The Importance of Video Content to Branding and Customer Engagement

January 13, 2020

Bilal Ahmad

Video Content to Branding

The importance of video to modern internet users cannot be understated. Indeed, visitors from around the world watch over a billion hours of YouTube videos every day. Video is not just an entertainment medium but is also a valuable marketing tool. Research indicates that 92% of marketers use them in promotions and that they are very effective at engaging customers. Integrating video with other marketing content gives brands an edge over their competitors.

Video Is More Engaging Than Static Content

A quality video with crisp, clear images and a compelling storyline and transition is more appealing than images or textual content. It gives visitors to your website a real-life impression of your brand at work. Consumers are also likely to relate to visual content because it transcends language, cultural, and skill barriers.

Further, 60% of business decision-makers reach out to marketers and vendors after watching a video demonstration. Internet users are ten times more likely to share, comment on, and embed video than textual content. Video works because customers are more likely to recall a brand if they watched a video than if they just read about it. Video also is more likely to evoke emotional appeal than other types of content.

Video Has a High Return on Investment

Video content comes with the advantage that it has a higher return on investment (ROI) than other marketing strategies. Videos are effective in generating conversions with 74% of the respondents in the Wyzowl survey, indicating that they decide to buy a product after watching an explainer. Most marketers rank it as the most effective form of marketing in terms of leads and purchases. Indeed, customers prefer learning about a product through video rather than textual content and other forms of marketing.

Video content increases the time visitors spend on company websites. Moreover, video content is twice as likely to go viral than other types of content. However, video content is most effective when it offers empowering content to the audience rather than just pushing a sale. Marketers can create videos that compare different products showcasing their various features or a case study of a customer’s purchasing journey.

Video conversions are most effective when they feature on landing pages. This makes a strong case for integrating videos into the company website. The most effective videos employ storytelling techniques accompanied by illustrations. Marketers can use video to give customers a close look at a product or an application and help them understand it better. Of course, videos rank high if they are SEO optimized and contain relevant content. Click here for a detailed discussion of how different brands integrate videos into their websites.

Summing It Up

Videos are a great way of promoting a brand, but businesses need to use them in the right way to be effective. Video is effective in demonstrating the features and benefits of a product and also evokes emotion and recall more easily than textual content. Marketers should create videos that engage and empower customers rather than just selling products.

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