How to Get Your Web Application Done in 6 Easy Steps?

December 28, 2019

Bilal Ahmad

App Developement

Over the past few years, mobile and web applications have become the most convenient way to interact between brands and users. This market continues to grow, and this means that if your business is also faced with the need to create such a solution for your customers or partners, then you are on the right path of development. In this article, we will talk about how to create a web application so that this tool complements your business strategy profitably.

Ask Some Key Questions

So, before starting to do anything, we need a clear understanding of the goals that we want to achieve by performing a certain action. And for web application development, this is also true. Therefore, before you start looking for a developer and invest in the creation, you need to ask yourself some important questions.

  • Who will use your application? These may be clients of your company, for example, in the case of a taxi application, employees of your company, if you want to create an ERP system or your partners, if you want to create an application for joint purchases.
  • What goals do you want to achieve by creating an application? For example, increase sales, improve customer service, or even make a brand more recognizable.
  • How will your application fit into your business strategy and how will you integrate it with existing solutions?

Try to Determine the Approximate Cost

Web application development is a service whose cost cannot be calculated accurately to the penny. There is always a likelihood of encountering a stumbling block (and by the way, experienced developers will immediately indicate to you the potential difficulties that may arise), and this will make the development cost higher.

However, it is quite possible to navigate in approximate prices. In a very averaged version, the cost of developing a web application is starting from $3000 with the very minimum set of functions.

In addition, the price will also vary depending on the geographic location of the developer’s company you are contacting. For example, be prepared for the fact that developers from America will tell you the highest price possible. At the same time, if you contact programmers from China or India, then you will save significantly. And the golden mean in the ratio of price and quality is companies from Eastern Europe.

Define Functionality

After you have answered these questions, you already begin to understand what functions should be in your web application. For example, it can be such features as a personal account, shopping cart, tracking the status of an order, catalog, payments and much more. It is possible to continue this list indefinitely since in your individual case, the set of functions that you will need to develop will directly depend on the specifics of your business and the tasks that you want to solve using the application.

Ask for a Free Meeting

No matter where you are located geographically, and where the office of the company you are contacting for help is located, you can always ask for a free consultation before making a final decision and investing money. Therefore, go to, put a few filters that are most important for you, and contact the first five companies from the list. Chat with company representatives, ask them questions, and listen to what questions they will ask you. Perhaps even at the consultation stage, you will realize that a certain company is ideal for you and your business.

Choose the Most Suitable Vendor

However, if this does not happen, continue your search. Try to find a company that already has experience in your niche. And do not limit yourself only to the borders of your country or city. As we said, web development outsourcing can be a very profitable solution that can save more than half of your budget.

When choosing an outsourcing company, pay attention to several other important factors.

  1. The first is market experience. Outsourcing is a process that cannot be set up in one day, so it will be better for you if the company has several years of experience.
  2. The second is the technology and methodology that they offer. If the company already had experience working with a project similar to yours, this means that they can immediately offer you a technology stack that is suitable for developing your web application.
  3. The third is the established communication between the team members and the customer. Effective remote communication is one of the keys to the success of web development outsourcing, so pay attention to how company representatives and the team communicate with you in the initial stages of cooperation.

Start the Process

So, if you have successfully completed all these stages, it’s time to start the process. Do not forget that it is not necessary to invest the entire amount at once – you just need to develop MVP, test the response of the target audience, and only then continue development, adapting to the needs of customers.

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