Top 4 Chart Web Parts in SharePoint

October 5, 2012

Bilal Ahmad

Let me first begin my post with a question! Which one strikes your attention first – A picture or a book? A graph or a report? A chart or a written record? While, everyone of us are damn good readers, not always a book could teach a lesson as faster as a picture. Anything that is represented pictorially can easily grab our sight and minds, while a book or other sources take hours and days to achieve the same. Things that are visually clear and understandable are generally looked for in any concern. When it comes to designing a business plan, it is the charts and graphs that is highly preferred. The one thing that businesses are still following as a tradition is the usage of charts, graphs and pie-charts for their various business purposes like making an annual report, reviewing a product, formulating a business plan, comparing their business scenarios and so many other purposes.

As everyone knows, Sharepoint is a greatly succeeding server platform that is being used by millions of websites. Being a Microsoft product is one added advantage with using Sharepoint. If it’s all for business, then it is certainly necessary for Sharepoint sites to make use of web parts that are exclusively meant for generating charts and graphs. Knowing the significance of charts in today’s time, so far a plenty of chart and graph web parts have been released for Sharepoint, with which you can create reports in an interactive and effective way. The reports are normally created from your existing Sharepoint list, SQL server tables, Excel and XML files.  Most of these web parts allows you to create and generate reports in lines, pie charts, bars, graphs, blocks and much more representations. The chart web parts can be a great way to cope up your business needs in a better and easy way.

Below listed are few of the best Sharepoint Chart / Graph web parts, which are found to be absolutely convincing by Sharepoint users.

Apptha Chart Web Part

apptha chart web


Apptha Chart Web Part is a Sharepoint application that exclusively generates reports in the form of charts and graphs. This web part supports Sharepoint edition 2010 and allows you to create reports directly from your SQL server tables, Sharepoint list, Excel and XML files in an easily understandable format. This Sharepoint web part allows you to make better business decisions and comes with an easy set to use function. It offers you the ability to create multiple chart types like bars, lines, stacked bars, block diagrams, area, pie charts and many more. The chart web part also makes use of group related data using operations like sum, count, percentage and average. It also has the ability to define chart size in terms of height, width and diameter in pixels.

Visifire Chart Web Part

Visifire Chart Web Part


Visifire Chart Web Part is yet again a great web part for creating charts and graphs. This web part supports Filtering , Group by Multiple Fields , Aggregate Functions , Split by Option , Sort Data (Order By Multiple Fields) , Wide Range of 2D/3D Chart Types , Combination Charts and Live Preview. It works with Custom List , Form Library , Task List , Subsite List , Excel , Business Connectivity and Service List.  Column Charts , Line Charts , Quick Line Charts , Area Charts , Pie Charts , Bar Charts , Combination Charts , CandleStick Charts and Stock Charts are a few chart types that are available in this web part.

Nevron Chart for Sharepoint

Nevron Chart for Sharepoint


This chart web part for Sharepoint allows easy integration to SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 . It comes with a standalone registration utility that will help you deploy it on your sites quickly. Web based configuration, binding to diverse data sources, pivot data aggregation, multiple charting areas, multiple legend support and multiple titles support are some of the features with this web part. Bar Charts, Area Charts, Smooth Area Charts, Line Charts, Smooth Line Charts, Step Line Charts, Pie Charts, Point Charts and Bubble Charts are few chart types that along with this web part.

Collabion charts for Sharepoint

Collabion charts for Sharepoint


Collabion Charts for SharePoint provides a quick and easy way to create insightful dashboards in SharePoint and it works with all editions of SharePoint Server 2010. It allows you to create charts form the data stored in Sharepoint lists, views, CSV string or files, MS SQL, Oracle, Excel and BDC.

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