10 Effective Ways To Popularize Your Website

June 3, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

A website becomes popular when it starts generating more and more traffic. However, generating traffic is not an overnight task. It takes steady efforts to keep the traffic flow going high with time and thus, it is essential for any webmaster to learn all ways of traffic generation. Here are 10 most effective ways to boost the popularity of your website:

1. Site Engine Optimization for free flow of traffic

Search engines enable you to get free traffic in an easiest way. Thus it becomes important for you to optimize website in a manner that you appear first on the search engine when particular keywords are being searched. SEO is one of the most efficient and easiest ways to generate traffic in a short span with less effort.

Checkout some advance search engine optimization tips

2. Update Content

Popularize Your WebsiteOne of the most important things for making your readers come back is frequently updating the contents of your website. Keeping your contents updated will not only helps a Webmaster to attract the constant flow of traffic but also brings him up on the search engines. Good content is a necessity to keep the targeted traffic flow coming on your website.

3. Capitalize on Social Bookmarking Websites

One should take advantage of social bookmarking sites to generate free traffic. The famous social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, Reddit etc can help a webmaster to divert the heavy flow of traffic to his website.All one needs to do is simply learn through Internet how to get maximum traffic from social bookmarking websites.

4. Take Advantage of Social Networking Websites

Social networking websites are a big hit in today’s time and can be easily used to attract additional traffic to your website. At times, advertising on Facebook kind of social networks can get traffic that can even beat the traffic coming via Google or other search engines.

5. Try to create Back Links

Getting links through others sites in your niche can attract a lot of free traffic. Placing your link on popular sites of the same niche, especially without the no-follow attribute can do wonders for you. The nofollow attribute provides the link which is useless for SEO but can still generate plenty of traffic via back links, if the placement is correct. Meanwhile, one should note that linking to bad sites might hamper your popularity and ranking in the search engine. So, it is important to make a smart choice while getting a list of sites within your niche where you can place your website links. I will recommend to try guest blogging which will give you quality and authority backlinks for long term.

6. Grab chances of free promotion

Free promotion of your website can be of great help, if done in a proper manner. Promotion through free classified ads, submission in directories and listings etc. are some of the methods of promoting your website for free. Mostly free methods of promotion do not work well but if they are done in a smart manner, they can be of great advantage.

7. Offer free product or service

Anything that is provided for free is bound to attract a lot of people. If you try to create quality content adhering to the niche of your site and alongside offer a product or service for free, it will increase the chances of your traffic flow improving. In the long run, when the product or service becomes popular, the traffic will increase on its own. This will raise the probability of other sections of your website being visited.

8. Use Viral content for free traffic

Viral content is similar to a virus that spreads as users promote it for free. Thus a webmaster can use free products and services in the form of viral content to attract free traffic. The only work is to create quality content and post it on few popular sites. Thereby the users do the work. Hot Videos or presentations and images are the most popular forms of viral content. Try wpsubscribers plugin if you are on wordpress platform to offer such type of content in more attractive way to your readers.

9. Make use of Offline Promotion

Offline promotions are often neglected but they can be an important tool to make your brand popular and can attract a lot of free traffic. This method is rarely used to promote websites but if one knows how to use it, they can work. Some of the common offline promotions include printing of URL on your business card, distribution of pamphlets or advertisements, using souvenirs or sticking the URL on company vehicles.

10. Mentioning in your Signature

You should simply use your website URL in your signature and generate traffic. This might be very useful if you are a popular member in a forum related to your niche. There is always ample traffic flow on popular forums and whenever someone reads one of your posts and like it, there are great chances that they click on the link in your signature to know more about you and read more about the topics on the same niche.

I’m hoping the above mentioned methods will help you make your website really popular among search engines and your website readers. And in case, you feel, there are some other methods, that can make our website or blog popular, please share it in the comments section below.


  • Muayyat

    Nice One, include Website submitting to Search engines also

  • Tanya Khan

    Hi Bilal, The only thing missed the article, was Video. Video marketing is one of the best ways to market a company and its products or services to its global audience. Youtube is the second largest search engine and Facebook has the largest video views on internet. So utilizing this form of marketing pays off a lot, though at times this can be costly. Thanks for shared and remarkable article.

  • Christina Lynn

    Hi Bilal,All of these are good tips. You hit home with the point of having a distinct personality. Because that’s what gets my attention when I read others blog. I’ve always shared my personal experience only to find out it works well in front of an audience but not so well in the blogosphere.

    Like you said I must remember my readers thirst for information and not information about me. I’m learning how it’s done first hand from blogs like yours.Thanks for shared and I really enjoyed to reading this post.

  • Subba Rao Velidi

    This is of great help to me…
    I am trying to popularize my website

    Apart from the above …now a days wattsUp sharing is a good option.

  • I think that one should try other options like adding videos on popular website such as youtube.com and adding audios on popular websites such as earpixels.com this can generate a heavy amount of worthy traffic !

  • I have a similar dilemma. As a newbie blogger, I am suffering to get good quality traffic. I’m yet to capitalize social bookmarking and networking sites to get quality traffic.
    Hope to learn more from you

  • nice and informative post. please suggest some wordpress themes , and which theme to select for my website. i am new to blogging..thanks

  • Learnfromnet

    Hi Bilal Ahmad,

    This is a nice topic and it gave me an idea how to popularize my website…

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Learnfromnet@ It will be great if you use your name@keyword in the Name box.

  • nice post but i did not under stand the meaning of viral content properly??
    can you elaborate it??

  • All of these methods are very effective. But donot expect an overnight explosion of traffic to your site. Always eat steadily and you will be able to take more. On our case we have targeted for some niche keywords over a period of time (We started when there was not much competition) and have paid the results. We are able to still maintain the lead.
    Good post , Keep it up.

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