What is the Most Convenient POS system for you?

February 27, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Choosing a POS system or checkout system is anything but easy. In our blog about what a cash register system is right, we have already mentioned that such a system can optimize the sales process. We fully support that, provided you of course choose the right POS system. But how do you choose that exactly? What do you have to pay attention to and which snakes are there?

Cheap is not always good buy

First things first, let us first and foremost review one of the decision criteria. The budget is ultimately very decisive for the choice you will make.

A POS system is available for all budgets, from a few dozen euros a month to hundreds, if not thousands of euros per month. The consequences of the edition that you do is therefore also up to it. In terms of hardware, you will have or will not have certain parts, such as bancontact devices, label printers and scanners. But you can always purchase these at a later time. The complications with software are a lot bigger. Do you have the right functionalities that you need? Is it a product that needs to be fully customized or is it just the standard that makes little change possible?

The software you choose can run on the hardware you prefer. These are all questions that you need to ask, which we will discuss further in this blog.

Purchases or Leasing?

A full POS system will immediately cost a lot of money. It is therefore an investment that you can also save some time and time over the years. Although for various reasons you may also prefer to lease the hardware from your cash register. You then pay a monthly amount for your cashier but, depending on your choice, you also receive support and replacement in the event of a defect. For software this will be the standard in the majority of cases, you pay a monthly fee and in return you get the software in use and accompanying support if you have questions or run into something.

A POS system tailormade or standard?

If we go deeper into the software, there are still a few factors that influence the price. This also means that the system is completely tailored to your company or is standard for all potential customers. Both choices have benefits and drawbacks. When you opt for a fully customized system, you are likely to pay blue to development. That can not be a threshold for you if you have dozens of stores, but if that is not the case, you should look for another option.

Moreover, the programming will take a huge amount of time and will undoubtedly pass months before you are operational. The other extreme is then completely standard. You may only pay a few dozen euros per month and you can start immediately after payment. However, you only have the functionalities that are standard for all customers. Only if there is sufficient demand from various customers will extra development be done, which in turn can be used in the same way for every customer with a POS system. Often these standard applications are also the same for various sectors, so this option can not be the perfect match for you either.

Fortunately, the golden mean also exists. In that case, you will go for a standard system with standard functionalities, but where you can have the functionalities developed and included in your package. In addition, you can always build on the same system and you should never switch to another system if your usual system no longer meets. At Becosoft we work in this way, because we believe that this way has also determined our origins. Our system has in fact grown initially from problems in the business world where our software could offer an answer. Each user then contributed to the POS software because there were other requirements.

A POS system tailored to your sector?

Choosing is losing, unless you opt for a partner who has already chosen, then you gain expertise and specialization. Every sector is different and offering solutions for all these various sectors is virtually impossible for POS developers. Are you active in fashion with a clothing store or accessory store? Then you obviously go for a fashion cash register system. As a result, you have various functions that are specific to your sector and which you want to benefit from. Think of size bars for fashion, auction tools for garden centers or customer cards for general retailers. In the meantime, you also know where our specialization lies, we focus on fashion, garden (garden centers) and Lifestyle.

POS systems and their functions:

Multifilial functions

Do you have multiple stores and do you want each branch to have an overview of the stock in the other stores? Then you obviously need a system that supports this. Would also be pleasant if you can then report in a back office. Which products sell well in which branch and what can be the cause of this? These are all options that help you analyze your business and improve your sales.

Back Office with Reporting

Pay particular attention to the characteristics and possibilities of the back office. There you get reports that will assist you to make important decisions. If you draw reports that are totally irrelevant, your decisions will be. Moreover, reporting is also important for evaluating your employees, if everyone logs in with their own account in the cash register you can keep track of who realizes which sales and much more. At least if you have that function.

Other functions

The many functions for all kinds of retailers are countless. To give you more or less a complete picture, we have an overview page where you can find the most important functions of our system for retailers. Be sure to take a close look at each provider you are considering and do not hesitate to contact me.

Request demo

Often they can offer you a demo , which shows more than what you can read yourself. Please note: those who can give an online demo with their software often have a standard package. Let someone come to you for a demo, so you immediately see the software live at work, you can ask questions or possibly even experience the operation.

Integrate your POS system for your convenience

Do you want to further automate and make your work lighter? Then integrations are an important factor. Check whether your new point of sale for convenience store can integrate with the systems you already use, such as your accounting program or supplier link. Keep in mind that integrations will initially cost you some money, but they earn themselves back. For example: an integration with email software Mailchimp . That is a one-off cost but you save the work every week to synchronize your contacts. A bookkeeping link automatically transfers invoices to your accounting software, which saves you a lot of work in the organization of invoices and saves you direct money on the invoice of your bookkeeper. fantastic right?

Your POS system and E-commerce

We keep the best for last. E-commerce is hot right now. Just like omnichannel. And let that be just 2 things you do when you can link your POS system to a webshop. Customers can order when you are closed, your stock is synchronized and purchases are all logged in the same system, handy right? Preferably look for a company that can offer a webshop solution in addition to POS systems if you have the ambition, so the connection is easier to make and you only have 1 contact point for support.

The most important points for you are listed

  1. Keep the price always in consideration with functionality and expansion options
  2. Check whether leasing is possible, you can save a lot of investment
  3. Ask if you can also request customized extensions in addition to the standard functions
  4. Has the POS provider experience with your sector? Ask suggestions or precise operations
  5. Ambition to grow? Be sure to keep an eye on the multifilial function, many small providers do not support this.
  6. Provide a clear interface and software that stores sufficient data, it will become increasingly important in the future
  7. Comprehensive reporting is a must for your company, it can save you thousands of euros of revenue if you make better decisions on that basis.
  8. Other functions ought to be taken into consideration. Make a list for yourself with which functions are decisive for you to work with your new POS developer
  9. Do not go over 1 night, request an extensive demo that preference in your case takes place, so you immediately get the right feeling with the software and the provider can see your store to see if further optimizations are possible.
  10. Make life easy, be sure to look at the integrations that can be made and ask specifically for integrations with the software you already use.
  11. To E-commerce or not? It is a choice you make, but even there it can save you a lot of work and chance of return if your products and stock are linked between your physical and your online store.

12.Ask us for information as well , we can guide you and our cash registers offer various functionalities for specific sectors that light up your work.

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