4 Reasons To Consider 3D Rendering In Your Marketing Plan

January 15, 2023

Bilal Ahmad

If you are creating a business plan for just yourself, then you can probably imagine the various elements, you can perhaps make a few sketches, and you can write notes to remind yourself of the most important aspects. However, if you are creating a marketing plan for other people, especially for investors and the like, then your marketing plan needs to be clear, detailed, and saleable. Make no mistake, if you want your plan to have an impact on other people, then it needs to get your ideas across in the cleanest, saleable, and most user-friendly way possible. That is why you should consider 3D rendering for your marketing plan.

The Obvious Downsides

In order to fully expand the four reasons why you should consider 3D rendering for your marketing plan, we need to address the most obvious downsides. The first is that 3D rendering is still an art form. There are lots of ways they fake it until you make it, but the fact is that you or somebody you hire will need a fair amount of design skill in order to make your renders look good.

Modern modeling and 3D rendering is expensive, and that needs to be taken into account, but it is far less expensive than it ever was in the past. When you add 3D models and renders to your marketing plan, you are going to have to pay a fair price because you are investing in the quality of your marketing plan and your end product.

Finally, creating good 3D renders, especially those you can manipulate (rather than still images) are going to require a lot of computing power. Plus, if you want to generate several prototype renders before finalizing your designs, then this is going to take up a lot of computer processing power and a lot of time. Luckily, these days, you can use a cloud computing service to create your renders. You can use a service like RebusFarm and have your renders (prototypes, rough drafts or final versions) generated very quickly and without having to suffer downtime with your own computers or servers.

1 – More Freedom and Flexibility

If you wish, you can set up your entire marketing plan as a 3D animated video. It wouldn’t be super-efficient, but it is something you can do. If you wish, you can add visual elements to your marketing plan without having to take photos or video footage or have people draw your intended visualizations. You have a high degree of freedom and flexibility when you are creating your marketing plan.

  • Exploded Views Renderings 

This is a common approach when showing off prototypes or new pieces of technology. Being able to demonstrate the inside and outside of a product helps to sell it, which may help get your marketing plan past your investors, clients, bosses, etc. Even when the Playstation 5 promoted its haptic feedback game controllers, its website featured an exploded view of the controller that slowly put itself back together again as you scrolled down. When you use 3D rendering, you can give examples of closer and more intricate detailing. You can also demonstrate things from unnatural angles, such as showing a product where you are on the inside looking out.

2 – A 3D Render Can Be Made to Look Real

Do not underestimate the quality of modern 3D renders. They can look photo-realistic, and it doesn’t break the bank in the way it used to. If you are trying to sell an idea within your marketing plan, then you can create a photorealistic example that may be presented as a still or as a video, or may be added inside of a program where the user can manipulate what they see.

  • Controlling Reality With More Precision

This plays into point number three on this list about creating media that looks better than real life but consider this. A 3D render can be made to look real, but it can also be made to look the best version of real. Take the example of those McDonald’s fries that you see in their adverts. Have you noticed how all of the fries are perfect? They are all the right color, they all stand on end and they have no imperfections. They all stood up perfectly straight in the box. If you have seen them create their ads, you will know that the fries are set on sponge, they have been painted and they have been photo-shopped to look perfect.

The point is that you can create realistic renders, but you too can add those “Additional” reality perfections that marketers have been adding for years to their traditional media. It is not about looking better than reality (as mentioned in the points below), it is about making something look real and look the best version of real.

3 – When a 3D Render Looks Better Than Reality

3D Rendering Advertisement

Moving on from the previous points, you can make 3D renders look better than reality, and this is because you have full control over all the elements within the visualization. For example, if your marketing plan included massive balloons with your company name on them, you can have one rigged up and released. But, while taking your photos, you cannot control the wind, or how overcast the weather is, or how well the brand image can be seen from your position on the ground. You may be able to control the angle at which you take your images, but not as easily or as well as with a 3D render.

  • Avoid the Imperfections That Come With Real-Life Media

When setting up real-life projects, prototypes, examples, etc., you have to deal with things that may go wrong, like part of the brand logo being covered up by a stray wrinkle in your hot air balloons. And, you also have to deal with the imperfections that arise from your capture method. For example, your photographic camera may pick up some very dark spots, or there may be an excessive amount of glare. Or parts of the photo may be blurred because the angle of the photograph was slightly off. These are not the sorts of problems you have to deal with if you design photo-realistic renderings of your marketing plan elements.

4 – More Cost Effective Than Setting Up a Real Life Scene, Rig or Prototype

This was touched on in the introduction about how 3D models and renderings are a lot less expensive than they used to be. However, they are still expensive, especially if you want completely original designs with photo realism and renders that you can manipulate. However, it is often less expensive to render out your ideas over setting up a rig, scene or prototype in real life.

  • Complex or Simple Examples Can Be Set Up With Ease

Even something as simple as a new digital sign on a highway will cost money to demonstrate using a scene, and as mentioned, there is a lot that can go wrong with a real-life setup and a photograph. On the other hand, there is nothing stopping you from taking a photograph of the location and having it scanned into a still vectorized image, and then adding your 3D-rendered sign to the picture. Alternatively, you could use a photo or video image, and then add your 3D render into the footage/image so that people can see what the digital sign would look like if it existed already. Again, this isn’t as difficult or as expensive as building a real-life model or trying out a prototype in real life.

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