Top 5 Ways To Increase WordPress Load-Time Creatively

October 25, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

Do you keep readers waiting for your blog to load?

It’s a big demerit to keep your readers waiting. Sometimes though, readers need to hold on for some minutes but when it becomes a task, your readers could be pissed off. Increasing your blog load-time can be a lot difficult – and several bloggers have resorted to plugins.

Unknown to these people, plugins are extra weight on your blog. You don’t actually need much of it and needless to say, uninstalling some of these plugins can make your blog load faster and easier.

Well, instead of adding extra load on your blog, here are 5 essential ways to please your readers with a fast loading blog.

1# Reduce Your Image Size

I discovered a long time ago that large images slow down wordpress blog. Even for corporate websites, you don’t need large photos to deliver your message and excel. A clear small photo is better than a large blurred one.

So, reduce your images next time you make a post. It’s actually cool to use photos on your blog but make them reasonably small. Any image that exceeds 550 x 550 pixel would definitely slow down your blog. I’m sure you know what to do?

2# Reduce Affiliate Banners

We often think that having 10s of affiliate banners would bring more money. How pathetic?

Even a single banner could generate more income at the end of the month. Making money with a blog has a lot to do with ‘who you’re in the eyes of your readers.’ No matter the niche you’re, giving away plenty of helpful information could boost your conversion rate.

One or two affiliate banners are ideal for any corporate blog. But that’s for those who’re still virgin to make money opportunities – otherwise remove every banner and concentrate on selling your skills like copywriting, search engine optimization, graphic design, consulting, coaching, auditing etc.

3# Use Simple Themes

WordPress users are open to thousands of free premium themes. On a daily basis, new themes are introduced into the market. But some of these templates are heavy. The header banner is poorly optimized and the cascading style sheet has a lot of coding.

What you really need is a simple theme with white background and black text. A lot of bloggers still opt for colored backgrounds, but all these slow down your blog.

A simple theme loads faster; it’s much fun to read. Your theme could be the reason for your slow loading blog, if that’s the case – change it!

4# Uninstall Unused Plugins

In this blogging age, bloggers are at a cross-road on which plugins to use. You don’t need 10s of these applications to make your blog impressive and successful. I’m sure if you check your dashboard right now, there may be plugins you’re not using.

These are extra weight on your database. Delete them and free up the space where they were housed prior to this time. You’ll experience a faster loading blog and that’s a guarantee.

5# Clear Your Sidebar

The final way to improve your load-time is to clear your sidebar. What exactly is needed on the sidebar? Depending on your theme, you need the category widget, recent and popular widgets. You may also include your picture to give your blog a face (optional).

Just like I shared above, you don’t need multiple banners, advertising spaces and all manner of RSS feeds syndication.

Take a look at your blog; did you observe that when it’s loading, the sidebar usually stays longer than the content space? That shows you the implication of a heavy sidebar. It’s not what you’ve on your sidebar that makes you money, it’s the quality of content you’ve that could trigger clients and buyers to patronize you.

Getting Results

For most of my niche blogs, I focused on simplicity. Only important widgets are added and nothing more. This is especially true for my recent coupon blog that shares sitter city coupon and 6pm discount.

There you’ve it, top five ways to improve your blog’s load-time and become a better blogger with engaged readers. I admonish you to take action and implement at least one of the above methods. Your success is sure if you are engrossed in doing the right things – see you at the top!

Author Bio:- Michael Chibuzor is an SEO blogger and Freelance writer. He also writes about coupon blog that shares free discount deals. Some popular products reviewed are coupon and 6pm codes & discounts. He features free sitter city promo code and 6pm coupons.


  • Dustin @ Wordpress business themes

    Good post, but don’t you mean ‘decrease’ load time?

  • Michael @Blast4TrafficNow

    Thank you for publishing my guest post. I’m glad and contributed to your reputable tech blog, and look forward to interacting with readers.

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