Does Email Still Matter in 2019?

March 26, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

It is almost with nostalgia that we remember the days when an email service had one purpose only — keeping in contact with important people. Even back then, it didn’t take it long to become a means of transferring files and receiving newsletters. Many of its original functions have been taken over by other services since, and yet — email stands strong. How come?

For one thing, one useful purpose email still serves is identity verification. And thank heavens for that! With phishing on the rise, there’s no saying what the extent of the disaster would be if it were otherwise.

Albeit other services have taken over some of the functions of the original email, many others (alongside new ones) are going strong. Below are some facts why email still matters in 2019.

2019 Email Statistics 

Listed below (in no particular order of appearance) are some of the most stunning stats the email service has scored so far in 2019, in terms of marketing campaigns:

  • 30 percent of marketers claim email marketing generates the highest ROI
  • 66 percent of marketers personalize email campaigns
  • 64 percent of marketers use mobile-optimized designs for email campaigns
  • 67 percent of marketers use big data for personalization
  • 65 percent of marketers say dynamic email content is crucial to personalization
  • 77 percent of marketers use email services to send personalized content to subscribers
  • 61 percent of consumers prefer brands contacting them via email

What About Spam? 

Whenever someone mentions benefits of email, someone else says “what about spam messages”? Seriously, those are not exclusive to emails; SMS messages are even more annoying, given that they are impossible to avoid unless you unsubscribe. Email providers at least offer a spam folder and a possibility to create a blacklist. So, once again, what about spam?

Well, here’s some trivia to make your day. Although the term “spam” is used profusely, not many people know its origins. It made its first appearance in a Monty Python sketch, but that was known only to a specific audience. The term was widely used in MUDs (multiplayer real-time virtual world), which predate the email service. Namely, they were popular in the 80’s of the previous century. Curious, isn’t it?

Email: The Future of Marketing 

Email is certainly the present of the marketing, and likely to remain its future, too. The reason why email campaigns are so widely used is because they are the cheapest way of advertising, and they reach far more people than any other strategy. For one thing, Email reading is free. Also, electronic messages are available through all devices.

As for the latter, emails are more frequently being accessed via mobile devices, which is not surprising in the slightest. Still, that fact presents a myriad of new opportunities, especially keeping in mind their emails re read by 70% mobile readers. To top it off, they are also most like to click by 65% people on the offer than computer email readers. Statistics has it that 33% mobile email readers click through. Finally, a great majority of email subscriptions takes place on mobile devices. Still not convinced?

Benefits of Email Automation

Automation appears to be the future, seeing as the hectic times don’t allow for personalization. Still, email offers better prospects in terms of the latter, and many marketers use personalized emails to boost sales.

That aside, stats have it that B2B and B2C companies more than 82% are using marketing automation to improve their campaigns. There’s a good reason to it: research illustrations that to get high chances of getting the concept of relevant electronic messages right are using automated email campaigns. And so it is; email campaigns generate a tremendous percentage of revenue, making investments well worth it.

Email campaigns, specifically, do the following:

  • Increase your revenue by using automation system of B2B marketing by 60% each year
  • Generate alteration rate is 50% for B2C marketers
  • Generate email revenue more than 75%
  • Generate 152 percent higher click-through rates
  • Generate six times more revenue than other email types
  • Generate eight times more clicks than other email types
  • Are read in 70.5 percent of cases

Exactly How rewarding are email showcasing efforts? It turns out, a lot! Email promoting has a dazzling ROI of 3800 percent all inclusive, with the normal request esteem per email being multiple times higher than that of internet based life. When contrasted with direct email’s ROI (7 percent), email’s ROI remains at 28.5 percent.

It’s no wonder, therefore, that email marketing campaigns are gaining momentum. Here are some updated stats:

  • Email marketing campaigns generate $44 per each $1 investment
  • 60 percent of advertisers use transformation rates to assess the adequacy of messages 18 percent of businesses report an advanced ROI in 2019 than in 2019
  • 29 percent of advertisers use ROI measurements to monitor email adequacy. of campaign effectiveness
  • ROI is generated 77% segmented and targeted campaigns

Everything considered, it is safe to say that email is here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. Sharpen you mouses and get to work! Keep in touch with those important people around the globe!

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