20/20 Vision: How Computer Vision Technology Will Impact A New Decade

February 11, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Computer Vision

At the onset of the 1960s, futuristic space family “The Jetsons” promised us a 2020 reality marked with artificial intelligence. While we may still be waiting on robot maids and hover-cars, that so-called space-age future is here, and its impacting business in a big way. Computer vision technologies such as facial recognition, video processing capabilities and AI have garnered a lot of traction in sectors such as healthcare, tech, and even manufacturing. The potential of these technologies is boundless. No longer do we fear being surpassed by our artificial counterparts, we embrace how these systems can streamline our worlds and enterprises in the new decade. Computer vision is particularly alluring, but what does it entail?

What is computer vision?

Computer vision is a form of artificial intelligence that is capable of classifying and processing a variety of images as a human does. With this technology, computers are able to recognize and label particular images, giving them the skill to provide accurate output. Right now, computer vision is being used in many areas, including autonomous vehicle testing, medical diagnostics, radiological images, and monitoring health.

Any artificial intelligence system that employs and processes visual information is contingent on computer vision. Each of these aspects is very important to manufacturing, automotive technologies, healthcare, and even the Internet of Things.

Computer Vision In Manufacturing

In the new decade, computer vision will continue to abet in manufacturing processes using predictive maintenance, bar-code scanning, product assembly, fault reduction, health and safety, tracking, deep learning, package inspection, and automotive technologies such as autonomous vehicles.

With autonomous vehicles, ultrasonic sensors work to teach cars how to “see.” With these sensors and surround cameras, each vehicle learns how to find lanes, navigate trips, understand traffic lights, and recognize obstacles. It is how newer cars detect when a vehicle in front of them has moved or has suddenly stopped.

Additionally, computer vision has allowed manufacturing facilities to optimize production lines, digitize processes and even track employee behaviors. There is even the application of “machine vision” which can direct a robotic workforce on the shop floor, driving yield and productivity.

Computer Vision In Healthcare

Healthcare agencies are relying on computer vision in 2020 and will continue to do so well into the new decade. Aside from being used in the timely detection of illnesses, nuclear medicine, and health monitoring, computer vision is allowing for more precise diagnoses. This technology has the potential to minimize false positives and obliterate the need for superfluous procedures or remedies.

Computer vision algorithms are created by a skilled hardware development company using mass amounts of data that can detect the slightest presence of a condition that would typically be overlooked by human doctors due to snags in our sensory development. With computer vision, a precise diagnosis can be made the first time, offering patients a greater chance of undergoing the right treatment earlier.

A New Reality

This year, large companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Integra Sources, and Facebook are investing heavily in developing computer vision software and perfecting advanced algorithms based on proven mathematical models. All of this research will go only further improve manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare in our changing world. As the decade advances, so will the many uses of computer vision and artificial intelligence, impacting business and life as we know it for the foreseeable future.

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