Digital Marketing: The New Way Forward

June 22, 2012

Bilal Ahmad

The speed at which technology is advancing is dizzying. As history shows us with countless examples, if you want to succeed, you need to move with the times. With more and more consumers within reach of the internet, smartphones, social media and interactive televisions, businesses have been thrust into a completely new phenomenon on how to reach out to their customers. Media mogul, Rupert Murdoch had predicted way back in 2006,

‘Technology is shifting power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media elite. Now it’s the people who are taking control’.

The digital marketing age is here, and it is here to stay! Digital marketing is advertising and promoting a business by using digital media. No matter what your business, if you learn to harness the power of digital marketing, the world is at your disposal. It has the ability to connect to millions of consumers around the world in a few second’s time. But what you need to realize first and foremost is that companies and corporations can no longer dictate to the consumer what they need. The audience now has been handed over the control, empowered with letting companies know what they want and how they want it. Along with that, it is not enough to know what the consumer wants. With the swathes of information, ideas, opinions, and analyses being exchanged, businesses need to be confident and secure in who they are, their vision, aims and objectives. The nature of the social web encourages input and sharing. This means voting, commenting, and linking. With every piece of information out there and transparent, you can run but you can’t hide! But the brilliance of digital media lies in the fact that this works the other way around too. Marketers are able to get a real time, direct, uninterrupted analysis of where and when each pence or penny by the consumer has been spent. This treasure of information enables digital marketers to monitor where trends emerge from and where they are heading.

Agencies that provide digital marketing service are in the business of gleaning out intelligence from this trove of data. They keep an eye on consumer trends, analyze them, form sophisticated strategies to leverage social media tools, develop your brand’s image, design the website, engage users and convert visitors into customers. Just the technological know-how is not enough for digital marketing, as surprising as this may sound. Digital marketing service includes knowing how to get people genuinely interested in talking about something, whether it’s a serious issue or just entertainment, or sometimes both. It’s more than just pushing a meaningless jingle or slogan at them. Putting a business on top is one thing, making it stick to Google’s first page consistently is another. A good digital marketing company will give you the right advice, regular, current, precisereports on progress and assuring the client that goals stated previously are being met. And most important of all, a digital marketing agency will get you returns on your investment. The bottom line is that digital marketing has become mandatory for a business to survive, and with proper harnessing, you can turn it around to work for your advantage immensely.

Author Bio:- Samantha is a content writer; write for different blogs, communities and companies like Pyrspective Digital. Pyrspective is online Digital Marketing Agency in UK, USA and Pakistan, providing services of e commerce, web designing and development, business consulting, strategy and planning, advertising, social media marketing as well as SEO consultancy and services to their respect client.


  • Pageonepower

    It is important to keep up with the current marketing trends. Like technology in general, they are always evolving, and what is effective today may not be effective tomorrow. Great article to get people thinking about their marketing strategies.

  • Samantha @SMO

    Techniques which digital marketers had been using before, have changed now. No matter what your business, if you learn to harness the power of digital marketing, the world is at your disposal.

  • Anglica @Pyrspective

    Well, after reading this great article, I’m totally agree with you about that putting a business on top is one thing, making it stick to Google’s first page consistently is another.

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