, spouse, or employee is doing on Facebook, not due to any reason at all.
  2. Behavioral change: A change in a person’s behavior may be what prompts you to want to know how to access someone’s Facebook messages. This is so that you can know what they’re up to and what prompted the change in them, especially when it’s a negative change in behavior.
  3. Parental control: As a parent, you may want to stay up-to-date with what your child is doing on Facebook. You want to be sure of the safety of your child and know whether he/she is not being bullied or sexually harassed by an adult or a stranger.
  4. Company or business reputation: Companies also spy on their employee’s Facebook to know whether they are not breaking any company policy or rule, or leaking the company’s secret, or ruining the company’s reputation.

How to check someone’s Facebook messages

By just typing “how to check someone’s Facebook messages” into the search box, you can get all the answers you need. However, not all the results lead to the answer you are looking for. Headlines can be misleading, you know? You can view someone’s Facebook messages via third-party apps like spy apps or monitoring apps.

Apart from spying on their messages, you can access the location of the person. Gone are the days when it was hard to locate a person, and you know all those tricks they show in movies that involve rigorous steps are not needed much to locate someone.

You can locate someone via Facebook when they share their location with you. This, however, involves that they willingly share their location with you. If they do, you get to know wherever they are anytime you want.

Spy on Facebook Location

You can also locate them through location tags or hashtags on Facebook. If their location tag is on the images they upload, you can find out where they are. However, it’s Facebook, and people can put whatever they want you to see on it. It may not be their exact location that is on their image. Tap on the location tag and click view location. This redirects you to Google Maps.

You can locate someone via the “nearby friends” feature on Facebook. That means you have to be logged into the Facebook app to be able to connect to friends that are close to your location.

How to See Other People’s Messages On Facebook

If you want to spy on someone’s Facebook messages, these are two sure methods you can apply to do that:

Spy apps

The easiest method to read someone’s Facebook messages is to use Facebook spy app. Spy apps are software you can use to access someone’s messages and call records. You can use this app to monitor a person without them knowing that you are.

Spy apps can access a person’s phone location, SMS, messenger messages, call history, phonebook, etc. First, you need to download the app and register; then, you enter the details of the person – their phone’s code or IMEI number.

So, which are the best spy apps you can use to spy on someone’s Facebook?

Best Apps to Spy On Someone’s Facebook Without Them Knowing

The following spy apps really work, and they are reliable to spy on someone’s Facebook:


Spy on Facebook with mSpy

This is the no. 1 Facebook spy app and currently the best you can use. What you can check with the mSpy app on Facebook are Facebook messages, group chats, timestamp, calls, GPS, search history, etc. How does this work with Facebook? Buy a mSpy subscription, install, and setup, and you can start tracking the person right away.


Hoverwatch monitors all Facebook messages sent and received on a person’s android phone. What you can do with a hoverwatch is that you can track messages in stealth mode, record calls, monitor search history, track SMS, track phone location, camera, etc.

How can you get use this to monitor someone’s Facebook messages? Sign up for a free online account, download and install the tracker app from your account, and start tracking via your online account.


Theonespy is another trustworthy spy app you can use to track a person’s Facebook messages. This app allows you to spy on someone’s Facebook messages, read and view offline messages and texts, track Facebook activity log, new friends added, blocked or deleted contacts, time schedule, Facebook keystroke, messages time schedule, and auto screen record target’s android phone when they are on their Facebook.

To use this app, register. Then, type cp.theonespy.com on your android phone to access your Theonespy dashboard. Click on “my services,” then click on “IM’s log, and set Facebook logs. Start spying!


An easy way for you to know what a person is typing on their Facebook is to try a keylogger. The keylogger will show you what a person is typing on their Facebook and answer your question on how to see someone’s Facebook message. You only have to install it.

Keylogger is a monitoring app designed to record keystrokes made by a person. It makes use of an algorithm that monitors keyboard stroke, records what a person is typing, and sends it to a third-party.

A hardware-based keylogger can be connected to the person’s computer or keyboard, while the software-based can be sent to the person via a link which they click on unknowingly.


There are so many reasons as to why you may want to spy on someone’s Facebook messages. You have been looking for ways to do this, and finally, you found this article. The only thing left for you to do is try any of the spy apps mentioned in this article, and you can start monitoring your friend, spouse, or child.

How Can I Track My Daughter’s Phone For Free https://www.techmaish.com/how-can-i-track-my-daughters-phone-for-free/ https://www.techmaish.com/how-can-i-track-my-daughters-phone-for-free/#respond Thu, 16 Aug 2018 13:24:57 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=27565 I was recently discussing with a fellow parent on how I can track my daughters’ phone. The parent whose daughter goes to the same school as mine gave me some advice on using a free tracking system that is available online.

We both have teenage daughters and it is essential to monitor their mobile phone use. We discussed this at length and I decided to do some more research online using the website that she provided.

There was some useful information on tracking services provided free in the website.

1) Why Do Parents Need To Monitor Their Child’s Phone?

Your child’s safety is paramount when you are a parent. As such, when you get a smartphone for your child, you know that you can keep in touch with your child at any time or place.

However, smartphones come with features that can be both useful and harmful for your child. Your child can use Google maps if they are lost to locate your home, school research can be done using the smartphone, and your child can also call or message you at their convenience.

However, with the internet, your child is likely to come into information that can be detrimental to their development. This includes pornography, and material not meant for a young child.

Therefore, you can manage to counter such problems by using a free mobile tracker. In addition, you are able to track your daughter’s movement from the time they leave your home.

Here are some of the features I needed to track my daughter’s phone provided by a free mobile tracking system.

1.1 Track calls

How to Track Calls

Upon installation of a mobile tracking system to your daughter’s phone, you are able to save conversations that your daughter has with her friends.

You get information on time and date of any incoming, outgoing, or missed call routed to your daughter’s phone.

1.2 Manage SMS

Track Whatsapp Messages

Once you have used the mobile tracking system on your daughter’s phone, SMS and MMS conversations can be saved on a device of your choice.

Therefore, you are able to see these messages in real-time and learn more about your daughter’s social life.

1.3 Track Internet History

One of the reasons why I needed to track my daughter’s phone was the internet. There is so much that happens on the internet today.

With social media, chat rooms, and chat Apps, you never know whom your daughter is talking to online. In order to ensure the safety of my daughter while she is online, I managed to get the mobile tracker system. In addition, I did not want my daughter going through adult pornography sites that could confuse her development as a child.

With this feature, you have Viber Spy, Facebook Spy, Cell phone Spy, WhatsApp Spy, and Snapchat Spy. These will help you to track how your daughter uses the applications and ensure that they are safe in their communication with strangers.

1.4 Geo-location Feature

Tracking Location

The geo-location feature was another reason why I needed to track my daughter’s phone. Sometimes, teenagers are not straightforward with their movements when away from the house.

As such, this feature was essential, as you are able to know the location of the persons whose phone you have tracked. I would have peace of mind knowing that after calling my daughter, the mobile tracker confirms the location she says she is at presently.

Having gone through these features, to successfully track my daughter’s phone, I decided to install the program on my daughter’s phone. I followed these steps.

2) How to install the program on your child’s phone

To install the program, you first need to sign up to the website that provides the mobile tracking system. I visited the website and signed up for free.

To do so you need to input your email address and choose a password. Once you verify your email address, you can log in to your account and move forward to installation.

The next step is to log in to your account and install the application from your snoopza account to your child’s smartphone. This should take you only a few seconds.

3) What you can see after installing the program

Once you have installed the application, you can now track your child’s phone location, messages, web history, screenshots, and calls.

After the installation, your peace of mind is guaranteed as you have all the information going through your child’s mobile phone. You get this information once you log in to your snoopza account.

4) How we needed the program in a difficult situation

Many people were curious as to why I wanted to track my daughter’s phone. However, as mentioned earlier, smartphones have many features that can be either useful or harmful to your child. In addition, tracking your child’s mobile phone can be advantageous in various situations.

When you have a teenage child, chances are that they will want to go out with friends from time to time. Therefore, you need to track their movement. In case your daughter or teenage son happens to go out and is unsure of their location, they are at an advantage.

First, they can use Google maps to try to check their current location and call you. Another advantage is that you can find out where they are using the geo-location feature that the cell phone tracker offers in case your child does not know how to use online maps.

You can also provide informed advice once you realize that your child may be visiting the wrong chat rooms using the smartphone or going through pornography sites online. As such, your peace of mind is guaranteed.

5) Conclusion and result

Based on the research above, it is clear that the main reason why I track my daughter’s phone was to guarantee her safety. The features ensure that I know not what my daughter does with her phone, I also know her location, and get some information on her social life.

I am able to make some informed decisions when giving advice to my daughter about her life based on the data collected using the cell phone tracker snoopza.

Therefore, I find that it is not a violation of privacy; rather, it is a way to safeguard my child’s safety by ensuring I track my daughter’s phone.

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