Amazon SEO: Five Factors For Ranking Highly On Amazon

December 1, 2018

Bilal Ahmad

Amazon SEO

When it comes to search engines then most of us know a lot about Google and prepare our website so that it gets ranked high on Google. But, that’s not the only place you should be focussing. Amazon is a great place to sell your products and you would want that as a seller your product should be ranked high. Similar to another search engine, on Amazon, you are competing with other sellers for better visibility, and getting your product ranked higher than your competitors. In order for you to sell your product, it is important that your product should be ranked higher because most Amazon shoppers don’t proceed beyond the first page. The question is how do you manage the SEO of Amazon. Well, there are many Amazon SEO tools that will help you with the same. Companies like HQ SEO have a team of professionals who know how to boost your page’s ranking on Amazon. The trick lies in using keywords, right description of products, the density of keywords etc. and you will get the right help.

Amazon Search Engine Brief Overview– Before heading further, let us have an understanding of the Amazon search engine algorithm. It is known as A9.

Like Google searches are based on information, Amazon search is transactional. There are two major factors that the Amazon search engine algorithm rests upon:

  • Relevance
  • Performance

Optimizing your product page as per these two factors will help in boosting the ranking and you will have better traffic on your page which will eventually lead to more sales. Most of the companies will provide you with the Amazon SEO tools that will help you focus on these two factors and enhance the traffic on your page. At you will get the right help for promoting your website. Let us have a look at the factors that fall under relevance and performance.

1:- Product’s Title:

The title of your product is an important factor that influences the ranking. You must add some relevant keywords so that the ranking gets boosted. It is one of the most important Amazon SEO tools. Your product line must have the required keyword.

Here are the tips to optimize your product line with the right keyword:

  1. Make sure it has your brand name
  2. Mention the exact product description
  3. Mention the colour and size of the product
  4. Don’t forget to mention the essential material that your product has
  5. Add quantity of your product if it is needed

Don’t stuff the keyword. As per the White hat SEO, you must avoid filling too many keywords as it will affect the Amazon ranking adversely. It will make your page look like a spam and create a negative impact.

2:- Seller Name

Try including seller name in your product as it affects your ranking on Amazon. It has been observed that certain products get ranked higher on Amazon’s organic search because many people include the main keyword in the search tab while they are looking for a product.

Let us explain this taking an example :

If there is a person who is looking for a product like “Shrugs for women”. The first result that comes out is “Women or men” If you have this word in your product line or name it will help in ranking your product higher than the others.

3:- Amazon Backend Keywords

The backend keywords play a key role in improving the ranking. The backend keywords are usually hidden and can be used by Amazon seller account’s backend section. It aims at informing the Amazon’s algorithm that a particular product list is focusing specific keyword on the website.

These are similar to meta tags of Google which tells what exactly your webpage is all about. It helps the search engine find out when the page will reflect whole the people are searching for a product or service.

There are certain points that you must take into consideration while adding the backend keywords. Each line has a character limit of 50. If you move over this, then the page will get indexed. Here are certain rules that you must follow while doing this:

  1. You must not repeat the words
  2. Avoid quotation marks as they will restrict your character count
  3. Try not to include many variations of the same word
  4. You must avoid commas
  5. You can include variation in spelling or may add synonyms

4:- Brand Field

The banner field of the product reflects on the product page and it links to various search results for other products of the same brand. Thus, it is important that you must make sure that your list your product right and are cautious while using the spelling of your brand name. The brand name should appear exactly the same. It has been observed that the buyer searches for a specific brand name while searching for a product, thus you must make sure that you must use the right brand name.

5:- Product Description

Product description and bullet points give the buyer an insight what exactly the product is all about, thus the product description should be detailed and persuasive so that the customer understands the product in the first go and make the decision whether to buy the product or not.

Following these pointers will help you boost your ranking on Amazon site. There are many companies that will help you with the same. But you must make sure that you vest your interest in the right company. helps you understand the Amazon SEO well and provide you with the help so that you can maximize your benefit of Amazon website.

Why should one hire the Amazon SEO service providers?

Using the right Amazon SEO tool will give you the following benefit:

  • Optimal output- A trustworthy company providing Amazon SEO tools will have the team of professionals who know the tricks to boost your ranking on Amazon that too without getting the website spammed.
  • Best Seller Rank- A professional and skilled Amazon SEO service provider will help you get the best seller ranking. They know how to boost the sales and thus it is important you must lay the bet on the seo company.
  • Amazon Algorithm- The analogy of Amazon and Google is that similar to Google, the Amazon SEO is also ever changing. They update their algorithm and thus it is important to keep pace with it so that the page ranking and sales of the product is on the high rise.

1 comment

  • Himanshu

    Hi Bilal, thanks for summing up some nice tips for optimizing Amazon product listing. It is very important for sellers that they pay attention to their listing.

    Most of the new sellers doesn’t have much idea about this so their product doesn’t get much attention from customers at Amazon.

    Product description and backend keywords are very important to optimize, keywords section conveys a message to Amazon algorithm while description conveys a message to customers.

    Writing a catchy description with bullet points is always effective as customer doesn’t have much time for reading. With main points standing out, customers get the product insight quickly.

    It helps him make the decision quickly. This way a seller can improve his ROI.

    The basic thing is customers’s benefit should comes first, if a customer gets the benefit, business will get the benefit eventually.

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