Career Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:06:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Career 32 32 A Guide to Balancing Freelance Work and a Full-Time Career Tue, 22 Feb 2022 18:44:50 +0000 Some people opt to take up freelancing and also maintain their full-time jobs. Such individuals seek extra income or are attempting independent consulting on a part-time basis before jumping in fully. Taking on freelance work while working a full-time job can be a lot to juggle.

Most freelance jobs allow you to set your schedules and work when it fits your program. But you also have to meet deadlines and client expectations. In addition, meeting your employer’s job deliverables throws another element in the works. In many instances, you find yourself stressed trying to satisfy both parties.

There are ways to balance a full-time job with freelance work. You can adopt the following tips to avoid conflict with your two career endeavors.


Be Upfront

In many cases, an employer will not know you do independent consulting work and your freelance client is in the dark about your full-time employment. In such cases, you find yourself serving one party at the expense of the other. You will encounter instances where deadlines from both parties coincide and have to make tough choices on who to let down.

You can avoid such precarious situations by coming clean with your employer and clients on your other commitments. Be upfront with both your full-time employer and your freelance clients about what you do and your schedule to foster good relations with both.

You will also need to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or time conflicts you foresee. Such disclosure allows you to re-negotiate timelines or enable the concerned parties to have contingency plans. Being honest upfront is advisable than dealing with more challenging problems later on.

Set Realistic Timelines

During your first stab at freelancing, it is tempting to take on any available job, sometimes with untenable deadlines. Taking up such assignments results in rushed work with the quality compromised. You can fall back on your full-time job deliverables because you have to devote all your time to the part-time urgent assignments.

Give yourself enough time to finish the job satisfactorily but also in a manner that meets the client’s needs. If you feel any of your masters provide unreasonable timelines, do not hesitate to re-negotiate the deliverable dates.

Use a calendar to lay out each step of a project and forecast any potential overlaps that could be problematic. Try to spread your work to avoid feeling overwhelmed or compelled to push back due dates. It is better to set a further out due date from the beginning than pushback mid-project.

Get Organized

Your full-time job is already a full plate and serving up more makes it an overflowing one. Getting organized is your arsenal to help you manage everything. Without proper organization, you will find that simple tasks get neglected, compromising a reputation you have invested so much time and effort to build.

Create a strategy for keeping track of all the moving parts within your workload. You need not monitor everything manually because project management platforms or excel templates that can help you with the tasks are readily available.

Such tools enable you to have one place that keeps all your notes, status updates, and due dates. You may have to invest time in creating/customizing a template to suit your needs, but it will end up saving you even more time in the long run.


You must weigh between your full-time and freelance work and decide which venture you should prioritize. You can have considerations like which represents a better growth potential, meets your livelihood needs, you have an interest in, etc. Your strategy and planning for your workload and career should reflect your priorities.

Queue all assignments coming through whichever venture you consider a priority first. Within your workload, prioritize the most pressing items with the flexibility to readjust your priorities with time. Your imports may change over time. For example, a freelance venture that seemed like a side hustle could grow into an entrepreneurship venture.

Take Days Off

When juggling freelance work and a full-time career, you discover you almost have no free time. You view any non-work hours, holidays, weekends, etc., as the time to catch up with your consultancy work. Sustained working without rest leads to burnout, making you less productive.

Rest is critical and helps to prevent fatigue. You must take some time off and set aside time to decompress and relax. Such time-outs let you rejuvenate physically & mentally and, you will be back at your prime state to produce better than before.

You can select a day in the week when you do not do any assignments and indulge in a passive activity or a hobby. When practicable, maintain the day as a work-free one and, you will be surprised how energetic you feel the day after.

Balance Your Work Schedules and Thrive

Balancing your part-time and full-time work may not come easy at first but, the more you practice, the more it comes together. Eventually, you will learn where you need to focus your energy and, the competition becomes less stiff. The discovery journey is an intriguing one and, some people transform part-time gigs to freelance entrepreneurship, reaping massive returns.

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What You Need to Know About a Career in Management Sun, 08 Nov 2020 15:30:22 +0000 When you’re looking at taking the next step on the career ladder, stepping into a managerial role might seem like the obvious progression. Whatever your field or industry, management skills are always in demand, and if you’re a skilled and talented individual, this might be an ideal way to further your professional goals.

There is a lot more to working in management than being the boss, however. Read on to find out more before you decide if it is the right step for you.

There are several types of management roles

A management role can be diverse and varied, depending on the size of the organization you are working in, your industry, and many other factors. A management position may start off as a supervisor, who is more involved in the front line of activities, working with operational staff and responsible for a variety of activities, from training and coaching, to hiring and more.

Beyond the supervisor, there may also be further managers who oversee various functions of the organization, and who the supervisors may need to report to. Their role may be focused more on managing and assessing the performance and productivity of a team. Above them, you may find senior management positions such as directors of particular departments, right up to vice president roles. The advantage of stepping into a career in management and investing in an MS in management online is that there is a wide scope for your future career, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy ahead.

Your role will impact the organization in a major way

If you are ready to make major changes and shifts in your organization or industry, then stepping into management is an ideal way to gain a stronger voice for your visions and ideas. As a manager you will often be given the responsibility to take care of a team or department, and involved in establishing strategies and decisions for the future. This requires an ability to lead others well, make thoughtful decisions, understand budgeting requirements and anticipate the impact of your actions.

You will also find yourself working with a more diverse range of people from across the board. For some, this can be an intimidating prospect, but for determined managers, this can be a great chance to learn more about the company and its many moving parts.

You will have to juggle a lot of challenges

With more responsibility, you will naturally have to cope with a greater variety of challenges coming from all directions. As a manager, you will be expected to listen and resolve problems for a variety of people. This requires the ability to both guide and direct others, but also recognize when you need to listen and take input from staff who may have more direct experience with an issue that you. The challenges you face will also often come with greater risks, so you’ll need to know how to weigh up everything carefully.

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Becoming a Professional Techie: Is Networking the Right Career Path for You? Tue, 10 Sep 2019 14:18:09 +0000 Career in the Tech Industry

Information Technology has branched out into numerous departments and sub-departments over the years, so just because someone enjoys playing with the latest gadgets, it doesn’t mean that he/she is suited to build a career in any of the departments in random.

IT is a vast field that’s constantly expanding into even more territories every year. There needs to be a clear and present connection between the individual’s natural interests and the career path they choose to pursue.

So, are you cut out for the networking world? Are you ready to complete your CCNA certification and become one of the most wanted professionals in IT at the moment and in near future?

Only you can answer those questions, but the following should help you figure it out faster, as we will highlight some of the basic characteristics shared by most successful networking professionals, even before they had completed their first CCNA certification.

You Should At Least Know the Basics of What a Networking Job Is

As already stated, the roles will differ depending on what kind of responsibility the networking professional has, but when you are only trying to decide whether or not this would be the right career path for you, the first thing you need is an understanding of what computer networking is, so that you know what you are getting into.

A computer network is, as the name suggests, an interconnection which strings together multiple computers. This interconnection or network of computers is then used to exchange data between them, or in other words, enable communication between the hosts, aka the connected computers.

The devices which help in connecting the hosts are network devices such as switches, bridges, hubs and of course, routers. There are both wired and wireless devices that are used in building the network, depending on the parameters of the particular project – a network can be wired or wireless.

There are various other aspects to networking, and this was a very simplistic definition to help the uninitiated understand what computer networking is all about. If the definition managed to catch your interest, and you are willing to learn more about the complexities of the actual process, take it as a sign that this is a career path which you might actually enjoy pursuing.

What Kind of Technology Interests You?

This is a big question, and the answer is what sets the average geek aside from the networking geek! If you like smartphones and how they are built, you should look into PCB designing instead of networking, or if you are more into app development, coding is a separate choice of career altogether in the IT industry.

However, if you are intrigued by the idea of how the internet and the intranet works, or how information is exchanged between the various computers connected to the World Wide Web and private networks, you have a calling to join the team of networking elites someday.

If you are someone who finds networking to be genuinely interesting, chances are that you have done a fair bit of research on it already and know what a CCNA certification is exactly. There are also those who have never really considered a career in networking, but since you are reading this, it shows that at least you are interested now.

Dig a bit deeper on your own and see if you like the kind of job that being a computer networking professional will entail. Keep in mind that while the career prospects of a CCNA certified networking engineer, administrator or even support analyst are indeed prospective, it’s a demanding job which requires serious problem-solving skills, and that actually leads us to our next point.

The Natural Problem Solver with a Technical Twist

Natural problem solvers are universally good at almost any field of work that requires complex puzzle solving skills, so it’s imperative that you too are a problem solver by nature. Of course, there are a ton of other jobs which can benefit from your innate tendency to solve puzzles with relative ease than most people, but when it comes to networking specifically, you need to have a technical inclination for it as well.

Depending on the kind of role you take up after completing your specific CCNA certification, the actual job will vary widely, but at its core, all networking career paths involve problem solving.

Consider the basic Certified Cisco Network Associate, or CCNA, Certification program itself. It involves training in LAN troubleshooting, LAN designs and troubleshooting, IPv4 routing and troubleshooting, IPv4 troubleshooting and a whole range of other lessons that all revolve around finding, assessing and solving complex networking problems. Therefore, it would help immensely if you are naturally inclined towards technical problem solving if you were to take up a career in networking.

As far as the courses themselves are concerned, you can find a range of options from top organizations on The site doesn’t just have basic CCNA certification courses listed, but they also have pretty much every kind of networking course that a beginner, intermediate or experienced networking professional may need to either get started or further expand their networking expertise.

Being a Team Player is Not Optional

It’s true that IT projects in general require teamwork by default, but in case of networking teams, the collaboration is constant between the various professionals working on the project. In case you have all the other characteristics we just discussed, but you are just not comfortable working with a team, you should consider taking a few courses on how to be a team player, because working in the modern IT industry and being a lone wolf usually doesn’t bode well for one’s career opportunities.

Such a trivial reason should not limit your career prospects if you like working in computer networking, because the prospects for a networking professional are only going to become even brighter in the coming years.

Whether it’s about laying down a new network for the client, redesigning an old, outdated one, or simply troubleshooting a massive network, there is no way to escape the team effort here, so you better be prepared.

Will there be times when you will need or would rather get to work alone on a networking issue? Most certainly. That being said, a majority of the projects will require a team effort to be completed, because the job would prove to be too much for just one person. In order to be a networking professional, you will also need to be a team player. Shared responsibility also means shared blame, if something does go wrong!

If you could relate to most or all of the points we just discussed, then you are definitely cut out to complete your CCNA certification and begin a career in computer networking.

Even if you do lack a few of the characteristics, don’t worry, because specific education and training often has a way of letting you know about abilities that you did not even realize that you had! A few lessons in teamwork can turn even the most introverted techie into a team player. Whatever decision you take though, at least now you have some solid information to base that decision on.

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How to Get a New Career in the Tech Industry Wed, 21 Aug 2019 14:46:36 +0000 Career in the Tech Industry

If you’re someone who’s found that your current career is lacking and you realize that you should get into the growing tech industry instead, how do you go about it? This is the focus of this article, which aims to provide timely tips on how to approach making a move into working in technology.

So, let’s get started.

What Do You Know Already?

It may be that you’ve played with designing a logo or two for a friend before and so you’re somewhat familiar with Adobe Photoshop.

Or, you might have gone beyond the “Hello World” initial computer program to create something more extensive like a mobile app or a small website?

Whatever you have learned already gives some insight into what you might prefer to do in the tech industry. Understand, there are many different roles within tech. There are also meccas of startup and computer innovation like Silicon Valley and popular places to stay like Los Angeles, which trumps being irrelevant sitting in a small Midwest town with tech-based dreams.

What Are You Likely to be Good At?

Do you have a natural affinity for certain types of technology or activities? Don’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole here. You’ll only be mediocre if you do and there’s enough competition in the tech space that that won’t cut the mustard.

If you feel most happy creating graphics using design software, then studying to be a graphics designer and working in a web studio is going to be a suitable career.

When you’ve already discovered that you have a real affinity for social media and love juggling different personal accounts, then the next step is to be a professional social manager for a brand or on behalf of multiple companies as an independent worker.

Also, if you’re a code maven and love learning new computer languages, then you’ll probably want to learn to code. This might be via a Computer Science degree or one of the online coding camps.

Do You Want to Be Employed, Work Remotely, Freelance or Start a Business?

Consider what type of worker you wish to be.

You could be perfectly happy to be an employee. If you’re working in tech, you’ll need to relocate to California to find a high-paying job or, at least work your way up to one. Trying to do that as an employee anywhere else in the country doesn’t make much sense.

If you wish to work remotely, then you’ll want to determine how many startups and established technology companies employ people who don’t work on their campus. The options here vary between some people who work from home a few days a week and come into the office for important meetings, to those who are entirely remote.

To be more independent, you could be a freelance coder. This usually means working on individual projects over a short or long period of time. Some people prefer to operate this way to have greater flexibility for vacation time, international travel or who dislike being an employee. Whilst it might be easier to find programming or other types of technology-related gigs this way, a considerable amount of knowledge is required to offer differentiated services at a high level. That takes time to acquire. There’s also considerable global competition too.

The other option is to work with a plan to eventually create your own startup. To do this, you will need to work in a variety of roles and be based in California to be exposed to the better startups to learn how they operate. Many of the better venture capital firms are based in this state to take meetings and secure funding more easily too.

Are You Willing to Relocate?

When wishing to be an employee and perhaps start a business one day, it behooves you to eventually move to the west coast. This is where the single largest cluster of technology companies is based.

It’s true that there are some situated in Seattle, but the majority are in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and other areas within California. Being initially situated in Los Angeles makes it easier to get more familiar before picking a final location, perhaps based on final job offers?

Blueground provides furnished apartment rentals in Los Angeles and other cities too, like San Francisco. Using Los Angeles as a jumping-off point, you can find more information about this on this site. They provide one month and longer rentals which are ideal when you don’t yet know where you’ll end up but want something more settled than a cramped hotel room.

There are different paths to move into the technology field. Not all paths lead to the same place. It’s up to you what you feel you’ll be best at, your natural talents, and where you wish to end up that will determine what your best next move should be.

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Kickstart a Rewarding Career with Angular 6 Training Fri, 04 Jan 2019 13:19:30 +0000 Angular 6 Training

Angular is very popular for its robustness as well as for its dynamic nature. Angular is a framework backed up by Google, and it is a JavaScript-based framework. This framework is mainly popular for developing SPA or Single page applications. This is an open source framework.

When it comes to the development of dynamic applications, Angular is the great choice among all the frameworks available today. This is because developers think the features offered by angular are best suitable for dynamic application creation like binding and dependency injection. By using these features, developers can create the application with less amount of code.

Through Angular JS training offered by Zeolearn, students can get familiar with the fundamentals and advanced features of this framework. After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to develop SPA applications. They can also achieve faster ROI through development using angular, and they can bring in a lower cost for development and maintenance. Faster accessibility is the one more important thing which can be achieved through development using the angular framework.

Angular 6 training:

Students who take up this course on Angular offered by Zeolearn will learn

  • How this framework stands different among all the other and traditional frameworks mainly used for web development
  • They will learn about ES6 and TypeScript, and they will use these languages for application development
  • Students are made to develop applications in this framework from scratch
  • The course also covers the best practices involved in architecture and development of applications in angular
  • The course covers features like forms, dependency injection, routing, and observables in Angular
  • After successful completion of the Angular JS course, students will be able to perform the update, delete, and retrieve operations in Http services
  • Students will perform unit testing of the parts in the angular application like modules, components, services, and pipes
  • The course covers the usage of CLI required for building, deploying angular applications


The main and only prerequisite for this course, is experience in developing the applications using JavaScript. If a candidate has no experience in JavaScript development and is interested in learning Angular, the institute provides extra classes on JavaScript. 2-3 intensive classes are conducted for these students so that they may move on to learning the Angular framework.

Angular 6 Course structure:

  • There will be 20 hours of training on angular which is instructor-led and very interactive
  • This course aims to cover the three versions of angular that is 5, 4, and 2
  • The course focuses on covering both the advanced and fundamental features of angular 6
  • Every student will be involved in the actual development cycle, and hence once they complete this course, they will be able to develop applications on their own

Why Zeolearn?

There are many benefits of joining Zeolearn for courses. Some of them are

  • All the classes are live, and they make sure that the sessions are interactive. If a student comes up with a doubt the instructors clarify it through discussions. Students can also interact and engage in discussions with other participants
  • This is the best chance to understand and use the collaborative medium for learning, and sharing knowledge
  • Through actual projects, students are made to understand the concepts, and they can also practice more through assignments

It will be easy for the students to gain complete theoretical and practical knowledge of the concepts through the courses offered by the institute. These courses aim to make learning simple through discussions, live classes, and interactive learning methods. Since every concept is made understood through practical coding, students can develop their own applications once they complete this course on angular.

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