LangOver 5.0- Change Language Software

May 12, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

longover change language

LangOver is a free software that helps in changing your keyboard languages using F10 key. You may have experience  the problem of text language converting into another language during writing. That is because of keyboard layout changing automatically to another language and starts writing in another language.

Apart from that LangOver 5.0 can also be used to convert lowercase into uppercase or vice versa by just pressing the keys SHIFT+F10. During writing text in any program like Notepad, MS word etc you can easily switch to your required format by just hitting the Shift and F10 key.

Another feature that you can find in Langover 5.o is reversing text, i.e if you want to reverse all the words used in the sentence. For example if you want to reverse “this is a example” sentence, just press F6 and it will be reversed like this one “elpmaxe a si siht”.

Langover can also be use to search particular keyword in google by just selecting it and then pressing Control + G. Let me give you a example. For example you are writing a sentence “this is my personal laptop” and you want to search the keyword “personal laptop”, just select the keyword and press Control + G and a new window will open in your default browser to search it in google.

Translation is another very useful feature of this great free software. Select the sentence you want to translate and press Control + T and a list will open in a new window, where you can select the language for translation. This software uses Google Translation to provide you quality result.

Visit:- Langover Change Language Software

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