Strategies Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:06:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Strategies 32 32 How To Identify Buying Intent and Optimize Sales Strategies Wed, 27 Sep 2023 19:02:07 +0000 For any business, understanding the buying intent of its customers proves integral to making strategic decisions and boosting sales. The mistake many entrepreneurs and business owners make is to focus solely on driving traffic without considering their customers’ underlying needs and wants. The idea behind buying intent is as straightforward as it sounds—it helps you identify potential customers who are likely to make a purchase. In this article, we delve deeper into buying intent, discussing its significance, how to identify it, and ultimately leverage it to optimize sales strategies. Keep reading to learn more.

Understanding Buying Intent

Two people looking at a laptop, smiling, discussing the buying intent of a product.

Buying intent goes beyond identifying who is interested in your product or service to identify who is primed to purchase. Buying intent involves the integration of a multitude of signals, such as behavioral patterns, trends, and data analysis, transforming them into actionable insights that drive conversions.

Businesses can tailor their marketing and sales strategy by identifying the buying intent. It helps businesses allocate their time, resources, and effort more efficiently, focusing on high-potential leads rather than spending time nurturing those unlikely to make a purchase.

Moreover, buying intent allows marketers to understand customer needs deeply at different stages of their journey. By doing so, they can personalize their marketing approach, which helps build stronger, more profound relationships with potential customers. When businesses understand their customers’ needs, they become more effective in providing solutions that consumers want, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Identifying Buying Intent

Key indicators of buying intent include customer interactions with the business, the frequency and depth of engagements, and the sourcing and analysis of relevant transactional data. Practices such as tracking customer’s online behavior, analyzing trends and data, and frequent customer interaction can significantly aid this process.

Beyond these indicators, purchasing history, client testimonials, and demographic data can also serve as helpful insights for identifying buying intent. For instance, customers who make frequent purchases or leave positive feedback display high buying intent. Understanding how these elements interconnect can help businesses better understand their customers’ needs and predict future behaviors fittingly.

Another crucial method of identifying buying intent is through predictive analytics. Emerging technologies, particularly those leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), offer robust platforms for predicting buying intent. These technologies map out customer behaviors, analyze patterns, and provide forecasts on the likelihood of a purchase, significantly reducing the time it takes to identify prospective buyers.

Leveraging Buying Intent for Sales Optimization

A well-understood and accurately identified buying intent becomes a valuable tool for sales optimization. It allows businesses to segment their target audience according to unique behavior patterns, purchase history, and demographics. As such, businesses can tailor their marketing campaigns to individual segments, allowing for more personalized messaging catering specifically to each unique audience.

Furthermore, understanding buying intent helps devise strategic sales funnels that effectively guide a prospect through the purchase journey. From creating awareness about the product to influencing the final purchase decision, businesses can tailor each funnel stage according to the buyer’s unique needs and preferences. This approach facilitates a higher conversion rate and fosters customer loyalty and retention in the long run.

Preparing Your Business for Buying Intent

A team with laptops working in an office with glass windows discussing buying intent strategies.

The primary prerequisite to leveraging buying intent is a solid understanding of your customer base. This involves investigating and understanding their preferences, needs, goals, and obstacles. By equipping yourself with these insights, you’ll be better positioned to spot high-intent behavior and respond to it effectively.

Fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making in your organization is also essential to maximize the benefits of buying intent. Integrating advanced analytical tools in your business operations to collect, analyze, and interpret consumer data will streamline the identification of buying intent and the development of tailored marketing strategies.

When effectively implemented, buying intent strategies have the potential to drive high conversions, increase revenues, and foster customer loyalty. To truly leverage the power of buying intent, a business must be ready to embrace data-driven strategies, predictive analytics, and an unwavering focus on its customers.

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Navigating the E-Commerce Era: Effective Advertising Strategies for Success Tue, 11 Jul 2023 18:16:41 +0000 The e-commerce era has revolutionized the way businesses operate and connect with customers. With the rise of online shopping, effective advertising strategies have become vital for success in this digital landscape.

By understanding the impact of e-commerce on advertising, we can discover new ways to engage customers, increase sales, and stay ahead in this competitive digital marketplace. Let’s dive into the world of e-commerce advertising and uncover strategies to boost your brand’s success. 

Understanding the E-commerce Landscape

The rapid growth of online shopping has reshaped the business landscape, making it crucial for marketers to grasp the dynamics of the e-commerce industry. Today, consumers are increasingly turning to the convenience of online platforms to make their purchases. This shift has created a unique and highly competitive marketplace, where effective advertising plays a pivotal role in capturing customer attention and driving sales.

To navigate this landscape successfully, businesses must recognize the significance of tailored advertising strategies that align with the specific demands and preferences of online shoppers. By understanding the intricacies of the e-commerce landscape, marketers can position their brands strategically and leverage the power of digital advertising to achieve sustainable growth and success.

Key Strategies for Advertising in the E-Commerce Era 

Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

A well-thought-out marketing plan is like the roadmap that guides your journey to success. Begin by identifying your target audience and understanding their demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Set clear objectives and goals that align with your business vision. Next, allocate a suitable budget to ensure your advertising efforts are adequately funded.

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan lays the foundation for effective decision-making and strategic execution. It’s a powerful tool that keeps you focused, organized, and on track as you navigate the dynamic world of e-commerce advertising. 

Creating a Compelling Brand Identity

In the crowded e-commerce landscape, it’s crucial to stand out from the competition and capture the hearts of your target audience. This is where a compelling brand identity comes into play. Craft a unique value proposition that sets you apart from others. For example, if you’re selling handmade jewelry, emphasize its meticulous craftsmanship and your use of ethically sourced materials.

Establish a consistent brand voice and visuals that resonate with your market. Whether it’s a witty and playful tone or a sophisticated and elegant aesthetic, make sure it aligns with your brand values and your customers’ preferences.

Building trust and credibility is also vital, so highlight customer testimonials, awards, or certifications to reinforce your brand’s quality and reliability. By creating a compelling brand identity, you forge a strong connection with your audience, increasing brand loyalty and driving sales. 

Optimizing Website and User Experience

A smooth online journey can make all the difference in converting visitors into loyal customers. Remember, your website is your virtual storefront, and providing a seamless user experience is paramount. It encourages visitors to stay longer, explore products or services, and potentially make a purchase.

Businesses can optimize their websites by making product categories and search functionality more accessible. Implement a user-friendly checkout process that minimizes friction and reduces cart abandonment. Simply put, enhance the website design and navigation to make it intuitive and visually appealing.

With a growing number of users accessing websites from mobile devices, businesses should make it a priority to make their websites mobile-friendly. Ensure that it is responsive and displays properly on smartphones and tablets.

An optimized website also allows for better tracking and analysis of user behavior. By integrating analytics tools, businesses can gather valuable data on visitor demographics, traffic sources, and browsing patterns. This information can inform advertising strategies, allowing businesses to target their audience more effectively and tailor their messaging based on user preferences.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms have become powerful tools for e-commerce advertising, allowing businesses to connect with their market on a personal level. Identify the relevant social media channels where your audience spends most of their time. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, tailor your content to each platform’s unique features and user preferences.

Create engaging and shareable content, such as eye-catching visuals, informative videos, or captivating captions. Consider leveraging influencer marketing and user-generated content to expand your reach and build trust with your audience. By harnessing the potential of social media, you can create a community around your brand, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your e-commerce store. 

Implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

Appearing at the top of search engine results is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website. Implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies is key to achieving this. A thorough keyword search is crucial to identify which terms and phrases are regularly used by your potential clients to search for products and services.

You can also optimize your website content, including product descriptions, blog posts, and landing pages, with relevant keywords and meta tags. Creating high-quality and relevant content is essential, as search engines prioritize valuable and informative content for users. Building authoritative backlinks from reputable websites further enhances your website’s visibility and credibility. 

Exploring the Benefits of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

With PPC, you only pay when a user clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective advertising method. Platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads allow you to display your ads prominently in search results and across various websites.

By strategically selecting keywords and creating compelling ad copy, you can reach potential customers at the right moment when they are actively searching for products or services similar to what you offer. Monitoring and optimizing your PPC campaigns allow you to refine your targeting and maximize your return on investment (ROI). 

To unlock the full potential of PPC advertising, consider collaborating with a Google Ads agency. These agencies specialize in managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns, leveraging their expertise to maximize your results. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies, ensuring that your ads are targeting the right audience and appearing in the most effective placements. 

Tracking and Analyzing Campaign Performance

Tracking and Analyzing

Photo by Our-Team on Freepik

Tracking and analyzing campaign performance is essential to ensure the success of your advertising efforts in the e-commerce era. Implementing robust analytics tools enables you to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies. Set up tracking mechanisms to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement.

Analyze the data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. For instance, you may discover that certain advertising channels or campaigns are driving higher conversion rates, so adjust your budget accordingly. Make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns and allocate resources where they generate the highest return on investment. 


In every kind of business venture, success lies in the ability to adapt and experiment. As the landscape of e-commerce evolves, it’s crucial for businesses to continuously refine their strategies, embracing new opportunities to connect with their target audience.

The digital realm offers an array of platforms and tools—from social media to SEO and PPC advertising— allowing marketers to explore different avenues and find what works best for their brand. By staying nimble and open to experimentation, businesses can stay ahead and capitalize on the ever-expanding possibilities of e-commerce advertising.

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3 Internet of Things Testing Strategies Sun, 27 Nov 2022 16:54:16 +0000 Testing the internet of things isn’t that different from testing anything else. You might hypothesize, create variables, set a table of rules and measurements, test and then come up with a concussion that will inspire more testing or prove a hypothesis true toward even more solutions. When it comes to digital marketing and product production, testing in IoT means that we are no longer just assuming that something is the best route to take or making blanket statements about what will work; we are testing to define what works and what doesn’t before we invest time and money into a solution. There is no more guessing about what needs to be done and how because we are all connected via the internet of things. An IoT device test or a succession of them, for that matter, provides proven results.

IOT Testing Stratigies


So how will something work? How can we prove it is effective? What is the best route to take for this product or that decision? This variable or that one? Humans in control of these sorts of decisions don’t have to shoot in the dark anymore, nor hold the weight of liability when it comes to investing in design and development. We now have the ability to run data captures and learn which online journey functions best. Regarding products, which variables will be most efficient when it comes to launching an automated process.

Testing provides confidence in the declaration of what will function best. You might think about not testing like food prep if comparing the creative process of launching things that will make life better to the function of a restaurant. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of devices will utilize any given int ecosystem. The decision making process that used to be derived from the human brain is effectively translating some delegated activities wherein automated processes can take over. Not testing is the process during which, these behaviors can be researched, developed and maintained.

What is IoT testing?

Internet of things testing is for designers, developers, stakeholders, marketers and strategists so that they may contribute to the larger cause of supporting business. In some instances, a budget might behave from having learned how to effectively communicate a process to an iOS tool, software, or service. After the data is delivered from each test, there might be a whole additional load of tests that take place to help refine and maintain the job duties.

The tasks that are tried and true as a result of traditional testing involve a set of rules or a template to go by that will function with a generation of variables. Constant variables will show the contrasting fluctuation in varied results when presented juxtaposed to each other. Performance testing lets us know how users engaged with the experience. We will learn the most effective approach versus the least effective tactics. Any combination of iot testing will provide a data capture go-by to ensure that each service, device or process finds it’s way to the right user at the right moment and helps to provide optimal function.

Technologies Used in Internet of Things

IoT device test equipment is heavier in concept than any tactile tool you can find. A basic template to invite engagement and a handful of variable tests will prove effective with an obtuse variety of users to merely behave with the experience design before them. The biggest and most powerful tool in IoT testing is time. Research, redesign, and relaunch; these concepts support and connect the findings from one test to another. A real process of optimization, strategists and designers team up to gather the data and create something else that works effectively, yet again.

Research technology is a fantastic resource for learning from studies and groups with documented surveys and research that has already been collected and archived. Keywords and informative collectives support testing by making the technology for research easy to fetch. Actually, systems that handle data from scenarios, rules and tools help with product development and time.

Good IoT Testing Strategies

Good IoT Testing Strategies

Another giant tool in good testing the internet of things is human behavior. The way that someone engages with a test is a test in itself. After a product, process or automated experience has been launched for reception, engagement with the human user is the real light on how these types of tests prove effective. When a business has invested in the time it takes to host user experience teams, the consumer product promised to customers and potential buyers is a remarkable design that they can stand by. IoT testing tools and strategies support functions to make life easier. Especially nowadays testing is one of the crucial factors for industrial IoT software.

  1. Design Strategy

While constructing IoT tests, remember to keep most visual elements the same in one test run. A distinctive contrast in the visual information will create results with inquiries into ‘the most effective button color’, or ‘which menu should stay available after the initial scroll?’. Internet of things testing for design supports the best return on investment because visual element variables prove to have an impact on the user’s experience. You might test variables such as, “which background gets the best response?” or “which button language is most inviting”.

  1. Usability Testing

When planning internet of things testing with usability tests, it is important to remember that engagement is the ultimate goal. When testing variables, think about the most common behaviors and run variations on those facets. Automated testing could include volume, load or stress testing, providing valuable and inarguable insight into your current strategy. Don’t be afraid to reach for usability during any part of your project’s development and success.

  1. Data Analysis via Spike Testing

A post-launch review is a great way to set the stage for moving forward after your initial tests are complete. Spike testing is a method by which you’ll visually observe the data capture to review how the IoT tests are performing when the load is suddenly increased. Endurance testing, scalability testing and capacity testing provide contributing data from multiple scenarios or potential angles of the end-user experience. When you juxtapose all of these visual elements, it will communicate a path to move forward.


Target performance indicators help analysts present test results that attribute to the usability of a product, service, or software application. Testing the internet of things helps to push ideas to fruition by utilizing time and behavior as indicators of the functionality of each concept. The framework is usually tested alongside a thread-party service of metrics and research analytics.

Remember, the key to understanding the internet of things means that you grasp the concept of its organic and evolving nature when you run an IoT device test. Contrary to popular belief, Internet of things testing is actually comparable to gardening or harvesting year-round for a feast. Using this analogy, that feast is a plentiful data return with a plethora of insights to consider regarding an optimized set of decisions for department heads or another system to resolve. Embedding performance testing into your project development is highly recommended due to the accuracy provided by automated tests and hyper-sensitive data captures.

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How To Use Instagram For Business: The Best Strategies Guide Wed, 28 Jul 2021 17:29:47 +0000 Whether you are a big brand or small business yet to get any traction in the market, social media presence is paramount. Even big brands that boast exclusivity have realized that their brands do not stand out much without social accounts. Of all these social accounts, Instagram has quickly become a favorite for most businesses. After all, with a billion active users across the globe and at least 100 million photo shares each day, it is huge!

Any business that wants to exploit this marketing goldmine can benefit from these 7 strategies:

Setting up a Business Account

Rather than using a personal Instagram account, switch to a business account instead. Personal accounts are great if all you want to do is share photos and create memories with your loved ones. However, they do not have analytics. Business accounts, on the other hand, will show you how many people interacted with your content. In addition, the analytics grow over time and even break down the demographics of your audience. As a result, it becomes easier to know if you are making a mark on your target audience.

Defining an Audience

Who is your target market? You may already know that Instagram is most popular with people aged 25-34 years. This group follows trends and always wants to know what is in and what is out. However, to get their attention with your products, you must first create a sense of popularity. People want to work with businesses that other people love. That is why many businesses opt to buy Instagram followers at cheap rates instead of building their audiences from scratch. Once your target audience thinks you have traction, they also start following you, spiking organic growth. Growing from nothing was way easier ten years ago. But now, with millions of businesses fighting to get a market share, you need to employ some help.

Linking Your Accounts

If you already have other social accounts like Twitter and Facebook, you can ask your audience to follow you on Instagram. Moreover, with a business account, you can connect your profile to those social accounts. So, everything you post on Instagram automatically gets posted to the other accounts. It makes posting less work, and thanks to scheduling, you can even create your content in advance.

While you are at it, make sure your bio pops. People want to skim through the bio and immediately know what you do. So make it simple and even post a website or link in the bio where people can access your products and services. If your bio is vague, you will have difficulty convincing people to pay attention to your page.

Engaging your Audience

Marketers know one thing- most times, the audience is not ready to buy. So, why do they keep marketing? The goal is to ingrain their brands in people’s minds. Once the idea has been drummed in repeatedly, people begin to associate a product with a brand. For example, when you want to drink soda, what comes to your mind? Coke? Pepsi? These are big brands, yet they do not tire of engaging their audiences and coming up with new ways to advertise their products.

By engaging with your audience, they will keep you in mind. Then, when they are finally ready to make that purchase, they will highly likely come to you. So, how do you stay on their minds?

  • Instagram stories: Did you know that you can interact with your audience all day? Stories last for 24 hours. Here is an example of how it can work. Suppose you have new shoes coming in the next week. You can start posting teasers of the new designs, asking your audience to guess when the shoes will drop. Or you can ask them to show up on the launch day and get a discount. Then, as the day nears, you can start counting down with your audience. Likely, out of 100 people, you can get 5 who will take you up on the offer and come to the store.
  • Instagram feed: Many businesses make the mistake of not managing their feed properly. It is not uncommon to go through a post’s comments and seeing many unanswered questions. Customers often post comments like, ‘how much is this? Where are you located?’ etc. If a potential customer realizes that you do not respond to the queries, they may feel that you might not serve their needs. Take time to go through user comments and respond timely. It could earn you sales. People want good customer service!
  • Direct messages: Always check your messages and respond to customers promptly. It can help you clinch a sale even if it may not be immediate.

Entertaining Your Audience

Photos are no longer enough to get people to follow your page or even like your posts. Instead, people want some entertainment. You may have noticed that more businesses are now using reels. These short videos are engaging, informative, and highly entertaining. Plus, they make it easier for you to rank on the explore page, enabling you to reach even more people.

For example, if you sell shoes, you can post a reel showing several ways people can pair the shoes. This creative marketing will make the ad more visual and will encourage more people to buy the shoes. Or they can start sharing the post, and soon enough, someone will come asking about the shoes.

Studying your Metrics

An important aspect of business accounts is the analytics which shows you who interacted with your content. So, how can you use these numbers to your benefit? First, start by tracking the posts that get the most engagement. Engagement comes down to likes, comments, and even saves. You should try and create posts that are like what users respond to the most. For example, if you realize that your audience prefers when you are witty, go with that. If they love videos, incorporate more videos in your feed. If they love stories, post more stories. Go with the flow, and you will be sure to grow your audience and get more sales.

Hiring an Influencer

If you can hire a celebrity to endorse your product, that is one way to connect with a bigger audience. Thankfully, even small businesses can now hire influencers to market their products. These individuals have large followings and can direct more people to follow you and even buy your services or goods.

Instagram keeps evolving, and if you can keep up with the trends, you will be sure to retain and grow your customer base. All the best!

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10 Strategies for International Digital Marketing Mon, 14 Dec 2020 13:17:46 +0000 Undoubtedly, marketing is one of the key elements of business, regardless of its size, industry, and core values. Marketing is the approach to your customer, the way you communicate with them, and the manner you present yourself in. When it comes to going international with your business, marketing is literally a lifesaver because the moment you step onto the terra incognita of the new country, nobody might know about your business, and you might not be able to predict your target audience’s reaction, no matter how well you researched your country. This is where digital marketing comes into play. With the power that the internet provides us, marketing (and your business) can turn international in the blink of an eye and without you ever leaving your bedroom.

By the Power of Digits

digital marketing campaign

The Internet is a wonderful thing, predominantly because it allows many people to connect and handle lots of complex things collectively, rendering those things much simpler. In the digital world, there’s no distance, so developing and implementing an international strategy can be done without any business trips and unnecessary costs. Yet, the internet lives by its own rules, which have to be followed in order to comply with its rapid pace and ever-changing trends. Luckily, there are a few ways to tame this beast. Such strategies are relatively low-cost, greatly add to any digital marketing strategy, and don’t require investing any unreachable resources.

  1. Investing in design. Investing in your website design or slightly altering your banner ads creates an impression that you have a very thorough and specific approach to your marketing campaigns. At the same time, such an investment may not be as large as other similar investments and does not require a huge team of experts. At the same time, your competitors might not evaluate this move as a marketing strategy and, thus, overlook an opportunity you have otherwise taken.
  2. Investing in content. This is another relatively low-cost strategy, especially if you’re running a DIY kind of business and only start your digital marketing campaign. To fill your site with interesting content that would attract your customers and, thus, the internet traffic, you can create a blog on your website and regularly post there. You can either create the content yourself or hire specialists to do that for you. In either case, this will not cost much but strongly expand your online presence.
  3. Translate your content. Not only the one you post on your website’s blog but also every other piece of content in your digital marketing campaign. People do prefer consuming all information in their native language, so offering them such an opportunity only with the help of the best certified translation services online will significantly enhance your influence. Besides, this power-up for your digital marketing campaign is also relatively low-cost.
  4. Invest in social media. If you still don’t have a social media page for your business, create one. Social media significantly influence people and dictate new trends. And, like with investing in content, don’t forget that your social media page has to be properly maintained with interesting posts appearing there as often as possible.
  5. Localize. Although localization is relatively widespread, its full potential doesn’t seem to be realized yet. By localizing your content and, thus, bringing its translation on a whole new level, you get into your customers’ hearts and minds by making your content familiar and relatable to them. Besides, you don’t have to go far as you can find here a professional translation company and localize your business today. Just like translation, this strategy is quite cheap and has a relatively large payoff.
  6. Work on your SEO. This method applies to both your website and social media page. Doing search engine optimization (SEO) means developing your content in such a way that it could be found earlier in the users’ search requests. There are a number of SEO strategies but the point of most of them is to accumulate internet traffic around your business in the digital world and, thus, significantly improve your online presence.
  7. Initiate promotions. Promos are always extremely attractive to all customers, so initiating them on a regular basis but in a limited amount can become a serious influence on your popularity and, hence, sales in the future. Such promotions don’t always have to involve discounts, you can also offer free shipping or service.
  8. Get email marketing involved. Although email marketing might seem like an old thing for old people who still use emails, this notion is very far from the truth. The point is that email is still widely used throughout the world and it has become particularly powerful lately. You can create impressive newsletters, connect social media, and offer discounts in an aesthetically pleasing and simply elegant way that your customers will not be able to resist.
  9. Create partnerships. Business partnerships work well in the real world and this tendency also applies to the digital world. Collaborate with other popular, influential, or enthusiastic businesses that have some kind of online presence in your target country. You can collaborate in holding the webinars, provide services that come together (e.g., you can partner with delivery service), or distribute promo codes with discounts that work for your partners.
  10. Never stop learning. While you can always simply apply the strategies described above and find more but sooner or later, they will end. Or some of them might not work well with your business particularly. So, it’s important to constantly learn how to deal with various situations using your creativity and imagination. You can learn from your experience or address a coach or tutor from time to time.

Let the Digital Marketing Begin

Approaching your marketing campaign or the whole strategy properly, regardless of its territory, is oftentimes vital for the business. By thoroughly creating an approach to your communication with customers, you manage to present your business in its best light. You might sometimes even become amazed at how interesting or innovative or simply good you can be. At the same time, generating an appropriate digital marketing campaign or strategy is a fun journey that should certainly not be missed.

Author Bio: Throughout many years of his career, Mark Blackwood has worked as a reporter, researcher, traveling journalist, and educator. In his numerous journeys, he learned that learning is one of the most wonderful processes in human life, which can only be complete by sharing the gained experiences with others. That’s why with every post, Mark does his best to deliver all his experiences to you to their fullest.

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Increase Your Blog’s Traffic With These 7 Proven Strategies Sat, 13 Jun 2020 08:26:55 +0000 Increase your Blog Traffic

The highly competitive world of blogging can be quite daunting, especially for beginners. While it does seem like an uphill battle at times, there are a few proven tips that can help you overcome this struggle and increase your blog’s appeal to new visitors.

1. Promote Through Social Media

Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to have a massive outreach to various types of audiences. One of your main focuses should be to gain as large of a following as possible on different types of social media networks, as it’s one of the easiest ways for your blog to get noticed. Of course, you should adjust your efforts depending on the type of content that you’re sharing – focus on LinkedIn if you plan on posting business related content, otherwise steer towards Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others.

2. Improve Titling

The main role of titles is to intrigue the potential visitors into reading the full article. If they’re monotone and uninteresting, you likely won’t get any clicks at all. Similarly, titles with too many words can get boring and tedious. Keep in mind that the attention span of an average person is less than 10 seconds, so the titles have to be short and sweet. Try to tease some of the interesting aspects of the article, but don’t reveal too much. The term “clickbait” is often used to describe content with misleading, attractive names – this is something that you’ll want to avoid. Focus on catchiness, but don’t give out false information.

2. Add Photos

Inserting an appropriate picture every now and again is a very effective method of breaking up the flatness of pure text. An image is worth many words, as it’s a lot easier for human mind to process and it doesn’t strain the eyes as much. If the first thing that your reader sees upon opening your blog is a wall of text, they’ll immediately start looking for another source. It also goes without saying – try not to implement complex, detailed images if your post is already difficult to read, as it can have an opposite effect.

3. Add Subtitles To Videos

While it’s arguably more effective than static images, video content has one flaw – it relies on sound. Those deaf or hard of hearing won’t be able to get the full experience unless you put the effort into subtitling the videos. Fortunately, modern technology has provided a way to easily convert audio to text in just a matter of seconds. The tool for this job is called Audext – an AI-based transcription service, which uses machine learning to recognize digital speech patterns and provide an accurate textual representation. Due to its precision of over 99%, you won’t have to waste hours fixing hardly noticeable grammatical errors and missing punctuation. The only required manual work is the video upload to Audext video transcription tool – the rest, even timestamps and audio synchronization, are fully automated.

4. Insert Keywords

Certain popular keywords relevant to your niche can skyrocket your blog’s position in the Google search results. They can either be singular or come in the form of a phrase. In order to find them, you’ll have to do some digging. Fortunately, there are specialized tools which can ease this job tremendously – Google Trends, for example. These nifty utilities provide an insight into some of the most popular search terms worldwide, with the possibility to filter them by continents, regions and even states. It’s just a matter of pinpointing your blog’s theme.

5. Implement Social Sharing

The small Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn icons which can often be noticed in some of the larger websites are known as the social sharing buttons. They give readers the ability to share content if they liked it with the single click of a button. This is very easy to implement, and it highly increases the chances of your content actually being distributed further. Manual sharing would involve opening a separate tab, logging in, pasting the link and adding a relevant description. With social sharing buttons, everything is already preset and hassle-free.

6. Invest In Promotion

If you want immediate results, it doesn’t get more effective than a paid promotion. Famous influencers around the social medias offer promotion services based on how many followers they have. If you decide to go this route, it’s highly important to find someone who has some common ground with your content. For example, if you have a travel based blog, a landscape photographer or a tourism influencer is more likely to produce the most desirable outcome for your blog. Keep in mind that this can get fairly expensive – especially if they have hundreds of thousands of followers – but also highly effective.

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Straightforward Strategies to Improve Your e-Commerce Business Wed, 04 Mar 2020 03:27:15 +0000

According to Shopify, eCommerce businesses generated $2.3 trillion in sales in 2017, opening the doors of opportunity to countless prospective entrepreneurs. With more and more online businesses competing for space in the eCommerce market, finding straightforward ways to improve your online business is essential. Building a successful online business requires a strategic and powerful marketing campaign—so what are the best ways to gain an edge over the competition?

Focus on a specific niche.

Focus on a specific niche

Photo Credit: Unsplash

The first step to building a successful online business is to find a niche online market. With more and more prospective entrepreneurs entering the eCommerce space, successful business owners must focus on a specific niche to gain an edge over competitors. Focusing on a specific niche and identifying a targeted audience makes it easier to figure out what kind of potential customers to target rather than a general audience.

Before choosing a niche and deciding what kind of products to sell, you’ll need to research what kind of products are already on the market. Start by identifying a niche market that represents your interests and passions. For example, if you’re interested in health and fitness, selling nutritional supplements and vitamins can help you fuel your passion.

After conducting keyword research and researching your competition, you can decide what products to sell. Planning around a single product can limit your business, so it’s important to brainstorm multiple product ideas to fill gaps in the market.

Next, choose a reputable manufacturer to help with fulfillment and the manufacturing process. Vitamin manufacturers like Maker’s Nutrition can help you manufacture high-quality dietary supplement capsules, softgel vitamin supplements, and protein powders at affordable prices. Because nutritional supplement consumers recognize high-quality supplements, it’s important to invest in a dependable and experienced vitamin manufacturer to help with product formulation, meet consumer expectations, and provide fulfillment services.

Use social media to your advantage.

social media advantage

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Integrating social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram into your eCommerce marketing strategy can help your online business connect with more influencers, brands, and consumers.

If you post great pictures of your product, use hashtags strategically, and post during peak hours, you can easily build a significant Instagram following of potential customers who are interested in purchasing your products. To maximize your organic Instagram presence and drive more business, make sure to engage with your followers, create a content calendar, and answer product-related questions.

Although Facebook has experienced numerous changes in recent years, it remains a valuable platform for eCommerce marketing. Creating a Facebook account and launching an online store is a straightforward way to maximize engagement with your target demographic. Plus, your Facebook store can integrate directly with your Shopify store, so you don’t have to worry about tracking separate inventories.

To maximize Facebook engagement and conversion rate optimization, try hosting a contest or sharing behind-the-scenes pictures of your product development process. Posting product information and featuring consumers on your posts and stories can help you further grow your target audience and increase your online sales.

Invest in a powerful digital marketing campaign.

digital marketing campaign

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Investing in paid search results can help you create a powerful and effective digital marketing campaign and boost your search engine rankings. In the United Kingdom, 89 percent of online searches are conducted through Google, so focusing on Google Adwords, search engine optimization (SEO), and search ads can help you drive traffic to your website with a cost-effective pay per click advertising (PPC) campaign.

If you’re not sure how to implement a strong digital marketing strategy, try working with a professional PPC company. MNA Digital, a PPC company in the United Kingdom, uses the latest technology to deliver affordable PPC ads that appear when potential customers search for terms related to your online business.

Working with a professional PPC agency can also help you use optimize landing pages, create a user-friendly web design, and find the right keywords for Google ads and Bing ads. MNA Digital offers flexible and affordable PPC search campaigns that are built and optimized for your target audience, allowing you to optimize your conversion rate and enjoy fast and transparent results.

With more and more businesses entering the eCommerce space, finding straightforward ways to improve your online business is essential. Whether you’re a new business owner or an experienced entrepreneur, focusing on a specific niche, using social media, and investing in digital marketing can help you gain an edge over the competition.

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Follow These Four Strategies to Grow Your Online Business Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:15:11 +0000 Launching an online business is simply not enough – you also have to grow it. And sometimes quality products and services are just not enough.

Nowadays, competition in every single industry is huge and you will most certainly have a large number of rivals online. That is precisely the reason why you need to find out how exactly to grow your business and always be one step ahead of your competitors.

So, in order to stay ahead of your competition – and you can rest assured that the competition will be fierce – take a look at our handpicked selection of strategies that will make your business stand out from the rest.

Marketing Techniques

Choose the right platform

Before you start investing in marketing strategies, it is important to select the right platform for your online business. One of the most serious mistakes entrepreneurs make is going for the wrong website platform, as this sets them back and hinders their growth.

Over 30% of all websites in the world –small, medium, and large businesses – use WordPress and that is no surprise, knowing that it is a simple but reliable builder.

A great thing about WordPress is that it allows you to install various website themes and plugins. You just need to make sure that the theme is responsive and beautifully designed. But make sure that you install only the essential plugins, as nothing should slow down your website and give your visitors bad load times.

WordPress websites are great for analytics too. Among a ton of different plugins, make sure to install a plugin specifically designed for website analytics, since that allows you to track your growth and see exactly how those numbers add up from month to month.

Mobile-friendly website

Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels

Considering that more than 47% of people roaming the internet today do so from their smartphones, your website needs to be responsive on mobile devices too.

Here are some things you need to do if you want to make your website mobile-friendly:

  •       optimize image size
  •       avoid flash videos
  •       include tappable elements
  •       make the navigation easy
  •       make functionality a priority

Adapting the images, redesigning the menu bar, and having simple navigation makes the website work well on a phone and helps you have a great customer satisfaction score.

On the other hand, if your website is too slow or inaccessible from a mobile device, customer satisfaction will most certainly drop, which will ultimately lead to less revenue and undermine growth for your business.

Solid marketing strategy

Staying up to date with current marketing trends should be a priority if you want to reach out to new customers and retain your existing ones. Below are a few of the most effective online marketing strategies that can do wonders for your business.

Content as a marketing tool

The first (and most experts say the most important) step towards a solid marketing strategy is your own content. Simply put, you have to produce original and useful content. This will set you up for success by resonating with your customers and making them want to interact with you, follow you, and buy from you.

Moreover, the content you offer should be regularly promoted and that is why you need to look into content marketing solutions. With a solid content marketing strategy, you can attract more attention, interaction, and sustainable conversions.

And that is why creating great content is not enough. You also have to promote it through social media, email newsletters, forums, and other channels.

Which takes us to the next strategy – marketing your business on social media.

Social media marketing

Social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and so on) have never been more popular, so why not take advantage of them? Social media marketing is a very powerful way to communicate with your audience in a more personal way.

Maintain a personal voice and your brand’s image on social media. Through these platforms, you can generate more engagement and interaction, which in turn boosts traffic to your website and generates more conversions. And all of that builds a quality customer base.

Make sure to use more than one social media platform, but also post consistently on all of them. Consistency matters in this game, since that is the only way to build trust with your audience. Once you develop trust, it is much easier for people to recognize your brand as an authority in your industry.

Email marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of reaching out to your leads. But the thing is that you have to be very careful about what you write in your emails and the way you segment your email list.

A number of ‘experts’ say that email marketing doesn’t work like it used to, but they are the ones who have probably made some serious email marketing mistakes which resulted in profit loss. Pushing low-quality content, segmenting your email list in the wrong way, or even worse, not segmenting it at all, can all be detrimental.

To avoid this, research your audience carefully and then provide useful content for them:

  • make those emails as personalized as possible
  • explain what your business has to offer
  • offer valuable promotions
  • use the messages as an opportunity to socialize
  • talk about any events you attend
  • mention new features of your products or services
  • be transparent about your business

In other words, relate to your customers on a level that gauges their interest and keeps them engaged with your emails.

Sales management

Photo by from Pexels

Jeff Bezos could have settled for a garage bookstore had he not realized the potential of ecommerce. Can you believe that Amazon, a true giant of the ecommerce industry, started in a garage bookstore? Yes, but Bezos thought about sales management on time.

You have to turn the potential of your business into tangible results and that is impossible without sales management. This is a strategy that can help you reap maximum rewards from the traffic coming to your website.

Just by taking a look at some sales management techniques below, you will realize that such a strategy can be extremely beneficial for your own business.

Product development

Obviously, product development makes your customer service focus on the customers but also keep an eye on the competition at the same time.

Adding new products, keeping a product line, removing some product features – all this can lead to an improvement in your sales figures, which is essential for growth. Remember one thing: customer feedback is the key to your success. After all, asking for feedback and regularly updating your products or services is a sign that you value your customers.

Team improvement

A sales management strategy also improves your sales team.

You may have a solid sales plan, but if people implementing it are unmotivated or undertrained, the plan will certainly fail. And even though you may be able to notice these details on your own, getting a piece of advice from a sales consulting company is a much safer choice.

The integral part of this strategy is hiring the right staff, training them to become experts, and expanding their knowledge of products. Also, you need to empower your reps with the right tools so that they can support your business with great efforts and ideas.

Final thoughts

You should bear one thing in mind: marketing never stops. If you neglect your marketing efforts, you automatically undermine your growth.

Growing a business isn’t an easy undertaking, but it’s quite rewarding. As you grow, you will be able to find out about more and more strategies for further growth and the game will become much easier as time goes by.

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Marketing Strategies for Software Companies and Developers Tue, 26 Sep 2017 13:00:50 +0000 Marketing Strategies

There is no denying the fact that we live in a digital world. From the computers we use at work to the devices we watch for entertainment, to the smartphones that we use in every aspect of daily life, the future is obviously promising for talented developers with meaningful applications and software to offer. However, if you believe that this is all that is necessary to have success in the world of business, you will quickly find that there are countless other elements and factors that will determine success aside from creating a beneficial product.

Independent developers and small software companies also need responsible business practices, careful financial planning, realistic expectations and constant evaluation and improvement to keep up with the fast-paced world. Additionally, no matter how respectable your business model and no matter how wonderful your product may be, you also need effective marketing strategies to help the world find out about your business.

This guide is designed to help developers and software companies understand a few basic strategies that are necessary for growth and success in today’s competitive world of applications and software development. It is almost cliche now for a person to try and come up with the next great app, and everyone (with every possible skillset and speciality) is trying to get in on the seemingly limitless potential. If you already have a great product or a great business, the following steps will ensure that you are able to reach more people and grow your company according to its worth.

Developing Your Goals

No matter the business, industry or product, the first step to any effective marketing plan involves developing realistic goals. For developers, this can be difficult, as there may be few precedents or available data on a product that is like yours. But you should try to be as specific as possible, defining goals in several areas and the metrics that will help you determine success.

If your company is brand new or your product has very little precedent, you still need to come up with some general guidelines about what you hope to achieve with each individual marketing effort. For instance, your latest email campaign may have the general purpose to sell digital downloads; your social media efforts could be intended to generate more leads; CTAs on your website could be geared at higher conversion rates; and so forth.

Modern Word-of-Mouth

Obviously, people still communicate and share buying experiences verbally, even in today’s digital world. However, modern word-of-mouth marketing is not necessarily the same literal type of consumer to consumer communication that was once so crucial to a company’s reputation and growth. The vast majority of Americans use at least one social media platform every day, and this is where experiences are shared, brand evangelists can be created and modern word-of-mouth takes place.

In many ways, social media was God’s gift to advertisers, as it allows them to directly communicate with existing customers and potential customers while also marketing their own brand, interests and values. If your customers appreciate your product, service, brand and values, they will naturally begin to share this appreciation and positive information with friends and acquaintances who have similar interests– and in turn, may have a similar need for your business.

Additionally, you should create intriguing, interesting and helpful content on a blog that will have the same type of impact but allows you to communicate in a more intimate and in-depth manner. Your blogs should not appear to be blatant marketing or promotion, but always geared at helping your customers with issues and interests that are relevant to them. Using social media and well-developed content to create dialogues and relationships will begin a type of organic growth that will increase exponentially over time.

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