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Just link your Android phone to Windows 11 to get started. The most striking feature is the ability to run numerous mobile apps concurrently on your PC with specific Android phone models. With the mobile-to-desktop technology outlined here, which Microsoft enhanced in March, users of Windows are now finally entitled to a minimum of parity. In this article we have mentioned ways that you can use to link you android phone to a window pc using Microsoft phone link.

How Does a Connected Phone Work?

The fancier features are only compatible with some specific smartphone types, but linking any Android-powered device enable users to view and respond to text messages or check and control notifications, place and receive calls, and immediately download images to your computer.

The primary features (Calls, Messages, Apps, and Photos) are now shown at the top of the screen, according to a recent makeover by Microsoft. Once you press on the system’s tray icon, the most recent applications and a link to view all apps are now displayed. A left-side pane contains notifications.

The quantity of notifications that are waiting to be received is displayed by an icon within the taskbar item for Mobile Link. You may decide which applications to receive reminders from as well as whether you want to respond from your phone or using the PC.

Additionally, not all events take place within the app. In the bottom-right area of the display, within the Windows Notification toast, users can reply to messages quickly. You will not find the Apps area in the upper menu if your phone is not among the more advanced models.

Accessing text messages and photographs from your cell phone on a computer is one of the most practical functions, and it works with any device of android.

Even if you don’t use a very good or advanced phone model, you are able to view images on the computer immediately, after taking them from your smartphone and you can even drag them right into a file or another photo-editing app like Photoshop.

Since the wheel of the mouse cannot be used to scroll up or down the screen, accessing applications can be a little challenging. You must instead click or drag. However, if you’re using a PC that has a trackpad or a touch screen, it’s quite darn close as the McCoy.

 Applications you run using Phone Link have separate Taskbar icons, just like regular PC applications would. This is a handy feature. So that they function exactly like desktop applications, you may resize, minimize or close the applications.

How does a Phone Link Work

For a better usage experience of your personal computer and to use it with more ease, you can connect your smartphone to it via Phone Link, a function that is officially supported by Microsoft. All the data you keep in Android, including messages, programs, as well as calls, could be easily used on windows with this tool.

The Google Android version that you can get straight from Uptodown is what you’ll require for pairing both devices. Through scanning the short QR code which will display on the desktop edition of the program after it has been installed on the PC as well as mobile device, you may finish the connection procedure. You may access all of the information on the Android device after it has been scanned.

The Phone Link user interface is quite basic. You can find every important information regarding the attached device from the first screen, including its name, how much battery life it has left, and whether or not it is Bluetooth-enabled, amongst other pertinent information.

This section also shows messages, calls, and photographs from the gallery, making it simple to examine all of your saved information whether you only need to quickly verify a call that you made, a text you received, or any picture.

You may open the applications and utilize them just like you’d do on Android smartphones, in addition to getting access to your texts, call records, and photographs. Additionally, you will additionally be allowed to send documents or make and take calls by merely sliding them into the Phone Link home window.

What are the requirements for the Process

First and foremost important factor is that you download the Link of Windows application through the Play Store on Android, login into this using your PC’s MS account, and then download it on your cell phone. It comes preinstalled on some phones.

The phone must also be within Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection of the Computer as, if viewing and control happen on the PC, applications still operate on the mobile device.

Additionally, you must be operating Android 7 or newer in order to take advantage of the Android-to-Windows

Microsoft improved its phone-linking method with the most recent version. On the computer, there is an application called Phone Link, and on your mobile device, there is an application called Link to Windows. Link to Windows formerly only supported certain Samsung devices or Surface Duo phones.

These devices continue to receive further features, such as the ability to mirror Android applications on a PC compared to other models.

Advantages of Linking Phone

Before you leave the house, your phone may occasionally need a bit more charging. As long as your PC has been plugged in and close to an outlet, Phone Link allows you to continue using it while connected to your computer. Another scenario is that you might be in an event and it would be inappropriate to have your phone out. You will receive a notification from Phone Link about any important call that you can’t is or any important message.

Before you leave the house, your phone may occasionally need a bit more charging. As long as your PC has been plugged in and close to an outlet, Phone Link allows you to continue using it while connected to your computer. Another scenario is that you might be in an event and it would be inappropriate to have your phone out. You will receive a notification from Phone Link about any important call that you can’t is or any important message.

By allowing you to see and transfer data from another device, Phone Link offers you greater versatility. Since the notification is on your computer, you are more likely to keep your focus towards what you’re supposed to do than if it were on your phone, which requires you to look at your phone and away from the screen which could be distracting.

Steps to Link Your Android Device

On the Windows 11 computer, open the Phone Link application using Search.If it is not activated, you can install from Microsoft Store.

Step 1: Once the link open, you will see the following dashboard. Click on “Android” button.

How to Link an Android Phone to Windows

Step 2: Install “Link to Windows” on your Android Phone from Playstore.

Step 3: Click on “Get Started” in your Windows 11 screen and “Sing In” to your Microsoft account.

Link Android with Windows 11

Step 4: After successfully signing in, you will need to Pair your Windows with Android. Tick the “I have Link to Windows App ready” on the Windows Screen and Click “Pair manually” and click on “Create Pin Code“. Window will auto generate a Pin Code. Note down the pin code so that you later use in Android Phone for safe connection.

Pair Android Device with Windows

Step 5: Now open “Link to Windows” app on your Android Phone and click on “Link your Phone and PC” and click on “Continue” Button.

Link your Phone and PC Android

Step 6: QR Code scanning option will open on your phone. Click on “Try another way” link. Another window will open, where you will have to login to your Microsoft account.

Note: You have to use the same Microsoft account on both Windows and Android.

Scan QR Code Android

Step 7: During signing in, you will be asked to enter the PIN Code generated in the Step 4. Enter the PIN Code and click on Continue. Your phone will now start pairing with the PC.

Step 8: On the Windows Screen, you will see “Finish things up on your Phone” and during the process, you will see permission on your Android Phone. Click on “Allow” so that your Android can allow access to your PC for all the data on your phone.

Input Pin Code Android
Allow Android to Pair with PC

Allow all the permission on your phone and click on “Continue” on Windows Screen to finally connect your Android Phone with PC.

Wait for sometime, so that your PC can load all data from your phone to the PC. This is how you can successfully connect your Phone with PC.

If your are seeing “Disconnected” on your Phone, click on “Open Setting on Phone” on Windows from Top Right side of the “Microsoft Phone Link” App so that your phone can reconnect with your PC.


Well that’s about it for today. We have reached to the end of the article, hope you find this article helpful. And we hope now you’re able to link your android phone to your PC and enjoy all the features.

Once the images are accessible, what can we do with it?

You can browse through them and drag or drop these images by using the Phone Link for running presentations in PowerPoint or chat windows. You can back up your documents by saving them in a single folder on the computer or on OneDrive. The documents can be deleted and shared with your contacts.

Does Phone Link operate only when the smartphone is Bluetooth-paired to the computer?

If you wish to place or receive calls on the computer, Bluetooth pairing is necessary.
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10 Best Virtual Machine for Mac to Run Other OS – [2023 Updated] https://www.techmaish.com/best-virtual-machine-for-mac-to-run-other-os/ https://www.techmaish.com/best-virtual-machine-for-mac-to-run-other-os/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 19:35:42 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=38262 Even if someone prefer using a Mac for business, there’s a chance that they’ll need to use some Windows-only programs on their computer at some point. They might even have to run Linux or any other OS on their Mac.

Virtual machines (VMs) can help with it. You may simulate a second computer onto the laptop or on the desktop using virtual machine software. Unlike GBA emulators for iOS and for Android which you can use for playing iOS and Android gaming, these VMs can be used for installing Windows and other Operating Systems on your MAC system.

You can install the Windows OS and all of its related programs on your Mac by setting up a virtual environment using a reliable virtual machine program. Additionally, you may be able to run different operating systems, for example Linux, depending on the program. Emulators for PC does not utilizes CPU while Virtual Machines can utilize the CPU as well, thus makes it faster to load the softwares.

Without having to buy other computer, you can utilize Windows software (or those from other platforms) on the Mac by using a virtual machine. The 13 virtual machines for mac to run OS are listed below.

What is a Virtual Machine?

The macOS operating system supports virtualization software like VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop, which enables you to build a Virtual Machine (VM) that simulates the hardware for a Windows PC. So, you may install Windows or any other operating system, like Linux, on the VM you created on your Mac. This is a fantastic solution because it enables you to simultaneously use your primary Mac apps and the Windows software you require. The only drawback is that running Windows as a VM requires a fairly fast Mac with lots of memory and storage because it basically runs two operating systems on your computer at once.


Virtual Box

Oracle created the an open and free source of virtual machine software called VirtualBox. VirtualBox gives you a lot of control over the virtual environments because it was made with developers and the IT specialists in mind.

You may operate your own servers with VirtualBox, and it supports a huge variety of guest operating systems. Although VirtualBox has made some upgrades that gives it more value, the interface still seems fairly antiquated and is not as streamlined as competing virtual machine applications.

The fact that VirtualBox doesn’t provide any kind of technical support for the users makes the process even more difficult; you’ll have to look for assistance in the free guidelines on the web page or on the user forums. Although the VirtualBox software is free, if you intend to use the virtual machine (VM) for an extended period of time, you might need the license for your copy of Windows.

Because it displays a lot of technical information and specifications without providing many instructions or descriptions for newcomers, the VirtualBox interface might be frightening. It takes far longer to create a new virtual machine than it would with VMWare Fusion Player or Parallels Desktop, and you will need to know specifics like how much RAM, CPU power, or hard drive storage to give your VM.

2. VMWare Fusion Player

VMware Fusion Player

VMWare is a major player in the virtualization industry. VMWare Fusion Player was created by keeping home users in the mind, despite its primary concentration on large-scale enterprise solutions.

You can utilize Windows applications from the macOS computer whether running VMWare Fusion either in the Unity mode or in a full-screen Windows emulator. Most current iterations of macOS, such as Big Sur, are interoperable with the most current version during the time of writing, VMware Fusion 12 Player.

The most recent version was created to give extensive capabilities that are appealing to app developers and tech enthusiasts while yet being more user-friendly than previous versions. For household usage, the cost is a tad excessive, especially when you include the Windows license.

Fusion has a cost free personal usage license which can be used by students, home users and other such groups, which is a blessing.

The level of customization VMware Fusion Player provides is one of the features we adore the most. Any OS can be virtualized; the app provides you a lot of power. For instance, if you wish to configure the virtual machine to function as a separate network device. Additionally, you have more control over how the machine uses resources. When using your MacBook to run a virtual machine, these functionalities come in handy.

3. Boot Camp

Boot Camp Mac VM Machine

You can run Windows alongside macOS using Boot Camp, a free app which comes with your Mac. A section of your hard disk is set aside by the Boot Camp Assisting program for Windows installation. This enables dual-booting, which lets you select between logging into Windows and macOS each time your Mac boots.

You can use all of your available storage and CPU cores for running Windows applications to the fullest speed while being logged into Windows. As the host OS is still functioning, virtual machines, in contrary, can just be used as a limited amount of resources.

Although Boot Camp is free, if someone want to utilize all the capabilities of the Windows edition that they install, they will need to buy a Windows license. Additionally, you will lose access to the macOS while being logged into Windows, making it impossible to utilize both Windows and Mac applicationos at the same time.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use Boot Camp completely if you own an Silicon Apple Mac (with the M1 chip). Otherwise, this is among the simplest ways to fully utilize Windows on a Mac without sacrificing performance or functionality.

On the plus side, utilizing Boot Camp to install Windows or Linux on your Mac doesn’t cost anything more. Additionally, since Apple created the system, you have a few advantages.

4. Parallels Desktop for Mac

Parallel VM Machine

The main benefit of Parallels Desktop is how simple it is to use. From start to finish, technical knowledge is not required. However, if you have previous virtualization and VM knowledge, you may dive right in. The software also provides a high degree of customisation possibilities. It is safe to conclude that Parallels Desktop combines the greatest features of both worlds.

You may run the Windows from your macOS with the help of Parallels Desktop, a simple virtual machine program. Parallels features two modes. Using Windows applications on the macOS desktop while hiding the Windows interface is possible using coherence mode. It appears as though you are using a PC while using the default setting, which makes the Windows interface fill the full screen.

Parallels Desktop is less expensive than competing full-featured virtual machine software and offers a simplified UI that is simple to learn even for beginners. However, remember that you still have to buy a Windows license for the VM if you wish to activate the copy of Windows.

Even with the most recent M2 Pro processors, it functions well. But don’t count on the fastest speeds while using Macs with Intel processors.

5. Crossover


Codeweavers created the software called Crossover. Without using a virtual machine, it makes use of the open source Wine program to run Windows applications directly from your Mac desktop.

You don’t need to buy a Windows license for running Windows software on Crossover because it doesn’t need a separate desktop. This also implies that Crossover may run a second operating system with no more memory or processing power, giving you superior performance for applications like graphic design software.

The drawback of Crossover is that not every Windows application can be run through it, and it can take some time for new releases to be added to the compatibility list.

Nevertheless, before purchasing Crossover, you can easily browse a list of the apps that are currently supported by it and utilize a form to request new software.


Qemu VM Machine for Mac

Another open-source program that serves as both an emulator and a virtualizer is QEMU. The program may now be installed on OS X thanks to a different utility called Homebrew, even though it was originally designed to support Windows and Linux operating systems.

Install Homebrew first, then launch the Mac’s terminal and type this command. Install Qemu with $ brew.

Next, copy the OS image file to your documents folder or another folder of your choosing. Please see this website for more information.

QEMU is a wonderful alternative for running a guest operating system on a Mac machine even though it lacks the extensive capability of the other tools on our list.

7. Oracle VM VirtualBox

Oracle VM for Mac

Oracle VM VirtualBox is your best option if you’re seeking for a free virtualization program to use. It is an open-source program with several outstanding capabilities, including 3D virtualization and simple file transfers between the guest and the host operating systems. VM VirtualBox could be easily installed on Windows, Linux, or Solaris in contrast to the tools.

You can run numerous guest operating systems at once, and Linux, Windows, Solaris, as well as the OpenBSD are among those that are supported. A fascinating feature is the ability to move a virtual machine (VM) developed on one of the hosting computer to another host running another operating system.

VM VirtualBox could not be as user-friendly as the other software, as is the case with most open-source programs. As a result, I wouldn’t advise a novice user to utilize it. However, they do make an effort to simplify things by supplying pre-built virtual computers that are customized for particular applications and by posting tutorials on their website.

However, you have to accept the reality that there is no official support, therefore you will have to rely on tools that other users have made available. These might not be particularly helpful if you have a particular issue that has never been encountered before or if you need a solution right now.

8. Cloudalize

Cloudalize Run OS on Mac

A typical virtual machine program is not Cloudalize. The Windows OS is now hosted also for the cloud; you don’t have to install it on the Mac to use it as the host; all you have to do is sign in the account. And the best part is that you don’t have to worry about software setup or upkeep. Additionally, it demands fewer resources overall.

The finest feature is that Cludalize’s Windows OS is already licensed and setup, unlike the Windows OS in some other solutions. Your payment will still be depending on how much of the GPU and OS you use, and you would still have full administrative powers to install any applications you require.

However, the best feature of Cloudalize is that you are not constrained to a single device. You can access your Windows environment by logging in to the virtual environment from any Mac machine. Only the Windows OS is supported by Cloudalize.

9. Windows 365 Cloud PC

Window 365 Cloud

Windows 365 has the ability to seriously compete with established virtualization tools like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion. However, Windows 365 is currently quite pricey and is primarily intended for large corporations, not for individuals or start-ups that often utilize Parallels or Fusion.

However, it is pricey for individuals, students, and smaller enterprises, so users of the Fusion and Parallel will likely continue to use those programs.

Microsoft’s own servers are used to host a virtual machine which is created by Windows 365 and saved in the cloud.

Your Mac, or another devices, be it an iPad or any other Windows PC, receives the video image of the Windows desktop from your cloud PC over your broadband connection.

10. Wine 8

Wine 8 for Mac

Wine, which enables you to run the software for Windows without needing Windows itself, is basically the third technology choice after Boot Camp and virtualization, as was previously discussed. Microsoft Direct3D and the most recent versions of Vulkan are both supported by Wine 8. The OCSP network protocol now has more support. Wine is a strange but practical choice for running software Windows on the Mac.

Wine is an open-source application that is also available for free download, similar to VirtualBox. Wine is the only software in this group that doesn’t even need a copy of Windows at all, unlike the other programs, which all employ traditional virtualization technologies to build a virtual system for installing Windows.


Everything you need to know about installing a virtual machine on the Mac is covered here for you. The top three choices we made are without a doubt outstanding in every manner. But if using Windows applications on your Mac is more important to you, you should also explore the other possibilities.

Which virtual machine works the best on a Mac?

Despite the benefits and drawbacks of each virtual machine, Parallels Desktop is the best recommendation for running Windows or any other operating systems on a Mac. When you want to set up Windows in the most frictionless manner possible, it works fantastically.

Is using a VM legal?

Utilizing a VM on your Mac is entirely legal. A virtual machine on the Mac will utilize system resources just like a program, as we previously discussed. So, using it is similar to using any other software. When it comes to controlling the OS, you should ponder the legal implications.

What is superior? For a Mac, VirtualBox or VMware?

If you want the most control over the virtual machine, VMware Fusion Player is our pick, even though a more thorough comparison may indicate otherwise. On the other side, if you only require minimal features at no charge, you should choose VirtualBox.
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13 Best iOS Emulators for PC – [2023 Tested] https://www.techmaish.com/best-ios-emulators-for-pc-tested/ https://www.techmaish.com/best-ios-emulators-for-pc-tested/#respond Thu, 18 May 2023 18:58:37 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=38197 Since the iPhone is popular for its interactive and unique interface, there are many emulators like GBA emulator for iOS surfacing the internet aiming to replicate the iOS interface. Yet, none of them has shown capability in accurately providing the experience the iPhone system offers.

To assist developers in finding their best match to test and develop their iOS apps and for gamers to emulate their favorite games, we have extracted the some of best iOS emulators for PC.

13 Best iOS Emulators for PC

1. Smartface

Smartface iOS Emulator for PC

Smartface is one of the best iOS emulators for professional app developers offering extensive features essential for testing and developing apps. With the use of the advanced toolkit and basic codebase creating a cross-platform application is not a hassle.

Moreover, the Smartface emulator also has a built-in debugger and user-interface models to create an error-proof user-friendly interface. You can also test cloud-based apps on this emulator to experience how the app will perform on a real device. While there are different pricing offers available for varying projects, a free version is also available for developers to get an idea of the system.

2. Appetize.io


Appetize.io is an ideal and easy-to-use iOS emulator for developers wanting to test their apps on Windows. Since the emulator is completely cloud-based, you won’t have to fret about setting up or installing the emulator through a browser. All you have to do is connect your application to the system and begin testing.

Appetize.io emulator is also favorable for creators wanting to feature their app on different iOS systems and gather feedback. As the emulator features numerous iOS systems to get an accurate representation of the application on the desired platform. Besides providing vital tools like collaboration and hassle-free integration, Appetizer.io is an economical option having multiple pricing plans for each category.

3. AIR iPhone

AIR iPhone

It Among several emulators aiming to replicate the iOS interface,  AIR iPhone is the perfect emulator for those seeking the exact distinct interface iPhone possesses on their PCs. From getting the similar visuals and feel of an iPhone to accessing iOS apps and features, the AIR iPhone emulator is an amazing platform for getting firsthand iOS experience right on their Windows.

On the AIR iPhone, you can access a wide range of iOS apps and easily install them, thanks to its user-friendly interface. Moreover, this system is absolutely free, giving non-iOS users a great opportunity to experience the iPhone settings.

4. MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio

Are you an iOS app developer, who wants to test your app’s performance but doesn’t have any iOS devices? Worry not, MobiOne Studio is an iOS emulator for PC that allows its user to test their iOS apps in an iOS-simulated setting on various versions.

Moreover, the emulator also offers a variety of tools for developers for making their apps more advanced and intuitive. From designing to setting a prototype, MobiOne Studio assists app developers in each step. Having an easy-to-use interface allows users to get the hang of the app quickly and makes navigation across different tools much easier.

5. Corellium


Corellium is an advanced-level emulator used by professional developers and security firms. In the Corellium emulator, you have a variety of tools to frame a code, create an app and then test it all together in one space. Corellium for its outstanding performance is known for being the best emulator for PC.

6. Xcode


Xcode is an Apple-powered iOS emulator that features advanced options from writing the code and creating an app to testing it. It also has the ability to indicate errors in code right from the source. The best feature of this emulator is its smooth response and simple navigation.

7. Electric Mobile Studio

Electric Mobile Studio

Electric Mobile Studio is also another best iOS emulators for PC. It is ideal for app developers to test and improve their iOS applications on Windows. The emulator has complete iOS system workings, providing authentic feedback on the app’s performance on the device.

Moreover, you can test your app on various iOS platforms to note the app’s functionality and compatibility on each system. It also offers app enhancement features through which you can upgrade your app and fix errors at certain levels. With such amazing features, Electric Mobile Studio is one great emulation app.

8. Nintendo 3DS Emulator

Nintendo 3DS Emulator

The Nintendo 3DS emulator is one of the best emulators for playing Nintendo games. With this emulator, you will be able to enjoy the dramatic 3D graphics of the game. It also allows the player to choose their desired gaming method. You can choose from a keyboard, joystick, or gamepad.

The greatest and most interesting feature of the Nintendo 3DS emulator is that it provides cheat codes for games that allow users to get through the hard levels. You can also enhance the gaming experience by customizing or modifying certain features of the game. Moreover, you can pick up where you left off without worrying about your previous progress.

9. Xamarin TestCloud

Xamarin TestCloud

Xamarin TestCloud is another valuable tool for app developers to have their IOS apps checked on an iOS-based platform. Since not everyone has access to iOS devices, Xamarin TestCloud is a great option as it is cloud-based and you won’t have to install any other apps for it.

With Xamarin TestCloud you will get a thorough bug report along with the performance report. This feature is incredibly useful for developers since they can make changes before publishing the app in public.

10. iPadian


Given in its name, iPadian is a browser-based iOS emulator, offering its user iPad-like feels. Besides having an Interface that is visually and realistically similar to an iOS, it provides a vast collection of apps specifically compatible with the emulator.

Not only can you customize the app, change its wallpaper, and edit icons but you can also browse the internet from the emulator’s inbuilt browser. This is the special feature of the iPadian that makes it more convenient and appealing for the users. Moreover, you can also access multiple social media platforms that are integrated within the emulator featuring iOS settings. With its easy-to-use interface and flexible prices, iPadian makes a great option as an emulator to download.

11. App.io


App.io is an incredible iOS emulator with easy-to-use navigation and quick controls. Since it is a browser-based all you need to do is connect your file to the emulator and it will begin its testing. Its cost-effectiveness pricing and user-friendly controls make it a great emulator choice for developers.

Getting App.io is not so expensive, you will find a suitable pricing plan, or else you could try their 7-day free trial program to benefit from its features.

12. iMAME


If playing arcade games is your forte, you will find iMAME as a technological blessing in your life. Not only does it allow its users to emulate popular classics such as Capcom, and Konami, but also features a ginormous library full of arcade games. Each game will offer the same gaming experience that you had back in the day.

Moreover, you can also customize the gaming controls, change layouts, add sound effects, and enhance graphics as per your liking. In addition, playing with friends is now accessible with iMAME, providing a personalized and interactive gaming experience.

13. Remoted IOS Simulator

Remoted IOS Simulator

Remote iOS Simulator is a great simulator that is a part of Xamarin development. It is best for testing iOS apps directly on the PC without needing external installation. Besides, it also has an inbuilt debugger that allows the developer to fix any errors or bugs right at the time of testing.

Like other emulators, Remoted Ios Simulator also offers different iOS versions for testing to get a better idea of the app’s compatibility and function. Since this emulator is a part of Xamarin development, it also features cross-platform development.


Finding the perfect emulator among the sea of emulators can be a bit challenging. Keeping the needs of a developer and a gamer into consideration, we have selected the best iOS emulators for PC that will surely fit your requirements. If you are Android user, you can check Android Emulators for PC and Mac.

FAQs for iOS Emulators for PC

How do IOS emulators work?

IOS emulators work by replicating the iOS interface on Windows. This allows the user to test the performance of their apps in an iOS setting and make necessary changes.

Can I access Apple’s Play Store through Ios emulators?

Yes and no. Certain iOS emulators allow its users to access Apple’s play store and download apps while others don’t have this feature to access play store.

Can iOS emulators emulate all iOS games?

While iOS emulators provide a wide range of games not all are compatible with your device. For this reason, you should check your device’s requirements before installing a game.
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6 Types of Software Everyone Should Have on PC in 2023 https://www.techmaish.com/types-of-software-everyone-should-have-on-pc/ https://www.techmaish.com/types-of-software-everyone-should-have-on-pc/#respond Thu, 13 Apr 2023 17:25:40 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=37989 Whether working, studying, or using a PC for leisure, utilising the best software can save you time and effort while delivering a much better user experience.

But with so many types of software on the market, sifting through them all to find the best one for you will quickly lead to exhaustion. Therefore, this list breaks down the top software to supercharge your productivity, creativity and more.

6 Best Software to Have in Your PC


PC Tips

In this section, we run through the best software and what makes them so fantastic.

1. Password Manager

Many cyber security experts preach the importance of individual passwords for every online account. Despite this, many people keep the same one or two passwords for everything.

It is understandable why; managing passwords for every account manually would make you all too familiar with the ‘forgot my password’ button.

However, password managers can store your passwords for every account in an encrypted vault, meaning you can create longer and more complex passwords, boosting your security without worrying about remembering them.

There are two main types available – cloud-based and local storage password managers. Cloud-based password managers allow you to sync your passwords across multiple devices, whereas local-based managers store them directly on your device.

Both have their advantages, with some experts viewing cloud-based as more convenient but local–based being more secure.

The main reason you need different passwords for each account is if your password is ever leaked or compromised by a hacker, someone could instantly access your entire online presence. Moreover, if you use the same password for your email account, they could even change it so you can never reaccess your accounts.

However, using multiple passwords restricts this so the attacker could only access one of your accounts, which you could quickly regain control over

2. Antivirus

Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to steal from victims; for example, in Australia, hackers have begun targeting new homeowners with an elaborate wire-fraud scheme.

That said, many people fall victim to cybercrime through malware attacks. This is where hackers can access your PC by placing a virus on it. The virus enables the hacker to take control of your device or access valuable and personal information.

An unprotected computer makes it tremendously easy for hackers to access it with viruses. Nowadays, hackers can even infect your computer with a virus without you clicking a malicious link.

Therefore, all PCs must have top-notch antivirus software that detects and blocks viruses. While some PCs come with it built in, we recommend researching and finding the best ones to help protect your device from hackers.

A top software that detects viruses generally has a few key functions to help protect your PC.

  1. Protects from viruses
  2. Blocks ads and spam
  3. Defends against hackers
  4. Protects your data
  5. Protects from spyware and phishing attacks
  6. Protects your passwords

3. Image Editor

Whether you are a social media fanatic or a business owner wanting to level up your marketing, a solid image editor is crucial in bringing an image to life. While there are image editors suitable for everyone from beginners to experts, our favourite two are Paint.NET and Adobe Lightroom.

Paint.NET is perfect for beginners. It provides everything you might want in a starter software for image editing. It is easy to use and offers many features, such as adding layers, special effects and much more. It also provides beginner-friendly tutorials for you to get started.

That said, Adobe Lightroom is a powerful option if you want to get the most out of image editing. Using Lightroom, you can edit an image in practically any way you want.

4. Graphics

Having an app at your fingertips that allows you to create professional-grade graphics has meant business owners can now create their content without the help of graphic designers.

But apps like Canva enable far more than just creating business content.

Canva makes it easy to level up your visuals, whether it is for business, your personal social media, work or school. The app provides high-quality templates for social media posts, presentations, videos, prints, websites, whiteboards, documents, etc.

With that in mind, apps like Canva are perfect for anyone who posts online or works digitally.

5. A Privacy Browser

The issue with browsers is that many, like Google Chrome, collect a lot of data on you, which they sell to advertising companies. The data they collect on you can include your location, search history, web activity, the device you are using and much more.

But privacy-focused browsers solve this issue. Our favourite privacy browser, Brave, enables private browsing while blocking invasive app features like cross-site trackers and fingerprint scripts.

On top of that, Brave routes your IP address through its multiple routers. This mixes all its user’s data and IP addresses, meaning you can browse without worrying about your online activities being tracked.

A common question we hear is, why would you worry about privacy if you have nothing to hide?

To address this, think of a private conversation you might have with a friend or relative. Would you be happy having the same conversation through a microphone in front of hundreds of strangers? If not, it is best to take all possible measures to protect your data, especially since we spend so much time online these days.

6. Scripting

Scripting allows you to automate any desktop task. While software engineers use scripting to help with advanced computing tasks, anyone can use it to make their daily lives more manageable. It is also really easy to get started.

One of the best apps to begin with is AutoHotKey. It is beginner friendly and provides all the training you need to get going. The possibilities are limitless with AutoHotKey, but some of the most useful scripts anyone can build include: autocorrect, view or hide hidden files, run a quick Google search or launch an app.

The great thing about scripting is that once you understand the basics, you can save so much time by automating your repetitive desktop tasks.

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7 Best Android Emulators for PC and Mac https://www.techmaish.com/best-android-emulators-for-pc-and-mac/ https://www.techmaish.com/best-android-emulators-for-pc-and-mac/#respond Mon, 03 Apr 2023 18:58:33 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=37468 Are you an app developer who wants to test his creation’s capabilities on a PC or Mac? Or even if you’re a gamer who wishes to play his favorite games on a bigger screen, an Android emulator for PC and Mac can have your back in each scenario. Similarly, you can even leverage this technology if your favorite game’s processing power doesn’t match with that of your mobile device. if you are on IOS, make sure to check the list of GBA emulators for iOS to make your gaming experience better on iPhone.

With all these benefits, Android emulators are definitely worth a try. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the best. Hence, we have compiled a list of some of best Android Emulators for PC and Mac to make it easier for you to select the one that aligns with your needs.

So let’s not waste much time and dig deeper into the review of the emulators we’ve selected.

What is an Android Emulator?

Android emulators are basically Android Virtual Devices that constitute any specific Android device. Users utilize it to run and test the performance of android applications on a bigger screen, i.e., a PC or Mac.

While its primary function is to serve as an effective testing platform for app developers, many gamers also leverage it to play their favorite Android games on a bigger screen using emulators.

How do Android Emulators Work?

The working mechanism of Android emulators is a bit complex, but we have tried to explain it simply here. Basically, it mimics the hardware and software of an actual Android device. This includes its processor, memory, storage, operating system, etc.

Now when you open an application or game through an emulator, it runs as if it was running on an Android device. By providing a virtual screen with a user interface, it lets you interact with the app smoothly. You can use a keyboard and mouse to control the virtual screen.

How to Choose the Best Android Emulator?

To choose the best emulator, you must look for the following factors in it:

  • Compatibility with your computer’s hardware and software
  • Performance
  • Additional features like screen recording, data sync, etc
  • The user interface must be easy
  • Security against malware and cyber attacks

7 Best Android Emulators for PC and Mac

Here are some of the most reliable Android emulators for PC and Mac:

1. LDPlayer

LDPlayer Android Emulator for PC

Download>> For PC

If you want to play exciting Android games on a bigger Windows-based screen, LDPlayer has your back. Besides offering this fun opportunity, this emulator even supports operating custom controls while gaming. This indicates that by using this LDPlayer, you can utilize both the keyboard and mouse to excel at your favorite games.

Talking about what users love the most about this emulator is its multi-instance feature. But what does it do? This lets you launch several apps and games simultaneously on your PC. So you can easily switch to another when needed.

The performance of this emulator is also top-notch and is one of the major reasons it tops our list. It optimizes the game’s speed seamlessly by boosting its graphics and frames per second. If you are wondering how it performs this job, then LDPlayer translates the applications’ compatibility from Android to Windows.

Another feature that might be helpful includes multilingual support. Meanwhile, you can even automate your experience by incorporating this emulator on your PC. The best part about LDPlayer is that its license is available at absolutely no cost.

2. BlueStacks

Bluestack Emulator for PC and Mac

Download>> PC | Mac

BlueStacks is among the most popular Android emulators, especially due to its widespread compatibility. Be it Windows or Mac, you can enjoy games on any operating system by installing this emulator. Moreover, it offers an enhanced gaming experience through its fast-running interface.

Besides Windows and Mac, BlueStacks even offers support for Android Nougat, which lets you experience the graphics more realistically.  The best part is that this emulator won’t consume much of your device’s battery so you can enjoy several hours of gameplay without disruption. Now moving towards gaming controls, just like LDPlayer, even BlueStacks offers options to customize them according to your convenience.

Most users are pretty impressed with the user-friendly interface of this emulator. At the same time, they can also run multiple games altogether without any potential lags. The most favorable aspect of BlueStacks is that it doesn’t occupy much of your device’s RAM space. So even if it’s almost full, you can still enjoy Android games on a big screen through this emulator.

3. Remix OS Player

Remix OS Player Emulator for Gaming

Download>> For Windows

The next on our list is the Remix OS Player, an Android emulator offering users a highly immersive gaming experience. However, it’s only compatible with Windows. So if you own a Mac, it’s best to look for another option on our list.

Moving forward, this emulator is known for supporting HD quality games and displays the graphics without a slight distortion. Its key-snapping tool is a user favorite which lets them have a better grip over gaming controls,  when using a mouse or keyboard for this purpose. This is particularly useful if the Android games you play function on touch-controlling schemes.

Moreover, the installation process of this open-source application is also pretty simple. You just need the setup’s file in a .exe format, and your emulator will be ready to serve an exceptional experience.

4. Genymotion

Genymotion Emulator for Gaming

Download>> For Windows

While Genymotion is more directed towards app developers so they can run their tests safely, it’s still an excellent choice to play Android games on a bigger screen. This robust yet easy-to-use emulator has all the potential to become your go-to solution, thanks to its user-focused features.

Firstly, it allows seamless customization of the settings so you can easily modify them accordingly. Moreover, you can use it for running higher device configurations, even those that cross 3000 Android versions or screen sizes. Thanks to its HD pixel compatibility, you don’t have to worry about poor-quality graphics while playing mobile games on a computer or laptop.

Above all, it comes with certain advanced features which you can leverage to take your  experience to the next level. This includes robust sensors like a global positioning system or the ability to multi-touch from any device linked to your PC.

However, Genymotion is not available free of cost. You must pay around $136 per user annually for its basic plan. The more advanced features are priced at $412 per year.

5. Bliss Emulator

Bliss Emulator for Mac and PC

Download>> PC | Mac

If you are looking for an emulator compatible with Windows and Mac simultaneously, we have another option on the list, the Bliss Emulator. Its primary goal is maintaining open-source projects that function on the Android operating system.

Using this emulator, you can avail several exceptional facilities like the ability to customize its settings and user-based options. Meanwhile, it is also known for offering top-notch security features against malware attacks or similar activity.

If you are tired of battery-consuming emulators, then Bliss can definitely be your savior. It comes with a power saving feature which can ultimately reduce the rate at which your device’s battery is consumed. Besides Windows and Mac, it is even compatible with Linux.

6. Nox Player Emulator

Bliss Emulator for Mac and PC

Download>> PC | Mac

Like BlueStacks, Nox Player is also a popular emulator among Android gamers. It is available for free and has some exceptional features that other emulators may offer you at a price.

This optimized emulator offers greater security in terms of protection against cyber attacks. That’s because it complies with the GDPR standards, and protecting your sensitive information is the emulator’s responsibility. Another reason behind users preferring Nox is its flexibility for  controls. From gamepad to keyboard and mouse, it offers seamless support for any peripheral you want.

Similarly, this emulator also allows the running of several games altogether. Meanwhile, you can leverage its script recording feature to record complicated functions and execute them in only a few minutes.

7. Ko Player

Ko Player Emulator for PC and Mac

Download >> PC | Mac

Last but not least, we have the Ko Player, which aims to deliver an efficient Android gaming experience without any lag. It is highly flexible with regard to the peripherals’ support. This emulator allows you to interact with the apps through your keyword, gamepad, or mouse. Moreover, you can also attach a microphone and webcam to record your top-notch gaming skills.

It benefits content-creating gamers, who can easily record and upload their videos on social media. Similarly, they can also use the in-built video recording feature for this purpose. On this emulator, you can adjust settings just by visiting a toolbar containing several options like screen capturing, pixel settings, and volume adjustment. It is compatible with both PC and Mac.


Android emulators have made it easier for app developers to test their production’s PC compatibility. Meanwhile, it is also a go-to solution for gamers intending to play Android games on the computer.

Considering their increased popularity, we have listed the 7 best Android emulators for PC and Mac. We hope it will be helpful for you and you can successfully find the one that matches your needs.

So  install one of the Android emulators now and take your Android experience one level ahead by transforming it for use on a PC or Mac. Happy emulating!

FAQs for Android Emulators for Mac and PC

1. Are Android emulators safe?

On a broader level, it’s safe to use Android emulators. However, the level of security depends upon the individual provider. Hence, you must look for a GDPR-compliant emulator.

2. What are Android emulators’ drawbacks?

While emulators offer top-notch functionality, they might have drawbacks, like delivery of a lower performance than the real tool. Moreover, a few hardware-specific features may not work properly on an emulator.

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The Importance of Updating Your Smartphone and PC: Why You Need to Keep Them Updated https://www.techmaish.com/importance-of-updating-smartphone-pc/ https://www.techmaish.com/importance-of-updating-smartphone-pc/#respond Sun, 08 May 2022 17:27:00 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=32065 It’s no secret that technology changes at a rapid pace. If you’re not keeping up, you’ll quickly find yourself behind the curve. This is especially true when it comes to smartphones and PCs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of updating your devices on a regular basis. We’ll also explain why it’s so important to keep them updated in order to protect your data and stay secure online.

Sell iPhone 13 Pro Max

So Why is It Important?

If you’ve been using the same smartphone or PC for a few years, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Not only are newer models more powerful, but they also offer features that older models simply can’t match. For example, the latest iPhones and Android smartphones come with facial recognition technology and augmented reality capabilities. If you want to take advantage of these new features, you’ll need/ for example, to sell iphone 13 pro max and buy a new one.

How to Save?

Of course, buying a new phone every couple of years can be expensive. But there are plenty of ways to offset the cost. For example, you can sell your old phone online or trade it in at your local cell phone store. And if you’re due for an upgrade, many carriers will offer you a discount on your new phone.

It’s not just about the latest and greatest features, though. Keeping your devices up to date is also important from a security standpoint. As we mentioned above, newer models come with better security features than older ones. They’re also less likely to be targeted by hackers and malware. So, if you want to protect your data and stay safe online, it’s important to keep your devices updated.

How Often Should You Update Your Devices?

There is no easy answer to the question of how often you should update your devices. Some people might suggest that you should do it as soon as a new version or patch becomes available, while others might recommend that you budget specific update dates into your calendar. Ultimately, the decision will depend on a variety of factors, including how often you use your devices and the degree of risk that they are exposed to.

However, one thing is clear: keeping your devices up-to-date is important for ensuring both security and usability. By staying on top of updates, you can stay safe from digital threats, as well as take advantage of any new features or functionality that become available in newer versions of your software. Ultimately, therefore, updating your devices regularly is an essential part of ensuring their ongoing success and security.

Ideally, you should update your smartphone every two years and your PC every three to four years. Of course, this will vary depending on your needs and budget. But if you can swing it, upgrading on a regular basis is the best way to stay ahead of the curve and keep your data safe.

Useful utility

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. To get started using adb, you need to install the Android SDK platform-tools package. Once you’ve done that, you can connect your device to your computer using a USB cable and run the adb devices command to verify that your device is detected by adb. If everything is working properly, you should see a message indicating that your device is authorized. Now that you’ve set up adb, you can use it to apply updates from Google Play or sideload apps from third-party sources.

The Android platform includes support for apply update from adb from both Google Play and third-party sources. To apply an update from Google Play, simply launch the Play Store app on your device and check for updates.

Why is the Shelf Life of a Smartphone No Longer Than Three Years?

There are many factors that contribute to the relatively short shelf life of a smartphone. Firstly, smartphones are arguably the most high-tech devices on the market today, with new advancements in hardware and software taking place every day. To keep up with these fast-paced changes, manufacturers must release new models on a frequent basis in order to stay competitive.

Additionally, it costs a lot of money to develop and produce a new smartphone model, which means that companies will often sink significant resources into a single version before moving on to the next model. Furthermore, consumers have come to expect new features and functionality with each update or redesign, meaning that even minor improvements can affect the overall value of the device.

Taken together, these factors help to explain why we typically see major technological leaps from one year to the next in the smartphone industry, resulting in ever-increasing turnover rates and decreasing product longevity.

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5 Best Tools to Optimize Windows PC https://www.techmaish.com/5-best-tools-to-optimize-windows-pc/ https://www.techmaish.com/5-best-tools-to-optimize-windows-pc/#respond Thu, 06 Jan 2022 18:43:29 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=31667 When we get a new windows device or get a new windows copy, our PC or laptop works like a cruiser. Over time it gets slower than a turtle. If you are a general user, it might not bother you much, but for the professional user, this could create a jam.

To overcome the issue we have tune-up apps and tools to optimize our windows run devices. So no matter what version of this software you are using, there is a handy software or app to help you out.

Their purpose is to speed up the computer processes, run maintenance tasks on driver and ROM, clean up system registry, accelerate system startup, remove or deactivate worthless programs and much more.

They also let you customize the basic and advanced settings of the main programs so that you could get optimal performance out of your machine. Get an instant disk de-fragmentation, remove duplicate and temp files, or clean the registry with the help of these apps.

So based on their performance and utility here are the 5 best tools to optimize Windows PC.

Tools to Optimize Windows PC

System Mechanic Pro

This is one of the best tools to enhance your computer’s windows registry and overall performance. Those who are well aware of the workings love it and call it simply among the best. Not just that, no matter what your level of software and computer understanding, you can use it.

The interface of this software is neither too demanding nor too simple. A middle way in between, it has many things to offer to a newbie as well as a pro. System Mechanic Pro is a real pro at the workings of your device, so give it a try and feel the smoothness in the workings of your laptop or desktop now.


Previously known among users as TuneUp, it has tweaked its name to AVG PC TuneUP. With the name change, the performance of this software has also seen an enhancement. Already an awesome tool, it has made a place for itself in the list of the most advanced and working ones.

It comes with a ton of features including maintenance, PC Health, PC Performance, and Rescue Center. It, not just tweaks with the workings of the overall system, with time, gives you suggestions on how to improve the performance.

The latest version even includes other platforms such as Android smartphones and tablets, Mac systems, and iOS machines. Among other features, the remote PC cleaning function is the best with live optimization tools additionally.


The CCleaner is one of the oldest in the field. With continuous improvements and the addition of advanced and useful features, it has maintained its position as a choice for the computer maintenance, optimization tool, in addition to windows registry and remover of junk and clutter.

If you ask what else CCleaner can do, it can enhance the installed applications such as the browser and other utility suites. This means a faster and clutter-free machine that is secure and gives you maximum performance.

CCleaner comes with a PC Sanitizer, a Disk Drive Wiper, and a Registry Cleaner. This feature-laden tool can fine-tune your PC while keeping other files and programs on the system up to the task.

Not just for Microsoft Windows, it has a version that can help you achieve the same for your Android run mobile phone and other devices. Download it and try it. You will find it really helpful and working even with the free version. Unlock additional capabilities with Pro and Pro+ versions.

Uniblue Registry Cleaner Kit

The basic reason for slowing down of our systems over time is because of the buildup of unnecessary files, glitches in the system and utility software, and a stockpile of other files that have little to non-purpose on the drive.

So if you are looking for a simple tool to take care of all these including cleaning up the system registry, deletion of junk files, and basic registry maintenance, this app is for you.

Best Tools to Optimize Windows PC

SmartPC Booster

Not five or ten, SmartPC Booster gives you over twenty-five PC tools to speed up your personal computer. If you want to protect your privacy and significantly improve the performance of your machine, this easy-to-use software is for you.

As you install it on your computer, SmartPC will scan it for possible problems and fix them for you, giving you an optimal performance. A smart care tool with expert-like features, given in one place.

Speed up the performance and avoid system crashes with the Smart Booster, a number one choice as Registry Optimizer, the corrector of disk errors, and a hub for driver updates. Seamlessly, it will convert your sluggish computer to a marathon runner in no time.

Final Words

These are among the best tools to optimize Windows PC. Even some work across platforms including Mac OS and Android. Select the best and download it now to get a smooth and better experience on your laptop or computer and tell us your experience in the comments below.

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What Is Malware and How to Prevent Infecting Your PC or Phone https://www.techmaish.com/what-is-malware-and-how-to-prevent-infecting-your-pc-or-phone/ https://www.techmaish.com/what-is-malware-and-how-to-prevent-infecting-your-pc-or-phone/#respond Thu, 20 Aug 2020 18:11:21 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=29865 Everyone knows the wisdom quote about the unknown emails and opening links that promise you a fortune. You simply avoid doing that for your own sake. Even if it sounds so good, it hurts. But isn’t that a thing from decades ago?

Viruses, worms, and other unpleasant surprises are hidden in fake software, and unprotected websites are still significant. That’s why you will see a variety of antivirus products, from unknown brands to more recognized ones like McAfee antivirus in 2020. Malware protection is an essential step in your ordinary tech 101 education, so being one step ahead is always in handy.

What is malware?

android malware

Malware is malicious software designed to damage, steal, or exploit your computer and data. It includes viruses, trojans, spyware, ransomware, etc. There are 350.000 new pieces of malware emerging every day, and more than 7 billion malware attacks were reported in 2019.

Sometimes malware is easy to spot with your bare eye when you notice unusual activity or extensive resource usage (shortage of RAM, slowness, random program executions, etc.) on your computer or smartphone. On the other hand, some malware is designed to work in a stealth mode, which can jeopardize sensitive data and cause data breaches.

The most popular way of malware distribution is via links attached to emails. At the same time, hackers actively use corrupted applications and infectious codes on websites. You may also be exposed when using unprotected WiFi networks and USB devices.

Most malware lurks deep within your system, and even if it doesn’t show itself right away, you can suffer colossal damages in the future. Nowadays, the most popular type of malware is phishing links and spyware that collects your sensitive data and steals it, either for individual hackers’ usage or for sale. The least common types of malware found now are the ones that are designed to mess up with your hardware and system corruption.

What can I do to prevent infection?

First and foremost, it is essential to pick up the AV solution that you will feel comfortable to use. There are plenty of options available on the market. You can easily choose the one that will cover all necessary devices (if you have multiple devices) and provide you with the best malware detection. In addition to antivirus, it is also helpful to adjust your browser security settings and get protection add-ons.

Secondly, it is recommended to run a full scan check at least once in a month and have a real-time protection backup for everyday use. It is easy to set a reminder for a routine inspection every month or adjust settings accordingly with new AV solution products. All antiviruses have the option of detecting and removing the infection before it has done damage to your files and data.

Specialists also suggest the regular update of the system and in-built security components. It is easier for hackers to intrude with newly designed codes and find system vulnerabilities in outdated OS. Simultaneously, if your app asks for an update, accept the new release, as developers also address the most common concerns with their products and fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

Always use licensed products and avoid downloading them from shady websites. Nowadays, it is reasonably effortless to visit the developer’s official website and purchase the software without having to expose yourself to dangerous programs online.

Always double-check apps presented in Google Play and App Store, even if they seem legit. For instance, most Google Play apps are managed by the team, but it is relatively easy to add an app that wasn’t reviewed by the administration. However, the most common scenario with apps from unknown developers is unpleasant bills from in-app purchases.

What is safe online behavior?

Although having an antivirus and checking for software licenses is proactive enough, there is something more that you might know about the online behavior. Always double-check what you are downloading and what websites you choose. Sometimes it is better to protect yourself and choose the licensed product than its a cheaper version on the web.

The legit website always has a lock symbol in the left corner of the URL bar, which indicates that the site has certificates that secured and encrypted the information you share with it. The most common scamming method is posing as a legit website and harvesting user logins and passwords. Also, be cautious about what you agree to when allowing a website to access your location or send notifications.

It is imperative to be aware of social engineering techniques. If you see a post that includes an alluring promise to win something if you click on the link, it is probably a scam or has malware distributed through the link. Pop-ups, strange emails, dubious sites, everything should be doubted and never trusted from the first sight. Of course, it is easy to become paranoid with all the possible scenarios, but it is fairly easy to remember steps of recognizing the prominent “fake” offers.

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How Every Element of Your Device Affects Its Speed? https://www.techmaish.com/how-every-element-of-your-device-affects-its-speed/ https://www.techmaish.com/how-every-element-of-your-device-affects-its-speed/#respond Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:04:58 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=29576 Devices Effect Speed

There is hardly an experience more frustrating in the Digital Age than trying to use a slow device. Whether you are working or playing, your devices exist to serve you, so when they are slow to load websites, stilted with video games or low-resolution with video, you probably want to throw your devices away and buy something brand-new.

Unfortunately, all devices slow down over time. Here are the different components of your device that affect its speed and how you can tinker with them to keep speeds fast.


“CPU” stands for central processing unit, which is essentially your device’s brain. The CPU performs the necessary calculations to run programs, so the faster your CPU can make those calculations, the faster your programs will run. The clock speed of a CPU is measured in calculations per second — and there really isn’t a simple way to increase clock speed beyond buying a newer CPU with a higher number of gigahertz. More advanced device users might try to “overclock” their CPU, but this will cause greater wear-and-tear on the device and require you to make repairs and replacements sooner.

Hard Drive

Your hard drive is where your device stores data for the long term. As it runs, your device retrieves bits of information from the hard drive; if your hard drive runs fast, your device can use that data fast. Fortunately, unlike the CPU, there are several ways you can improve the performance of your hard drive, such as:

  • Scan and clean your hard drive using a tool like Cleaner One Pro for Windows.
  • Defragmenting the hard drive to remove unnecessary data divisions.
  • Upgrading the cables used to connect hard drives to the device from ATA to SATA cables.
  • Connecting multiple hard drives together to form an array.

If none of these make much of a difference, you might consider upgrading from a traditional HDD to an SSD drive, which is faster because it lacks moving parts that can break down.


Random access memory, RAM for short, is more short-term storage for a device, where the device places data it is currently working on. RAM can fill up fast, especially when you are running multiple programs at once or dealing with large and unwieldy programs. When your device runs out of RAM, it has to shuffle data around between RAM and your hard drive, which significantly slows everything down. Fortunately, you can easily buy and install additional sticks of RAM for most computers, all but solving your RAM issue.


Another type of memory within your device, the cache is by far the fastest place your CPU places data, so it tends to be what your CPU uses to transfer data efficiently while running a program. Unfortunately, like RAM, cache can fill up quickly, often with unused information. You can run cache cleaners regularly to eliminate this problem, and also like RAM, you can install additional cache levels for additional support.

Video Card

Video cards can affect the speed and quality of programs like media players and video games. The best video cards are equipped with their own processors (called GPUs) and their own memory (VRAM) to help movies and games run as fast as possible.

The truth is that you probably don’t need a top-of-the-line video card to increase speed on your device. You might look into a minor upgrade if your video card is older than five years, but other than that, but unless you are an elite pro gamer, you don’t need to worry much about video card performance.

Operating System and Software

Your device’s hardware is undeniably responsible for speed, but you also need to make allowances for the speed of the software your device is running. Sometimes, poorly designed programs make inefficient use of your CPU and memory, thus keeping speeds low. Installing updates for your operating system and apps on a regular basis will help close these performance gaps and keep your device running as fast as possible.

Some of the best devices deliver exactly what you want as soon as you want it — but most devices can’t keep up that performance for long without the right kind of maintenance. By understanding how different components contribute to speed, you can take steps to avoid the frustration that inevitably comes from struggling to use a slow device.

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What Components Do You Need to Build a PC Capable of 4K? https://www.techmaish.com/what-components-do-you-need-to-build-a-pc-capable-of-4k/ https://www.techmaish.com/what-components-do-you-need-to-build-a-pc-capable-of-4k/#respond Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:27:00 +0000 https://www.techmaish.com/?p=28698 Gaming PC

Ready to get your hands on the glorious 4K gaming experience on PC? Great, we got the right guide for you – and not the too technical type. To build a computer that can run games at crisp 4K, you will need the essential components: a good graphics card, a stable CPU, enough RAM to get you by, a strong cooler, an appropriate PC casing, and a 4K gaming monitor.

This guide is meant for beginners so expect layman’s terms scattered throughout each segment. We’ll leave the more technical side for later. If you got the budget to create the dream PC you’ve always wanted, now is the time.

Getting the Right GPU

This is the most important part of the PC so we’ll elaborate a lot here.

You might be thinking you need a muscular Nvidia RTX 2070 to run things smoothly at 4K right? Well, yes… and also no. While it’s true that the beefier your graphics card is, the better, 4K-ready graphics processors start from the very cheap GTX 600 and GTX 700 series. Yes, you may think they’re obsolete by now but they still do righteous UHD gaming experience. If you’re looking for a specific 600 and 700 series, you want to look for GTX 670 and GTX 750. They may not offer much as the GTX 1000 and RTX 2000 series but they check out.

Although you can always go for something as cheap as the Nvidia GTX 670, you should opt for an AMD Radeon as well – particularly the AMD Radeon RX 560 and the RX 570. If you do find a good seller, they can sell them to you lower than the cheapest Nvidia 4K graphics card. But if you do want to look for a powerful AMD Radeon to go well with the AMD Ryzen, I highly recommend getting an AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT – it’s as beefy as the Nvidia GTX 1060 or 1080.

On the other side, you have brands that come with the GeForce too such as from MSI and Palit. Sure, these may be cheaper than Nvidia but they do have some overheating issues, especially MSI. Sure, you can opt for these than Nvidia instead but don’t expect them to be as long-lasting as Nvidia. And yes, they do have powerful ones too like the RTX 2080 Ti. If you want to check them out, click on this link: https://www.pcguide.com/reviews/best-rtx-2080-ti/

You Need A Big-Brain CPU

You have two major options: Intel or AMD Ryzen.

Let’s start off with Intel – A 7th Generation is good enough, specifically i5 or i7. If you can afford more than that, an 8th or 9th Generation Intel works perfectly. I do recommend looking for an i9. Just don’t rely on Intel for overclocking though; it tends to overheat easily.

But if you feel the need to overclock, you go with an AMD Ryzen. It’s not as expensive as Intel but it does its job right. Also, it syncs perfectly with an AMD Radeon graphics card. If you do find an AMD bundle with a GPU and CPU, get it – no hesitation.

Enough RAM to Shorten Loading Times

You see, RAM, CPU, and GPU work together so your PC can run properly at 4K. If your PC has less than at least 4GB of RAM, you won’t be able to play at a steady 120 fps or more. Technically, RAM doesn’t contribute too much for 4K display but rather for optimal performance such as short loading times and quick buffering.

A Sturdy Motherboard to Hold Everything in Place

If you can’t have a strong motherboard, everything is going to shatter. Remember, the motherboard will put everything in balance… as all things should be. I recommend an ASUS ROG or Gigabyte.

Purchase a Strong Fan or Water Cooler

The water cooler is best cooler – no contest, no discussion.

Although if the water cooler is too much, you can always go for a fan; but not just any fan – you need one that can withstand demanding hardware specs, preferably large ones that are built to cool gaming-type specs.

Reliable PC Casing

Don’t just go for the edgy GAMER themes; go for the sustainable and durable casings that include air holes and large spaces so your parts don’t feel cramped. Consult your seller for the most appropriate cover.

A Monitor to Showcase Everything You Built

Going all out? Then you need to buy a monitor with a 144 Hz refresh rate – AT LEAST. Don’t go lower than 120 Hz, for the love of Lord Gaben. This means full-on crisp displays without any screen tearing.

If you need numbers, then the resolution you need is 3840 x 2160, aka UHD.

Rock Out Your PC in 4K

With the right graphics card, staple CPU, enough RAM, a tough mamaboard, fast-cooling fan or water cooler, a case with enough good spaces and a nice monitor, you’re on your way to 4K gaming nirvana. Trust me, once you go 4K 120 fps and up, you will never want to go back. Welcome to the PC master race.

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