How To Develop Apps For Android Smartphones

April 26, 2022

Bilal Ahmad

Today, everyone knows for sure that web applications are indispensable. Absolutely all people have smartphones and use them, including various types of digital products. Mobile development has gained rapid development, as the IT industry does not stand still, so new jobs for mobile developers are opening up every day. Building mobile apps is a process that needs to be learned. But if there is no time for this, then you can always contact a specialized company, where they will take into account all the wishes of the client and provide services at a high level, at normal and affordable prices, and most importantly, using innovative techniques, methods, technologies.


What is the minimum set of knowledge you need to have in order to create an Android application?

In recent years, the modern market has absorbed a huge number of web applications that have been successfully launched by specialists, after which they are also successfully used by modern users. When it comes to the specifics of development, it is rather about the ability to write a web application for devices such as tablet computers, tablets, mobile devices and smartphones. Absolutely everyone can buy a gadget (including for a car), in which the Android platform will be implemented.

In any case, the development of Android web applications for various mobile phones and other devices is becoming more relevant, more popular, more in demand, more successful. Therefore, for all those who study this area from scratch, it is worth figuring out which tools cannot be dispensed with. Many points depend specifically on the knowledge of the programming language or at least one of the programming languages. So, let’s start with what knowledge you need to master in order to become a specialist in this area:

  • You need to fully study, learn, test languages ​​such as C ++, as well as Java or Kotlin. They are considered the main ones, since it is with them that you can work on the platform.
  • You should be fully occupied with learning how to work with a component such as Android Studio. This software is designed for beginners. Thanks to the product, you can learn how to develop on Android.
  • It is important to learn more about what Git is. In turn, it is a system that helps manage and distribute versions.
  • You need to learn how to use libraries. We are talking about studying Retrofit – this is a library that will allow you to get data from the Internet, and, for example, Glide will be needed in order to upload images.
  • It is necessary to study in more detail what the architectural components of Android are. It’s about the fact that every developer should learn to write absolutely clean and really reliable codes.
  • It is important to be able to write web applications that are directly related to design, and more specifically, to the MVP, MVVM architecture. This architecture is needed for the reliability of a digital product, its support during operation, as well as for further development and modernization.

What to use to write Android applications?

Android Studio is the main component that you should download on your own PC. Moreover, to create high-quality applications, you will need the official version. This fact is important to take into account. This program is considered the best of all to date on the market today. Moreover, one of such operating systems as Mac OS, Windows, Linux can be installed on the user’s computer.

Beginners often face issues such as knowing or not knowing a programming language. If, nevertheless, a person does not have enough knowledge, then experts recommend going to offline courses or online courses and studying this direction. Or you can educate yourself and read information on expert blogs, watch videos of professionals and just find out what people are saying on different forums and so on.

Now anyone can write a web application specifically in:

  • Java. This language is more simple, classical or traditional. Any beginner with minimal programming knowledge can learn to “read” codes. Suitable for those people who are not confident web application developers.
  • Kotlin. This language is considered more preferable and there are a number of reasons for this. It is used in most cases specifically by experts in this field. Developers accurately and confidently use the software and fulfill professional orders from clients in an unprecedented way.

In any case, these two languages ​​are similar to each other. Both languages ​​include exactly the same principles, have almost the same syntax.

Additionally! Git is the first thing to take care of. This tool is very useful because it offers a specialist the ability to store multiple versions of a web application on a laptop, desktop computer, tablet PC, or directly on the online cloud. After downloading this software, it is important to read the manual, which describes useful options.

What features should new developers look out for?

The developer needs to decide not only whether to use Kotlin or Java, but also with other programs. For example, if it is not too comfortable to use Android Studio, then you can download Eclipse instead of this software (as an exception to the rule). Usually, each specialist chooses independently.

The creation of the project takes place in stages:

  1. You must select Empty Activity and move on.
  2. At this stage, enter the name of the project – the so-called package.
  3. The next step is to decide on a programming language.
  4. Then a window with a ready-made project will open and you can start developing.
  5. First, an emulator is created.
  6. The user has to click on AVD Manager.
  7. After that, click on Create Virtual Device.
  8. Next, a phone is selected for emulation.
  9. OS (Android) is selected.
  10. At the end, just click “Finish”.
  11. Then you can start the test mode.
  12. You will see a personal web application on the emulator.

In fact, the step-by-step actions are very clear and intuitively simple. The main thing is to carry them out according to a specific step-by-step scheme. Over time, it will be possible to improve skills and fill your hand.

Components of Android applications and a number of other important points

Many beginners do not quite understand what elements web applications consist of. The Android platform, although simple, popular all over the world, still requires filling with specific content. If there is no content in a digital product, then, accordingly, it can be considered “empty”. The “res” folder is one of the significant ones. This is where all the resources of the digital product will be located. We are talking about the fact that here you can find layouts, architectural elements, components of design solutions.

Next, you need to install an Android application. This can be done exclusively on such a world-famous site as Google Play. It is this site that is the same online store with applications where you can find absolutely everything. Moreover, downloading web applications is real on all gadgets where the Android operating system is installed. To post, you must first register an account as a developer. Next, put up a digital product and wait for approval by the Google Play administration. If the software does not meet the requirements, then it may be blocked.

In general, it is considered the right decision to seek help from a competent company that can organize the development, creation and launch of any Android application from scratch. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at the work of specialists from the Digital Product Agency, where they will always help, create a project from scratch, make a digital product for the client on an individual basis, at the highest level.

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