How to Add Adsense 468×60 Banner Ad in TechMaish Theme Header?

January 17, 2012

Bilal Ahmad

As per the request of TechMaish Theme users, i am going to write the tutorial about how you can place adsense 468×60 banner or text Ad in your blog header.

Checkout the screen shot for the location where the adsense ad will be placed in the header section.

adsense ad in techmaish
468×60 Adsense Ad in Techmaish Theme

How to Place Adsense Code in Header?

1:- Go to Dashboard>Appearance>Editor>

2:- Select header.php file

3:- Find the code div class=”headeradd”>


4:- Now select the code inside div class=”headeradd”> and </div> and replace it with the adsense code.

In order to place the adsense code in the right place, checkout the below screen shot.

banner ad

5:- After adding the adsense code for 468×60 Ad, click on the “Update File” button located at the end of the page.

Visit your blog and now you will see adsense added in your blog header section. Also check out some high paying cpm ad networks to make more money from your blog.

Let me know if you face any problem during implementing the code.


  • Hello Bilal Ahmed
    The post is very informative and useful.How ca i places my ads (ads placement) in techmaish theme to earn good amount of money from google adsense.

  • Technology News

    Images are not displaying on home page 🙁

  • i have some problem with theme i add some ads on my side bar its runs but i add some ads on my post side bar ads automatic hidden what should i do remove this problem i use latest version of theme?

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Tarun@ Sorry I am not getting your point. Can you explain a bit more?

  • Deepak Kumar Achary

    Nice article,i really impressed.Good technique for a newbie to intregrate google adsense code at the top of blog.

  • Ashwani Kumar Singh

    hey Bilal please help me also the ad is not showing up even after putting the code in header.php file…please help…:(

  • Bilal Ahmad

    Priyanka and Dinesh@ Are you looking in the header.php file. Make sure you are inside header.php in order to add the code.

    If you are still unable to add the code, then drop me a mail so that i can personally add the code for you.

  • ya same problem for me also…ads are not showing up in the header even after doing what Bilal told above in the post…..:(

  • Dinesh Thakur

    I followed your instructions, but does not work for my blog. Do have any idea why ads are not displaying?

  • Priyanka

    I did just like written here. But the ads are not showing 🙁

  • Elizabeth@Table for Five

    I’m confused! I downloaded TechMaish last night, I’m running WP 3.3.2, and my code looks like this:

    #header .headeradd {
    border:0 solid silver;

    In my TechMaish options, I have this:
    Show 468×60 Header Ad ? (checkbox)
    468×60 Ad Banner (box for code)
    468×60 Ad Link (box for code)

    I want to put an Amazon Associates banner there, but it’s iframe code and no matter how I tweak it, it won’t display an ad. Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    • Bilal Ahmad

      Elizabeth@ If you want to add amazon associates banner within post then go to HTML Mode and paste your amazon code and directly publish your article in HTML Mode. Then the amazon banner will appear in the post. If you paste the code and revert to “Visual” mode then the banner will not display.

  • Free Facebook Likes

    Your article for adding Google adsense on header is right for techmaish. Thanks!

  • can u plz tell me how to create a blue box around the sidebar that you have now? also changing the background of it? plz pa guide me

  • Nwosu Desmond

    Glad you posted this, i have been wondering how i can do this……

    • Bilal Ahmad

      I hope your problem is resolved now.

      • Syed Qasim

        But Bilal, there is an option in techmaish theme for adding 468×60 banner in header. So can we use that option?.

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