Earn Your First $100 From ClickBank Using 3 Simple Steps

October 23, 2010

Bilal Ahmad

Earning money from internet is not so difficult but the only thing you need is to follow a technique until you get the result. Not only technique but the right one that can really make you money. No doubt that internet is full of techniques about money making, but a few will attract your attention. Blogging and specially affiliate marketing are the best methods that can make you a lot of money. Let me help you in earning your first $100 from internet, but follow the technique till the end and you will surly get the result.

Watch the video to register a free account with clickbank and pick your first product to sell online. After watching the video, go to the Promotional ways to start promoting your products to make commissions.

1. Find a Product to Promote it

Register an account with Click Bank (One of the largest affiliate program were you can buy, sell and promote digital products) and find a product that you can promote to earn your first $100. It is recommended to choose a product in the range of $20 to $50. This is a average product and you need at least 8 sales to earn approximately $100. It depends on the product that you are going to promote. If the price of the product is greater, then you can earn more commission. Normal commission at clickbank is 50% to 75%. However it should be noted that the greater the price the lesser the chances of making commission. User tend to buy products that have less price.

Ok now you have registered account and you can start promoting clickbank products to earn money. The username is your clickbank ID and you will be needing that ID to promote products. The next step is to visit Clickbank MarketPlace and search for a product that you want to promote. In the search box type the name of any product, e.g Windows 7.

clickbank productsA list of products will appear, you will see its price and commission. Choose the product and click on the green button which says “Promote “.

earn from clickbankA popup window will appear, where you will have to enter your Account Nick Name Or Username. Enter on “Create” button and on the next page you will get your affiliate code. You need to promote that code in order to earn commission. This code is only for the specific product and whenever someone use this code to buy the product, you get your commission.
earn commission

2. Promotion Platforms

The following are the possible promotion platforms through which you can promote the products using your affiliate code and earn commission.

  • Blog
  • Websites
  • Forums
  • Social Media
  • Article Submission
  • Guest Blogging or Comment Posting

If you want to start a blog, then go for Blogger and create a free blog. However you will have to optimize your blog for Search Engines in order to drive free targeted search engine traffic. Similarly if you want to start a website then it will cost you money, because you will have to buy a domain and webhosting. Here is detailed free course on how to create a blog.

I will try to tell you about the free possible promotion channels. So that you can earn from clickbank quickly. Follow the steps mentioned below to earn your first $100.

3. Promotion Starts Here

>> Find some forums that are  related to the products. Here is list of 700 Dofollow Forums. Find your product related forums and place your affiliate link in your signature. Start participating in forums and you will be able to drive tons of free traffic to your product page.

Make sure to write a effective anchor text for your affiliate link. Also try to participate in relevant categories, i mean threads. The more you participate the quicker you can make sales. And remember your target is at least 8 sales. That could be very easy.

Register in least 10 forums and try to post at least 100 comments in every forum. However, don’t spam in the forum otherwise you account can get ban. If the forum is relevant to your product, you will surely earn commission in your first few days. Test the product if it is performing good, then post more comments, otherwise change the product and start promoting that one.

>> If you are on facebook, then share the link with your friends, but in a sensible way. Do you know about RelationShip Marketing, try to use it. First build trust and then recommend the products to your friends,and you will surely get positive result.

>> Article marketing and comment posting is also very effective method to promote your product for free on the web. Write articles about the product and publish in article submission websites including your affiliate link in signature. GoArticles.com, ArticleDashBoard.com, Articlesbase.com, iSnare.com, SelfGrowth.com, Buzzle.com, ArticleCity.com and hubpages.com are great websites to write article for the promotion of your product. On other hand posting comments on blogs including your affiliate link in the URL field can also give you free traffic. The more time you spend the more sales you can make.

>> You can also create Videos about the product and upload to Youtube and other Video Websites. Video Marketing is very hot these days and Social Media Sites like TikTok, Likee and Youtube are the most popular sites used online.

Update:- Most of the article marketing sites will not allow you to directly insert the hoplink inside the article. You have to find those sites which allows it.

These are the possible ways through which you can promote your products and earn your first $100 and even $1000. The success depends on your struggle, the more you struggle the more you earn. Try to follow the steps and I guarantee you that you can make it.


  • Lady Pink

    Hi everyone, my name is Monica Plato but I am popularly known online as Lady Pink. I am an internet Marketer with Clickbank, jvzoo, and some other agencies. I have made a lot of sales online and so many companies have been hiring me to help them sell their product. I will quickly share the easy way you can sell Clickbank product.

    Among all the methods listed in the article you just read, the easiest way of making sales and money is by imdexing your hoplink on Google first page, once that is done I gaurantee you volumes of sales per day. You don’t need to actually work 8hrs a day before making sales. One hour or two hour is enough for you to make sales.

    Here are things to do to generate Clickbank sales
    1) Generate your hoplink
    2) Search for Relevant open source directory that has at least 60 PA and DA.
    3) Write a 500 words describing your product with an attractive headline caption and SEO keywords.
    4) Publish your article in the open source directory you have developed in step two.
    5) Wait for the bombard harvest.

    The simple rule in online marketing is to make people to know you.

    If you are having difficulty is following the steps above email me at monicaplato11 (at) gmail.com.

    I have compiled an ebook concerning Clickbank and how to make money. I have taught a lot of people and people has been highly recommending it and sending their testimonies. You dont need a website or blog. You don’t even need to have email list or joining social media or YouTube before you start making sales. In this ebook I will show you the simple tricks to Clickbank marketing.

    Thank you and remain blessed
    Monica Plato
    monicaplato11(at) gmail.com

  • Hi Bilal,

    This is a nice post again, I read your blog and I like your blog. You are doing a nice job. Good luck!


  • Arav Ramakan

    A very interesting blog and a new product ClickBank, A new way how you can make money by just promoting clickbank products.

    Thanks again!!

  • I will like to know if there are products that offer ppa or cpi and cpa on clickbank?

  • It’s not that easy to promote Clickbank products. In fact most product on Clickbank are ignored by the visitors.

  • Hello please does it cost me to promote a product on clickbank

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Idris@ No it does not cost anything if you go through the free route. However, if you are planning to start a wordpress blog, buy traffic and other necessory tools then yes it will cost.

  • anushya

    I can’t get any sales my account is created july 4.but no sale,how to get sales,I am using social medias,please help me

  • Also i use PPC traffic to promote Clickbank offers.I work with Tribaladnetwork and i get a good ROI.

    • nice result! you know my experiment is about tribaladnetwork + clickbank! one sale but i need more sales! which offer best?

  • Arshad Malik

    Nice article about ClickBank Bilal sir. I am currently using Amazon Associate Programme its working well.I will try this ClickBank Affiliate Programme.

    • Revathy

      Hi Arshad,

      My name is Revathy and I am from Kerala. I would like to Work as an Amazon Associates. Can you please share your knowledge about how to be an Amazon Affiliate. If you have time can you please mail me on the above mail id.



  • How can i write articles about products i haven’t tried myself? And how do i promote it in my blog? Thanks

  • aung lwin

    If the video, How to start with clickbank to make money online, is 1st of 7 videos, where is the other videos? Thank you very much for this video.

  • please, i really want to know, how may traffics should you get to your affiliate link before making commissions on clickbank bcos ave a couple of free website like traffup and twitter for promoting my affiliate link yet ave made no sale. help me. thank you

  • How to analyze gravity of any product?

  • This Article is good, but how to get money from account CB ? i am in combodia, so how to do it ? can tell me in detail .

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Seyah@ You have two options. You can get your money via cheque OR you can get to your bank account. However, Clickbank does not have Combodia in the list of available banks. Alternatively you can get a bank account from payoneer. Register here to create your free account and then apply for US Bank account. Payoneer will give you a free US account. You can then enter your bank details in Clickbank to get your money. Payoneer will also issue you a Debit Card that can be used in a ATM to withdraw your money.

  • Elizalde

    Great blog! You have laid out the fundamentals that a would be affiliate marketer should know. You might want to add how much money you are making with affiliate marketing to get this newbies inspired. With a lot of people searching for a job without employment, this affiliate marketing thing can be of great help.

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