7 Free Duplicate Content Checker Tools That Works in 2023

May 20, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

Duplicate content is the worst enemy for any blog and it can cost you a lot if google founds duplicate content in your blog. To tackle the issue, you need accurate duplicate content checker tools to find plagiarism in your articles.

If the duplicate content is not fixed promptly, your blog can either completely get removed from the search engine entirely or its ranking can be dropped for all your targeted keywords overnight.

It is always recommended to moderate your blog content and specially if you are accepting guest authors, then it is very important to check duplicate content in the articles before publishing on the web.

An article written by freelancers have always the issue of duplicate content, because of excessive load on the writer. OR the quality factor can be ignored by the writer which makes the article unprofessional and promotional one. It is always recommended to check the article using duplicate content checker tool to make sure it is free of duplicate content. Since the birth of AI, it is also now recommended to check your content for AI Content using these AI Content Detector tools.

How Duplicate Content Checker Tool Work?

Any free duplicate content checker tool or a paid version uses content scrapping from all over the web using your keywords and paragraphs and checks if any page has similar content. If you do it manually, then you have to copy and paste each and every sentence in google to see if someone has already used the exact sentence.

However, these duplicate content checker tools uses automated process to check and retrieve URLs where similar key-phrases or paragraphs are present.

Duplicate Content Checker Tools

Free Duplicate Content Checker Tools

1. Copyscape

One of my favorite, reliable and accurate tool is copyscape, which provides me the ability to search published and unpublished articles against duplicate content issue. The tool will search all pdf files, internet websites, blogs, forums etc and find the locations with links from where a article is copied.

The tool is free, but in free package you can only search already published articles through its link. If you want to check a unpublished article then you need to buy credits. 1 credit is charged for checking a article having maximum 2000 words. You can buy 200 credits for just $10 ($.05 per credit).

If you deal with high volume of content then you can get premium API to integrate the tool in your CMS and search all the articles inside your blogging platform.

2. Duplichecker

Another free tool where you can check unpublished articles for free is duplichecker. You can either paste the article or upload the .txt file to let the tool search the article and find out if it is copied or a unique one. It can use Google, Yahoo and MSN indexer to search the duplication on internet. However the recommended indexer is Google.com

3. Plagiarisma

This tool has 3 option that allows you to detect duplicate content issue. You can search the whole text, or URL of a article or you can upload a .txt, .doc, .rtf etc files. More then 190 languages are supported by the tool and the accuracy of the result is sure.

4. Plagium

This tool allows you to paste a article having maximum 25,000 characters. It is one of the best alternative of copyscape tool having advance features. Get email alerts when your article is copied, work with yahoo, bing and google indexer.

They also offer premium membership where you can buy 60,000 characters for just $1 (around 12 searches) and 1000,000 characters for just $10 (around 220 searches).

5. Plagiarism Checker for Students

Here is another Free duplicate content checking tool from Thepensters that not only check for duplicate content in blogposts but also can be used to check for duplication in eassy assignments. You can enter maximum 1000 words in the box to search for any duplicate content issues. Currently the tool allows you to check in English and Spanish language.

Unregistered users can use the tool for max 5 times in a month and registered users can use it for unlimited times. This is a perfect tool for both bloggers and students.

6. WorldEssays Free Plagiarism Checker

If you want to check your texts for free, here is a good option to scan your writing – Free Plagiarism Checker by WorldEssays.com. If you are a user who has addressed this writing service at least once, you can exploit the checker to review 100 texts per month. However, in case you don’t have an account with WorldEssays.com, you can avail of only 5 checkups per month. Moreover, Free Plagiarism Checker offers you to scan either English or Spanish papers if you have such a need.  Use this opportunity to find out whether your writing is original and unique to get the best reward for your efforts and time.

7. Sitechecker – Free Duplicate Content Checker Tool

This is a multifunctional SEO platform that will help you make high-quality SEO analysis and constant monitoring of your site. You will be able to analyze your site and understand what problems you need to fix. One of its tools is the Duplicate Checker. This tool helps you find all the duplicate content on your site and helps you fix this issue.

Sitechecker plans are very flexible and will suit any user. The price of the minimum plan is $29/month. The price of the maximum plan is $99/month. You can also try the free trial. The free trial is available for 7 days.

Hope these tools will help you to check an unpublished article or published one to protect your blog from duplicate content issue. If you know of any other reliable and accurate free duplicate content checker tool, feel free to share.


  • I would like to introduce the new tool which killer feature is the ability to check all URLs within your website. You provide the homepage address and we scan all URLs, take a sample text from each page and check the duplicates.

    In the result, you are able to find all problems in duplicate content space. With this kind of report, it’s easy to send the removal request to all suspected site owners.

    Please check the tool on http://duplicate.ninja

  • Hafis Dubai

    Any tool to check the whole website for duplicate content?

  • All plagiarism checker tools are really amazing.I use some tools but those are not good so this information is very helpful for me.Thanks man for this powerful information.

  • Great content you have mention almost all great duplicate content checker in this post.
    thanks for this post

  • Bill Lintner

    Thanks to share this post. One of the best duplicate content checker tool.

  • Imran Khan

    According to me SmallSEOTools is also one of the best tools to find duplicate content. However these tools are also looking nice, will surly try to use practically. Thanks to share this post.

  • Priya Singh

    Hi Dear,
    great to see ll knowledge about how to check duplicate content and all here in just single blog post, and you are right we need to take care of it because blog post is important for blog without blog article no one will follow your blog and thanks also for providing these 4 tools to check duplicate content on internet easily.

    superb tools !, Thanks 🙂

  • Hello ,
    Very nice tips for check unique Articles Fast , I will try to follow this steps . But I get a new site also where I can see it’s possible to check any articles unique fast and auto. site is #firstseotools.com . Please help me to that if the site is good for making unique comments.
    Thank you !

  • Sasha bank

    Thanks for the comprehensive list. I use Copyscape for my blog.

  • We can Install DMCA Badge Plugin, after that If some one is copying your data you can request DMCA to remove that copied data form other websites, DMCA will send notice to website adn search Engines this is the best Practice available today I am using the same Plugin http://goo.gl/hlnWex

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Rohit@ This plugin is good but it is only the way to stop people copying from you. However the tools can help you find who has copied the content.

  • Mailin Rodrígez

    Great Tools ..Thank You!!

  • Trivedi Jay

    Great information’s you have shared i am now bookmarking this website links 🙂 …

    I have many things to talk and share with you bro 🙂 … If you love to share technology and blogger info then send me reply 🙂 … I believe in share knowledge 🙂

    Thanks for great post

  • shoaib Marfatiya

    copyscape and plagiarisma are best tools to check duplicate content. i already use both site. greate site. thanks

  • beautiful credit card images

    i am happy with http://plagiarisma.net/
    thanks for the list ahmed

  • exposedhostingreviews

    I stick to copyscape!

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