Conversion Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:04:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Conversion 32 32 From Clicks to Conversions: How a PPC Consultant Can Skyrocket Your Success Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:12:18 +0000 Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising has emerged as a pivotal digital marketing strategy, propelling businesses toward online success by increasing their visibility and driving conversions. However, mastering the intricacies of PPC campaigns can be daunting, leaving many businesses overwhelmed. In such circumstances, a PPC consultant becomes an indispensable ally, offering expert guidance to transform clicks into tangible and lucrative conversions. This listicle delves deeper into the role of a pay per click consultant and explores how they can particularly impact the success of your online marketing campaigns.

Understanding PPC Advertising:

Social PPC Advertising

Defining PPC Advertising

PPC advertising is an online marketing model that involves advertisers paying a fee for every click on their ads. Unlike organic methods, PPC allows businesses to buy website visits by bidding for ad placements in search engine-sponsored links. This method ensures that your website appears prominently when users search for keywords associated to your products or services.

The Mechanics of PPC Campaigns

A successful PPC campaign requires meticulous keyword research, compelling ad creation, bid management, and landing page optimization to ensure relevancy and engagement. The fusion of these elements is critical, and this is where the expertise of a PPC consultant comes into play.

The Role of a PPC Consultant:

Keyword Research and Analysis

The PPC consultant’s invaluable skill lies in conducting comprehensive keyword research and analysis. They identify high-performing and relevant keywords that connect with your target audience, generating more qualified clicks and maximizing the potential for conversions.

Ad Copy Creation

Compelling ad copies are at the heart of a successful PPC campaign. A PPC consultant can craft attention-grabbing, persuasive ad copies that resonate with the audience’s search intent, enticing them to click through to your website. These copies align the user’s needs with your offerings, significantly increasing the chances of converting clicks into leads or sales.

Bid Management and Budget Optimization

Managing bids effectively and optimizing budget allocation is a fine art. A PPC consultant takes charge of bid management, ensuring that your ads achieve competitive positions without overspending on clicks. They monitor campaign performance and strategically allocate the budget to high-performing keywords, maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

Landing Page Optimization

The goal of any PPC campaign is to drive clicks that lead to meaningful actions. A PPC consultant excels in optimizing landing pages, ensuring a seamless user experience that fulfills the promises made in the ad. By providing relevant and engaging content, the consultant motivates visitors to take the desired actions, such as making purchases, filling out forms, or subscribing to newsletters.

Performance Monitoring and Analysis

A PPC consultant continuously monitors the campaign’s performance, analyzing key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per conversion. This data-driven approach provides valuable insights, enabling the identification of areas that require improvement and implementing necessary adjustments for better results.

Negative Keyword Management

A PPC consultant skillfully manages negative keywords in a quest for precision targeting. These are keywords that, if present, would trigger your ads to appear for irrelevant searches. By continuously refining the list of negative keywords, consultants prevent wasted ad spending on irrelevant clicks and enhance the overall efficiency of your campaigns.

Ad Testing and Optimization

A PPC consultant conducts rigorous ad testing to identify the most effective ad copy combinations and elements. A/B testing, or split testing, allows consultants to compare different versions of ads and landing pages, enabling data-driven decisions for campaign optimization. Continuous testing and optimization lead to higher click-through and conversion rates, fine-tuning your PPC strategy for optimal results.

Conversion Tracking and Attribution

A vital aspect of PPC campaign management is tracking conversions accurately and attributing them to the right sources. A PPC consultant ensures that conversion tracking is correctly set up, providing insights into which keywords and ads contribute most significantly to conversions. This data-driven attribution assists in refining your strategy and focusing on the elements that generate the most valuable outcomes.

The Advantages of Hiring a PPC Consultant:

Expertise and Experience

PPC consultants bring an abundance of experience and knowledge to the table. They stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices, ensuring your campaigns remain ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Managing PPC campaigns demands significant time and resources, particularly for businesses without dedicated marketing teams. Entrusting the complexities of PPC management to a consultant allows you to concentrate on core business activities while benefiting from expert guidance.


While hiring a pay per click consultant incurs an additional cost, it ultimately proves cost-effective. With their adeptness in bid management and budget optimization, consultants ensure that your ad spend is utilized efficiently, extracting maximum value from your investment.

Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking

Understanding your competitors’ strategies is crucial in the highly competitive world of digital advertising. A PPC consultant conducts thorough competitive analysis, identifying strengths and weaknesses of your rivals’ campaigns. By benchmarking your performance against industry competitors, they uncover opportunities for improvement and devise innovative tactics to outperform your rivals.

Adaptive Optimization Techniques

PPC campaigns require frequent monitoring and adjustments to stay effective. A PPC consultant employs adaptive optimization techniques, reacting swiftly to changing market conditions and consumer behavior. This proactive approach allows your campaigns to remain relevant and effective, ensuring you stay ahead of your competition.

In-Depth Reporting and Insights

A PPC consultant provides detailed and insightful reports on campaign performance. These reports go beyond surface-level metrics and delve into the data that truly matters. By interpreting the data and providing actionable insights, consultants empower you to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement in your PPC campaigns.

Integrated Marketing Strategies

A PPC consultant doesn’t work in isolation. They understand the importance of integration with other marketing channels to achieve a cohesive and synchronized marketing approach. By aligning PPC efforts with other digital marketing initiatives, such as SEO and social media, they create a unified strategy that maximizes overall impact and boosts brand visibility.


In today’s fiercely competitive digital marketing realm, PPC advertising is a cornerstone for businesses seeking to enhance online visibility and generate conversions. However, navigating the intricacies of PPC campaigns necessitates strategic expertise and continuous optimization, making a PPC consultant an invaluable asset. From conducting meticulous keyword research and creating persuasive ad copies to optimizing landing pages and continuously monitoring campaign performance, a PPC consultant significantly influences the success of your marketing endeavors. Embracing the expertise of a PPC consultant empowers businesses to elevate mere clicks into substantial conversions, driving growth and prosperity in the digital landscape.

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4 WordPress Tricks That’ll Improve Your Chances Of Conversion Wed, 29 Mar 2023 18:14:10 +0000 It’s no secret that the ecommerce industry has become a fierce playing field. With more competition than ever before, small business owners must make sure that their site is up to scratch.

From device adaptability to user personalisation, there are a lot of factors to think about when optimising your website for ecommerce success. The question is, have you thought about your content management system?

Over 43% of all sites use WordPress to design and post their content. From landing pages to blog posts, WordPress is an all-in-one site-serving machine and powers a third of the top 1 million websites.

However, in order to reap the benefits of WordPress and increase your chances of a conversion, your site needs to be speedy, hosted on a reliable platform and use the latest WordPress plugins. Read on as we reveal the benefits of site optimisation and 4 of the most crucial WordPress tricks and tweaks to add to your site strategy in 2023.

WordPress Tricks for Conversion

(Image Source: WPBeginner)

Why does site speed matter?

In a competitive industry, site speed could be the difference between a conversion and a webpage bounce. With at least ten sites selling the same product or service as each other, online consumers have the pick of the draw. While your deals may be better, a slow-loading site could quickly push them to a competitor.

In fact, over a third of consumers are likely to bounce off of a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

A site should have a bounce rate no higher than 41-51%. The more people that bounce off of your landing, the lower you fall in a Google Search rank. Google ranks sites in accordance with user engagement metrics, such as time spent on a page. If your site slows down in the face of large influxes of traffic, you’ll be likely to see a negative SEO payoff.

As you can see here, a slow-loading site could cost you up to $2.5 million in sales, especially if you’re competing against industry giants.

As we step into the future of site optimisation, page loading speed has become a primary concern for site developers. The question is, could your WordPress platform play a role in improving this? Let’s have a closer look.

4 changes to make to your WordPress site in 2023

If you want to optimise your ecommerce experience, learning how to use a WordPress-powered site could ensure your content management system is living up to its full potential.

Whether you update your WordPress plugins or simply change your theme structure, there are plenty of tweaks you can make to your WordPress site that will draw in more visitors.

1. Make sure your WordPress site is hosted

One of the first steps to take when optimising your WordPress site is to update your WordPress host. All sites are hosted on a server, but if you want your ecommerce store to be especially speedy, it’s smart to invest in a hosting provider like Hostinger or Kinsta who can ensure your site is prioritises peak performance.

Using a WordPress-powered web host comes with a number of site benefits:

  • Faster site speeds: With the ability to maintain large influxes of traffic, private hosting providers have much larger bandwidths, ensuring that sites will have no downtime, even during peak search times.
  • Automatic performance updates: Like any other online platform, WordPress is constantly updating. Investing in a host for your WordPress site can save you from constantly updating software and investing in performance plugins, as many private host servers come with pre-installed plugins and an automatic update system that ensures that your site is ahead of the curve.
  • Site security: WordPress sites will be especially susceptible to cyberattacks in 2023. With over 99% of vulnerabilities linked to WordPress themes and plugins, site security is vital, especially when you’re dealing with customer data. Luckily, most hosted WordPress sites receive anti-DDoS protection and are equipped with an inbuilt firewall.

Once a WordPress site is set up on a secure hosting server, then it is ready to start undergoing transformation.

2. Revisit your WordPress theme

It’s important for a site to be functional as well as aesthetic, especially when it comes to ecommerce. Did you know that 73% of web designers claim that an unresponsive design is a top reason a user will bounce off of a webpage?

What’s more, a whopping half of all searches now come from a smartphone, meaning that designing a site that is adaptable to a number of devices is now essential for ecommerce providers.

When choosing your WordPress theme, the key is to choose something that is simple yet effective. Adding too much clutter to your theme design can make a website harder to access and navigate as well as slow it down significantly.

Instead, make sure that your site theme highlights your navigation system and makes it easy for consumers to identify your call to action. Choosing a simplistic theme can ensure that your site runs at full capacity and isn’t slowed down by multi-media.

If you still want to display images, videos and animations on-site, adding plugins to a functional design prioritise site optimisation while still providing the consumer with visual content.

We recommend themes by Astra, Studio Press, and Elegant Themes, which are all optimised for peak performance while still looking stylish.

3. Update your WordPress Plugins

Another way to improve the efficiency of your WordPress site is to update its plugins or add some if you haven’t already.

Defined by Hubspot, “A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that “plugs into” your WordPress site. Plugins can add new functionality or extend existing functionality on your site, allowing you to create virtually any kind of website, from ecommerce stores to portfolios to directory sites.”

WordPress users can use as many plugins as they want without damaging their site performance. That’s why it’s smarter to start with a simplistic design and build on it with function plugins.

The key here is to choose a WordPress plugin that packs a punch. A poorly coded plugin that is not updated can affect site loading speed, especially if it carries a number of scripts and stylesheets.

For ecommerce stores in particular, it’s smart to invest in a retail-focused plugin such as BigCommerce or WooCommerce. These types of plugins allow a small business to scale their site for the influx of seasonal traffic, create a step-by-step checkout system and even add live chat to their WordPress site.

In fact, a whopping 20% of all ecommerce websites are powered by WooCommerce alone.

Once downloaded, the next step is to test your ecommerce plugins and track their initial impact. Each ecommerce store is different and will require its own additional needs.

4. Try a WordPress Staging Site

When making new changes to your site, there’s always a chance that engagement could fall and conversions could plummet. Different demographic groups like different site styles, so it’s often trial and error before you see positive results.

Introducing a staging site to your WordPress setup is a great way to test changes before making them live. This means that marketing teams and web designers can trial new themes, plugins and campaigns on a clone site before setting anything live.

Using a staging site can help businesses identify potential issues with their optimisation strategy before it can directly affect sale success.

Better still, most web host providers offer a one-click staging site setup. This can take the pressure off of designers as they can track and view changes in the process.

Is WordPress the way forward?

WordPress could power up to half of all ecommerce websites in the next ten years. As a low-cost, easy-to-edit content platform, more small business owners are dipping their toes into  website design.

From picking the perfect host platform to choosing the right plugins, optimising a WordPress site can take dedication, but the payoff could see your site soaring to the top of a Google search.

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Tips for Increasing Conversion + 12 Marketing Platform Recommendations Fri, 23 Jul 2021 19:55:04 +0000 The more customers you convert, the more chances you have at increasing sales.

When you increase conversions, you increase your chance of creating loyal customers and making a sale. That’s why it’s so important to do everything you can to increase conversion rates across all of your marketing channels.

But first, what is considered a conversion? While the actual action that signifies someone has converted may vary, it’s essentially a way to track how many users have completed the action you’ve asked them to.

This could be downloading a whitepaper, signing up for your email newsletter, texting a keyword to join your SMS messages, or clicking an advertisement.

All of these things are important because they show user intent and can help you identify who is a serious lead and who may not be worth your time trying to market to.

In this article, we’ll share a few tips on how to improve your conversion rates and provide you with a few marketing platform recommendations to take your strategy to the next level.

Tips That are Sure to Help Improve Your Conversion Rates

When it comes to improving conversion rates, there are plenty of ideas out there. In this section, we’ll look at a few tips that are sure to help you achieve your conversion rate goals and set you up for continued success.

Make Converting Simple For the Customer

This first point is one of the most important things to consider when you’re trying to increase conversions. That’s because if you make it too complicated, they’re simply going to move on with their lives and may never think about the experience they had on your site again.

Make Converting Simple For the Customer

Making it easy for your audiences to convert is very important. This basic user flow shows you the exact number of steps the customer must take to complete their action. By keeping it short and to the point, you’re much more likely to see increased conversions. Image courtesy of Hubspot.

Luckily, there are many ways to make the conversion process simple, and it doesn’t require too much extra work on your teams. Here are just a few examples of how you can quickly and easily encourage users to convert:

  • A pop-up form on your website that encourages people to subscribe to your email or text marketing channels
  • Messages that drive current users to your site through product recommendations based on their previous purchasing habits
  • In-store promotions that encourage shoppers to text a specific keyword to join your text marketing subscriber list
  • Create a lead magnet that is gated and requires a user to share their email address to see the full content

It’s also essential to keep your forms and conversion steps short and to the point.

If someone wants to subscribe to your email newsletter, the form has ten questions — they’re most likely not going to convert successfully. You need to make sure that the effort and the reward align because people aren’t always willing to give up their personal information for just anything.

Don’t Ignore the Power of the CTA

The next tip we have for you — don’t ignore your call to action.

If you aren’t taking the time to craft unique and eye-grabbing CTAs, then you’re missing an ample conversion opportunity. A well-crafted CTA is often the final element someone needs to decide to convert.

How CTA is Ignored

Are you not spending enough time on your CTAs? You’re not alone. Marketers across the industry are simply choosing to ignore the power of the CTA. By taking the time to put a good CTA strategy in place, you’ll be setting yourself up for success and ahead of the competition. Image courtesy of ThumbVista.

By ignoring your CTAs, you’re creating marketing content that doesn’t provide a customer with a next step. You’ll never see an increase in conversion rates if you don’t offer the customer a simple, clear next step.

Simply put, ignoring the power of your CTAs will provide your customers with a dead-end experience and hinder your conversion efforts.

To help avoid this scenario, here are a few CTA best practices that will help to capture the attention of your audiences and improve your conversion rates:

  • Make sure your CTA is front and center so that people know exactly where to click
  • Use action-oriented text to tell the user what the action they are about to complete is
  • Play around with the colors of your CTA buttons and make sure they stand out enough from the other content on the page
  • Keep the text on your CTA short and to the point
  • Add a little urgency to the copy to entice users to act quickly
  • Ensure the primary action you want your customers to take is the most prevalent CTA on the page

By telling the user what the following action they should take, you’re moving them towards converting and through their purchasing journey with your brand. The CTA can often be the first step in a long relationship with your customers — and an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Provide the Customer with Something of Value

To encourage someone to convert, you need to provide them with something of equal or greater value to what you’re asking them to do.

SMS Marketing Opt-In Rates

You need to find something of value to provide your customers in exchange for their personal information. There are many different ways to do this, but one highly effective way is to provide a coupon or incentive to purchase. Image courtesy of Tatango.

Many people are hesitant to provide their personal information. This is why if you’re not providing enough value, you’re going to see low conversion rates. When it comes to what is valuable enough to provide their contact information, it may vary from person to person.

You’ll find that people may be more willing to provide an email address over their cell phone number. Many people feel that giving their cell phone number out is more personal than just providing their email addresses.

So how do you provide your customers with the right amount of value to drive increased conversions? Here are a few examples of offers that many customers may find valuable enough to complete a conversion:

  • Discount or coupon codes that a shopper can use on the items they’re interested in purchasing
  • Lead magnets that provide valuable content your audiences might be interested in; just make sure only to gate high-quality content
  • Participation in a particular program such as a loyalty or points-based savings

Creating value when you’re looking to reach new customers or increase sales will provide you with an increase in conversions and build stronger customer relationships. Your audiences will trust that your brand won’t waste their time with gimmicky, spammy content and will continue to stay more engaged.

Build Cross Channel Experiences for the Buyer’s Journey

Chances are good you’re already using various marketing channels to reach your audiences, but are you using those channels to their full potential?

If you’re not moving towards creating a seamless cross channel marketing experience, then the answer to that question is no. You have a world of opportunity at the tips of your fingers, and all you have to do is step back and look at all of your marketing channels holistically.

Customer Experience

There are many touchpoints to consider when looking at the entire customer journey. By bringing all of these different elements together into one comprehensive experience, you can make the most out of each and every one of these interactions along the way and drive higher conversion rates. Image courtesy of SentiSum.

Knowing that it takes an average of 8 touch points with a prospect to land that initial conversion, you need to leverage all of the tools in your marketing toolbox.

By creating a cross channel experience you can make the most out of every touchpoint across all of your marketing channels. This streamlines the experience and can drive leads down the sales funnel more efficiently, resulting in higher conversions and more sales.

Not only will developing cross channel marketing campaigns help to drive increased conversions and sales, but they will also help build stronger brand awareness and expand your reach to attract new subscribers.

12 Marketing Platform Recommendations

When it comes to increasing conversions and managing customer interactions, there’s no better way to do it than by using a marketing automation platform. These tools can help you create, manage, analyze, and improve all of your marketing channels.

There are many different options when it comes to marketing platforms, and every business has its own specific needs. To help sort through the noise, we’ve broken out our platform recommendations into four groupings:

  • All-in-One Digital Marketing Platforms
  • Email Marketing Platforms
  • Text Marketing Platforms
  • Social Media Management Platforms

So feel free to jump to the section that best fits your company’s needs– or take notes on a few from each group to learn how they can help you achieve your goals.

All-in-One Digital Marketing Platforms

If you’re looking for a marketing tool that can help you do it all, then these are the platforms you’ll want to check out. Each of the following platforms will allow you to manage multiple marketing channels, customer data, and so much more.

1. Listrak


The Listrak platform is a great all-in-one digital marketing tool. It provides you with the capabilities you need to create content and manage customer relationships across various channels while making it easy to develop a comprehensive cross-channel experience.

Pricing: This platform offers a wide variety of services, so pricing is based on specific business needs. To find out more about what the pricing may look like for your business, you’ll want to contact a Listrak representative.

Highlighted Capabilities: 

  • Manage numerous marketing channels including, email, SMS/MMS, social, mobile push, and more from one centralized platform
  • Create cross channel marketing campaigns that seamlessly interact with customers from one channel to the next
  • Capture a complete 360-degree profile of your customers and gain valuable insights to improve your marketing efforts
  • Integrate predictive technology into your marketing campaigns to identify opportunities to engage with customers based on real-time and historical data

Listrak is a digital marketing platform that can grow with the needs of your business and provide you with additional resources to keep that momentum going.

2. Omnisend


This platform is an excellent option for businesses looking for an eCommerce-driven marketing tool. With the ability to automate your efforts on multiple channels, including email and SMS, you’ll be able to do more with your time while increasing customer engagement and conversions.

Pricing: Pricing for this platform is based on the number of contacts you have and includes four plans.

The following are the starting prices based on 500 contacts for each plan, the Free plan, the Standard plan starting at $16 per month, the Pro plan starting at $99 per month, and the Enterprise plan with customized pricing.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Increase conversions with popups, landing pages, wheel of fortune games, and signup boxes
  • Integrate eCommerce into your marketing channels to not only increase conversions but also drive revenue growth
  • Create messages easily with prebuilt templates and a simple drag and drop content editor tool
  • Automate workflows that keep your audiences engaged after converting and keep moving them through the sales funnel

Using the Omnisend platform will help you increase conversions and drive subscribers towards purchasing eCommerce integrations.

3. ActiveCampaign


ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform designed to elevate your email marketing and the entire customer experience. With tools ranging from marketing automation to CRM capabilities, this platform will help your business grow.

Pricing: ActiveCampaign has multiple plan options available that are designed to meet the needs of any business type including, B2C, B2B, and eCommerce. The pricing for plans varies based on the number of contacts you have.

The following are the plan prices based on 500 contacts, the Lite plan starting at $9 per month, the Plus plan starting at $49 per month, the Professional plan starting at $129 per month, the Enterprise plan starting at $229 per month.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Manage and automate various marketing channels, including email, SMS, WhatsApp, and more
  • Tap into machine learning and predictive analytics technology to improve the content your serving customers based on real insights
  • Make creating messages simple with predesigned templates and a simple drag and drop editing tool
  • Keep up on all of your sales communications to cut down wasted time and increase revenue potential

ActiveCampaign is a good solution for companies focused on improving the overall customer experience and automating various marketing and sales processes.

Email Marketing Platforms

Not sure you need that all-in-one platform yet? If you’re simply looking for a tool to help manage your email marketing, then this is the section you’ll want to tune into. The following recommended platforms will provide you with the capabilities you’ll need to reach and exceed your email marketing goals.

1. ConvertKit


If you’re a small business or individual creator working to build your brand, ConvertKit is a great option to consider. It’s designed to help grow your audience, build a community, and increase sales and revenue with eCommerce.

Pricing: Plan pricing is based on the number of subscribers you have, and there are three plan options available.

The following prices are based on 1,000 subscribers, the Free plan, the Creator plan $29 per month, and the Creator Pro plan $59 per month.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Reach new customers and increase conversions with custom landing pages and lead magnets that are automatically downloaded
  • Send personalized emails to your audiences to start nurturing them and building stronger relationships
  • Simplify email creation with email templates that are ready for you to populate your content into
  • Automate emails to send messages to your audiences at the right time and help move them through the sales funnel

As mentioned, ConvertKit is a great resource for individual creators and small businesses looking to get their feet off the ground. If you fit into this niche, then you’ll want to consider this platform.

2. AWeber


AWeber is a marketing automation platform that focuses on email, landing page development, and web push notifications. That means you’ll get a little more than just email marketing but won’t have to feel overwhelmed with the idea of managing too many channels in one place — allowing you to focus on the area you’re most interested in.

Pricing: There are two pricing tracks available, the standard pricing and high volume pricing.

The standard pricing includes the Pro plan, $16.15 per month, and the Free plan. While the high volume pricing is customized based on specific business needs.

Highlighted Capabilities: 

  • Build stronger customer relationships by sending targeted emails that engage users based on real-insights such as welcome campaigns and celebrating special occasions
  • Increase sales by developing an abandoned cart email series or identify opportunities to upsell relevant products
  • Automate email sending to make connecting with your audiences at the right time simple
  • Use pre-built campaigns to get started quickly and avoid recreating the wheel for every campaign you launch

AWeber will provide you with the email marketing tools you need to get started creating and sending successful campaigns to your customers.

3. GetResponse


GetResponse is an inbound marketing platform that will help you increase conversion by growing your audiences and engaging with customers at the right moment. This tool has a solution for you whether you’re just starting your own business or part of a large corporation.

Pricing: This platform has four plan options available, and pricing varies based on your contact list’s size.

The following prices are based on 1,000 contacts, the Basic plan $15 per month, the Plus plan $49 per month, the Professional plan $99 per month, and the Max plan customized based on business needs.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Develop autoresponders that follow up and nurture your subscribers without the need for manual intervention
  • Ensure your emails are delivered at the right time with their Perfect Timing and Time Travel delivery tools
  • Make email creation a breeze with intuitive design tools that allow you to create eye-catching messages every time
  • Integrate personalization into your email strategy with custom segments, dynamic content, and more

This tool will allow you to do everything you need to create engaging emails that turn new subscribers into loyal customers. From simplifying the development process to ensuring the most accurate delivery, it’s all covered.

Text Marketing Platforms

So you’ve already got your email marketing under control, but are interested in jumping on the text marketing bandwagon. The tools in this section will be exactly what you’re looking for — whether you’re brand new to the world of SMS marketing or are a seasoned expert.

1. EZTexting


EZTexting is a text marketing platform that provides businesses with everything they need to create, manage, and track their SMS marketing campaigns. Whether you’re looking to increase conversions, drive people to your website, or improve your customer service — it’s all possible with this tool.

Pricing: There are four plan options including, the Value plan starting at $19 per month, the Essentials plan starting at $29 per month, the Premium plan starting at $49 per month, and the Custom plan starting at $299 per month.

Highlighted Capabilities: 

  • Engage your audiences and provide them with the value they’re looking for with the help of sales and promotion messages
  • Keep audiences up-to-date and in the know with alerts and notifications such as appointment reminders and emergency alerts
  • Improve your customer service by improving the scheduling and confirmation process and provide faster response times
  • Continue to grow your subscriber base, convert more leads, and better understand your marketing attribution

EZTexting is a great tool for creating one-on-one conversations between your brand and your customers.

2. Birdeye


Birdeye is a text marketing platform with solutions for businesses of all sizes — whether you’re a small business or an enterprise. While this tool is listed in our text marketing section, it does provide a few additional services, including reviews, referrals, surveys, listings, and more.

Pricing: Pricing for this platform is customized based on specific business needs. You’ll need to connect with a Birdeye representative to learn more about pricing based on your needs.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Send mass text messages to your entire audience or select segments to get the word out about upcoming sales and events
  • Engage in one-to-one conversations with customers, even if they’re responding to a mass email sent to everyone
  • Integrate personalization into each message with personalized text templates
  • Add imagery or attach PDFs to your texts to add an extra layer of content to your messages

Birdeye provides businesses of all sizes with the tools they need to reach their audiences through SMS marketing and still provides companies with the ability to grow and expand.

3. Textedly


Textedly is an SMS and MMS marketing platform that provides businesses with a range of powerful features to elevate their text marketing strategy. This tool provides you with everything you need to create successful text marketing campaigns and connect with your audiences via smartphones.

Pricing: This platform provides customers with a wide range of plan options including, the free Starter plan, the Bronze plan $24 per month, the Plus plan $39 per month, the Enterprise plan $50 per month, the Elite plan $70 per month, the Business plan $140 per month, the Silver plan $210 per month, the Premium plan $350 per month, the Pro plan $500 per month, the Gold plan $700 per month, the Platinum plan $1,400 per month, the Diamond plan $2,100 per month, and the Champion plan $2,800 per month.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Make it easy for your customers to subscribe to your SMS marketing campaigns with customized text keywords
  • Schedule and automate message sending to ensure you never miss an opportunity to engage with your subscribers
  • Engage in two way SMS messaging to connect with users on a more personalized level
  • Gain insights into campaign analytics and reporting to understand how your text messages are performing

If you’re looking for a text marketing platform that provides you with the tools you need to increase customer engagement, and that provides flexibility in pricing and plan options — this is the perfect tool for you.

Social Media Management Platforms

Last but not least, we’ll provide you with a few marketing platforms that can help you manage and increase conversions on your social media channels. Each of these tools will empower you to make the most out of every social interaction you have with your customers.

1. Buffer


Buffer is a social media marketing platform that allows you to track and manage your social engagements from one central location. By responding and interacting with your social followers quickly and straightforwardly, you can easily build an engaged following.

Pricing: There are two plan tracks available, one specifically for publishing and the other focuses on analytics.

The plans available for the publishing track include, the Free plan, the Pro plan $15 per month, the Premium plan $65 per month, and the Business plan $99 per month. The plans available for the analytics track include the Pro plan $35 per month and the Premium plan $50 per month.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Make engaging with your audiences across your social channels simple and quickly respond to new comments and interactions
  • Prioritize your work with the help of smart alerts that use machine learning to let you know if a post has questions, negative sentiment, or comment about a purchase
  • Track and report on the performance of your social channels from one centralized dashboard
  • Improve collaboration across your team to create the most relevant, high-quality content to share on your social channels

Buffer is a great option for businesses looking for a social sharing tool that will also help to improve the internal content creation collaboration process.

2. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that will provide you with the ability to do more on the social channels you’re active on in less time. Whether you’re looking to automate message scheduling, improve social listening, or better understand how your efforts are performing — this platform can do it all.

Pricing: There are four plan options including, the Professional plan $49 per month, the Team plan $129 per month, the Business plan $599 per month, and the Enterprise plan that provides customized pricing based on business needs.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Grow your social following by creating quality content and integrating it into the Hootsuite dashboard to make posting it simple
  • Automate and schedule messages to launch on all of your social channels to save yourself time in the long run
  • Stay ahead of social conversations, stay ahead of industry trends, and better understand what your customers are saying about your brand
  • Track and analyze your current social campaigns and messages to learn what works and what doesn’t, then adjust for future efforts

Hootsuite is an excellent tool for businesses that want to manage various social channels from one centralized platform and save time through automating processes.

3. Social Pilot


SocialPilot is a cost-effective social media marketing tool that will help you achieve all of your social goals. Providing you everything you need from connecting accounts, scheduling posts, and analyzing campaigns — this is a great solution for businesses of all sizes.

Pricing: There are multiple plan options available including, the Agency plan $127.50 per month, the Studio plan $85 per month, the Small Team plan $42.50 per month, the Professional plan $25.50 per month, and customized plans are available.

Highlighted Capabilities:

  • Connect and manage 50+ social profiles from one location to create a unified social scheduling process
  • Understand how your social posts are performing with detailed analytics and reporting
  • Keep track and respond to all the conversations happening with your brand across channels
  • Improve collaboration across your team, assign tasks, and review posts for approval before they post

If you’re looking for a social marketing tool that provides you with all the capabilities you need at a lower price, this is a platform you’ll want to check out.

Increase Conversions and Find the Right Platform for Your Needs

If you’re looking to increase conversions and find the right platform to help manage all of your marketing needs — this article should have provided you with a great starting point. Now it’s on you to take these tips and platform recommendations and put them to work for your business.

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5 Elements of a Highly-Converting Sales Page Wed, 11 Mar 2020 13:58:55 +0000 Highly-Converting Sales Page

In any business, a quality sales campaign must include an attractive sales page. It is crucial to your business that you know what goes into making a great sales page.

Today, we’re going to discuss five key elements that will ensure potential customers are blown away by your presentation.

Regardless of what market you’re trying to reach, these elements will work to bring in more eyes. And more eyes means more potential sales.

1. It’s Got to Look Good

People are attracted to shiny things. The better your page looks, the greater chance you have at landing a sale.

Like the soap opera, make it look bold and beautiful. Use designs that are pleasing to the eye. The more ‘junk’ you have on screen, the easier your customer will become disoriented.

Darker imagery can serve to distract, so make sure it’s bright and cheerful. This will help it have a welcoming theme instead of driving people away. If you need some help with this, you’ll definitely want to look over this clickfunnels review.

2. Keep it Simple

While you may be inclined to litter your sales page with a bunch of hype to get more views, try to keep it simple.

Clean lines will help your customers maintain focus. After all, you’re trying to sell them on your product. A streamlined design will keep their eyes where you want them to be.

Keep a bunch of confusing links to a minimum. Only link to important information that pertains to your ultimate sales goal.

3. Make a Great Offer

If you’re trying to obtain information from your customers, they’ll likely want something in return. People are less likely to give out their personal info than in previous years. Offer your customers something that is valuable to them.

You may do a raffle where a lucky customer wins something from your business. Whatever the prize may be, just make sure you are able to deliver when it comes time. Nothing will put your company in a bad light faster than broken promises; especially when valuable customer information is concerned.

Word of mouth has a greater impact than you might think. And it travels fast! If you do something great for your customers, they will likely let their friends know about it. This in turn will bring more outside eyes to your business.

Little things like this can have a huge impact that will work in everyone’s favor. Just be sure to use the information you get wisely. Which brings is to element 4.

4. Get the Right Information

Being in sales, you know that the more info you have on a person, the better. You’ll be able to position your sales strategy in ways that cater to each customer. This is a huge benefit that not every business has the luxury of doing.

That being said, it is vital that you not waste time on information that is useless to you. Time is money, as it goes. And by collecting data that will only better your relationship with your customers, you don’t run the risk of personal data being stolen.

If you have a huge backlog of sensitive data and it gets out, you’ll have a major problem on your hands. Play it safe and don’t get greedy with customer information.

5. Have a Balance of Text and Video

These days, shoppers get bored quickly. If something doesn’t catch their eye, they are likely to move on. A wall of text can instantly lead to them booking it. A great way to combat this is by utilizing entertaining videos.

But don’t get too carried away. You need to ensure that the videos used are useful to you and your customers.

Wrap Up

A company with a great sales page will use these five elements to its advantage. Tinker around with different styles, but try to maintain order and an inviting presence. You’ll have a much better ratio of customers sticking around.

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