Websites & Apps – Then Vs Now

June 20, 2016

Bilal Ahmad

Before CSS and HTML5, websites all tended to look the same – blue and white with lots of lists and tables! Thankfully designs and internet-speeds have moved on since 2005 – but it’s not something much of us think about.

Google Now and Then

This great slider from contains 18 different websites and smartphone apps – that allows  you to compare the old designs to the ones which we see and use today.  Mind blown!

If you want to get even deeper into this stuff, you can see the first website ever made – – a site made by the World Wide Web’s creator Tim Berners-Lee in August 1991.  The first ever smartphone was produced by IBM in 1994 and was called “Simon”; boasting email and touchscreen capabilities – swish!

Source –


  • The designs are totally different from its earlier versions…it’s great to see the older versions of the sites which we use so much…

  • Van Miguel

    Yes ! Completely agreed with your opinion. Search engine and apps have been changed big time over the past few years.Now these all are changed into an advanced form.

  • Thanks for sharing.

  • The difference between the Apple 2005 website and 2016 is pretty huge, compared to some of the others anyway

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