4 Mobile Games to Keep Your Mind Sharp

April 30, 2021

Bilal Ahmad

Today the majority of us are indeed glued to our smartphones. Most of our daily activities are based on mobile phones. Mobile phones can be pretty addictive and can be dangerous for your mental health if you don’t control and manage your use. Playing useless games and working twenty hours a day can be fatal for your mind. We will tell you about some mobile games in this article, which would help you keep your mind in perfect shape.

Mind games are really helpful for training your brain and developing different aspects of it. We are focusing on using these mobile games because today, we are very much interested in doing everything on mobile phones instead of engaging in physical activities. Out of hundreds of mobile game applications for brain training, we have picked the most helpful ones for you guys!

Mind games to keep your brain sharp and active!

Here are some of the Best free Brain games that can help you train your brain and make it sharper for handling day-to-day activities!

Best Free Brain Games For Adults 

This is the perfect mind gaming application for adults as well as teenagers. You should know that this online Brain game application can easily be downloaded on any device of your choice and that tool for free. In this application, you are going to find tons of different mind games that would help you enhance your brain for:

  • Focus
  • Thinking fast
  • Retention
  • IQ skills
  • Logics
  • Reflexes

Playing games from these categories would surely help you polish your mind and train it for cognitive abilities, processing things better, understanding things in a better way, enhancing concentration level, and improving your memory. There are more than thirty games in this application. You can play whichever you want and wherever you want without any restrictions!

  • Flappy Bird 

This is another popular game that you can get on your smartphone. This game would be played for any learning purposes. Rather, it would just teach your brain profanity and patience. In this game, you have to keep carrying a falling bird through different hurdles. The game is very difficult, so you should not be confused with its funky name. If you lose patience and cannot control your temper, we suggest you start playing this free game to train your brain to handle failures and hurdles in life!

  • Luminosity 

This is another online mind game that was initially launched in 2007. Today more than seventy million people are using this online game application. This app has tons of brain games and mind activities that would help you increase your mental abilities of all sorts. When you download the game and create an account with an app, it would test you. According to the results, it would create a proper training plan for you. This plan would be around 15-minutes, and you have to follow it daily if you want to see improvements! The base training plans and programs are free. Still, suppose you are interested in hardcore training and want to get more variety. In that case, you have to purchase a paid subscription!

  • Eidetic 

The name eidetic tells us that it has something to do with your memory. Well Yes! If you face memory loss that most of us go through as we age, you should connect with this game application. As the human brain gets older, it gets harder for it to accrete and save the information and the experiences in memory lane. Eidetic is a very interesting application that can help you remember anything you want by using simple and exciting mental principles. This application is known to be the best one for training your brain from any of your devices!

  • Circles

This is one of the most exciting mind games that you can play on your mobile. We would like you to know that mind games or brain training apps don’t always have to be complex and hard for learning and development. Rather you should know that simple apps like Circles can easily help you learn a lot more than many hardcore apps. This mind game is based on recognition and memorization of circles that keep coming on your screens. You would be challenged to focus and memorize the sequence of colored circles so that you can choose the right sequence when they are flipped over. You can play offline with the server, or you can also play online with your friends. This mind game is best for improving the short-term memory of a user!

There are many more brain games available online, but for now, we would suggest you try utilizing the ones that we have listed in this post. This would help you in getting your brain trained and polished in a short amount of time!