Companies Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:04:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Companies 32 32 10 Email Marketing Companies to Check Out This Year Wed, 03 Feb 2021 17:27:19 +0000 As we move into a new year and set goals for what we want to accomplish, email marketing is often brought to the table.

Nearly every company, big and small, has some form of email marketing strategy in place to communicate with customers. Email has continuously been one of the most effective ways to reach your audiences, so it’s not surprising that this is an area businesses want to improve year after year.

If you’ve made big goals for your email marketing in 2021, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll take a look at ten email marketing companies that can help you reach those goals and a few best practices to send you off.

Here’s a quick overview of the companies we’ll cover in this article:

  • Listrak
  • Ignite Visibility
  • Constant Contact
  • Trinity
  • Drip
  • One10Media
  • GetResponse
  • MailerLite
  • Ontraport
  • Aweber

10 Email Marketing Companies

When it comes to managing your email marketing tactics, working with a company that can help you grow is vital. From growing your subscriber list to developing complex strategies and campaigns — they can help you from the bottom up.

In this section, we’ll take a look at a number of different email marketing companies. Some of which are more hands-on, while others provide you with the tools you need to achieve your goals internally. No matter what you’re looking for in an email marketing partner, there’s a perfect fit out there for you.

Use this list as a starting point to get started and make a note of the companies that appeal to your needs.

1. Listrak


Listrak is an email marketing company that can help take your emails to the next level. Choosing to partner with Listrak means that you’ll gain access to email marketing tools like predictive analytics, advanced retail segmentation, dynamic content, and more.

Make email marketing easier by partnering with Listrak. You’ll have the ability to improve the email creation process, track campaign success, and identify new opportunities through AI and predictive technologies. Image courtesy of Listrak.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A responsive email designer tool that allows you to save time by creating professional emails with a simple drag-and-drop editor
  • An abandonment messaging suite that helps you to re-engage active shoppers and continue to nurture them through the sales funnel
  • Predictive content and intelligent recommendation capabilities to ensure you’re only sending the most relevant and engaging information
  • Predictive product recommendations that will allow you to increase sales by sending personalized recommendations

Consider Listrak if you’re looking for an email marketing company that allows you to use advanced techniques to improve the way you’re communicating and marketing to your customers.

2. Ignite Visibility

Ignite Visibility

Ignite Visibility is an email marketing agency that can help you to improve your email presence and take the burden off of your teams by driving both email strategy and deployment. From reviewing your current data and helping to develop email campaigns — Ignite Visibility is a hands-on partner.

Growing your subscriber list and knowing when to reach your customers is vital in developing a successful email marketing strategy. Working with a team dedicated to helping your business grow will make this process much more manageable. Image courtesy of Pexels.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Email list growth services from strategy through deployment to help you identify new subscribers and continue to expand your list
  • Automation capabilities that can span multiple channels, including your blog, website, newsletter, and more
  • Campaign planning based on customer data pulled directly from your current customer base
  • Testing capabilities to ensure all of your emails and campaigns are optimized for the best possible results

Consider Ignite Visibility if you’re looking for an email marketing agency to help you understand, develop, and manage your email marketing efforts.

3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing platform that can help you manage all of your email campaigns, create professional emails, and connect with your eCommerce platform to drive more revenue. With a focus on small businesses and nonprofits, you’ll know this company has your best interests in mind.

Constant Contact makes targeting your customers easier than ever. By setting specific rules around what happens when someone opens an email, clicks, or doesn’t take action will allow the campaign automation to take charge. Image courtesy of Constant Contact.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A drag-and-drop editor that makes designing emails easy and ensures your messages are optimized for every device
  • Automation capabilities that allow you to send triggered emails, nurturing campaigns, non-opener resends, and much more
  • Connection with your eCommerce site to improve targeting and drive more revenue
  • List management that makes it easier to upload and store contacts from multiple locations

Consider Constant Contact if you’re a small business or nonprofit looking for an email marketing company that can help you increase revenue by connecting your email and eCommerce store.

4. Trinity


Trinity provides email marketing services that focus on improving your brand experience through thoughtful and engaging emails. Whether you’re looking for a partner to help build a cohesive experience or a way to improve personalization efforts — Trinity can help you achieve your goals.

Building a comprehensive and personalized email marketing experience can be the difference between a highly engaging campaign and one that flops. Working with the team at Trinity, you can identify the touchpoints that will result in the highest engagement. Image courtesy of Trinity.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Strategy development capabilities to help improve the relevancy and effectiveness of your email marketing efforts
  • Email automation capabilities that drive engagement through a more cohesive brand experience
  • Track email success to identify areas of optimization for future campaigns
  • Segmentation and personalization to help improve your current email efforts and create emails that resonate with your audiences

Consider Trinity if you’re looking for a company that helps improve your current email marketing efforts but also considers the entire brand experience in the process.

5. Drip


Drip is an email marketing company that allows you to build your eCommerce brand and reach your customers at the right time via email. You can improve your email strategy by integrating personalization, custom workflows, and more.

Building custom workflows can make your job easier and improve the experience your customer has with your brand. Sending relevant content will make them much more likely to convert, then nurturing them can turn them into repeat customers. Image courtesy of Drip.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Customized and easy to build workflows to help turn one-time shoppers into repeat buyers
  • Personalization capabilities including product recommendations, dynamic discounts, and more
  • List growth opportunities through your website and other digital channels
  • Revenue dashboards that provide you with in-depth revenue and engagement stats for every single email

Consider Drip if you’re looking for an email marketing company that can help you improve your current efforts and build more loyal subscribers.

6. One10Media


One10Media is an email marketing company that can help develop and manage all of your email marketing needs. They pride themselves on having Done-For-You Email Marketing Services that can help any business achieve their goals.

Managing your email marketing can be a challenging task, especially if your internal teams don’t have the expertise needed to use it at its full potential. Working with a company such as One10Media will allow you to make the most out of your platforms by giving them access. Image courtesy of One10 Media.

What you can expect:

  • Strategy development that allows you to consistently generate sales and grow your store
  • Audit current email messaging to identify areas for improvement to pass along to your copy teams or implement for you
  • Email creation and management through your CRM including segmentation, workflows, and more
  • Reporting and analytics delivered directly to you with the most important insights on how your campaign are performing and potential opportunities

Consider One10Media if you’re looking for a company to take over your email marketing for the highest impact.

7. GetResponse


GetResponse is an email marketing platform that allows you to improve your current email efforts through better customer data, automation, simplified designs, and much more. Whether you’re looking to improve personalization and custom segments or develop emails designed to increase revenue — there’s a solution for you.

If you’re not utilizing your customer data, you’re missing a huge opportunity. Personalization is one of the best ways to attract and retain customers, and data is how you do that. Integrating different insights such as interests, shopping behaviors, and more will make your emails more relevant and click worthy. Image courtesy of GetResponse.

What you can expect:

  • Automate emails to save time and send triggered messages based on real-time customer interactions
  • A drag-and-drop editor that allows you to create well-designed emails every single time easily
  • Personalization capabilities including custom segments, dynamic content, and a perfect timing tool
  • Shoppable emails that directly increase revenue and keep customers coming back for more

Consider GetResponse if you’re looking for a platform to easily manage, automate, and improve your email marketing efforts.

8. MailerLite


MailerLite is an email marketing automation tool that can help you improve and streamline your email marketing efforts. From easy-to-use email editors to direct integrations with your estore, you can quickly build emails that convert more leads.

With the right automation tool, you can drastically decrease the amount of time your teams are spending on your emails. Easy to use editors and workflow capabilities will allow you to plan and implement campaigns that run all on their own while focusing on something else. Image courtesy of MailerLite.

What you can expect:

  • A drag-and-drop newsletter editor that anyone on your team can use no matter what their skill level or expertise is
  • Estore integrations to easily insert products into your emails and product recommendations based on previous purchases
  • Automation capabilities that allow you to nurture leads, reduce cart abandonment rates, send more personalized content, and more
  • Embedded surveys that provide you with valuable feedback directly from your subscribers

Consider MailerLite if you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform that can help you automate more of your email efforts to spend time focusing on new initiatives.

9. Ontraport


Ontraport is a marketing automation platform that provides users with a powerful email marketing tool. With valuable data and insights, you can better understand who your customers are and send them the most relevant content possible.

Easily build automated campaigns that move customers through their journey without manual intervention. Setting wait times and conditions will ensure they receive the right content at the right time, without feeling overwhelmed. Image courtesy of Ontraport.

What you can expect:

  • Data insights that can help you improve segmentation and deliver the most effective messages to your customers
  • A campaign builder that allows you to develop workflows with a full library of templates to help make it even easier
  • Channel integration capabilities to develop cross-channel marketing campaigns
  • Lead tracking technology that can help you identify where your customers are coming from and when they are subscribing to your content

Consider Ontraport if you’re looking for an email marketing company that can help you make better campaign decisions based on customer data and insights.

10. Aweber


Aweber is a marketing tool designed to help small businesses grow through various digital tactics, including email marketing. By providing tools that improve automation, email design practices, and much more — you’ll have everything you need from one platform.

AWeber allows you to easily create and manage your email marketing campaigns. From one central platform you can identify new ways to engage your audiences at all levels of the sales funnel. Image courtesy of Aweber.

What you can expect:

  • An AI-powered design assistance that helps you to automatically build branded templates
  • Triggered emails and subscriber tagging that are based on their real-time actions to improve relevancy
  • Industry-leading deliverability to ensure that your messages make it to your customers’ inbox
  • List management capabilities that help you identify what content to send to keep emails relevant for your customers

Consider AWeber if you’re looking for an email marketing company that can help make your content more relevant while providing you with AI-driven design capabilities.

Email Marketing Best Practices to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Email marketing is a great tool for companies who are looking to interact and engage with their customers. But when you’re sending the same types of messages to the same audiences, your messages can become mundane and easy to skim over.

If this sounds like you — don’t be discouraged, this is a problem many companies experience.

Luckily, with a new year comes new goals. By incorporating your email marketing efforts into your yearly goals, you’re much more likely to invest time and effort into making much-needed improvements.

In this section, we’ll provide you with some ideas on ways you can improve your current email marketing efforts to start off the new year right.

Personalization Is Still Vital

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, this one probably won’t come as a big surprise. Personalization has been a buzzword for many years now, but it’s not going away anytime soon.

In fact, just like the automation technology we discussed above, it’s becoming more advanced year after year. As these advancements progress, your customers are becoming more accustomed to and expect personalization from the brands they follow.

We used to be able to simply add the subscribers name on an email and call it personalized, but that’s no longer the case. Your audiences are expecting that you will provide them with relevant content at the exact moment that they need it.

In fact, 80% of those who classify themselves as frequent shoppers say they only shop with brands who personalize their experience.

Personalization Is Still Vital

Your subscribers expect that you are incorporating personalization into the emails they receive from you. One of the most important things they want you to track is their past purchases. Tracking this data provides a big opportunity for you to make product recommendations that are much more likely to convert. Image courtesy of SaleCycle.

This means that you’re much more likely to attract loyal subscribers by using personalized content. And don’t forget, retaining a loyal customer is much cheaper than converting a new one in the long run.

So how do you go about adding personalization to your emails? Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Incorporate personalization details, such as interests, gender, or other demographics into the copy of your email
  • Send personalized offers that resonate with your customers and provide them with an incentive to click through
  • Use historical customer data to send relevant product recommendations based on previous purchase and browse behaviors
  • Find areas to add personal touches into the imagery you use to really grab the reader’s attention

No matter what you do, you can’t avoid adding personalization to your emails. If you haven’t already made the decision to expand your personalization beyond the basics, now’s the time to do. Improving your personalization efforts alone could drastically change your 2021 email marketing results.

Leverage Automation to Do More

Automation is a great way to improve your current email marketing efforts. With the ability to develop workflows and campaigns that automatically run without manual intervention, you can do more with your time while feeling confident that your subscribers are getting the most relevant information to their needs.

Using automation will provide you with a number of benefits. One of the main reasons businesses choose to invest in automation is the time savings, but it can provide you with so much more.

Leverage Automation to Do More

Marketing automation is a great tool across the board, but when it comes to the biggest benefits, time savings increased revenue, and customer retention tops the list. All of these things can be accomplished by simply automating your email marketing efforts. Image courtesy of EmailMonday.

Here are a few common ways companies are using email automation to improve their marketing communications:

  • Develop campaigns that automatically enroll customers based on their interactions and data, such as welcome messages, retention campaigns, abandoned cart reminders
  • Improve and automate segmentation with AI and machine learning capabilities to send relevant marketing updates
  • Understand customer data as it happens and respond with triggered emails, transactional messages, notifications, and reminders

In reality, when it comes to email automation, the possibilities are endless, and the technology is always changing.

When the idea of automation first appeared, most companies simply utilized it to better manage and send emails. But in recent years, the capabilities have changed drastically with a little help from AI and predictive technology.

Now you have the ability to not only save time by building workflows and campaigns, but the programs can actually adjust and change based on the specific subscriber’s data. With the right data, you can rest assured that your audiences are receiving this most relevant content to their needs — even as those needs change.

Keep Your Customer Experience in Mind

For many industries, the world of marketing is starting to shift from a more product centric approach towards putting the customer first. Customer-centric marketing is the idea of building your strategy around the needs of your customers and prioritizing them over any other factors.

Keep Your Customer Experience in Mind

It makes sense that we are seeing a shift in how businesses are marketing when you consider this graphic. There has been a drastic shift in what consumers value, and it has moved from product pricing to the customer experience. Image courtesy of SuperOffice.

When you think about customer-centric marketing, one of the most important things to consider the customer experience. Customer experience can be defined as the holistic perception of a customer’s experience with your brand.

This means that email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle, but it needs to be considered when looking at your strategy as a whole. It might sound like an overwhelming task at first, but once you break it down, it’s much easier to digest.

For instance, consider these strategies to improve your customer experience:

    • Improve your customer onboarding experience: make sure to wow your subscribers from the moment they opt-in to your emails by enrolling them in a welcome campaign to introduce yourself to them
    • Use customer lifecycle emails to improve engagement: you can reach your customers across various touch points throughout their lifecycle, develop messages such as notification emails, milestone messages, or retention campaigns to hit each one
  • Incorporate personalization: we’ve already touched on the importance of personalization, but it’s another great way to improve the customer experience with your emails
    • Build an emotional connection: find ways to connect with your audiences in on an emotional level by incorporating user generated content and sharing things that make your brand more real, like team member highlights
  • Provide rewards and incentives: provide your subscribers with a benefit to joining your subscriber list and keep those rewards coming through incentives, milestone rewards, and more

Improving your customer experience will improve the way your customer views your brand and impacts your engagement rates. As consumers continue to value the experience a brand provides them over the product price, you need to ensure you’re actively putting their needs first to succeed.

Improve Your CTA Buttons

Call to actions are one of the most important parts of your emails. If a subscriber opens your email but can’t figure out what to do next, they’re going to delete the email and never look back. This is a missed opportunity and one that could have easily been avoided.

So why are CTAs so important? Because they lead the subscriber to your website and increase their chances of converting.

In fact, emails with a single CTA increased clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%. If those stats don’t get you excited, you must already be killing your CTA game.

CTAs are also a great way to move customers through the sales funnel from the moment they learn about your brand all the way up until they become a purchasing customer. Done right, your CTAs can make a significant impact on your customer interactions and company sales.

Improve Your CTA Buttons

The words you use in your CTAs can make a big impact on how well they will perform. By using action items to describe what the next step is to a user, they are much more likely to click-through to the offer. Image courtesy of Wistia.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your current CTA practices:

  • Use strong copy to entice someone to click further; consider something like “Get 50% off today,” “Shop Fall collection Now,” or something more descriptive than just “click here”
  • Make sure your CTAs are big enough that they catch someone’s attention and allow mobile users easily tap it with their finger
  • Choose a contrasting color for your CTA button, this will help it stand out from the rest of the content and draw the subscriber’s eyes right to it

When it comes to your email marketing efforts, you don’t want to ignore the power of the CTA. Take time to test, learn, and adjust over time to stay on top of what works best for your subscribers. You’ll quickly find that even minor adjustments can make a big difference for your metrics.

Improve Your Copy

Last but not least, let’s talk a little bit about your email copy.

What and how you write can influence your reader’s in a number of ways. We talked a little bit previously about how action words can improve CTA click-through rates, but spending time perfecting your copy across the board is essential.

From the very first sentence your subscriber sees (your subject line) to the final sentence in your email, it should all work together. If your content doesn’t provide the reader with any value or there’s a disconnect somewhere, they’re much more likely to delete the email and never look back.

That means that if you hurry through your content and don’t think about how a customer will perceive it, you’re missing a big opportunity.

Improve Your Copy

There are a number of ways you can work to improve your email copy, but most people start with the subject line. Subject line length can make a big difference when it comes to average read rates. By monitoring your character count and keeping to these best practices, you’ll likely see more click-throughs. Image courtesy of K12 Prospects.

Looking to improve your email copy this year? Here are a few tips to help get you started:

    • Start with the subject line: if your subject line doesn’t capture a reader’s attention, they are unlikely to click any further. Make sure that you write concise, engaging subject lines to see the best results.
  • Leverage preview text: often pushed to the backburner, the preview text is an opportunity to expand on your subject line. You’ll want to write content here that encourages someone to click and provides a little more insight on what they can expect when they do.
  • Write for the web: use the same writing standards you use when writing for the web, such as following a logical structure, keeping paragraphs short, and including one main idea per paragraph.
  • Never write spammy content: this one might be a no brainer, but it’s important to note. Writing clickbait might get someone to open your email, but if they find the content is inaccurate or spammy, they’ll look no future — and possibly report you.

Improving the copy within your emails is something simple that you can do to improve your email marketing this year. By taking extra time to find the perfect content, your subscribers will be happier, which will result in higher click-throughs and conversions.

Your 2021 Email Marketing Action Plan

If you’ve made it this far through this article, you should have quite a few action items to take back to your team. Whether you’re looking to do a full revamp of your email marketing or just want to find the right company to manage your campaigns — you’re taking steps towards a more compelling email strategy.

The Peculiarities Of CRM In IT Companies Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:51:54 +0000 CRM

According to recent statistic, CRM market has grown over 13% by providing the best systems for businesses to improve relationships with their clients and increase sales. What does CRM stand for? CRM meaning is customer relationship management. CRM provides a strategy for small and big businesses to meet the requirements of existing clients and develop long-term relationships with potential consumers. CRM teaches how to treat customers the way they want and know their demands. By delivering your customers what they want, they will always choose you.

Once you know what is CRM, you will understand its necessity for business growth. is an ideal platform that accelerates sales, marketing, and services. This CRM platform together with other popular platforms aims to digitize businesses and help them to automate any business ideas.

What peculiarities do CRM platforms offer IT companies? Keep reading the article and learn about 5 features that help tech companies to develop faster than their competitors and maintain long-lasting relationships with their customers.

What Features Does CRM Provide for IT Companies?

Modern CRM software have been designed specifically with the needs of developing tech companies in mind. Such platforms enable end-to-end functionality and help tech companies to deliver better services through improved communication and understanding of their customers. Below you can read in detail about 5 main peculiarities of CRM in IT companies:

Manage contacts and opportunities

It’s vital for IT companies to use CRM in order to manage contacts, opportunities, review forecast and analyze the performance of salespeople, sectors, products, vendors, and resellers. Such visibility enables to understand what a company should do to turn a lead into an opportunity.

Improve customers experience

Customer success is what every IT company desires. CRM tracks customers’ activity, spot issues that arise during customers’ use of service, and deal with them before they turn your customers off. CRM provides multi-channel support in order to improve relationships with your consumers and support them in the way they prefer. By providing exceptional customer service, your clients will feel admired and valued which is the key to be a competitive IT company.

Account management

One of the CRM features provides information on relationships with existing customers. IT companies will have access to contacts, historical data, subscription status, buying preferences. Briefly, CRM gives a 360° view on your customers. Software trigger customer reminders which lead to satisfied clients.

View on businesses operation

CRM enables businesses to gather information on their performance. When IT companies connect sales, marketing and customer service with CRM, they can clearly see how well they are doing through reports. Various software provides insights and suggests trends that will help a particular IT company to improve relationships with existing customers, ways to attract new clients and satisfy customers’ preferences.

Knowing your return on investment

CRM features measuring the gain or loss on an investment. By knowing the ROI of marketing activities, an IT company can focus budget on what works and reduce unnecessary expenses.

The main role of CRM in IT companies is using only automated processes. They help to save a lot of time and focus all efforts on achieving success. Deep integration with email, website, and advertising, access to diagrams, planning, and insights make an IT company a competitor through making customers happy and bringing more happy clients.


Once businesses define CRM, they understand its value. There are many free versions of CRM software that can be tested to learn about their benefits. All CRM platforms help to collect reports and in-depth analysis fast and effectively. Such software are irreplaceable assistants for every IT company that understands that a healthy customer-company relationship is a priority.

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