Why Cocospy Is The Best Application To Monitor Daughter For Parental Control

March 22, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

Has your child’s behavior changed suddenly? Perhaps she is no longer taking her classwork as serious as she used to, or maybe she is no longer interested in spending some time with you at the dinner table, or maybe other many reasons have made your daughter change. And the worst part is, perhaps you don’t know what is happening to her as she is now more secretive than ever.

As a parent, nothing will trouble you more than seeing you daughter take the wrong path, and this will be worse if you do not know what to do. But if there is anything you need to do to help, then you must first know what is making her change, and thus you will need to spy on her.

And it is at this time that one should start thinking about cocospy, as it comes with features that cannot be matched by any other spying application. In this post, we shall look at why you should start using cocospy to track your daughter’s phone.

CocoSpy for Phone

It is a secretive app

You will agree with me that the moment your daughter notices that you are spying on her, she will change how she is communicating with her friends and other people. This might make it harder for you to notice whether she is a victim of cyberbullying, a victim of bad influence from friends or if her teachers at school are taking advantage of her innocence.

With cocospy, you can secretly monitor what your daughter is doing on her android or iPhone. The beauty of using this app is the fact that you will not need to physically access the device.

Can easily track location

CocoSpy Dashboard

Time to stay awake or worried because you do not know where you daughter is should come to an end now. A while ago, a parent would stay awake, outside to check where his/her daughter will come from. But with cocospy location tracking feature, you can relax in your coach and monitor the places that your daughter is visiting without having to deny yourself sleep.

Cocospy uses GPS data to pinpoint the location of your daughter’s device, and thus if she chooses to go somewhere you don’t want, or think is dangerous, you can know what to do about it.

With cocospy’s geo-fencing feature, you can set up a boundary for your daughter. If, for example, you set the boundary as within your home, and she chooses to sneak out and go smoke weed with friends, you can be alerted by this tracking app.

Calls log and SMS monitoring

Yes, you no longer have to stand at your daughter’s door to listen who her when she makes calls. As a matter of fact, you can now leave her do all her things, whether at school, in the kitchen or in her bedroom. When you get time and want to know who was on the other side of the phone, you can easily log into spy app and check the call logs.

Here, you will be able to know who she was speaking to, the time when the calls were made, the duration of the calls, the details of the person on the other side of the phone and many other details. If you establish that the caller is not someone you would want your child to get associated with, you can know what to do. You can even choose to take legal actions, equipped with the details from the spy master.

Social media monitoring

CocoSpy App

The cocospy app comes fully equipped with features to enable you do virtually everything. Cyberbullying is rife, and this happens mostly on social media. Statistics show that most victims of cyberbullying are ladies, and you daughter cannot be an exception. With this app, you can easily access her social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Viber and others and check whether someone is calling her the ugly names that can make her lose her self-esteem.

Browser history

Teenage girls want to experiment with so many things, some of which can destroy her life. Sites like porn sites have a lasting negative impact on a teenager’s life. This is why as a parent, you need to know which sites your daughter is visiting at any given time. With this monitoring application, you can check and be sure that she is not viewing adult content on the internet.

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