Phone Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:04:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Phone 32 32 5 Ways to Catch Cheating Husband From His Phone Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:37:18 +0000 Relationship is always based on mutual trust but sometime you need to keep eye on your partner before it is too late. One way is to check apps installed in your husband phone that are used for private texting, dating, untraceable calling and sharing private videos and pictures.

Although there are apps available to track wife’s phone and find out what she is doing including knowing her location, web history, texting, social media activity and apps she has installed on her phone. Similar apps can also be used to catch a cheating husband. However, there are some other uncommon ways that he might be using and you should look for it to know if he is cheating on you.

What Are Common Apps Used by Cheating Partners?

Catch Husband Cheating

There are different apps that can be used for private chatting, online dating and different other activities that falls under this category. Lets discuss each app in details.

1. Hidden Apps

The First thing is to look for any hidden app installed on his phone. To do this, go to the phone Settings and search for Hidden Apps. Under the Hidden Apps find any app that your partner has hidden from the Home Screen. Any app added to this section is the app that he don’t want you to know about it. If the app is a well known app and you know its purpose then it is easy for you to decide. However, if the app is not known to you, then a quick search on Google for its name will reveal its purpose.

2. Tinder

Tinder is a well known dating app. Find out if he has install Tinder app on his phone and it is hidden from Home Screen. Most of the unfaithful partner at any stage of life must have used this app to find new partners. If he already had used it in the past, then chances are they that he might still be using it. The only way to find if it is installed on his phone, simply go to the Playstore or iPhone App Store and search its name. If the app is shown as Installed then it is somewhere hidden inside the phone. If it is not yet installed on his phone then you are lucky to have him.

3. 2nd Whastapp

Chances are that your partner may have installed a second whatsapp app using Dual App which allows to have 2 different whatsapp installed on different numbers. In order to find this, you can search for the following Dual Apps in Playstore or iPhone Store to know if he has any such apps installed.

  • Dual Space – Multiple Accounts DUALSPACE
  • Parallel Space – App cloning
  • Multiple Accounts – Dual Space
  • Dual Apps
  • Multi App
  • 2Accounts – Dual Apps Space
  • Super Clone

4. Whatsapp Web

If your partner is technological advance then he might use uncommon technique to stay connected with someone. One of the way he might use is to use Whatsapp Web of a Whatsapp account in a web browser for chatting. To find out go to Google Chrome, Safari or any other Web Browser installed on his phone and access, if anything loads inside the browser than you have busted it. Otherwise, you are lucky that he is not involved with anyone.

Make sure to access this address in all the web browsers installed on his phone. Googe Chrome, Safari and Firefox are most common but chances are that your partner is using a web browser that is not common. This way you will be able to catch your husband if he is cheating on it.

5. SIM Plus

This is a very uncommon technique and if this app is installed on your partner phone then it is a clear sign that he is cheating on you. Go to Playstore or iPhone Store and search for SIMPlus app, if it is installed then there must be a physical device near your home Wifi Router. Inside that device there is a SIM Card which is connected with the SIM Plus App for calling and chatting.

You can remove that SIM and use inside your phone to find out who your partner is texting and calling.


These are some of the uncommon ways used by a cheating husband that you can use to find out if he really is cheating on you. It is also worth checking web history of your husband browser to know if there is any suspicious activity and if he is cheating.

However, it is always recommended to talk to your partner to have a strong and healthy relationship. Sometime talking to each other resolves issues which will stop both partners to not cheat on one another.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to Catch Husband Cheating Online?

If your husband is busy in his mobile all the time but you don’t see him Online on most of the chatting apps like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagra then chances are that he is using uncommon and private chatting apps. To find those apps you can look into his phone Settings>Hidden Apps and look for apps that are hidden from Home Screen. These apps are the one he is using without letting you know.

2. How to Catch Cheating Husband Who Deletes Everything?

Most cheaters will always delete chats before handing over the phone to you. In order to catch the deleted chats you can install a spy app on his phone. You can also installed Recover Deleted Chats app on his phone but it must be hidden from him so that he does not know about it. Once he know an app is installed, he might delete it.

3. What are Uncommon Signs of Catching Cheating Husband?

There some uncommon signs that you can notice in your husband if he is cheating on it. The first thing you should notice is if he has locked his mobile phone and does not want you to know its password. Even if he gives you the password but he is always reluctant to give his phone to you.

If by any chance he gives you his phone, he will be standing next to you and asking to return it quickly as he has to make an important call.

Secondly you should notice his behavior while he is eating or setting in the house. If he is always in hurry during eating or other works and immediately makes himself busy in his phone or laptop then chances are he is hiding something from you.

4. How to Catch Cheating Husband from his Laptop?

Your husband can also use his laptop for private chatting, texting and other activities. You can also check his laptop for apps like Whatsapp, Whatsapp Web, Nox and Bluestack. These apps can be used by him for chatting and calling.

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How Technology Can Help You Catch a Cheating Spouse Tue, 25 Apr 2023 18:14:25 +0000 Confronting a spouse when you suspect they’re cheating can be a daunting prospect. You might not have any evidence and are unsure whether a gut feeling is enough to confront them. A gut feeling can be an excellent starting point, but you might be able to use the following forms of technology to back up your suspicions and prove their infidelity once and for all.

Cheating Wife

Picture: Romina Ahmadpour

A People Search Tool

You might be amazed at what you can find with a phone number. It can be much more than a simple set of numbers you use to contact your spouse. Instead, it can be a valuable piece of data that provides insight into a possible second life you weren’t aware of.

When you load a phone number into a people search tool, you can find a long list of personal information, including their first and last name, possible aliases, other people associated with the number, and even photographs of the number owner.

However, this information is typically not enough to confirm that a spouse is cheating. Fortunately, the best people search tools also use phone numbers to find connected email addresses, location history, and social media profiles. If you’ve found a suspicious number on your spouse’s phone, you can also enter it into a people search tool to learn more about them and whether they’re someone you need to be concerned about.

Browser History

While browser history won’t always help you catch a cheating spouse if they aren’t using the internet to conduct their affairs, it’s worth checking it out if you suspect they’re being dishonest. If your spouse hasn’t deleted their browser history, you can see whether they’ve been going on dating sites, visiting gift websites to make purchases that weren’t for you, and booking hotel reservations.

If the browser history has been wiped clean, this can be a sign of infidelity in itself. However, you might also be able to find the information you’re looking for through cookies saved on your computer and temporary internet files.

Auto Log-Ins

Business owners love making internet browsing much easier by allowing us to save our login information. Rather than having to remember our usernames and passwords, we can save them and be logged in each time we visit specific sites. While convenient, auto log-ins can be a cheater’s downfall. Even if your spouse wipes their browser history, you might be able to prove they’ve visited a website by visiting it yourself and seeing if it automatically logs you in.

Snapchat Emojis

Many unfaithful spouses love using Snapchat to communicate with people they don’t want their loved ones to know about. Messages disappear after sending them, ensuring there’s no paper trail of interactions.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t gain insight into whether your spouse is communicating with someone they’re potentially cheating on you with. Emojis can appear beside the names of people you frequently chat with, and each emoji has a meaning.

For example, a yellow heart means you’re each other’s best friend, sending the most snaps to each other out of both of your friends’ lists. A red heart means you’ve been messaging each other for two weeks straight, while a pink heart means you’ve been each other’s best friend for two months or more. If you happen to catch a glimpse of your spouse’s Snapchat friend list, pay attention to the emojis that appear and what that could mean for your suspicions regarding their infidelity.

A Locked Device

A locked mobile device, such as a computer, tablet, or mobile phone, doesn’t mean your spouse is cheating. However, it can be worth paying attention to if a locked device is a new development. They might have previously left their devices open, allowing you or anyone else to see what was on them, and now they’re taking much greater care. Alternatively, they might have always had a locked device, which you knew the password to, and now that lock code or pattern has changed.

Location History and Tracking

Location history on a mobile device or GPS might help you catch your spouse out in a lie, helping you prove that they’ve been unfaithful. For example, you might notice that their device has them visiting an unknown location on multiple occasions. Alternatively, you might catch them in a lie when they say they were working late when they were really at an address you don’t recognize.

You might also be able to use their phone’s tracking function to find out where they are in real time. This can be particularly helpful if they’re not picking up their phone or have told you they’re at a particular location when you suspect they’re elsewhere.


Notifications are helpful for all of us. We can see a text message, an email, or an app notification without having to open those specific programs or apps. They can also be helpful for people trying to catch a cheating spouse when notifications pop up for apps and people they don’t want you to see.

You might notice a name pop up in a social media or text message you don’t recognize or an icon for a dating app. For example, the dating app ‘Tinder’ shows a flame, and Bumble shows a beehive. You might also become suspicious if your spouse has changed their settings to keep notifications hidden.

Bank Statements

Before the digital age, you typically had to wait at least one month and up to three months to receive your bank statement in the mail. Now, we have online banking, ensuring we can see where we’re spending and earning money in seconds. If you have a joint account with your spouse, pay attention to all outgoings concerning your spouse. Look for any unusual transactions that might stand out to you.

For example, they might have said they were staying at a friend’s house, only to discover they had made a hotel reservation that evening. They might have also said they were working late one evening, but you see a transaction for a fuel station far from your home and their workplace.  While some transactions can look innocent, and sometimes are, you might discover a few that confirm your suspicions, especially when paired with other forms of evidence.

Technology has made everyday life much easier and has also been particularly helpful for people who suspect their spouses have been unfaithful. If your gut is telling you that your spouse has been lying or cheating, you might be able to find the evidence you need using some of these technology forms above.

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How to Track Child Phone to See What They Are Doing Online For Free? Fri, 26 Aug 2022 17:45:30 +0000 With the arrival of the long-awaited vacation, children want to enjoy their free time to rest and have fun. This is absolutely normal, but the parents’ concern is how to see what my kid is doing online and what resources their child will use to keep themselves entertained during the holidays. This concern is due to children’s preference for the internet.

Keeping their children safe on the internet is any parent’s first goal. Today, children are bombarded with technology and have very premature access to a world of information that they are not always able to handle due to their age and maturity.

It is not possible to hide your head in the sand. It would be anachronistic to think not to give kids a smartphone or tablet to try, or to keep them away from any kind of technology. According to recent research, 16% of children aged 3 to 4 have their own tablet. And the average time spent daily in front of a screen for children aged 5 to 7 is 4.30 hours. Online there are many aids to protect children on the web, such as filters , software that allow for peaceful browsing and a parent’s selection of what children can or cannot see on the Internet.

Instead of mixing free time between games, walks and the internet, many children prefer to spend their holidays in front of the computer or with the smartphone. In addition to being harmful to health, as little ones move little, excessive internet use can bring other problems, such as social exclusion and anxiety. Not to mention that access to inappropriate content for the age group of children is another point of alert for parents.

Dialogue and awareness are the best weapons

How to Track Child Phone

However, before discovering which apps are most useful for this purpose, it would be advisable to talk to your children, and gradually make them understand how the Web works and what are the possible threats, without instilling fears or, on the contrary, minimizing the risks . If you do not have adequate knowledge, it might be useful to get help from someone who has more knowledge on the subject, but also to read something first from authoritative sites. Here are some examples:

  • Safety of children and minors on the internet: the key tips
  • Talk to children about the Internet
  • Safe and child-aware browsing on the internet

Maintaining an open dialogue with them, discussing which services they usually use online and advising them on how to behave while using the Internet are actions that can have greater effects than a simple antivirus or parental control. In particular, minors should pay attention to:

  • social networks (for example Facebook, Instagram or TikTik), very popular among the very young but potential threats to privacy and contact with strangers;
  • chat and messaging services (such as WhatsApp, Messenger and Telegram), also services in which malicious people could hide;
  • links received on chats or emails from unknown senders: this trick is often used to activate malware, spyware or to spread content that is not suitable for children;
  • sites with content not suitable for minors ;
  • friend requests on social networks or on chat / videochat services from unknown users;
  • services involving “in-app” purchases.

The list may still be long, but keeping children alert to these first points is already a great place to start.

Parental Control Apps: what it means

“Parental Control” usually means a software filter that parents can configure to prevent children from accessing inappropriate content online, using unsuitable apps, etc…. Often it is already integrated on some devices (for example on modems) or in the operating systems of computers / smartphones. However, you can always install third party apps that can track your child phone.

There are also Parental Control apps and programs that can be downloaded directly from the Android and iOS stores or from the PC and Mac marketplaces . In the next paragraphs we will point out some of these services, completely free and very easy to use, even if you have never used one.

If this is a concern of your family this vacation, be sure to check the following article until the end, as we have gathered 3 tips on how to monitor children on the internet during school holidays. Check out!

1. Create combinations with the child

The best way to monitor internet usage while on vacation is to set up with the kids together. In them, parents must present schedules during the day so that the child can use the internet, for example, from 10 am to 11 am and after 4 pm to 5 pm. Staying on the cell phone during family outings or at meals are situations that can reduce internet access at pre-established times.

Thus, the child himself will police himself not to use the internet out of hours, as this will lead to “punishments”. With reduced access, children will have less free time to browse content inappropriate for their age.

2. Know the apps used by your child

With the success of social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, it is quite common for children to want to participate earlier and earlier in this universe. But parents need to be careful. Before allowing entry into these networks, it is essential that the family knows the functionalities of each one of them.

Facebook is widely used by parents, but Snapchat, for example, has a predominantly young audience. Therefore, it is worth researching these apps to know how to monitor your children during the holidays and after that period as well. After the child has created their profile, it is important to know the friends they follow and also their behavior on the network. This monitoring is essential for the child to use these resources in a healthy and safe way.

3. Bedtime is for sleep!

A common habit of children, especially on vacation, is to leave the smartphone on the nightstand and, whenever the device rings, the child checks the messages. This behavior can affect the sleep of the young person, who will go to sleep much later during the holidays. Not to mention that sleepless nights at this stage end up harming the child’s development.

The tip is for parents to take the child’s smartphone when they go to bed, preventing distraction from harming sleep. In addition, during the night, the child will not have parental monitoring and this may lead to accessing non-recommended content.

Today, we present three tips on how to monitor children on the internet while on vacation. It is important to point out that these measures are not an invasion of privacy, but care that parents need to take with their young children, since the internet offers diverse content that is not always appropriate for children.

Take advantage of the fact that you are expanding your knowledge on the subject and also see on our blog the post that shows how social networks and the school can be allies in the student education process.


The Internet is an increasingly rooted medium in our daily life, through which it is possible to access a myriad of sites and services, from newspapers to gaming platforms, from streaming to apps for chat and video calls. With this tool, we can work, play, stay in touch with friends and work colleagues, buy products, etc … However, like any other service, even the Web has its dark sides, hides pitfalls that put personal data at risk and, in more extreme cases, even the very safety of people.

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Best App to Track a Cell Phone Location — iSharing App Review Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:15:45 +0000 iSharing by iSharingSoft is the highest-rated free location sharing app for both iOS and Android. With millions of users around the world, iSharing allows family members and close friends to share location with each other in a private way, making iSharing the best way to track a cell phone location.

iSharing is built to help parents and caregivers achieve a peace of mind knowing where their loved ones are, using easy and accurate tracking and various safety alerts. If you’re a parent looking to track your kids’ location, so that you can rest easier knowing where your kids are during their time away from home, then check out iSharing, an app that allows parents to track kids’ location without much tech knowledge needed.

Track a Cell Phone Location

Here are all the features available on iSharing:

  • View the real-time location of your family members and friends on the map
  • Receive real-time alerts when friends or family arrive/leave a designated location
  • See the 90-day location history of yourself or your friends and family
  • Send a panic alert to notify contacts in an emergency situation, just with the shake of the phone
  • Send text, voice, or photo messages without having to leave the map
  • Track dangerous events while you’re driving and visualize them with Driving Report
  • Get the 3D experience with Street view integrated with Google and Apple Maps

How it works

iSharing uses a mix of GPS, your phone signal, and Wi-Fi connection to locate a cell phone location. iSharing then displays the location using Apple or Google Maps, allowing users to enjoy the location tracker from anywhere in the world. You can download iSharing on any device that has access to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

To start tracking a phone’s location, you need to download the app, sign up, and add the person that you want to track as a “friend.” Once they’re added as a friend, you will have access to their location 24/7 an vice versa.

Unique Pros of iSharing

  1. The iSharing team spent 7 years developing a unique technology that keeps battery usage to a minimum. Unlike other location apps, iSharing will not drain your battery.
  2. iSharing offers location history for up to 90 days, while most competitors offer 30.
  3. Integrated with global map providers and localized in 20 languages, iSharing is a truly global location tracking app and works perfectly for international travel. Their support team is also available in each of the languages provided in the app.
  4. Knowing that all families and friend groups have different boundaries, iSharing has privacy settings that allow users to select how much location information they would like to share with specific friends. iSharing has three privacy settings: share all, share only distance between them, and not share at all.
  5. iSharing offers a variety of safety features for the convenience and peace of mind of the family. For instance, Driving Report helps young drivers check how safely they are driving, while features like Place Alert notifies the family when their family arrives home or leaves for school.

Some Cons of iSharing

  1. Tracking without the other party’s consent or knowledge is difficult to achieve in iSharing. iSharing works like Facebook – you need to add someone as a friend and they need to approve before you can track their location. However, iSharing helps family members build trust with the consent factor.
  2. The app is FREE with an optional paid subscription. To use some of the features like Driving Report, you need to subscribe to their Premium Service. However, if you intend to track your own device or track the location of one additional person, the free version will work perfectly fine.

Luckily, all new users are eligible for a free 7-day trial of Premium Service.

In Recent News…

With the current events taking place in Ukraine, iSharing has announced that they will provide free Premium Service memberships to all users from Ukraine. This means that Ukraininan citizens will be able to check on the location of an unlimited number of friends and family to ensure their safety and use all of the additional safety features built into iSharing.

The best way to support this effort is to share the information and to download iSharing. Please visit iSharing’s announcement page for more information with regards to how this campaign works.

Want to give iSharing a try? Visit their website to learn more about the app and to download for free!

iSharing website:

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What Is Malware and How to Prevent Infecting Your PC or Phone Thu, 20 Aug 2020 18:11:21 +0000 Everyone knows the wisdom quote about the unknown emails and opening links that promise you a fortune. You simply avoid doing that for your own sake. Even if it sounds so good, it hurts. But isn’t that a thing from decades ago?

Viruses, worms, and other unpleasant surprises are hidden in fake software, and unprotected websites are still significant. That’s why you will see a variety of antivirus products, from unknown brands to more recognized ones like McAfee antivirus in 2020. Malware protection is an essential step in your ordinary tech 101 education, so being one step ahead is always in handy.

What is malware?

android malware

Malware is malicious software designed to damage, steal, or exploit your computer and data. It includes viruses, trojans, spyware, ransomware, etc. There are 350.000 new pieces of malware emerging every day, and more than 7 billion malware attacks were reported in 2019.

Sometimes malware is easy to spot with your bare eye when you notice unusual activity or extensive resource usage (shortage of RAM, slowness, random program executions, etc.) on your computer or smartphone. On the other hand, some malware is designed to work in a stealth mode, which can jeopardize sensitive data and cause data breaches.

The most popular way of malware distribution is via links attached to emails. At the same time, hackers actively use corrupted applications and infectious codes on websites. You may also be exposed when using unprotected WiFi networks and USB devices.

Most malware lurks deep within your system, and even if it doesn’t show itself right away, you can suffer colossal damages in the future. Nowadays, the most popular type of malware is phishing links and spyware that collects your sensitive data and steals it, either for individual hackers’ usage or for sale. The least common types of malware found now are the ones that are designed to mess up with your hardware and system corruption.

What can I do to prevent infection?

First and foremost, it is essential to pick up the AV solution that you will feel comfortable to use. There are plenty of options available on the market. You can easily choose the one that will cover all necessary devices (if you have multiple devices) and provide you with the best malware detection. In addition to antivirus, it is also helpful to adjust your browser security settings and get protection add-ons.

Secondly, it is recommended to run a full scan check at least once in a month and have a real-time protection backup for everyday use. It is easy to set a reminder for a routine inspection every month or adjust settings accordingly with new AV solution products. All antiviruses have the option of detecting and removing the infection before it has done damage to your files and data.

Specialists also suggest the regular update of the system and in-built security components. It is easier for hackers to intrude with newly designed codes and find system vulnerabilities in outdated OS. Simultaneously, if your app asks for an update, accept the new release, as developers also address the most common concerns with their products and fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

Always use licensed products and avoid downloading them from shady websites. Nowadays, it is reasonably effortless to visit the developer’s official website and purchase the software without having to expose yourself to dangerous programs online.

Always double-check apps presented in Google Play and App Store, even if they seem legit. For instance, most Google Play apps are managed by the team, but it is relatively easy to add an app that wasn’t reviewed by the administration. However, the most common scenario with apps from unknown developers is unpleasant bills from in-app purchases.

What is safe online behavior?

Although having an antivirus and checking for software licenses is proactive enough, there is something more that you might know about the online behavior. Always double-check what you are downloading and what websites you choose. Sometimes it is better to protect yourself and choose the licensed product than its a cheaper version on the web.

The legit website always has a lock symbol in the left corner of the URL bar, which indicates that the site has certificates that secured and encrypted the information you share with it. The most common scamming method is posing as a legit website and harvesting user logins and passwords. Also, be cautious about what you agree to when allowing a website to access your location or send notifications.

It is imperative to be aware of social engineering techniques. If you see a post that includes an alluring promise to win something if you click on the link, it is probably a scam or has malware distributed through the link. Pop-ups, strange emails, dubious sites, everything should be doubted and never trusted from the first sight. Of course, it is easy to become paranoid with all the possible scenarios, but it is fairly easy to remember steps of recognizing the prominent “fake” offers.

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Which Phone System Features Are Good For Your Business Wed, 27 May 2020 17:23:47 +0000 Phone System for Business

Every company is looking for a phone system solution that will help that business improve. There are various phone systems for companies of all sizes, so it can sometimes be confusing when you start researching for a solution. However, you must make an effort to find the best possible phone system for your company so you can quickly reach success and stay ahead of your competitors. Getting a phone system from a quality service provider is always advised, and an example of that is the Solunos phone systems solutions. Before you explore more, here are some features and things you should thoroughly check for your company.

Phone Features to Consider For Your Company

  • First, do not be afraid of the technical jargon in use. Sometimes people get very confused when they start searching and they find terms such as PBX, VoIP, CRM, extensions, keys, and other terms. If you do not know any of these, just ask the company representative to explain them to you in more detail. They will be happy to do it, so you will get a clearer picture of the things you need for your business.
  • Stick to your budget when searching for phone features for your company. Setting up a budget is rather easy, but sticking to it is something many people fail to do. When you plan some improvements for your office, decide how much money you are willing and capable to spend. In connection to this – choose only those options and features that you need and ditch all others. You do not need a whole lot of options if your company is small. Add-ons and some special options are good, but you do not need plenty of them if your company has a handful of employees. Ask the sales representative of the company to give you an overview of different packages and select the most suitable for your type of business.
  • Compare various options for office phone systems. There are many helpful options such as remote voicemail answering, teleconferencing, call forwarding, auto-responder, and so on. Also, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is something that many companies use, so you should certainly consider that option, as it is one of the essentials for any business.

Remember that investing in a quality phone system for your office does not have to be that expensive or challenging process. Consider your office needs, contact a professional and you will see that picking the most suitable office phone system is not that hard. That is a pretty wise investment that it will pay off long-term. You and your employees will benefit a lot from it in numerous ways. When you select your office phone system, you can then fully focus on the business operations and in other ways to improve your company. Investing in a quality office phone system is a must if you plan to establish your company on the market and to make it successful and profitable.

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How to Read My Wife’s Text Messages From My Phone Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:20:02 +0000 The mind baffling and extreme changes in our lives have been a source of problems since its advent. Apart from the merits that we are bestowed with, certain demerits and adversaries of science have made their way in. This has led to problems and forthcomings that we are unheard of.

Relationships nowadays are crumbling and degrading because there are a lot of suspicions. Many husbands are convicted that their wife is involved in a cheating affair, causing them great melancholy and paranoia. Therefore, if you are concerned regarding your wife, you need certain things to get things done!

Following given is a detailed description of the most powerful and high-end spying application that would help you to monitor the text messages of your wife phone.

Spyier- The Best Choice:

Spyier is a benevolent choice in all of your spying operations. Spyier is a highly reputed and recognized brand that has proved its mettle in many associations and technical corporate strategies. Spyier ensures that their clients are met with their demands in a right and professional way.

Spyier can be trusted and relied on for the miraculous characteristics it possesses. Spyier is highly renowned for its integrity. Many husbands may ask “How can I read my wife’s text messages with Spyier”?  This frequently asked question is discussed in detail below.

Spyier App

You can find all of the information related to text message interception in this article. However, if you want to investigate the qualities further, visit the Spyier website for the most welcoming information and latest updates!

Why Spyier All The Time?

Spyier has been featured in a number of famed websites like Android Authority, CNET, PCMag, TechRadar and others as well. Spyier enjoys daily traffic of about 1 million users from over 190+ countries all across the globe.

Spyier is a highly trustable application and can be relied on for tracking your spouses, partners or children. Spyier confirms that the information is safe and taken in confidentiality.

Spyier possesses user-friendly monologues and user programs, making sure that the users are always content with the brilliant service that is provided free of cost.

Spyier is laced with around 35+ features that make it stand tall and highlighted amongst the competition.

Spyier requires no jailbreaking or rooting facility to divulge the texts of your wife, therefore making an immediate cessation of physical access.

Spyier comes equipped with a dashboard facility that provides a live window into the most intriguing facts about your target.

Spyier can be easily uninstalled from the target phone if you wish to withdraw.

The Procedure Of Text Message Divulgence:

Spyier gently requires you to fulfil some simple steps in order to gain a viable entry into your wife’s mobile. The detailed steps are stated below:

Step 1: Setting Up And Installation:

The first step is to make sure that Spyier is installed in the target mobile without any interference and problem. This can be made sure if you install Spyier in the process. The fact that a spyier can be installed in the target phone without any rooting is a plus point.

spyier sign up

Spyier can be easily incorporated in the target mobile without the knowledge of the target to ensure privacy and secrecy.

Step 2: Credential Providing Step:

Now that you have successfully installed the cutting edge technology into your target mobile, make sure to confirm account formation.  The second part of the procedure focuses on your credentials. This means that you will have to provide certain details to ensure that your separate account is confirmed on Spyier.

Spyier Select iPhone Guide

There are two providences available for each of the operating system. An android user can provide their G-mail credentials and other details to get things right. In the meantime, iPhone users can easily confirm accounts through their iCloud credentials.

Step 3: Complete Installation:

Under the time of a clock minute, Spyier confirms your private account on its website and assures your data into the algorithm. Spyier assures that no compromise is made on the protection of your data and no problems are faced during the procedure.


Spyier ultimately starts the text tracking process as soon as the process is completed.

Step 4: Hack Text Messages Of Your Wife Via Dashboard:

Spyier is well endorsed with the problems that are faced during a normal hack process. Therefore, Spyier comes with a dashboard feature that can effectively assist in your hacking process. The dashboard is a feasible window that opens after you confirm your account on Spyier. This maestro would help you to devour on the raw facts that root directly from the target mobile.


All you have to perform is to click the text message tab provided to you on the dashboard and then initiate the process. You can easily see all of the text by sitting in the soundness of your home!

Text Tracker Capabilities:

The Spyier text interceptor is laced with features that are matchless in their respective regards. The spyier facility is fully equipped for 24-hour surveillance on the target texts.

Spyier text tracker helps you to view and infiltrate all of the private text messages that your wife hides from you. This will assist in confirming whether she is loyal to you or not.

Spyier text tracker is endorsed with certain capabilities and traits like the received message divulgence so you can record and keep a track of the messages that your wife receives.

All of the messages that have been sent from the target phone are clearly displayed on your dashboard screen.


The collective qualities of this application help in devising a perfect solution for your girlfriend’s text message hacking. Spyier ensures that your identity, as well as conformity, is kept safe from any third-party influence or problems.

In order to keep a check on her text messages and devise a solution to your lack of confidence, you certainly need to pick up Spyier as your girlfriend’s text message tracker. No other application possesses the mesmerizing qualities possessed by Spyier.

Make sure that you track her text messages firmly and devise a quick and feasible solution before messing up your relationship and living the life in conviction!

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The Future Of Huawei: What Can You Look Forward To In 2020? Thu, 05 Mar 2020 16:20:16 +0000 Future of Huawei

With a vast number of phones on the market, Huawei has begun to take over when it comes to the development of brand-new mobile phones. But with a large amount of negative press surrounding the security issues of these mobile devices, there are many questioning just how troublesome this newly developed search engine may be.

The Launch Of The P40 Pro

Ahead of the launch of the P40 Pro Huawei has a lot of exciting developments in the pipeline. With a number of apps and amazing cameras featured on the phone, this could be a phone to rival the Samsung S20. The P40 Pro is set to release in late March and is set to completely change what we have grown to associate with the Huawei range. The phone is set to operate on Android 10 and is set to have a curved display similar to Samsung phones of the past. In addition, it is set to have a bigger battery than ever before making it highly popular for so many.

The Gaming Mobile Phone

Similarly, to Samsung, the Huawei phone models are tailoring themselves towards mobile gamers. With nearly 2 years of development in this industry as well as the improvement in battery life and screen quality, Huawei prides themselves on creating a game that is perfect for all types of gamer. With a number of EGT slots as well as popular games and apps available on other android devices. In addition to this, the development of their own Mobile App service opens up a world of possibilities for international developers to reach a wide range of audiences. This is yet another problem for Google as this could see more and more people opting for Huawei due to the speed and possibilities that come with their model of phone.

In addition, Huawei has also developed a cloud cluster acceleration, this has helped to not only build efficiency but also development experience. All this coupled with security through a comprehensive security system makes it easier than ever to build and develop a mobile application using software for Huawei. This is beneficial for the company as it enables those that wish to too develop applications and post them on the app store without the risk of enterprise information being compromised. This then makes this software beneficial for not only businesses but also customers looking to enjoy the latest android software with the best of 5G technology and security.

The Release Of Huawei Search Engine

In addition to the launch of the P40 Pro Huawei also have huge plans for their own search engine. Since the ban on Huawei by the US and the prevention of Google services on the device, there have been developments in a number of search engine options. With the release of the Huawei mobile service as well as the launch of its own app store and app gallery.

This is troubling for Google and their services as the fast-paced nature of the search engine could lead to a sudden shift of users making the switch to this search engine. At this time Google owns 76% of the market share, however, this could be set to change in 2020 with the release of their very own search engine. In response to this, Google has reportedly applied for a U.S Commerce Department License to restore supplies to Huawei. However, this is yet to be approved by the US government. By isolating themselves from this growing market of mobile phones, Google may well have lost themselves a large chunk of the android market.

With over 59 million units sold in Q1 of 2019, this is a large proportion of the market that will not have Google search capabilities. This not only means that Huawei can encroach on the territory of Google, but it will also mean that Google portion of the market share may diminish as the popularity of such search engine continues to increase.

With this in mind, there are a number of reasons that many major businesses are concerned with the recent developments of these stand-alone technologies. Whether this is because of the loss in market share or the potential take over of this new and exciting technology, this could be the year of Huawei and may even see them directly compete with large tech giants such as Samsung and Apple.

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3 Ways to Track Your Wife’s Phone Without Her Knowing Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:25:32 +0000 It’s no secret that relationships are built on trust, but sometimes that is not enough. Occasionally, you may need to resort to other methods like how to track a phone or looking into and tracking your partner phone to make sure your wife is completely honest and faithful.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways you can track your wife’s phone. However, the most reliable way is through a phone monitoring app. The best phone tracking app should be able to track iPhone and Android smartphones.

Best of all, these lets you track everything that goes in and out of her phone secretly. This happens regardless of how far you are from your wife. This mechanism makes tracking your wife easier than ever before!

Besides, some apps are superior to others and deliver more functionality. Also, they can conceal themselves and all the activities from your wife’s attention.

Here, we will show you 3 ways of how to track a phone specially your wife’s phone without her knowing.

Track Wife Phone

Part 1: FlexiSpy App – How to secretly track a cell phone location for free

Download FlexiSpy Here

Based on user reviews, this is one of the best app to how to secretly track a cell phone location for free and track a phone without even touching or installing an app on the target phone. The support team is also very quick in responding to your queries and helping you track a phone easily.

How to Track a Cell Phone Location Without them knowing using FlexiSpy

  1. Download the app for Android or iPhone from here and Install the App on the target phone.
  2. Check your email for the license key and enter the key during the installation wizard.
  3. Enter your login credential at the end of the installation so that you can access all the tracked data of your partner phone on the web.
  4. Login to and enter your login username and password.
  5. You will be redirected to the Dashboard where you can see all the phone tracked data. This is how you can track a phone using Flexispy App.

How to track a Phone using Flexyspy app

Part 2: Spyic – The best undetectable phone surveillance app

If you are looking for the most powerful phone tracking app, then try Spyic. This spy app works on iOS and Android smartphones. Already, Spyic is used by millions of users around the world.


Spyic is equipped with various features that let you track virtually everything on your wife’s phone. All the tracking activities on iOS and Android phones take place in stealth.

The app is a trusted phone tracking app. This app is used by parents, companies, and spouses. It boasts of the best customer approval ratings in the phone surveillance arena.

Besides tracking your wife’s phone, Spyic lets you track your husband’s phone discreetly.

1.1 Spyic unique tracking features to how to track a phone number

Spyic functionality is virtually unlimited and includes features the following features.

1. Location tracking

Spyic lets you find out where your wife is at any moment with the help of its GPS tracking capabilities. The app makes sure you know where your wife, children, or employees are really where they say they are.

2. Text message tracking 

This app can intercept sent or received messages on your wife’s phone. It lets you find what goes on in her text communication. The app also allows you to track multimedia files exchanged even if the messages are deleted right away.

3. Track call logs

All incoming and outgoing text messages will no longer be a mystery thanks to Spyic’s capabilities. It lets you see the number, duration, and timestamp details by simply accessing the call information from your computer.

Also, you can track several phones if your wife has several smartphones.

4. Monitor online activity

If you always want to know which websites your wife visits most often, Spyic makes it easy for you. The app gives you a list of all web pages she has visited on her phone.

It will even let you access every bookmarked address, and every piece of information received or sent online.

5. Track calendar and schedule

Spyic lets you find out where your wife is going to go today or in a week. Also, the app lets you monitor his address book, calendar, and notes.

6. Track messaging apps 

Messages can not only be exchanged on smartphones, but also through several chatting apps.

Even though in the past you weren’t able to intercept exchanged messages, now you can through Spyic. Spyic lets you track your wife’s social networking messaging and access the popular social media apps.

These include: Twitter, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, and Skype

7. Access multimedia files 

Most smartphone users take several pictures and videos on a daily basis. Spyic allows you to see everything on your wife’s phone including what the camera captures.

Every photo and video your wife takes will be available on your Spyic account, to ease their access.

1.2 Amazing Spyic Tracking App capabilities

  1. No jailbreaking or rooting required

Spyic developers use cutting-edge technology to eliminate the need to root Android or jailbreak iOS devices. This is a milestone only a few cell phone tracking apps can claim.

Thanks to engineers at Spyic, there are no intricacies of rooting or jailbreaking your wife’s phone.

  1. Operates in stealth

All the activities in this app take place in the background. This way, she will not be able to suspect that you are tracking her. Even though on Android the app has to be installed, it automatically deletes its icon.

Moreover, the app disguises itself in the installed apps to ensure your wife does not suspect. For iPhones, no installation is needed on the target device. You only need to provide her iCloud credentials of her iPhone. That’s all!

  1. Safe and Secure

Spyic does not have access to personal data so it can’t store it on the server. Also, it is safe since the app does not require rooting or jailbreaking her smartphone.

Rooting or jailbreaking her phone leaves your wife vulnerable to malware and hacking.

  1. Remote tracking capabilities

This is a web-based tracking app that allows you to track your wife’s phone remotely. This can be accomplished remotely via any web browser by logging into your Spyic dashboard.

In your dashboard, you can track more than just location on your wife’s phone.

1.3 Using Spyic to track your wife’s or husband phone without them knowing

To discreetly track your wife’s or husband phone, you need to follow the simple steps outlined below:

Step 1: To start the process, you need to sign up for a Spyic account. Visit the Spyic official website and register.


Step 2: Setup the target device

  1. a) To use Spyic on your wife’s Android phone, download the app on her phone and install it. The process will take less than 5 minutes. The setup wizard will take you through the installation process.
  2. b) To track her iPhone, you only need to provide her iCloud credentials. Provide them, then hit Verify.

Step 3: After configuring her phone, the system will a while to sync data. When everything is done, you can click on Start to finish the setup process.


Step 4: Next, log in to your dashboard. On the left panel, scroll to the Locations tab.

Track Cell Phone Location

Here, there are multiple features. You will have access to features that let you track the location of your wife’s phone. Also, on your dashboard, you will be able to track her real-time location.

Part 3: How to Track a Phone Number for free with Cocospy Tracking App

Install for Andorid and iPhone


Cocospy is another great app capable of tracking your wife’s phone. This is a great option. It is easy to use and supports the tracking of both Android and iOS devices.

Cocospy is one of the best phone surveillance apps available today. The app comes with an intuitive user interface. Also, it does not require rooting or jailbreaking her phone to track it.

Cocospy is web-based, which allows you to access her phone via a web browser. After setting the app, it operates all tracking activities in stealth. This ensures the app is undetectable by your wife.

Also, this phone tracking app has some impressive features. For instance, Cocospy lets you track the location of your wife’s phone and installed apps on the phone.

Features of Cocospy Tracking App

  • Call, Message and Location Tracking
  • Geofence Alerts and Stealth Mode.
  • Whatspp, Instagram, Snapchat, Viber Tracking
  • Website Search and Watch History Tracking
  • Track Phone Number for Free

How to Track A Phone with Cocospy?

Step 1: The first step is to download the Cocospy App from the link stated above. Select your desired Package (Basic, Family, Premium) and Install the App. Follow this step by step guide to install the app.

After successful installation, login to your web account. The Dashboard will show all the tracking information i.e SMS, Whatsapp, Call History etc of the targeted phone.

Cocospy Dashboard

This is how you can easily track any phone using Cocospy.

Bonus: Tracking Phone with Glympse App

How to Track Phone Location with Glympse

This is among the best phone trackers. It provides various tracking capabilities. Apart from tracking the mobile number, it lets users track social media activities.

The app supports basic and premium versions. However, the basic version lacks most of the best tracking features. Moreover, even the premium version requires rooting her phone to be able to track it.

How to Track Phone with Glympse.

Step 1: Download this app from Google Play Store. Install the app on the target phone. Specify the time and contact number where Glympse will automatically send the live location of the target phone. You can also allow the app to track the phone location and send to your email address.


The best way to track your wife’s phone is through a phone spy app. The best apps are easy to use. Apps that require rooting or jailbreaking your wife’s phone introduce a big inconvenience.

In this article, we have established that Spyic is the best app to track a phone. Above all, it is equipped with mobile gps tracking features that set it apart. So, if you are looking for convenience, Spyic is the best bet for phone gps tracking and much more.

If you need further help and have questions about how to track a phone then feel free to ask in the comments sections.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need Spyic App on Both Phones to Track?

No, it is not required to install Spyic or any other tracking app on both phones. It has to be installed only the phone you want to track. However, if you want to view the tracked data then you will need to access the Spyic Dashboard so that you can view all the tracked data. There are two ways to do it. First you can login to Spyic Web Login Page from here or you can install Spyic App on your phone to access the Dasboard.

2. Can I Track Phone of my Wife or Husband Which is not Physically Available?

This is only possible with iPhone where you have the iCloud Login Info. If you don’t have the iCloud login information then it is not possible. In order to track a phone you will need physical access to the phone.

3. Can the Phone Be Tracked if it is Turned OFF?

In order to track the data of the phone, it has to be turned ON and connected with Internet. So that the Spy App (Either Spyic, Flexispy, Cocospy or any other app) installed on the phone can record the data and send to the Server for you to view on the Dashboard. However, if the phone is turned off for a longer period of time and as soon as it is turned On and connected to internet it will send all the record data to the server.

4. Can My Partner Know If Any Tracking App is Installed on her Phone?

No she can’t know if the app is marked as hidden during the installation of the App. Unless she is an IT expert and have knowledge of how android and iOS works, then in that case she can figure it out. Otherwise, it is very hard for a naive to detect a Spy App on her phone.

5. Does Factory Reset Removes the Spy App from the Target Phone?

Yes, once the phone is Factor Rest all the apps installed will be removed from the Phone. You have to reinstall the App and use your login info to start tracking the data of the phone.

6. How to Track a Cell Phone Location without Installing Software

Unfortunately it is not possible. The app has to be installed properly on the target phone and has to be connected with your Spyic or any other Spy App Server using your login information or Unique ID provided the App provider during the purchase. The app has to be physically present on the phone so that it can track all the data and send to the server.

7. Is it Illegal to Install Tracking Apps on Someone Phone?

Though it is ethically immoral to track someone and spy on their activities without letting them know. But currently there is no LAW in any country which consider this crime. However, in some countries Privacy Laws exists which can prevent you from doing so. Here is a list of Laws currently enforced in 137 Countries which considers different activities related to protection of Data and Privacy as Crime. So make sure to go through it.

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How to Spy on Cell Phone without Installing Software on Target Phone Thu, 28 Nov 2019 12:59:10 +0000 Spy on Cell Phone

We all know it’s not a good idea to go around spying on people’s cell phones. On the other hand, you may ask yourself how many spy apps are already on the market today. They are a lot.

They are all made to spy on cell phones. However, most of them may not do as the article you were reading says. In most cases, you need to access the targeted phone to install the advertised software. After that, you can then go ahead to spy on the results remotely.

Others are worse than that. So, where is that spying app that can monitor cell phones without installing anything on them? To cut to the chase here is one of them. It will spy on cell phones remotely without touching them.

The results it gives are also in real-time. Let’s see how you can use it to spy phones without any installation.

Part 1: Spy on Cell Phones without Installation with Spyic Solution

Access for Android   |    Access for iPhone

In most phone cases, especially the Androids, it’s very hard to install something remotely. It’s also almost impossible to spy on an Android by accessing the Google cloud while away. Well, the best part is that Spyic can solve that on both iOS and Android platforms.

Spyic is a monitoring application worth all the spying gurus’ attention. It has already been used by millions of users in more than 190 countries to spy on their subjects. So, what’s the reason behind the many downloads?

This is a spying application that monitors cell phones like a detective. It has the stealth mode feature to hide its icon during operation. When you acquire it, Spyic contains all the tools you need to fetch all the targeted phone’s stored data.

We will talk about them in a short while. All the information you get out of Spyic is secure. No one else will see the spying results except you, the account holder. The information you get is also only relayed to you. Nothing is stored by the Spyic servers.

That means even the Spyic developers cannot access the details. That’s why is the best app to spy on cell phone if you want something that operates without hitches.

How Spyic Works

To start spying on cell phones, Spyic has different ways of achieving that in both Android and iOS. The similarity in both phone platforms is that you don’t need any rooting or jailbreaking tricks to get started.

Spyic is known to have the cutting edge technologies needed to spy on cell phones without tampering with its functionality. That way, it’s easier and faster to set it up.

You can use Spyic to spy on Apple devices without any download or installation. Spyic uses the iCloud ID of the targeted iOS device to spy on it. Once you verify the iCloud login details after registration, that’s all you need.

You can then start spying online without touching the phone. In Android, however, the approach is quite different. As we said before, it’s hard to access an Android remotely without installing something first on it.

Android phones and tablets do not have central cloud storage, like iPhones and iPads. That is why you need to install Spyic on the targeted phone once. After that, you will not need the phone again.

All the results will be revealed to you remotely via your online account. In the account, regardless of the phone’s OS, you will get a user-friendly dashboard. It’s compatible with all browsers, which means you can access it using any internet-enabled device.

Once you login to your account after the setup, here is what you get out of spying with Spyic:

Part 2: Spyic Detective Features

  1. All the calls made, received or missed on the targeted phone
  2. Sent and received messages together with contact details and timestamps. In iOS, you also get the deleted iMessages
  3. Browsing history which contains all the visited links on the phone
  4. All the saved contacts
  5. Real-time location and a history of the previously visited places. Use the Geofence option to set up restricted zones and an email to get notifications. You will be immediately notified when the targeted user goes to the unwanted areas
  6. Social media activities. Get to see everything happening on the target’s social media accounts
  7. Access all the installed applications. In iOS, here is where you get to see most of the installed social media applications
  8. SIM Card details and its real-time location too
  9. Keylogger information: See all the typed keystrokes from the target’s phone. Access the data stored in log files according to the applications demanding keyboard input. Use the keylogger to spy on the target’s usernames and passwords

You can read and see more details about Spyic features on Clickfree if you need more information. For now, here is how to spy on a cell phone without installing software on the target phone using Spyic.

Part 3: How to Start Spying on Cell Phone Using Spyic Solution

What Do You Need?

  • For iOS spying, you need the target’s iCloud credentials. The iPhone should have iOS version 7.0 or later
  • In Android, you need to have the targeted phone to install Spyic once. The phone should have OS version 4.0 or above
  • Internet connection
  • A valid email address

Steps to Start Spying on the Cell Phone

Step 1: Go to the Spyic website and register an account using your email address and a password. Next, select the targeted phone’s OS to continue to the available plans.

Spyic App

Step 2: Choose the best spying plan for you and go ahead to make the payment. After that, you will immediately get a confirmation email with the receipt, log in details, and the setup instructions. In Android, you will also receive a download link.

Step 3: For Android, use the sent link to install Spyic on the targeted phone. Please activate stealth mode by selecting the ‘Hide Application’ option. Next, finish up the installation and login to your account remotely.

Spyic Installation

Step 4: In iOS, after the email, login to your account and verify the target’s iCloud credentials. Next, select the device you want to spy and wait for the Spyic and iCloud synchronization.

Spyic Target Phone Cloud ID

Step 5: After re-accessing your account and waiting for the syncing in either of the phone platforms, you’ll get the dashboard. It will have the phone’s summary on the right.

Spyic Dashboard

On the left part, there is a menu with all the spying features you need. Click on each of the elements you to see what your target is doing on the phone.


Other spying apps will still claim to do the job for you. We do not refute what they say since there are recommendable ones out there. On the other hand, never go for an app that prompts you to jailbreak or root the targeted phone first.

Next, do not go for something that says ‘free spying’. You might be getting results and malware at the same time. That is why we are recommending Spyic. It is an expert in phone spying jobs, and that is why you need to pay for the services.

You are, however, guaranteed of nothing short of spying success with minimal efforts.

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