The Biggest eCommerce Security Threats and Solutions of 2022

September 2, 2022

Bilal Ahmad

The rapid growth of the eCommerce industry has led to a high level of cybercrimes in this area. Many people launch eCommerce stores, but not many know how to ensure strong digital security. However, understanding eCommerce security principles is essential for the safety of both customers and business owners. Visit the website of the eCommerce web development company to learn more about digital security and how to maintain it.

In this article, we’ll cover the most common eCommerce security threats that online businesses face today. Let’s review those threats and how to avoid and get rid of them.

What’s an eCommerce security threat?

eCommece Security Threats

When talking about eCommerce security threats, there are loads of them, from phishing attacks to cross-site scripting. Basically, any hazard that could damage an online store’s security can be considered an eCommerce security threat.

Those threats target different parts of eCommerce stores and can result in loss of money, personal data, access to the store, etc. Prevention is always better than cure, so strong security measures are the key to limiting the possibilities of eCommerce threats and ensuring the best possible user experiences for your customers.

What is SQL Injection Attack, and how to solve it?

Let’s start with SQL injection attacks since those are one of the most prevalent security dangers for online stores. It consists of cybercriminals incorporating damaging code into a SQL database. In this way, they can get ahold of confidential information, such as credit card data. Or else delete the crucial information or the entire database.

When working out a solution to such a problem, the most effective methods are input validation and parameterized searches. Also, as a preventive measure, you can disable the function of the display of database issues on the production website. In this way, the hackers won’t be able to use information about database issues to their advantage.

What is a DDoS Attack, and how to solve it?

This attack happens when cybercriminals push loads of traffic to the website in order to damage the server and ensure that it cannot be used. In this way, they hope to gain profit by demanding ransom, otherwise conducting a DDoS attack.

You can’t stop someone from trying to launch a DDoS attack, but you can take preventive measures in order to make sure that they won’t succeed in their attempts. As well, preventive measures will help minimize the results of the attack. Such measures include training your staff to react quickly and efficiently to the attacks as well as installing programs that scan, find, and eliminate viruses and malware.

What is Cross-site scripting (XSS), and how to solve it?

Cross-site scripting means hackers insert damaging code that affects users visiting your website. Once the user accesses the site, the code runs. It is used for different purposes, such as stealing sensitive data if the user fills out some forms or collecting cookies.

The concept of a solution to cross-site scripting is quite simple, but for some websites with complex data management, it may be challenging. You need to apply a web application firewall, which will filter bots and other damaging activities. This way, it’s possible to stop the attack before any code runs on the website.

What is credit card fraud, and how to solve it?

When it comes to credit card fraud, it’s a threat implemented by both regular users and bots. Yet, real card owners have a right to challenge charges coming from unauthorized hackers. While it’s advantageous for real users, the company is at a disadvantage. There is no compensation for the damage. Let’s imagine that a few large purchases were made with a stolen credit card. The company both loses the money and the products that could be sold to users wanting to buy them.

In order to ensure that such things won’t happen to your online store, you need to ensure the strong security of your point-of-sale system. Additionally, you can take precautions to make sure that your products and services are protected and that there is no risk of losing revenue due to fraudulent transactions.

What are malicious scrapers (robotic attacks), and how to solve them?

Malicious scrapers are specific kinds of robots that are created and used to go through websites and gather relevant information. It’s necessary to point out that some of them are actually legal and used for good. Meanwhile, others are specifically designed to carry out various malicious activities.

When it comes to eCommerce, malicious scrapers are usually employed to look for a specific product, price, or other inventory information. In this way, the hackers can not only copy the layout of your product pages but also sell the items on another website at reduced prices.

The harm of malicious scrapers lies in the fact that they not only drive traffic away from the website but also charge users for products they have no intention of sending.

Since those bots don’t navigate the websites like ordinary users, businesses can put restrictions on those users who seem to act suspiciously on the websites.

Sum up

There are lots of different ways how cyber attackers get to eCommerce businesses. It’s not always easy to recognize the threat or take action when it’s already happened. Thus, prevention and strong security are the best strategies to protect your website against dangerous and illegal activities.

A good place to start is to pay attention to the user behavior, implement necessary verification of the customer IDs, screen the website for suspicious activity, etc. The earlier you detect a security flaw, the more likely you’ll be able to get ahead of it.

The mentioned security threats are only a few examples of the dozens of security threats that exist out there. Consider working with trusted eCommerce specialists who can cover every aspect of your digital security to eliminate all the risks. Many eCommerce services companies offer maintenance and support of eCommerce businesses, including scanning for vulnerabilities and strengthening security.

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