Why edge cloud computing?

September 26, 2017

Bilal Ahmad

Edge Cloud Computing

What exactly is edge cloud computing? This question is one that has been going around the IT sector for a while and many questions on whether this technology is a new system that may replace cloud computing has also been brought up. Well, the answer is no. Cloud computing and edge cloud computing are two totally different things. In fact, they might just even complement each other.

Edge cloud computing can be defined as a data processing power at the edge of a network instead of holding that power inside of a cloud or central data warehouse, so it is nearer to the source. By processing this power nearer to the source, you can receive faster reaction time from your IoT. Cloud computing, on the other hand, is a processing power within the central server or also known as the cloud.

The rise of IoT, digital transformation, and an evolving user experience has made edge cloud computing a progressing necessity. By processing power from the edge, we are able to accurately put data on the right track as well as greater security and access. The growth of edge cloud computing can be blamed on the explosion of IoT. In fact, a research from Data Center Knowledge showed that 80 percent of IT teams want their data centre teams to be more available towards IoT demands.

What makes the edge cloud computing so special?

Data Center Knowledge also showed that 79 percent of IT teams feel having customers closer to their content is the most important benefit of data centre. By making the data centre closer to the customers, companies can provide better customer service with greater accuracy.

The edge cloud computing can also produce greater speed. Speed is a necessity in today’s society. So anything that does not have the accurate speed time for user experience will not be able to make it in the industry. By bringing processing to the edge of the network, it can lighten the load on primary network thus increasing the decision-making process. Less physical distance creates minimal latency and greater precision.

How about cloud computing?

Edge cloud computing sounds like a great new tool to access, this, however, does not mean that it will replace cloud computing itself. Cloud computing is still a powerful and booming industry – one that is likely to evolve within the following years. This technology, however, is complemented with the rise of the edge cloud computing. In fact, some data processing start off at the central server and then gets push to the edge. Some edge IoT also cannot accurately track data just yet, so the original cloud computing is still a core component.

In conclusion, the edge cloud computing is great but mostly for a purpose-built system that is more specific, while cloud computing works at a much larger scale. All in all, the edge cloud and cloud computing should both be utilized to its limits and should work incoherence.

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