How-To YouTube Comments: Make People Talk to You in the Comment Section

September 5, 2022

Bilal Ahmad

Individuals and companies using the YouTube platform for promotion sometimes face a problem. If you’re not getting enough YT comments on the content you’re creating, that can frustrate you. You know that if there’s no lively conversation around the videos you’re putting out, viewers are not as engaged as you would like. How can you make people start commenting on your videos?

It can get fixed, and when you buy comments for YouTube in the UK for a cheap price, you should see some organic engagement start to come in as well. Some content creators may not know that you can do that, but you can.

how to youtube comments

We’ll take some time to break down what methods you might use to make your viewers break their silence right now!

Buy YT Comments

Many YouTube creators know that for their channel to become more popular, they need to receive a boost in their critical metrics. Those include:

  • Followers
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares

Maybe you’re finding success with some of these metrics. For instance, you might see a steady uptick in the number of people subscribing to your channel. Maybe you see that the number of likes you’re getting is going up too, but you might not be satisfied with the number of comments under videos.

One thing you might try is purchasing YouTube replies. It’s a relatively common practice and not one that violates the lengthy terms of service agreement you must sign when you elect to use the YT platform. For instance, You can also do this in the US or other countries where you’ve based your channel.

Buying YT comments:

  • Encourages others who haven’t said anything about your video yet to chime in.
  • It lets people know you’re creating compelling content that gains many YouTube interactions.
  • It is an inexpensive marketing method that many companies and individuals spend money on to create a fuss around the YT channel.

It’s not unethical to buy YouTube comments, and doing it can let you surge ahead of your rivals if you’re operating within a niche with a lot of competition. Now, let’s discuss ways to get organic replies for your YT videos.

Post Provocative Content

One way you can get people to talk to you through your comment section is by coming up with and creating provocative videos. For example, maybe you make a YouTube channel for reviewing movies and TV shows, and you might develop a video titled “Here’s Why Episodes I-III of the Star Wars Movies Are Better than Episodes IV-VI.”

That’s a provocative or controversial thing to discuss because not many people will agree with you. Knowing your potential audience and speaking authoritatively about the subject matter is a combination that will likely make people leave YT comments on your videos.

When you voice them online, unpopular opinions are almost guaranteed to spark some passionate commentary. If you say something that riles up a fan base, they won’t be able to resist talking to you about it.

Maybe they’ll be ranting at you about why you’re wrong, but at least you’ve started a conversation. That’s precisely what you want on the YouTube platform and social media in general.

Respond to All the YouTube Comments

If you’re trying to come up with strategies for increasing YT engagement, one thing you should certainly do is respond to every person who comments on YouTube. Making a habit of this:

  • Makes each commenter feel special since you’re engaging with them directly;
  • Opens up a dialogue with your viewers;
  • Lets your viewers know you care about them and want them to keep engaging with your content.

The most popular YT content creator might have a hundred thousand YouTube comments or more. You won’t get to that point overnight, though.

Respond to All Youtube Comments

Until you reach a point where you can’t possibly respond with new replies to all of the YT comments left under your videos, try to react to each one to spark debate and further the dialogue between your viewers and yourself, that give and take is what you want because it tells anyone who visits your channel for the first time that you’re the kind of content creator who genuinely cares about retaining your viewership.

If you reach a moment where you no longer have the time to respond to all of the YouTube comments that you receive for your videos, consider hiring someone to answer for you. You don’t want to miss an option to have a one-on-one dialogue with a viewer; every organic comment is a chance to do precisely that.

Write Comments on Other YT Channels Frequently

If you’re not commenting on anyone else’s channel, there’s no reason to think they will reciprocate. As someone creating content on this platform, it’s incumbent upon you to engage with other media and try to spark some debate there. You can even collaborate with some and record some videos together, so-called guest-blogging. Followers tend to like to see new characters in favorite bloggers’ videos.

Maybe you’ll leave comments on other YouTube channels similar to yours, or you may comment on ones that have nothing in common with yours. Either way, the more active you are on other channels, the more likely that channel’s creator will type YT replies on yours. It’s a reciprocal process that needs to take place if you hope to spark more chatter surrounding the videos you put out.

Comment on Your Own Videos

Some people might think it’s tacky to leave YT comments on their own videos, but you can start this process if no one else seems all that eager to do it. By being the first commenter, you can:

  • Talk about the pride you take in creating that content;
  • Speak to the audience about the creative process that went into making that particular video;
  • Break the ice if everyone seems eager to watch your videos but doesn’t seem to want to talk about them.

Anyone who has gone through school has probably had the experience of sitting in a classroom where a teacher brings up a topic and then asks the class to share their comments. Maybe you have a rowdy class engaged with the material, and they have a lot to say. More often than not, you’ll have uncomfortable silences, with everyone sitting on their hands.

Social media can be the same way. If you need YouTube replies – comment first to get the ball rolling, don’t hesitate to do that. Once you make the first message, that will encourage everyone else to get in on the action.

Do an Exclusive Q and A Session on YouTube

You can also get the conversation around your YT videos going by saying that you’ll do an exclusive Q and A session. Once you establish yourself as a YouTube authority and have a lot of devoted followers, these Q and A sessions can garner a lot of comments from individuals who might otherwise stay silent.

You can leave a top comment after one of your videos and tell people you’ll post another one in a few days, where you’ll respond to all of the best questions that individuals ask. If someone wants to know about some aspect of the video, they might feel encouraged to ask a question so that you might respond to it.

People feel good when they see content creators directly address something that they asked for. They feel closer to the creative process because their replies directly influence the content you post on your YT channel.

These Q and A sessions can become some of your most popular videos because they focus specifically on follower comments. They’re also a way to get ideas for other videos because you can find out what interests your viewers.

By following the various tips we’ve mentioned and the main rules of Internet marketing, you should be able to generate a higher volume of YouTube comments for your videos. You’ll know your channel is becoming more established and popular when that happens.

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