Cloud Computing Companies are Emerging at a Tremendous Pace

September 9, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

Cloud computing is commonly used for services that includes delivering hosted services over the internet. It has been divided into three categories (i) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), (ii) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and (iii) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The services offered by cloud are different from that of traditional hosting. It is highly flexible as it can be sold depending on minute or hour. High speed internet and innovations has attracted the attention of the audience in cloud computing.

It can be beneficial as few people are required on site and workers can easily communicate from other sites. It surely going to benefit the enterprise as:

  • It reduces the in house cost of the organization.
  • The storage capacity is more compared to private computer.
  • It is highly flexible and completely mobile.

cloud computing growth

It has been estimated that the Cloud Computing Companies in India will grow by 40% by the year 2014. In the year 2009 $66.7 million was drawn for cost and performance efficiencies. Nearly 700 medium and large Indian enterprises has preferred and adopted cloud computing. Since this technology is at an initial stage there is a lack of awareness which has ultimately effected the adoption of cloud in India.

Recently, Salesforce commented that companies are improving through online communication with customers and the employees and this is transforming the companies into social enterprises. Group chief executive of technology at Accenture, Kevin Campbell remarked that they have worked with to innovate and to establish as one of the Cloud Computing Companies. According to Salesforce experts, they possess highly trained and certified professionals irrespective of their caste. Salesforce believes in dedication and hard work through which they can deliver satisfactory service to their clients. Salesforce and Accenture have worked together for many years and have delivered agile, quality cloud-computing solutions to truly support their clients and developing a social enterprise.  Delivering services according to the client’s expectation is a tough job and fulfilling it with responsibility proves yourself to be a real entrepreneur.

Cloud Computing Companies are creating an impact on the IT sector and they have the urge to innovate new technology as the day passes.

Author Bio: Satarupa Majumder is a content writer, who is sharing information about Cloud Computing Companies

1 comment

  • Freebiesbuzz

    cloud computing technologies are expected to be the future of the online virtual world with its emergence growth and productivity…

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