Why Is Mobile Learning The New Mandate For Sales Training?

February 21, 2022

Bilal Ahmad

The world is going mobile! So are companies making the most of this trend by leveraging mobile learning? Think about it, when you have an urge to find something out, what do you prefer doing — searching through your laptop or finding information on your smartphone? Of course, your smartphone! The new age lamp genie in our pockets. The world is moving towards a mobile-first approach in every aspect of life, and the same goes for learning.

The sales training landscape is rapidly evolving from central content management systems to focused eLearning solutions that provide personalized learning experiences on any device and at any time.

To meet the growing sales training needs, organizations are now shifting to mobile learning through an LMS to encourage team collaboration and make the learning experience engaging for the learners.

Employee Training Courses

What exactly is mobile learning?

Mobile learning or we can say learning from mobile is the use of the web or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to conduct employee training. It offers employees access to training resources on the go, which means they can train anytime, anywhere. Mobile learning can be used for several different types of training such as software training, product training, soft skills training, compliance training, etc.

Here are a few reasons why mobile learning is the new mandate for sales training:

1. Easy Content Accessibility

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of our lives. These devices are always with us, which makes content available highly accessible as compared to PC-based eLearning courses that can be accessed only from a desktop computer. Mobile learning courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on the go without any hassles. This has made mobile learning the first option for many learners.

Sales courses can be long and complicated, but all the information must get across to your employees. Using an LMS for sales training that supports mobile learning, you can break up your content into smaller chunks making it easier to learn while on the move. It will also ensure that the learners do not get overwhelmed by the huge amount of information they need to absorb. Learners can search for specific training modules, access the content, and then save it to their device so that they can review it offline later.

2. Personalized Learning Experience

Mobile devices allow you to personalize your learning experience by letting you make notes, highlight text and share your thoughts via social media while reading through a course. It also allows you to send feedback and queries directly to the subject matter expert with a single click on your touch screen. This way, you can access interactive and personalized content at your convenience. Sales reps can learn about a product or process while preparing for client meetings or taking a break between calls.

3. Higher Learner Engagement

Sales representatives are constantly on the move and they need just-in-time information. The fragmented nature of their work schedules makes it difficult for them to attend classroom training sessions or schedule time for doing an eLearning course. Mobile learning offers a solution for this problem because it allows them to attend classes, read modules, and see videos anytime. When your learners feel like they’re in control of their own learning experience and can access it in the exact way they want, they are more engaged. And when an organization provides an engaging learning environment, they reap better results. They get higher completion rates and higher knowledge absorption. They also get happier employees and a more productive workforce.

4. Enhanced Course Interactivity

One of the biggest advantages of mobile learning for sales training is that you can make it more interactive by adding videos, animations, podcasts, and games. This will help you keep your learners engaged throughout the course as well as boost their knowledge retention levels.

5. Easy Collaborative learning

Sales courses usually have a lot of complicated concepts and data which is hard to remember and recall later when required. The main reason why mobile learning is becoming so popular is that it’s so convenient for both instructors and learners alike. With the ability to access course materials at any time and on any device — smartphones, tablets, and laptops — learners can quickly complete a lesson before heading into an important meeting or even while waiting in line at the grocery store. Instructors can update course materials without having to meet with learners face-to-face or make them wait until they’re back at the office to learn about the most recent changes in product specifications or sales techniques.

6. Social media Integration

The sales process is no longer limited to conventional methods such as face-to-face meetings and phone calls. Nowadays, salespeople use social media platforms to interact with customers and promote products/services. They also use apps to sell products/services online (eCommerce). This has made it necessary for companies to train their sales teams on how best to utilize new-age technologies for selling efficiently. Here’s why mobile learning is the most suitable choice for sales training.

7. Fastest method of training

Sales is a process of learning and unlearning. The newest technologies, services, and products that the organization is offering to the market need to be learned by the sales team at first. And then they need to unlearn the old practices. The difference between a good company that makes it big in the market and an average one that does not sell well lies in how fast these learnings and unlearning happen.

An ultra-responsive sales force can be your organization’s best asset. An active, informed, and knowledgeable field sales team can help you close more deals and retain more customers and automatically achieve more targets. But keeping your sales team up to date with the latest information about products, trends, and competitors can be achieved through LMS.

8. Tracking, reporting and analysis

Most training programs are too complicated to track and measure the effectiveness of each part of a program, so it’s difficult for the training team to know if they’re making progress.

To overcome this problem an LMS with a mobile training feature can track everything from attendance to performance evaluations on every course and provides easy access for the entire team to see the status of each course. With this information, the training manager can easily see how well all parts of the program are working together. With our mobile learning platform, trainers or managers can record attendance, frequency of course completion, and other critical data right from their mobile phones.


Employee training has always been a part of any business. The way it is conducted keeps evolving to bring in more impact and results. Modern businesses are using mobile learning for training because of its effectiveness and flexibility. It also helps reduce the cost, time, and effort involved in traditional instructor-led training.

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