Beginners Guide to Internet Marketing

September 7, 2012

Bilal Ahmad

If you are new to internet marketing, you can easily become overwhelmed of the many things that need to be done. But the truth is that it is really not difficult to get started with internet marketing. You need not to spend countless hours and money to become an expert internet marketer. Here are a few key strategies to help starters like you get started and going in internet marketing.

Get to Know Who your Target Audience is

Before creating a website for your business, first you need to identify who your business will cater to. They are otherwise known as your target customers. Find out what their personality traits are their income level and their lifestyle. You also have to determine their problem to which you offer a solution. After you have been closely familiar with your target audience, you will be able to cater directly to them in your website.

Create a Copy Targeting your Ideal Customer

When making a web copy, make sure to be direct. You have to be able to show your audience you understand them and their problems and that your business is there to offer them with a unique solution. If you are too generic as to appear to everyone will leave you unsatisfied with the results. The goal in you writing a copy would be to entice your target audience and weed the rest out. You would want people who will take action instead of tire kickers.

Write Content for your Audience that is compelling enough for them to Take Positive Action

When you are already certain who your real customers are and believed that you have the solution to their problems, you will have to produce valuable content which emphasizes your solution and would enable them to take action. Your ultimate goal would be to generate profit and the most effective way to achieve that would be to provide value. Your audience has to know you and should trust you before they commit to you. You should be able to show them what you solution you can offer to their problems. Creating something of value that you can give your customers can be done best by having them registered on your site and opting into your newsletter.

Give them a thank you gift for their effort to join your fan page. Give away items are the best way to let your customers test drive the product or service that you offer. After you have convinced them that you offer value, you will be a step nearer to closing a sale.

Get Face Time with your Target Customer

Since you already know your target customers intimately, it is about time to put it to work by advertising where they frequent. Find out the types of websites they are frequently visiting and build a marketing campaign that would target them. Ideally, you can get yourself involved in online discussion groups and forums your customers are a part of. Although it is good to market to the entire web, you should not discount the benefits of focusing on smaller groups that would most likely fit your model customers.

There are a lot of ways to build internet marketing campaign. Regardless of your budget, you can market your business successfully. You just have to choose a preferable and favourable internet marketing approach and allow it to gain traction. As a beginner, you should not try doing much at once.


  • I think that it is also important that you talk to your customers to establish camaraderie with them. It is also important that you talk to them on a more personal basis so that they’ll feel as if that you really care about each of them and don’t seem like you are always hard-selling. I think that you also forgot about what metrics should be followed after you have established your strategy so that you will know if it is effective of not.

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Cory@ Thanks for your visit.
      Yes continues discussion with customers is in the benefit of the business. As it remove dissatisfaction and increase customer loyalty.

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