5 Popular Google Wave Alternatives

May 9, 2010

Bilal Ahmad

Online collaboration tools are very useful services for students, business mans and other internet users. They provides much more advance features, like file sharing, collaborative editing, cloud computing, discussing boards and synchronization. Google Wave is a very useful collaborative tools which provides all such features. However there are some other useful and popular alternatives available on internet. Before going to write on these alternatives you can read my previous articles related to Google Wave.

No doubt the Google Wave is much better then other online collaboration tools, but in term of features every tool has there own unique features and advantages. So it is not just Google Wave which can entertain you, but a lot of more tools are also available.

google wave alternatives

5 Google Wave Alternatives

1. Lotus Connections

This is a scoail community which provides Blogs, Wiki, File Sharing, Bookmarking,Profiles and other collaborative tools. This is a software developed by IBM having advance features and helpful for business mans. Create, join, find, and work with communities of people interest you. Chat with your customers and increase your sale by %50 by providing Online communication without using Online Chat Operators.

2. Shareflow

Share Flow allows you to chat with a group of people at a time and share images, files and documents. It is a perfect place where you can discuss meeting or any other dealings. Chat in real time, catch up when you are free. Works on your mobile, no application required. Replay and Post via email, no need to login.

3. Dabbleboard

This tool is very useful for students. It provides you a interface just like WhiteBoard, where you can share your knowledge, conduct presentations, draw pictures etc with group of peoples. It also provide drag and drop, file sharing, priority support and encrypted access.

4. Slatebox

One of the best and useful google wave alternative, which provides you to draw diagrams and charts. A perfect tool for students and teachers. You can build slates and embed them any where, without flash or any plugin. It allows you to draw colorful charts with different sizes, shapes and backgrounds. Slatbox break the boundaries of traditional mind map.

5. Redmark

A perfect online document editor which allows group of people to edit a document at the same time. All changes will apply instantly and every one in the group can edit the document. It provides upto 300MB file size per unique account. It is a best tool for those who are creating maps, notes or any other documents. Apart from editing documents it is a online collaborative tools, where you can chat with your groups for any discussion.


  • Vladimir

    No doubt the Google Wave is much better then other online collaboration tools. We use it about three years. And GW will be read only from January 2012.
    Apache wave doesn’t develop fast enough. it lacks the developers. And we could not rely for apache wave.
    We are developing new online service rizzoma.com based on wave ideas and new technologies (shareJS for operational Transformation couchDB for data and NodaJS as server and of course we used a lot of GW moduls). Alpha version already works, but we need developers too.

  • Jeff Bacon

    I would also add pligus, it’s the best one around: http://pligus.com

  • Swaroopa

    Till now I didn’t heard those any from the list. Thanks for sharing.

  • Nimit kashyap

    Hey chand, didn’t know that there are so many alternative for Google wave before.

  • Shiva | Web Magazine

    Wow, I really did not know that there were so many Google Wave Alternatives. Great list man

  • Although the alts here are credible – They are apps, and cannot be compared to Wave. Wave is actually a protocol. What is perceived in general is the Google Wave app, as *Google Wave* itself.

    Good Collection. Catchy-but incorrect title.

  • Srivathsan G.K

    Interesting stuff 🙂 You share great content dude, keep rocking !

  • Do people really use wave. I dont think so.

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