Before Buying Domain Name Check its SEO Factors-Domain for Sale

April 29, 2010

Bilal Ahmad

Before buying any domain (Domain for Sale), you must keep in mind some factors that should exist in a domain name. Of course domain name is the first and important step toward your blog or website brand name. If you are planing to start a blog on specific topic like “Blogging” then it is important to buy a new domain which contains the word “Blogging”. If you are going to buy a established domain for your blog or website, and the keyword “Blogging” is not there, then the following factors must exist in the domain, otherwise your investment in the domain name will not bring you good Return.

Search Engine Optimization Factors in Domain Name

1. Age of Domain

In our normal life Seniors gets more importance as compare to junior. Similarly in SEO search engines give more importance to those domains which are old.  Age of Domain is a very important factor and during buying any domain name check the date on which it was purchased. The more old is the domain name, the more importance it will have.

2. History of Domain

History really matter. If in past a domain name was penalized by search engines OR there were illegal content then big search engines like Google will not give more importance to the domain name. So always keep in mind that before buying any establish domain you should check its history.

3. Google Page Rank

This is controversial issue, some SEO expert think that Domain Page Rank is important in Search Engine optimization. Some says it is just a indicator of domain backlinks. However my personal views about PR is that high Page Rank is important if you want to attract more advertisement to your blog or website. So try to buy high Page Rank domain name for your business.

4. Indexing

If Google, Yahoo and MSN will not index your domain, then you will get Zero traffic from these search engines. This is most important factor for domain name. If search engines are not indexing the domain then there is a big problem with the domain name (Duplicate Content Issue, Spam, illegal Content). You must check the domain history and then visibility of the domain name in search engines.

5. DMOZ & Yahoo directory Listings

If a domain name is listed in DMOZ and Yahoo directory then the domain name is a very useful domain. Search engine rank high those domains which are listed in DMOZ and Yahoo. If the domain you are going to buy is listed in these open directory projects then the domain is very precious.

6. Backlinks

Backlinks are life to a domain, the more backlinks the high visibility in search engine. If you are going to buy a domain which has no backlink then you should think about your investment. Among all other factors this is really very important factor. If the domain has good amount of backlinks then it will save your time.

These are some factors you should keep in mind before buying any domain name. You should always invest your money in such a way that you get maximum return on your investment. The only possible way to get maximum return is proper management and your business plan. Always do some research on your project, before investing your hard earned money.


  • Doma Ining

    Excellent tips. I’m just starting with domains. I’ll definitely employ some of the methods to get me started. I’ve visited and found lots of aged domains for sale. Great work!

  • HOW can able to check all those seo factors? Did they all place by side of the expired domain name? How can I know the facrots

  • Namanyay Goel | Technologically Sane

    How To check if a domain is clean? Or even how to know that it was purchased before or not? I am going to buy a domain soon, and am worried. Though I disagree, you can recover PR and juice with a 301 redirect.

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Well you can use several techniques.
      1. Check the WOIS record of the domain and when it was registered.
      2. Check in google by using the code
      3. Search the whole domain in search engine to find out any relating info about it.

  • Pankaj Nikam

    Thanks for the valuable information. I am glad that you provided the details very neatly. Thanks a lot.

  • Jermiah@ Yes it will be good to start a website with a old domain. However make sure that the domain is clean.

  • if you buy a old domain with page rank can you use it for another website?

  • very nice artilce yar

  • History of the domain is probably the most important thing to consider when buying a domain. If penalized or worst blacklisted by google you mine as well ditch the domain and keep looking.

    It pays to do your homework and can save you money and time.

  • Imran Yousaf

    Yes these are factors should be taken in account before purchasing a old Domain name. Domain names blocked by google will be of no use. And it will take more time in recovering PR than building PR for brand new domain name.

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